2021-12-10 20:15:17 +01:00

18 KiB


This section gives you an overview of the objects stored in the x/evm module state, functionalities that are derived from the go-ethereum StateDB interface, and its implementation through the Keeper as well as the state implementation at genesis.

State Objects

The x/evm module keeps the following objects in state:


Description Key Value Store
Code Smart contract bytecode []byte{1} + []byte(address) []byte{code} KV
Storage Smart contract storage []byte{2} + []byte(block.Height) []byte(Bloom) KV
Account Suicided Check if the account has been marked as suicided in the current block []byte{1} + []byte(block.Hash) Transient
Block Bloom Block bloom filter []byte{2} + []byte(tx.Hash) protobuf([]Log) Transient
Tx Refund Refund value for the transaction []byte{3} + []byte(address) + []byte(state.Key) []byte(state.Value) Transient
AccesList Address EIP2930 access list address updated in the block []byte{4} protobuf() Transient
AccessList Slot EIP2930 access list slots updated in the block []byte{5} Transient
TxHash Ethereum RLP hash of the transaction. Set during state transition to be accessible by the StateDB functions (eg: AddLog). []byte{6} Transient
Log Size Size (i.e len) of the log slice in the processed tx. Set to the transient store to prevent iterations over the tx logs. []byte{7} Transient
Tx Logs Logs emitted for each transaction (AddLog) are stored on the transient store and then emitted as events. []byte{7} Transient


The StateDB interface is implemented by the Keeper in the x/evm module to represent an EVM database for full state querying of both contracts and accounts. Within the Ethereum protocol, StateDBs are used to store anything within the IAVL tree and take care of caching and storing nested states.

type StateDB interface {

	SubBalance(common.Address, *big.Int)
	AddBalance(common.Address, *big.Int)
	GetBalance(common.Address) *big.Int

	GetNonce(common.Address) uint64
	SetNonce(common.Address, uint64)

	GetCodeHash(common.Address) common.Hash
	GetCode(common.Address) []byte
	SetCode(common.Address, []byte)
	GetCodeSize(common.Address) int

	GetRefund() uint64

	GetCommittedState(common.Address, common.Hash) common.Hash
	GetState(common.Address, common.Hash) common.Hash
	SetState(common.Address, common.Hash, common.Hash)

	Suicide(common.Address) bool
	HasSuicided(common.Address) bool

	// Exist reports whether the given account exists in state.
	// Notably this should also return true for suicided accounts.
	Exist(common.Address) bool
	// Empty returns whether the given account is empty. Empty
	// is defined according to EIP161 (balance = nonce = code = 0).
	Empty(common.Address) bool

	PrepareAccessList(sender common.Address, dest *common.Address, precompiles []common.Address, txAccesses types.AccessList)
	AddressInAccessList(addr common.Address) bool
	SlotInAccessList(addr common.Address, slot common.Hash) (addressOk bool, slotOk bool)
	// AddAddressToAccessList adds the given address to the access list. This operation is safe to perform
	// even if the feature/fork is not active yet
	AddAddressToAccessList(addr common.Address)
	// AddSlotToAccessList adds the given (address,slot) to the access list. This operation is safe to perform
	// even if the feature/fork is not active yet
	AddSlotToAccessList(addr common.Address, slot common.Hash)

	Snapshot() int

	AddPreimage(common.Hash, []byte)

	ForEachStorage(common.Address, func(common.Hash, common.Hash) bool) error

The StateDB in the x/evm provides the following functionalities:

CRUD of Ethereum accounts

You can create EthAccount instances from the provided address and set the value to store on the AccountKeeperwith createAccount(). If an account with the given address already exists, this function also resets any preexisting code and storage associated with that address.

An account's coin balance can be is managed through the BankKeeper and can be read with GetBalance() and updated with AddBalance() and SubBalance().

  • GetBalance() returns the EVM denomination balance of the provided address. The denomination is obtained from the module parameters.
  • AddBalance() adds the given amount to the address balance coin by minting new coins and transferring them to the address. The coin denomination is obtained from the module parameters.
  • SubBalance() subtracts the given amount from the address balance by transferring the coins to an escrow account and then burning them. The coin denomination is obtained from the module parameters. This function performs a no-op if the amount is negative or the user doesn't have enough funds for the transfer.

The nonce (or transaction sequence) can be obtained from the Account Sequence via the auth module AccountKeeper.

  • GetNonce() retrieves the account with the given address and returns the tx sequence (i.e nonce). The function performs a no-op if the account is not found.
  • SetNonce() sets the given nonce as the sequence of the address' account. If the account doesn't exist, a new one will be created from the address.

The smart contract bytecode containing arbitrary contract logic is stored on the EVMKeeper and it can be queried with GetCodeHash() ,GetCode() & GetCodeSize()and updated with SetCode().

  • GetCodeHash() fetches the account from the store and returns its code hash. If the account doesn't exist or is not an EthAccount type, it returns the empty code hash value.
  • GetCode() returns the code byte array associated with the given address. If the code hash from the account is empty, this function returns nil.
  • SetCode() stores the code byte array to the application KVStore and sets the code hash to the given account. The code is deleted from the store if it is empty.
  • GetCodeSize() returns the size of the contract code associated with this object, or zero if none.

Gas refunded needs to be tracked and stored in a separate variable in order to add it subtract/add it from/to the gas used value after the EVM execution has finalized. The refund value is cleared on every transaction and at the end of every block.

  • AddRefund() adds the given amount of gas to the refund transient value.
  • SubRefund() subtracts the given amount of gas from the transient refund value. This function will panic if gas amount is greater than the stored refund.
  • GetRefund() returns the amount of gas available for return after the tx execution finalizes. This value is reset to 0 on every transaction.

The state is stored on the EVMKeeper. It can be queried with GetCommittedState(), GetState() and updated with SetState().

  • GetCommittedState() returns the value set in store for the given key hash. If the key is not registered this function returns the empty hash.
  • GetState() returns the committed state for the given key hash, as all changes are committed directly to the KVStore.
  • SetState() sets the given hashes (key, value) to the KVStore. If the value hash is empty, this function deletes the key from the store.

Accounts can also be set to a suicide state. When an contract commits suicide, the account code is deleted (from the next block and forward) but the address still exists.

  • Suicide() marks the given account as suicided and clears the account balance of the EVM tokens.
  • HasSuicided() queries the transient store to check if the account has been marked as suicided in the current block. Accounts that are suicided will be returned as non-nil during queries and "cleared" after the block has been committed.

To check account existence use Exist() and Empty().

  • Exist() returns true if the given account exists in store or if it has been marked as suicided in the transient store.
  • Empty() returns true if the address meets the following conditions:
    • nonce is 0
    • balance amount for evm denom is 0
    • account code hash is empty

EIP2930 functionality

Supports a transaction type that contains an access list, a list of addresses, and storage keys that the transaction plans to access.

  • PrepareAccessList() handles the preparatory steps for executing a state transition with regards to both EIP-2929 and EIP-2930. This method should only be called if Yolov3/Berlin/2929+2930 is applicable at the current number.
    • Add sender to access list (EIP-2929)
    • Add destination to access list (EIP-2929)
    • Add precompiles to access list (EIP-2929)
    • Add the contents of the optional tx access list (EIP-2930)
  • AddressInAccessList() returns true if the address is registered on the transient store.
  • SlotInAccessList() checks if the address and the slots are registered in the transient store
  • AddAddressToAccessList() adds the given address to the access list. If the address is already in the access list, this function performs a no-op.
  • AddSlotToAccessList() adds the given (address, slot) to the access list. If the address and slot are already in the access list, this function performs a no-op.

Snapshot state and Revert functionality

The EVM uses state-reverting exceptions to handle errors. Such an exception will undo all changes made to the state in the current call (and all its sub-calls), and the caller could handle the error and don't propagate. You can use Snapshot() to identify the current state with a revision and revert the state to a given revision with RevertToSnapshot() to support this feature.

  • Snapshot() returns the index in the cached context stack
  • RevertToSnapshot() pops all the cached contexts after(including) the snapshot

go-ethereum implementation manages transient states in memory, and uses a list of journal logs to record all the state modification operations done so far, snapshot is an index in the log list, and to revert to a snapshot it just undo the journal logs after the snapshot index in reversed order.

Evmos uses cosmos-sdk's storage api to manage states, fortunately the storage api supports creating cached overlays, it works like this:

// create a cached overlay storage on top of ctx storage.
overlayCtx, commit := ctx.CacheContext()
// Modify states using the overlayed storage
err := doCall(overlayCtx)
if err != nil {
  return err
// commit will write the dirty states into the underlying storage

// Now, just drop the overlayCtx and keep using ctx

And it can be used in a nested way, like this:

overlayCtx1, commit1 := ctx.CacheContext()
    overlayCtx2, commit2 := overlayCtx1.CacheContext()

With this feature, we can use a stake of overlayed contexts to implement nested Snapshot and RevertToSnapshot calls.

type cachedContext struct {
  ctx    sdk.Context
  commit func()

var contextStack []cachedContext
func Snapshot() int {
  ctx, commit := contextStack.Top().CacheContext()
  contextStack.Push(cachedContext{ctx, commit})
  return len(contextStack) - 1

func RevertToSnapshot(int snapshot) {
  contextStack = contextStack[:snapshot]

func Commit() {
  for i := len(contextStack) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
  contextStack = {}

Ethereum Transaction logs

With AddLog() you can append the given ethereum Log to the list of Logs associated with the transaction hash kept in the current context. This function also fills in the tx hash, block hash, tx index and log index fields before setting the log to store.


The EVM module Keeper grants access to the EVM module state and implements the StateDB interface. The Keeper contains a store key that allows the DB to write to a concrete subtree of the multistore that is only accessible to the EVM module. Instead of using a trie and database for querying and persistence (the StateDB implementation on Ethermint), use the Cosmos KVStore (key-value store) and Cosmos SDK Keeper to facilitate state transitions.

To support the interface functionality, it imports 4 module Keepers:

  • auth: CRUD accounts
  • bank: accounting (supply) and CRUD of balances
  • staking: query historical headers
  • fee market: EIP1559 base fee for processing DynamicFeeTx after the London hard fork has been activated on the ChainConfig parameters
type Keeper struct {
	// Protobuf codec
	cdc codec.BinaryCodec
	// Store key required for the EVM Prefix KVStore. It is required by:
	// - storing account's Storage State
	// - storing account's Code
	// - storing Bloom filters by block height. Needed for the Web3 API.
	// For the full list, check the module specification
	storeKey sdk.StoreKey

	// key to access the transient store, which is reset on every block during Commit
	transientKey sdk.StoreKey

	// module specific parameter space that can be configured through governance
	paramSpace paramtypes.Subspace
	// access to account state
	accountKeeper types.AccountKeeper
	// update balance and accounting operations with coins
	bankKeeper types.BankKeeper
	// access historical headers for EVM state transition execution
	stakingKeeper types.StakingKeeper
	// fetch EIP1559 base fee and parameters
	feeMarketKeeper types.FeeMarketKeeper

	// Manage the initial context and cache context stack for accessing the store,
	// emit events and log info.
	// It is kept as a field to make is accessible by the StateDB
	// functions. Resets on every transaction/block.
	ctxStack ContextStack

	// chain ID number obtained from the context's chain id
	eip155ChainID *big.Int

	// Tracer used to collect execution traces from the EVM transaction execution
	tracer string
	// trace EVM state transition execution. This value is obtained from the `--trace` flag.
	// For more info check
	debug bool

	// EVM Hooks for tx post-processing
	hooks types.EvmHooks

	// error from previous state operation
	stateErr error

EVM Context

Since the StateDB interface methods require access to the state, the Keeper must provide the sdk.Context, so that each of the Keepers can access their corresponding KVStore. Every time a new block or EVM transaction is processed, this field is updated using the keeper.WithContext function, on BeginBlock and AnteHandler, respectively.

As the EVM module doesn't use a single sdk.Context, it implements a stack of Contexts to support the Revert and Snapshot operations from the StateDB. For this purpose, the ContextStack is defined as a Keeper field.

Genesis State

The x/evm module GenesisState defines the state necessary for initializing the chain from a previous exported height. It contains the GenesisAccounts and the module parameters

type GenesisState struct {
  // accounts is an array containing the ethereum genesis accounts.
  Accounts []GenesisAccount `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=accounts,proto3" json:"accounts"`
  // params defines all the parameters of the module.
  Params Params `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=params,proto3" json:"params"`

Genesis Accounts

The GenesisAccount type corresponds to an adaptation of the Ethereum GenesisAccount type. It defines an account to be initialized in the genesis state.

Its main difference is that the one on Ethermint uses a custom Storage type that uses a slice instead of maps for the evm State (due to non-determinism), and that it doesn't contain the private key field.

It is also important to note that since the auth module on the Cosmos SDK manages the account state, the Address field must correspond to an existing EthAccount that is stored in the auth's module Keeper (i.e AccountKeeper). Addresses use the EIP55 hex format on genesis.json.

type GenesisAccount struct {
  // address defines an ethereum hex formated address of an account
  Address string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=address,proto3" json:"address,omitempty"`
  // code defines the hex bytes of the account code.
  Code string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=code,proto3" json:"code,omitempty"`
  // storage defines the set of state key values for the account.
  Storage Storage `protobuf:"bytes,3,rep,name=storage,proto3,castrepeated=Storage" json:"storage"`