2024-08-14 17:13:50 +05:30

4.3 KiB

Halt stage0 and start stage1

Once all the participants have completed their onboarding, stage0 laconicd chain can be halted and stage1 chain can be initialized and started


  • Log in as dev user on the deployments VM

  • All the deployments are placed in the /srv directory:

    cd /srv

Halt stage0

  • Confirm the the currently running node is for stage0 chain:

    cd /srv/laconicd
    laconic-so deployment --dir stage0-deployment logs laconicd -f --tail 30
  • List the participants on stage0:

    laconic-so deployment --dir stage0-deployment exec laconicd "laconicd query onboarding list"
  • Stop the stage0 deployment:

    laconic-so deployment --dir stage0-deployment stop

Start stage1

  • Use the scripts in fixturenet-laconicd stack to generate genesis file for stage1 using onboarding participants from stage0 chain with token allocations:

    cd /srv/laconicd
    # Set current working dir path in a variable
    cd ~/cerc/fixturenet-laconicd-stack/stack-orchestrator/stacks/fixturenet-laconicd
    # Generate the genesis file
    # Participant allocation: 1000000000000 (10^12)
    # Validator allocation:   2000000000000000 (10^15)
    ./scripts/generate-stage1-genesis-using-allocations.sh $DEPLOYMENTS_DIR/stage0-deployment 1000000000000 2000000000000000
    # Expected output:
    # Genesis file for stage1 written to output/genesis.json
    # Remove the temporary data directory
    sudo rm -rf stage1-genesis
    # Go back to the directory where deployments are created
  • Copy over the generated genesis file (.json) containing the onboarding module state with funded participants to data directory in stage1 deployment (stage1-deployment/data/genesis-config):

    cd /srv/laconicd
    cp ~/cerc/fixturenet-laconicd-stack/stack-orchestrator/stacks/fixturenet-laconicd/output/genesis.json stage1-deployment/data/genesis-config/genesis.json
  • Republish records in stage1:

    • Create bond

      ALICE_PK=$(echo y | laconic-so deployment --dir /srv/laconicd/stage1-deployment exec laconicd "laconicd keys export alice --unarmored-hex --unsafe")
      laconic-so deployment --dir laconic-console-deployment exec cli "laconic registry bond create --type alnt --quantity 1000000000000 --user-key $ALICE_PK" | jq -r '.bondId'
    • Update CLI config

      laconic-so deployment --dir laconic-console-deployment exec cli "CERC_LACONICD_USER_KEY=${ALICE_PK} CERC_LACONICD_BOND_ID=${BOND_ID} CERC_LACONICD_GAS=500000 CERC_LACONICD_FEES=500000alnt /app/create-config.sh"
    • Copy records

      cp -r /srv/laconicd/testnet-repo-records laconic-console-deployment/data/laconic-registry-data/testnet-repo-records
    • Publish

      laconic-so deployment --dir laconic-console-deployment exec cli "yarn ts-node demo/scripts/publish-records.ts --config config.yml --records /laconic-registry-data/testnet-repo-records"
  • Start the stage1 deployment:

    laconic-so deployment --dir stage1-deployment start
  • Check status of stage1 laconicd:

    # List down the container and check health status
    docker ps -a | grep laconicd
    # Follow logs for laconicd container, check that new blocks are getting created
    laconic-so deployment --dir stage1-deployment logs laconicd -f
  • Query the list of registered participants in stage1 laconicd:

    laconic-so deployment --dir stage1-deployment exec laconicd "laconicd query onboarding list"
    # Confirm that all onboarded participants on stage0 appear in the list
  • Get the node's peer adddress and stage1 genesis file to share with the participants:

    • Get the node id:

      echo $(laconic-so deployment --dir stage1-deployment exec laconicd "laconicd cometbft show-node-id")@laconicd.laconic.com:26656
    • Get the genesis file:

      scp dev@<deployments-server-hostname>:/srv/laconicd/stage1-deployment/data/laconicd-data/config/genesis.json </path/to/local/directory>
  • Now users can follow the steps to Join as a validator on stage1