5.8 KiB
Clone the stack-orchestrator repo.
Create a
file.cd stack-orchestrator/helper-scripts ./create-config.sh
Setup the required repositories.
./setup-repositories.sh -p ssh
Checkout v4 release in go-ethereum repo. The path for go-ethereum is specified by
variable inconfig.sh
file created in stack-orchestrator repo.# In go-ethereum repo. git checkout v1.10.19-statediff-4.0.4-alpha
To run the stack-orchestrator, the docker-compose version used is:
docker-compose version # docker-compose version 1.29.2, build 5becea4c
Run the stack-orchestrator
cd stack-orchestrator/helper-scripts
./wrapper.sh -f true \ -m true \ -s v4 \ -l latest \ -v remove \ -p ../config.sh
Create a postgres12 database for the watcher:
sudo su - postgres # If database already exists # dropdb moby-mask-watcher createdb moby-mask-watcher
Create database for the job queue and enable the
extension on them (https://github.com/timgit/pg-boss/blob/master/docs/usage.md#intro):# If database already exists # dropdb moby-mask-watcher-job-queue createdb moby-mask-watcher-job-queue
postgres@tesla:~$ psql -U postgres -h localhost moby-mask-watcher-job-queue Password for user postgres: psql (12.7 (Ubuntu 12.7-1.pgdg18.04+1)) SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off) Type "help" for help. moby-mask-watcher-job-queue=# CREATE EXTENSION pgcrypto; CREATE EXTENSION moby-mask-watcher-job-queue=# exit
In the config file update the
connection settings. -
repo, follow the instructions in Setup for installing and building packages.# After setup yarn && yarn build
Change directory to
and run the watcher:yarn server
Run the job-runner:
yarn job-runner
Clone the MobyMask repo.
Checkout to the branch with changes for using this watcher:
# In MobyMask repo. git checkout use-laconic-watcher-as-hosted-index
Run yarn to install the packages
Deploy the contract:
cd packages/hardhat yarn deploy # deploying "PhisherRegistry" (tx: 0xaebeb2e883ece1f679304ec46f5dc61ca74f9e168427268a7dfa8802195b8de0)...: deployed at <MOBY_ADDRESS> with 2306221 gas # $ hardhat run scripts/publish.js # ✅ Published contracts to the subgraph package. # Done in 14.28s.
Export the address of the deployed contract to a shell variable for later use:
Run the following GQL mutation in watcher GraphQL endpoint
mutation { watchContract( address: "MOBY_ADDRESS" kind: "PhisherRegistry" checkpoint: true ) }
Get the latest block
query { latestBlock { hash number } }
Run the following GQL query in GraphQL endpoint
query { isPhisher( blockHash: "LATEST_BLOCK_HASH" contractAddress: "MOBY_ADDRESS" key0: "TWT:phishername" ) { value proof { data } } isMember( blockHash: "LATEST_BLOCK_HASH" contractAddress: "MOBY_ADDRESS" key0: "TWT:membername" ) { value proof { data } } }
Run the following GQL subscription in generated watcher GraphQL endpoint:
subscription { onEvent { event { __typename ... on PhisherStatusUpdatedEvent { entity isPhisher }, ... on MemberStatusUpdatedEvent { entity isMember } }, block { number hash } } }
Update isPhiser and isMember lists with names
yarn claimPhisher --contract $MOBY_ADDRESS --name phisherName
yarn claimMember --contract $MOBY_ADDRESS --name memberName
The events should be visible in the subscription at GQL endpoint. Note down the event blockHash from result.
The isMember and isPhisher lists should be indexed. Check the database (moby-mask-watcher) tables
, there should be entries at the event blockHash and the value should be true. The data is indexed inhandleEvent
method in the hooks file. -
Update the the previous query with event blockHash and check isPhisher and isMember in GraphQL playground
query { isPhisher( blockHash: "EVENT_BLOCK_HASH" contractAddress: "MOBY_ADDRESS", key0: "TWT:phishername" ) { value proof { data } } isMember( blockHash: "EVENT_BLOCK_HASH" contractAddress: "MOBY_ADDRESS", key0: "TWT:membername" ) { value proof { data } } }
The data is fetched from watcher database as it is already indexed.
Reset / Clean up
Reset and clear deployments in MobyMask repo:
cd packages/hardhat # Remove previous deployments in local network if any cd deployments git clean -xdf
To close down services in stack-orchestrator, hit
ctrl + c
in the terminal where it was run. -
To stop and remove stack-orchestrator services running in background run:
cd stack-orchestrator docker-compose -f ./docker/latest/docker-compose-db-sharding.yml down -v --remove-orphans