* Implement data source templates
* Remove optional param from wasm instantiate
* Add all types for solidity to typescript mapping
* Set contract address in context for data source templates
* Implement block handlers for data source templates
* Implement ethereum ABI encode in subgraph
* Implement ethereum ABI decoding host API
* Implement ABI encode decode for array type
* Implement ABI encode decode for bytes type
* Parse events for multiple contracts in the generated code
* Use contract wise artifacts in the generated indexer methods
* Update codegen docs to use config file to generate a watcher
* Add watcher generation config to eden-watcher
* Test case for wasm out of memory error
* Restart wasm instance after N blocks
* Handle out of memory error and re instantiate WASM
* Remove old instance from map before reinstantiating WASM
* Avoid fetching contracts while creating a checkpoint
* Use enum for state kind and cache ipld status
* Avoid fetching block twice while finalizing a staged diff IPLDBlock
* Create checkpoints at fixed block numbers and refactor checkpointing code
* Avoid calling block handler until start block is reached
* Use delete while finalizing staged diff IPLDBlocks
* Add a check to ensure hooks job is created only once
* Avoid check for initial state while creating a checkpoint
* Process hooks for the first block in the watchers
* Store initial state from a hook in an IPLDBlock for eden-watcher
* Extract watcher method to prepare IPLDBlocks in util
* Extract common IPLDBlocks related code in util
* Move IPFSClient to util
* Use constants for state kind
* Use typeof to distinguish between BigInt and BigDecimal in store get API
* Use entity column type map to create entity in store get API
* Add entity column type map in eden-watcher
* Add test cases for bigInt host APIs
* Add test cases for bigDecimal fromString, plus and minus host APIs
* Add test cases for bigDecimal times and divideBy host APIs
* Throw an error on underflow or overflow in bigDecimal toString host API
* Avoid rounding of out of range bigDecimal values
* Use big number's byte size to set storage size of bigInt
* Add test cases for errors in bigDecimal host API