
11 KiB

Set up a new service provider

Follow these steps to setup the following services (your setup should look similar to the example below):

Update webapp deployer after code changes

  • Stop the deployer

    cd <path-to-deployments>
    laconic-so deployment --dir webapp-deployer stop
    laconic-so deployment --dir webapp-ui stop
  • Fetch and build webapp deployer backend if the source code has changed

    # Update code for webapp-deployer backend
    cd ~/cerc/webapp-deployment-status-api
    # Pull latest changes, or checkout to the required branch
    git pull
    # Confirm the latest commit hash
    git log
    # Rebuild the containers
    laconic-so --stack webapp-deployer-backend build-containers --force-rebuild
  • Fetch and build webapp-ui if the source code has changed

    # Update code for webapp-deployer backend
    cd ~/cerc/webapp-deployment-status-ui
    # Pull latest changes, or checkout to the required branch
    git pull
    # Confirm the latest commit hash
    git log
    # Rebuild the containers
    laconic-so build-webapp --source-repo ~/cerc/webapp-deployment-status-ui --force-rebuild
    cd <path-to-deployments>
  • Push images to the container registry

    • login to the container registry

      # Set required variables
      # login to container registry
      # WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin.
      # WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /home/dev2/.docker/config.json.
      # Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See
      # https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/login/#credential-stores
      # Login Succeeded
    • Push images to container registry

      laconic-so deployment --dir webapp-deployer push-images
      laconic-so deployment --dir webapp-ui push-images
  • Update webapp-deployer/data/config/laconic.yml with the new endpoints

        rpcEndpoint: 'https://laconicd-sapo.laconic.com'
        gqlEndpoint: 'https://laconicd-sapo.laconic.com/api'
        userKey: "<userKey>"
        bondId: "<bondId"
        chainId: laconic-testnet-2
        gas: 200000
        fees: 200000alnt

    Note: Same userKey and bondId can be used since they are carried over from laconicd stage1 to testnet2

  • Publish the webapp deployer record on the chain if it doesn't already exist

    • Set the following variables

      # Path to the webapp-deployer directory, e.g., /home/dev..
      # API URL of the webapp-deployer
      # LRN (logical resource name) of the webapp-deployer
      # Name of the GPG public key file
      # Path of the GPG public key file
    • Copy the GPG pub key file used while setting up the webapp-deployer to the webapp-deployer/data/config directory. This ensures the Docker container has access to the key during the publish process.

      cp $GPG_PUB_KEY_FILE_PATH webapp-deployer/data/config
    • Publish the deployer record

      docker run -i -t \
      -v $DEPLOYER_DIR/data/config:/home/root/config \
      cerc/webapp-deployer-backend:local laconic-so publish-deployer-to-registry \
        --laconic-config /home/root/config/laconic.yml \
        --api-url $API_URL \
        --public-key-file /home/root/config/$GPG_PUB_KEY_FILE \
        --lrn $DEPLOYER_LRN \
        --min-required-payment 0
  • Update the webapp deployer config

    # Update the webapp deployer lrn if it has changed
    # Add the following so the webapp deployer will support auction requests
    # Amount that the webapp deployer will bid on auctions
    export AUCTION_BID_AMOUNT=50000
  • Start the webapp deployer

    laconic-so deployment --dir webapp-deployer start
  • Copy the GPG key file to the webapp-deployer container

    # Get the webapp-deployer pod id
    kubectl get pods --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp -o jsonpath='{.items[-1].metadata.name}'
    # laconic-ac473c31db9ac9fd-deployment-674bf7bf9f-529bs
    # Copy the GPG key files to the pod
    kubectl cp <path-to-your-gpg-private-key> laconic-ac473c31db9ac9fd-deployment-674bf7bf9f-529bs:/app
    kubectl cp <path-to-your-gpg-public-key> laconic-ac473c31db9ac9fd-deployment-674bf7bf9f-529bs:/app
  • Update the webapp ui config

    # URL of the webapp deployer backend
    # URL of the laconic console
  • Start the webapp ui

    laconic-so deployment --dir webapp-ui start

Connect webapp-deployer to testnet2

Follow the steps given below to connect the webapp-deployer to testnet2

Update laconic console config

Update laconic console config

  • Stop webapp deployer backend

    laconic-so deployment --dir webapp-deployer stop
  • Stop laconic-console and fixturenet-laconicd deployment

    laconic-so deployment --dir fixturenet-laconicd-deployment stop
    laconic-so deployment --dir laconic-console-deployment stop
  • Update laconic-console-deployment/config.env with the following config

    # private key to your funded account
    # This will be updated later
    # RPC endpoint of the chain
    # GQL endpoint of the chain
    # laconicd chain id
    # Endpoint for the console
  • Start the laconic-console-deployment

    laconic-so deployment --dir laconic-console-deployment start
Register an authority

Register an authority

  • Create a bond

    laconic-so deployment --dir laconic-console-deployment exec cli "laconic registry bond create --type alnt --quantity 100000000000"
    # {"bondId":"a742489e5817ef274187611dadb0e4284a49c087608b545ab6bd990905fb61f3"}
  • Register an authority

    laconic-so deployment --dir laconic-console-deployment exec cli "laconic registry authority reserve <authority_name>"
  • Obtain the auction ID

    laconic-so deployment --dir laconic-console-deployment exec cli "laconic registry authority whois <authority_name>"
    # "auction": {
    #   "id": "73e0b082a198c396009ce748804a9060c674a10045365d262c1584f99d2771c1"
  • Commit a bid using the auction ID. A reveal file will be generated

    laconic-so deployment --dir laconic-console-deployment exec cli "laconic registry auction bid commit 73e0b082a198c396009ce748804a9060c674a10045365d262c1584f99d2771c1 5000000 alnt --chain-id laconic_9000-2"
    # {"reveal_file":"/app/out/bafyreiewi4osqyvrnljwwcb36fn6sr5iidfpuznqkz52gxc5ztt3jt4zmy.json"}
  • Reveal a bid using the auction ID and the reveal file generated from the bid commit

    laconic-so deployment --dir laconic-console-deployment exec cli "laconic registry auction bid reveal 73e0b082a198c396009ce748804a9060c674a10045365d262c1584f99d2771c1 /app/out/bafyreiewi4osqyvrnljwwcb36fn6sr5iidfpuznqkz52gxc5ztt3jt4zmy.json --chain-id laconic_9000-2"
    # {"success": true}
  • Verify status after the auction ends. It should list a completed status and a winner

    laconic-so deployment --dir laconic-console-deployment exec cli "laconic registry auction get 73e0b082a198c396009ce748804a9060c674a10045365d262c1584f99d2771c1"
  • Set the authority using a bond ID.

    laconic-so deployment --dir laconic-console-deployment exec cli "laconic registry authority bond set <authority_name> a742489e5817ef274187611dadb0e4284a49c087608b545ab6bd990905fb61f3"
    # {"success": true}
  • Verify the authority has been registered.

    laconic-so deployment --dir laconic-console-deployment exec cli "laconic registry authority whois <authority_name>"
  • Stop the laconic-console-deployment

    laconic-so deployment --dir laconic-console-deployment stop
  • Update CERC_LACONICD_BOND_ID in laconic-console-deployment/config.env with the bond that was created

  • Start the laconic-console-deployment

    laconic-so deployment --dir laconic-console-deployment start
Publish record for webapp-deployer

Publish record for webapp-deployer

  • Update webapp-deployer/data/config/laconic.yml with the

      # laconicd RPC endpoint
      rpcEndpoint: 'https://laconicd-sapo.laconic.com'
      # laconicd GQL endpoint
      gqlEndpoint: 'https://laconicd-sapo.laconic.com/api'
      # Key to your funded account
      # bondId that you just created
      bondId: a742489e5817ef274187611dadb0e4284a49c087608b545ab6bd990905fb61f3
      # laconicd chain id
      chainId: laconic_9000-2
      gas: 200000
      fees: 500000alnt
  • Publish the webapp deployer record using the publish-deployer-to-registry command

    laconic-so publish-deployer-to-registry \
    --laconic-config webapp-deployer/data/config/laconic.yml \
    --api-url <api-url-for-your-deployer>
    --public-key-file <path-to-your-gpg-pub-key> \
    --lrn <lrn-for-your-deployer>  \
    --min-required-payment 0
  • Update webapp-deployer/config.env with the authority that you reserved

    # Name of reserved authority
Start the deployer

Start the deployer

  • Start the webapp deployer

    laconic-so deployment --dir webapp-deployer start
  • Get the most recent pod id

    kubie ctx default
    kubectl get pods
  • Copy the GPG key file to the webapp-deployer container

    # Get the webapp-deployer pod id
    kubectl get pods --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp -o jsonpath='{.items[-1].metadata.name}'
    # laconic-ac473c31db9ac9fd-deployment-674bf7bf9f-529bs
    # Copy the GPG key files to the pod
    kubectl cp <path-to-your-gpg-private-key> laconic-ac473c31db9ac9fd-deployment-674bf7bf9f-529bs:/app
    kubectl cp <path-to-your-gpg-public-key> laconic-ac473c31db9ac9fd-deployment-674bf7bf9f-529bs:/app