Thomas E Lackey telackey
  • Joined on 2023-03-30
telackey pushed to main at cerc-io/din-payments-stack 2024-06-25 15:49:29 +00:00
7c6fd532ee Build extension
telackey pushed to main at cerc-io/stack-orchestrator 2024-06-25 05:03:51 +00:00
df776c1b4c Install git for apps that want to get their commit sha (#854)
telackey deleted branch dboreham/add-git-to-webapp-image from cerc-io/stack-orchestrator 2024-06-25 05:03:51 +00:00
telackey merged pull request cerc-io/stack-orchestrator#854 2024-06-25 05:03:50 +00:00
Install git for apps that want to get their commit sha
telackey created branch telackey/wagit in cerc-io/stack-orchestrator 2024-06-25 04:57:20 +00:00
telackey pushed to telackey/wagit at cerc-io/stack-orchestrator 2024-06-25 04:57:20 +00:00
3ba9436863 Add git to webapp base container.
telackey pushed to main at cerc-io/din-payments-stack 2024-06-25 01:56:03 +00:00
016e38e698 Node 20.13
telackey pushed to main at cerc-io/din-payments-stack 2024-06-24 23:00:11 +00:00
331314756b Build extension
telackey pushed to telackey/coupon at cerc-io/din-payments-stack 2024-06-22 05:03:25 +00:00
4202f88322 WIP: coupons
telackey pushed to telackey/coupon at cerc-io/din-payments-stack 2024-06-22 05:03:09 +00:00
f2e23e987c WIP: coupons
telackey created branch telackey/coupon in cerc-io/din-payments-stack 2024-06-22 05:03:07 +00:00
telackey pushed tag v0.1.38 to cerc-io/test-progressive-web-app 2024-06-17 21:59:00 +00:00
telackey released v0.1.38 at cerc-io/test-progressive-web-app 2024-06-17 21:59:00 +00:00
telackey pushed to main at cerc-io/test-progressive-web-app 2024-06-17 21:58:23 +00:00
c31871213f Bump
telackey pushed tag v0.1.1 to cerc-io/webapp-deployment-status-ui 2024-06-17 21:32:10 +00:00
telackey released v0.1.1 at cerc-io/webapp-deployment-status-ui 2024-06-17 21:32:10 +00:00
telackey commented on issue cerc-io/stack-orchestrator#844 2024-06-17 18:51:55 +00:00
Side effects of resetting the laconicd database

I'm not quite certain of the effect, but existing webapp deployments will also been in an odd state. The code currently decided whether to run up or update based on the presence of an…

telackey pushed to main at cerc-io/din-payments-stack 2024-06-15 04:55:31 +00:00
0ce37d7cb4 Trigger publish.
telackey deleted branch telackey/metrics from cerc-io/din-payments-stack 2024-06-15 04:51:34 +00:00