2020-02-25 12:51:12 +02:00

713 lines
20 KiB

// Copyright 2019 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
package snapshot
import (
func randomAccount() []byte {
root := randomHash()
a := Account{
Balance: big.NewInt(rand.Int63()),
Nonce: rand.Uint64(),
Root: root[:],
CodeHash: emptyCode[:],
data, _ := rlp.EncodeToBytes(a)
return data
// TestMergeBasics tests some simple merges
func TestMergeBasics(t *testing.T) {
var (
accounts = make(map[common.Hash][]byte)
storage = make(map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte)
// Fill up a parent
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
h := randomHash()
data := randomAccount()
accounts[h] = data
if rand.Intn(20) < 10 {
accStorage := make(map[common.Hash][]byte)
value := make([]byte, 32)
accStorage[randomHash()] = value
storage[h] = accStorage
// Add some (identical) layers on top
parent := newDiffLayer(emptyLayer(), common.Hash{}, accounts, storage)
child := newDiffLayer(parent, common.Hash{}, accounts, storage)
child = newDiffLayer(child, common.Hash{}, accounts, storage)
child = newDiffLayer(child, common.Hash{}, accounts, storage)
child = newDiffLayer(child, common.Hash{}, accounts, storage)
// And flatten
merged := (child.flatten()).(*diffLayer)
{ // Check account lists
// Should be zero/nil first
if got, exp := len(merged.accountList), 0; got != exp {
t.Errorf("accountList wrong, got %v exp %v", got, exp)
// Then set when we call AccountList
if got, exp := len(merged.AccountList()), len(accounts); got != exp {
t.Errorf("AccountList() wrong, got %v exp %v", got, exp)
if got, exp := len(merged.accountList), len(accounts); got != exp {
t.Errorf("accountList [2] wrong, got %v exp %v", got, exp)
{ // Check storage lists
i := 0
for aHash, sMap := range storage {
if got, exp := len(merged.storageList), i; got != exp {
t.Errorf("[1] storageList wrong, got %v exp %v", got, exp)
if got, exp := len(merged.StorageList(aHash)), len(sMap); got != exp {
t.Errorf("[2] StorageList() wrong, got %v exp %v", got, exp)
if got, exp := len(merged.storageList[aHash]), len(sMap); got != exp {
t.Errorf("storageList wrong, got %v exp %v", got, exp)
// TestMergeDelete tests some deletion
func TestMergeDelete(t *testing.T) {
var (
storage = make(map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte)
// Fill up a parent
h1 := common.HexToHash("0x01")
h2 := common.HexToHash("0x02")
flip := func() map[common.Hash][]byte {
accs := make(map[common.Hash][]byte)
accs[h1] = randomAccount()
accs[h2] = nil
return accs
flop := func() map[common.Hash][]byte {
accs := make(map[common.Hash][]byte)
accs[h1] = nil
accs[h2] = randomAccount()
return accs
// Add some flip-flopping layers on top
parent := newDiffLayer(emptyLayer(), common.Hash{}, flip(), storage)
child := parent.Update(common.Hash{}, flop(), storage)
child = child.Update(common.Hash{}, flip(), storage)
child = child.Update(common.Hash{}, flop(), storage)
child = child.Update(common.Hash{}, flip(), storage)
child = child.Update(common.Hash{}, flop(), storage)
child = child.Update(common.Hash{}, flip(), storage)
if data, _ := child.Account(h1); data == nil {
t.Errorf("last diff layer: expected %x to be non-nil", h1)
if data, _ := child.Account(h2); data != nil {
t.Errorf("last diff layer: expected %x to be nil", h2)
// And flatten
merged := (child.flatten()).(*diffLayer)
if data, _ := merged.Account(h1); data == nil {
t.Errorf("merged layer: expected %x to be non-nil", h1)
if data, _ := merged.Account(h2); data != nil {
t.Errorf("merged layer: expected %x to be nil", h2)
// If we add more granular metering of memory, we can enable this again,
// but it's not implemented for now
//if got, exp := merged.memory, child.memory; got != exp {
// t.Errorf("mem wrong, got %d, exp %d", got, exp)
// This tests that if we create a new account, and set a slot, and then merge
// it, the lists will be correct.
func TestInsertAndMerge(t *testing.T) {
// Fill up a parent
var (
acc = common.HexToHash("0x01")
slot = common.HexToHash("0x02")
parent *diffLayer
child *diffLayer
var accounts = make(map[common.Hash][]byte)
var storage = make(map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte)
parent = newDiffLayer(emptyLayer(), common.Hash{}, accounts, storage)
var accounts = make(map[common.Hash][]byte)
var storage = make(map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte)
accounts[acc] = randomAccount()
accstorage := make(map[common.Hash][]byte)
storage[acc] = accstorage
storage[acc][slot] = []byte{0x01}
child = newDiffLayer(parent, common.Hash{}, accounts, storage)
// And flatten
merged := (child.flatten()).(*diffLayer)
{ // Check that slot value is present
got, _ := merged.Storage(acc, slot)
if exp := []byte{0x01}; bytes.Compare(got, exp) != 0 {
t.Errorf("merged slot value wrong, got %x, exp %x", got, exp)
func emptyLayer() *diskLayer {
return &diskLayer{
diskdb: memorydb.New(),
cache: fastcache.New(500 * 1024),
// BenchmarkSearch checks how long it takes to find a non-existing key
// BenchmarkSearch-6 200000 10481 ns/op (1K per layer)
// BenchmarkSearch-6 200000 10760 ns/op (10K per layer)
// BenchmarkSearch-6 100000 17866 ns/op
// BenchmarkSearch-6 500000 3723 ns/op (10k per layer, only top-level RLock()
func BenchmarkSearch(b *testing.B) {
// First, we set up 128 diff layers, with 1K items each
fill := func(parent snapshot) *diffLayer {
accounts := make(map[common.Hash][]byte)
storage := make(map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte)
for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
accounts[randomHash()] = randomAccount()
return newDiffLayer(parent, common.Hash{}, accounts, storage)
var layer snapshot
layer = emptyLayer()
for i := 0; i < 128; i++ {
layer = fill(layer)
key := crypto.Keccak256Hash([]byte{0x13, 0x38})
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
// BenchmarkSearchSlot checks how long it takes to find a non-existing key
// - Number of layers: 128
// - Each layers contains the account, with a couple of storage slots
// BenchmarkSearchSlot-6 100000 14554 ns/op
// BenchmarkSearchSlot-6 100000 22254 ns/op (when checking parent root using mutex)
// BenchmarkSearchSlot-6 100000 14551 ns/op (when checking parent number using atomic)
// With bloom filter:
// BenchmarkSearchSlot-6 3467835 351 ns/op
func BenchmarkSearchSlot(b *testing.B) {
// First, we set up 128 diff layers, with 1K items each
accountKey := crypto.Keccak256Hash([]byte{0x13, 0x37})
storageKey := crypto.Keccak256Hash([]byte{0x13, 0x37})
accountRLP := randomAccount()
fill := func(parent snapshot) *diffLayer {
accounts := make(map[common.Hash][]byte)
accounts[accountKey] = accountRLP
storage := make(map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte)
accStorage := make(map[common.Hash][]byte)
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
value := make([]byte, 32)
accStorage[randomHash()] = value
storage[accountKey] = accStorage
return newDiffLayer(parent, common.Hash{}, accounts, storage)
var layer snapshot
layer = emptyLayer()
for i := 0; i < 128; i++ {
layer = fill(layer)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
layer.Storage(accountKey, storageKey)
// With accountList and sorting
//BenchmarkFlatten-6 50 29890856 ns/op
// Without sorting and tracking accountlist
// BenchmarkFlatten-6 300 5511511 ns/op
func BenchmarkFlatten(b *testing.B) {
fill := func(parent snapshot) *diffLayer {
accounts := make(map[common.Hash][]byte)
storage := make(map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte)
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
accountKey := randomHash()
accounts[accountKey] = randomAccount()
accStorage := make(map[common.Hash][]byte)
for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
value := make([]byte, 32)
accStorage[randomHash()] = value
storage[accountKey] = accStorage
return newDiffLayer(parent, common.Hash{}, accounts, storage)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
var layer snapshot
layer = emptyLayer()
for i := 1; i < 128; i++ {
layer = fill(layer)
for i := 1; i < 128; i++ {
dl, ok := layer.(*diffLayer)
if !ok {
layer = dl.flatten()
// This test writes ~324M of diff layers to disk, spread over
// - 128 individual layers,
// - each with 200 accounts
// - containing 200 slots
// BenchmarkJournal-6 1 1471373923 ns/ops
// BenchmarkJournal-6 1 1208083335 ns/op // bufio writer
func BenchmarkJournal(b *testing.B) {
fill := func(parent snapshot) *diffLayer {
accounts := make(map[common.Hash][]byte)
storage := make(map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte)
for i := 0; i < 200; i++ {
accountKey := randomHash()
accounts[accountKey] = randomAccount()
accStorage := make(map[common.Hash][]byte)
for i := 0; i < 200; i++ {
value := make([]byte, 32)
accStorage[randomHash()] = value
storage[accountKey] = accStorage
return newDiffLayer(parent, common.Hash{}, accounts, storage)
layer := snapshot(new(diskLayer))
for i := 1; i < 128; i++ {
layer = fill(layer)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
// TestIteratorBasics tests some simple single-layer iteration
func TestIteratorBasics(t *testing.T) {
var (
accounts = make(map[common.Hash][]byte)
storage = make(map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte)
// Fill up a parent
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
h := randomHash()
data := randomAccount()
accounts[h] = data
if rand.Intn(20) < 10 {
accStorage := make(map[common.Hash][]byte)
value := make([]byte, 32)
accStorage[randomHash()] = value
storage[h] = accStorage
// Add some (identical) layers on top
parent := newDiffLayer(emptyLayer{}, common.Hash{}, accounts, storage)
it := parent.newIterator()
verifyIterator(t, 100, it)
type testIterator struct {
values []byte
func newTestIterator(values ...byte) *testIterator {
return &testIterator{values}
func (ti *testIterator) Next() bool {
ti.values = ti.values[1:]
if len(ti.values) == 0 {
return false
return true
func (ti *testIterator) Key() common.Hash {
return common.BytesToHash([]byte{ti.values[0]})
func (ti *testIterator) Seek(common.Hash) {
panic("implement me")
func TestFastIteratorBasics(t *testing.T) {
type testCase struct {
lists [][]byte
expKeys []byte
for i, tc := range []testCase{
{lists: [][]byte{{0, 1, 8}, {1, 2, 8}, {2, 9}, {4},
{7, 14, 15}, {9, 13, 15, 16}},
expKeys: []byte{0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16}},
{lists: [][]byte{{0, 8}, {1, 2, 8}, {7, 14, 15}, {8, 9},
{9, 10}, {10, 13, 15, 16}},
expKeys: []byte{0, 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16}},
} {
var iterators []Iterator
for _, data := range tc.lists {
iterators = append(iterators, newTestIterator(data...))
fi := &fastIterator{
iterators: iterators,
initiated: false,
count := 0
for fi.Next() {
if got, exp := fi.Key()[31], tc.expKeys[count]; exp != got {
t.Errorf("tc %d, [%d]: got %d exp %d", i, count, got, exp)
func verifyIterator(t *testing.T, expCount int, it Iterator) {
var (
i = 0
last = common.Hash{}
for it.Next() {
v := it.Key()
if bytes.Compare(last[:], v[:]) >= 0 {
t.Errorf("Wrong order:\n%x \n>=\n%x", last, v)
if i != expCount {
t.Errorf("iterator len wrong, expected %d, got %d", expCount, i)
// TestIteratorTraversal tests some simple multi-layer iteration
func TestIteratorTraversal(t *testing.T) {
var (
storage = make(map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte)
mkAccounts := func(args ...string) map[common.Hash][]byte {
accounts := make(map[common.Hash][]byte)
for _, h := range args {
accounts[common.HexToHash(h)] = randomAccount()
return accounts
// entries in multiple layers should only become output once
parent := newDiffLayer(emptyLayer{}, common.Hash{},
mkAccounts("0xaa", "0xee", "0xff", "0xf0"), storage)
child := parent.Update(common.Hash{},
mkAccounts("0xbb", "0xdd", "0xf0"), storage)
child = child.Update(common.Hash{},
mkAccounts("0xcc", "0xf0", "0xff"), storage)
// single layer iterator
verifyIterator(t, 3, child.newIterator())
// multi-layered binary iterator
verifyIterator(t, 7, child.newBinaryIterator())
// multi-layered fast iterator
verifyIterator(t, 7, child.newFastIterator())
func TestIteratorLargeTraversal(t *testing.T) {
// This testcase is a bit notorious -- all layers contain the exact
// same 200 accounts.
var storage = make(map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte)
mkAccounts := func(num int) map[common.Hash][]byte {
accounts := make(map[common.Hash][]byte)
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
h := common.Hash{}
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(h[:], uint64(i+1))
accounts[h] = randomAccount()
return accounts
parent := newDiffLayer(emptyLayer{}, common.Hash{},
mkAccounts(200), storage)
child := parent.Update(common.Hash{},
mkAccounts(200), storage)
for i := 2; i < 100; i++ {
child = child.Update(common.Hash{},
mkAccounts(200), storage)
// single layer iterator
verifyIterator(t, 200, child.newIterator())
// multi-layered binary iterator
verifyIterator(t, 200, child.newBinaryIterator())
// multi-layered fast iterator
verifyIterator(t, 200, child.newFastIterator())
// BenchmarkIteratorTraversal is a bit a bit notorious -- all layers contain the exact
// same 200 accounts. That means that we need to process 2000 items, but only
// spit out 200 values eventually.
//BenchmarkIteratorTraversal/binary_iterator-6 2008 573290 ns/op 9520 B/op 199 allocs/op
//BenchmarkIteratorTraversal/fast_iterator-6 1946 575596 ns/op 20146 B/op 134 allocs/op
func BenchmarkIteratorTraversal(b *testing.B) {
var storage = make(map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte)
mkAccounts := func(num int) map[common.Hash][]byte {
accounts := make(map[common.Hash][]byte)
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
h := common.Hash{}
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(h[:], uint64(i+1))
accounts[h] = randomAccount()
return accounts
parent := newDiffLayer(emptyLayer{}, common.Hash{},
mkAccounts(200), storage)
child := parent.Update(common.Hash{},
mkAccounts(200), storage)
for i := 2; i < 100; i++ {
child = child.Update(common.Hash{},
mkAccounts(200), storage)
// We call this once before the benchmark, so the creation of
// sorted accountlists are not included in the results.
b.Run("binary iterator", func(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
got := 0
it := child.newBinaryIterator()
for it.Next() {
if exp := 200; got != exp {
b.Errorf("iterator len wrong, expected %d, got %d", exp, got)
b.Run("fast iterator", func(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
got := 0
it := child.newFastIterator()
for it.Next() {
if exp := 200; got != exp {
b.Errorf("iterator len wrong, expected %d, got %d", exp, got)
// BenchmarkIteratorLargeBaselayer is a pretty realistic benchmark, where
// the baselayer is a lot larger than the upper layer.
// This is heavy on the binary iterator, which in most cases will have to
// call recursively 100 times for the majority of the values
// BenchmarkIteratorLargeBaselayer/binary_iterator-6 585 2067377 ns/op 9520 B/op 199 allocs/op
// BenchmarkIteratorLargeBaselayer/fast_iterator-6 13198 91043 ns/op 8601 B/op 118 allocs/op
func BenchmarkIteratorLargeBaselayer(b *testing.B) {
var storage = make(map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte)
mkAccounts := func(num int) map[common.Hash][]byte {
accounts := make(map[common.Hash][]byte)
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
h := common.Hash{}
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(h[:], uint64(i+1))
accounts[h] = randomAccount()
return accounts
parent := newDiffLayer(emptyLayer{}, common.Hash{},
mkAccounts(2000), storage)
child := parent.Update(common.Hash{},
mkAccounts(20), storage)
for i := 2; i < 100; i++ {
child = child.Update(common.Hash{},
mkAccounts(20), storage)
// We call this once before the benchmark, so the creation of
// sorted accountlists are not included in the results.
b.Run("binary iterator", func(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
got := 0
it := child.newBinaryIterator()
for it.Next() {
if exp := 2000; got != exp {
b.Errorf("iterator len wrong, expected %d, got %d", exp, got)
b.Run("fast iterator", func(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
got := 0
it := child.newFastIterator()
for it.Next() {
if exp := 2000; got != exp {
b.Errorf("iterator len wrong, expected %d, got %d", exp, got)
// TestIteratorFlatting tests what happens when we
// - have a live iterator on child C (parent C1 -> C2 .. CN)
// - flattens C2 all the way into CN
// - continues iterating
// Right now, this "works" simply because the keys do not change -- the
// iterator is not aware that a layer has become stale. This naive
// solution probably won't work in the long run, however
func TestIteratorFlattning(t *testing.T) {
var (
storage = make(map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte)
mkAccounts := func(args ...string) map[common.Hash][]byte {
accounts := make(map[common.Hash][]byte)
for _, h := range args {
accounts[common.HexToHash(h)] = randomAccount()
return accounts
// entries in multiple layers should only become output once
parent := newDiffLayer(emptyLayer{}, common.Hash{},
mkAccounts("0xaa", "0xee", "0xff", "0xf0"), storage)
child := parent.Update(common.Hash{},
mkAccounts("0xbb", "0xdd", "0xf0"), storage)
child = child.Update(common.Hash{},
mkAccounts("0xcc", "0xf0", "0xff"), storage)
it := child.newFastIterator()
// The parent should now be stale
verifyIterator(t, 7, it)
func TestIteratorSeek(t *testing.T) {
storage := make(map[common.Hash]map[common.Hash][]byte)
mkAccounts := func(args ...string) map[common.Hash][]byte {
accounts := make(map[common.Hash][]byte)
for _, h := range args {
accounts[common.HexToHash(h)] = randomAccount()
return accounts
parent := newDiffLayer(emptyLayer{}, common.Hash{},
mkAccounts("0xaa", "0xee", "0xff", "0xf0"), storage)
it := parent.newIterator()
// expected: ee, f0, ff
verifyIterator(t, 3, it)
it = parent.newIterator().(*dlIterator)
// expected: ee, f0, ff
verifyIterator(t, 3, it)
it = parent.newIterator().(*dlIterator)
// expected: nothing
verifyIterator(t, 0, it)
child := parent.Update(common.Hash{},
mkAccounts("0xbb", "0xdd", "0xf0"), storage)
child = child.Update(common.Hash{},
mkAccounts("0xcc", "0xf0", "0xff"), storage)
it = child.newFastIterator()
// expected: cc, dd, ee, f0, ff
verifyIterator(t, 5, it)
it = child.newFastIterator()
// exp: f0, ff
verifyIterator(t, 2, it)
it = child.newFastIterator()
verifyIterator(t, 1, it)
verifyIterator(t, 0, it)