2023-04-27 10:22:21 -06:00

1.0 KiB


A variation of fixturenet-eth that automatically generates transactions using tx-spammer.

See stacks/fixturenet-eth/ for more information.


  • cerc/go-ethereum
  • cerc/lighthouse
  • cerc/fixturenet-eth-geth
  • cerc/fixturenet-eth-lighthouse
  • cerc/tx-spammer

Deploy the stack

$ laconic-so --stack fixturenet-eth-tx setup-repositories
$ laconic-so --stack fixturenet-eth-tx build-containers
$ laconic-so --stack fixturenet-eth-tx deploy up

Export the ethdb (optional)

It is easy to export data from the fixturenet for offline processing of the raw ethdb files (eg, by eth-statediff-service) using the script.

For example:

$ app/data/container-build/cerc-fixturenet-eth-lighthouse/scripts/ 500
Waiting for geth to generate DAG.... done
Waiting for beacon phase0.... done
Waiting for beacon altair.... done
Waiting for beacon bellatrix pre-merge.... done
Waiting for beacon bellatrix merge.... done
Waiting for block number 500.... done
Exporting ethdb.... ./ethdb.tgz