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# Uniswap v3
Instructions to deploy Uniswap v3 watcher stack (watcher + uniswap-v3-info frontend app) using [laconic-stack-orchestrator](../../README.md#setup)
## Prerequisites
* Access to [uniswap-watcher-ts](https://github.com/vulcanize/uniswap-watcher-ts).
* This deployment expects core services to be running; specifically, it requires `ipld-eth-server` RPC and GQL endpoints. Update the `upstream.ethServer` endpoints in the [watcher config files](../../config/watcher-uniswap-v3) accordingly:
gqlApiEndpoint = "http://ipld-eth-server.example.com:8083/graphql"
rpcProviderEndpoint = "http://ipld-eth-server.example.com:8082"
* `uni-watcher` and `uni-info-watcher` database dumps (optional).
## Setup
* Clone / pull required repositories:
$ laconic-so setup-repositories --include vulcanize/uniswap-watcher-ts,vulcanize/uniswap-v3-info --git-ssh --pull
* Build watcher and info app container images:
$ laconic-so build-containers --include cerc/watcher-uniswap-v3,cerc/uniswap-v3-info
This should create the required docker images in the local image registry.
## Deploy
* (Optional) Initialize the watcher database with existing database dumps if available:
* Start the watcher database to be initialized:
$ laconic-so deploy-system --include watcher-uniswap-v3 up uniswap-watcher-db
* Find the watcher database container's id using `docker ps` and export it for further usage:
* Load watcher database dumps:
# uni-watcher database
$ docker exec -i $CONTAINER_ID psql -U vdbm uni-watcher < UNI_WATCHER_DB_DUMP_FILE_PATH.sql
# uni-info-watcher database
$ docker exec -i $CONTAINER_ID psql -U vdbm uni-info-watcher < UNI_INFO_WATCHER_DB_DUMP_FILE_PATH.sql
* Start all the watcher and info app services:
$ laconic-so deploy-system --include watcher-uniswap-v3 up
* Check that all the services are up and healthy:
$ docker ps
* The `uni-info-watcher` GraphQL Playground can be accessed at `http://localhost:3004/graphql`
* The frontend app can be accessed at `http://localhost:3006`
## Clean up
* To stop all the services running in background:
$ laconic-so deploy-system --include watcher-uniswap-v3 down