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  • Clone the cerc-io/testnet-ops repository:

    git clone git@git.vdb.to:cerc-io/testnet-ops.git
    cd testnet-ops/nitro-node-setup
  • Fetch the required Nitro node config:

    wget -O nitro-vars.yml https://git.vdb.to/cerc-io/testnet-laconicd-stack/raw/branch/main/ops/stage2/nitro-node-config.yml
    # Expected variables in the fetched config file:
    # nitro_l1_chain_url: ""
    # nitro_l2_chain_url: ""
    # na_address: ""
    # ca_address: ""
    # vpa_address: ""
    # l1_asset_address: ""
    # bridge_contract_address: ""
    # bridge_nitro_address: ""
    # nitro_l1_bridge_multiaddr: ""
    # nitro_l2_bridge_multiaddr: ""
  • TODO: Get L1 tokens on your address

  • Edit nitro-vars.yml and add the following variables:

    # Private key for your Nitro account (same as the one used in stage0 onboarding)
    # Export the key from Laconic wallet (https://wallet.laconic.com)
    nitro_sc_pk: ""
    # Private key for a funded account on L1
    # This account should have L1 tokens for funding your Nitro channels
    nitro_chain_pk: ""
    # Multiaddr with publically accessible IP address / DNS for your L1 nitro node
    # Use port 3007
    # Example: "/ip4/192.168.x.y/tcp/3007"
    # Example: "/dns4/example.com/tcp/3007"
    nitro_l1_ext_multiaddr: ""
    # Multiaddr with publically accessible IP address / DNS for your L2 nitro node
    # Use port 3009
    # Example: "/ip4/192.168.x.y/tcp/3009"
    # Example: "/dns4/example.com/tcp/3009"
    nitro_l2_ext_multiaddr: ""
  • Update the target dir in setup-vars.yml:

    # Set path to desired deployments dir
    sed -i "s|^nitro_directory:.*|nitro_directory: $DEPLOYMENTS_DIR/nitro-node|" setup-vars.yml
    # Will create deployments at $DEPLOYMENTS_DIR/nitro-node/l1-nitro-deployment and $DEPLOYMENTS_DIR/nitro-node/l2-nitro-deployment


  • Setup and run a Nitro node (L1+L2) by executing the run-nitro-nodes.yml Ansible playbook:

    LANG=en_US.utf8 ansible-playbook -i localhost, --connection=local run-nitro-nodes.yml --extra-vars='{ "target_host": "localhost"}' --user $USER
    • For skipping container build, run with "skip_container_build" : true:

      LANG=en_US.utf8 ansible-playbook -i localhost, --connection=local run-nitro-nodes.yml --extra-vars='{ "target_host": "localhost", "skip_container_build": true }' --user $USER
  • Check status:

    cd $DEPLOYMENTS_DIR/nitro-node
    # Check the logs, ensure that the nodes are running
    laconic-so deployment --dir l1-nitro-deployment logs nitro-node -f
    laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment logs nitro-node -f

Create Channels

  • Create a ledger channel with the bridge on L1 that gets mirrored on L2

  • Set required variables:

    cd $DEPLOYMENTS_DIR/nitro-node
    # Fetch the required Nitro node config
    wget https://git.vdb.to/cerc-io/testnet-laconicd-stack/raw/branch/main/ops/stage2/nitro-node-config.yml
    export BRIDGE_NITRO_ADDRESS=$(yq eval '.bridge_nitro_address' nitro-node-config.yml)
    export L1_ASSET_ADDRESS=$(yq eval '.l1_asset_address' nitro-node-config.yml)
  • Check that check that you have no existing channels on L1 or L2:

    laconic-so deployment --dir l1-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-all-ledger-channels -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
    laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-all-ledger-channels -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
    # Expected output:
    # []
  • Create a ledger channel between your L1 Nitro node and Bridge with custom asset:

    # Set amount to ledger
    laconic-so deployment --dir l1-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client direct-fund $BRIDGE_NITRO_ADDRESS --assetAddress $L1_ASSET_ADDRESS --alphaAmount $LEDGER_AMOUNT --betaAmount $LEDGER_AMOUNT -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
    # Follow your L1 Nitro node logs for progress
    # Expected Output:
    # Objective started DirectFunding-0x161d289a50222caa781db215bb82a3ede4f557217742245525b8e8cbff04ec21
    # Channel Open 0x161d289a50222caa781db215bb82a3ede4f557217742245525b8e8cbff04ec21
    # Set the resulting ledger channel id in a variable
    • Check the Troubleshooting section if command to create a ledger channel fails or gets stuck
  • Once direct-fund objective is complete, the bridge will create a mirrored channel on L2

  • Check L2 Nitro node's logs to see that a bridged-fund objective completed:

    laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment logs nitro-node -f --tail 30
    # Expected Output:
    # nitro-node-1  | 5:01AM INF INFO Objective cranked address=0xaaa6628ec44a8a742987ef3a114ddfe2d4f7adce objective-id=bridgedfunding-0x6a9f5ccf1fa802525d794f4a899897f947615f6acc7141e61e056a8bfca29179 waiting-for=WaitingForNothing
    # nitro-node-1  | 5:01AM INF INFO Objective is complete & returned to API address=0xaaa6628ec44a8a742987ef3a114ddfe2d4f7adce objective-id=bridgedfunding-0x6a9f5ccf1fa802525d794f4a899897f947615f6acc7141e61e056a8bfca29179
  • Check status of L1 ledger channel with the bridge using channel id:

    laconic-so deployment --dir l1-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-ledger-channel $LEDGER_CHANNEL_ID -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
    # Expected output:
    # {
    #   ID: '0x161d289a50222caa781db215bb82a3ede4f557217742245525b8e8cbff04ec21',
    #   Status: 'Open',
    #   Balance: {
    #     AssetAddress: '<l1-asset-address>',
    #     Me: '<your-nitro-address>',
    #     Them: '<bridge-nitro-address>',
    #     MyBalance: <ledger-amount>n,
    #     TheirBalance: <ledger-amount>n
    #   },
    #   ChannelMode: 'Open'
    # }
  • Check status of the mirrored channel on L2:

    laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-all-ledger-channels -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
    # Expected output:
    # [
    #   {
    #     "ID": "0x6a9f5ccf1fa802525d794f4a899897f947615f6acc7141e61e056a8bfca29179",
    #     "Status": "Open",
    #     "Balance": {
    #       "AssetAddress": "<l2-asset-address>",
    #       "Me": "<your-nitro-address>",
    #       "Them": "<bridge-nitro-address>",
    #       "MyBalance": <ledger-amount>n,
    #       "TheirBalance": <ledger-amount>n
    #     },
    #     "ChannelMode": "Open"
    #   }
    # ]

Clean up

  • Switch to deployments dir:

    cd $DEPLOYMENTS_DIR/nitro-node
  • Stop all Nitro services running in the background:

    laconic-so deployment --dir l1-nitro-deployment stop
    laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment stop
  • To stop all services and also delete data:

    laconic-so deployment --dir l1-nitro-deployment stop --delete-volumes
    laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment stop --delete-volumes
    # Remove deployment directories (deployments will have to be recreated for a re-run)
    sudo rm -r l1-nitro-deployment
    sudo rm -r l2-nitro-deployment


  • Stop (Ctrl+C) the direct-fund command if it is stuck

  • Restart the L1 Nitro node:

    • Stop the deployment:

      cd $DEPLOYMENTS_DIR/nitro-node
      laconic-so deployment --dir l1-nitro-deployment stop
    • Reset the node's durable store:

      sudo rm -rf l1-nitro-deployment/data/nitro_node_data
      mkdir l1-nitro-deployment/data/nitro_node_data
    • Restart the deployment:

      laconic-so deployment --dir l1-nitro-deployment start
  • Retry the ledger channel creation command