mirror of
synced 2025-01-07 20:08:06 +00:00
Implement IPLD refactoring in codegen (#85)
This commit is contained in:
@ -35,9 +35,13 @@ columns:
tsType: string
columnType: Column
- name: kind
pgType: varchar
tsType: string
tsType: StateKind
columnType: Column
- option: type
value: "'enum'"
- option: enum
value: StateKind
- name: data
pgType: bytea
tsType: Buffer
@ -50,6 +54,9 @@ imports:
- Index
- ManyToOne
from: typeorm
- toImport:
- StateKind
from: '@vulcanize/util'
- toImport:
- BlockProgress
from: ./BlockProgress
@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ import { exportFill } from './fill';
import { exportCheckpoint } from './checkpoint';
import { exportState } from './export-state';
import { importState } from './import-state';
import { exportIPFS } from './ipfs';
import { exportInspectCID } from './inspect-cid';
const main = async (): Promise<void> => {
@ -305,11 +304,6 @@ function generateWatcher (contractStrings: string[], visitor: Visitor, argv: any
: process.stdout;
outStream = outputDir
? fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, 'src/ipfs.ts'))
: process.stdout;
outStream = outputDir
? fs.createWriteStream(path.join(outputDir, 'src/cli/inspect-cid.ts'))
: process.stdout;
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2021 Vulcanize, Inc.
import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
import Handlebars from 'handlebars';
import { Writable } from 'stream';
const TEMPLATE_FILE = './templates/ipfs-template.handlebars';
* Writes the ipfs.ts file generated from a template to a stream.
* @param outStream A writable output stream to write the ipfs.ts file to.
export function exportIPFS (outStream: Writable): void {
const templateString = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, TEMPLATE_FILE)).toString();
const template = Handlebars.compile(templateString);
const ipfsString = template({});
@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
import assert from 'assert';
import { Connection, ConnectionOptions, DeepPartial, FindConditions, QueryRunner, FindManyOptions, MoreThan } from 'typeorm';
import { Connection, ConnectionOptions, DeepPartial, FindConditions, QueryRunner, FindManyOptions } from 'typeorm';
import path from 'path';
import { Database as BaseDatabase, QueryOptions, Where, MAX_REORG_DEPTH, DatabaseInterface } from '@vulcanize/util';
import { IPLDDatabase as BaseDatabase, IPLDDatabaseInterface, QueryOptions, StateKind, Where } from '@vulcanize/util';
import { Contract } from './entity/Contract';
import { Event } from './entity/Event';
@ -17,9 +17,11 @@ import { IPLDBlock } from './entity/IPLDBlock';
{{#each queries as | query |}}
import { {{query.entityName}} } from './entity/{{query.entityName}}';
{{#unless @last}}
export class Database implements DatabaseInterface {
export class Database implements IPLDDatabaseInterface {
_config: ConnectionOptions;
_conn!: Connection;
_baseDatabase: BaseDatabase;
@ -78,156 +80,57 @@ export class Database implements DatabaseInterface {
getNewIPLDBlock (): IPLDBlock {
return new IPLDBlock();
async getIPLDBlocks (where: FindConditions<IPLDBlock>): Promise<IPLDBlock[]> {
const repo = this._conn.getRepository(IPLDBlock);
return repo.find({ where, relations: ['block'] });
return this._baseDatabase.getIPLDBlocks(repo, where);
async getLatestIPLDBlock (contractAddress: string, kind: string | null, blockNumber?: number): Promise<IPLDBlock | undefined> {
async getLatestIPLDBlock (contractAddress: string, kind: StateKind | null, blockNumber?: number): Promise<IPLDBlock | undefined> {
const repo = this._conn.getRepository(IPLDBlock);
let queryBuilder = repo.createQueryBuilder('ipld_block')
.leftJoinAndSelect('ipld_block.block', 'block')
.where('block.is_pruned = false')
.andWhere('ipld_block.contract_address = :contractAddress', { contractAddress })
.orderBy('block.block_number', 'DESC');
// Filter out blocks after the provided block number.
if (blockNumber) {
queryBuilder.andWhere('block.block_number <= :blockNumber', { blockNumber });
// Filter using kind if specified else order by id to give preference to checkpoint.
queryBuilder = kind
? queryBuilder.andWhere('ipld_block.kind = :kind', { kind })
: queryBuilder.andWhere('ipld_block.kind != :kind', { kind: 'diff_staged' })
.addOrderBy('ipld_block.id', 'DESC');
return queryBuilder.getOne();
return this._baseDatabase.getLatestIPLDBlock(repo, contractAddress, kind, blockNumber);
async getPrevIPLDBlock (queryRunner: QueryRunner, blockHash: string, contractAddress: string, kind?: string): Promise<IPLDBlock | undefined> {
const heirerchicalQuery = `
1 as depth,
block_progress b
ipld_block i ON i.block_id = b.id
AND i.contract_address = $2
b.block_hash = $1
c.depth + 1,
block_progress b
ipld_block i
ON i.block_id = b.id
AND i.contract_address = $2
cte_query c ON c.parent_hash = b.block_hash
c.depth < $3
block_number, id, kind
ORDER BY block_number DESC, id DESC
// Fetching block and id for previous IPLDBlock in frothy region.
const queryResult = await queryRunner.query(heirerchicalQuery, [blockHash, contractAddress, MAX_REORG_DEPTH]);
const latestRequiredResult = kind
? queryResult.find((obj: any) => obj.kind === kind)
: queryResult.find((obj: any) => obj.id);
let result: IPLDBlock | undefined;
if (latestRequiredResult) {
result = await queryRunner.manager.findOne(IPLDBlock, { id: latestRequiredResult.id }, { relations: ['block'] });
} else {
// If IPLDBlock not found in frothy region get latest IPLDBlock in the pruned region.
// Filter out IPLDBlocks from pruned blocks.
const canonicalBlockNumber = queryResult.pop().block_number + 1;
let queryBuilder = queryRunner.manager.createQueryBuilder(IPLDBlock, 'ipld_block')
.leftJoinAndSelect('ipld_block.block', 'block')
.where('block.is_pruned = false')
.andWhere('ipld_block.contract_address = :contractAddress', { contractAddress })
.andWhere('block.block_number <= :canonicalBlockNumber', { canonicalBlockNumber })
.orderBy('block.block_number', 'DESC');
// Filter using kind if specified else order by id to give preference to checkpoint.
queryBuilder = kind
? queryBuilder.andWhere('ipld_block.kind = :kind', { kind })
: queryBuilder.addOrderBy('ipld_block.id', 'DESC');
result = await queryBuilder.getOne();
return result;
// Fetch all diff IPLDBlocks after the specified checkpoint.
async getDiffIPLDBlocksByCheckpoint (contractAddress: string, checkpointBlockNumber: number): Promise<IPLDBlock[]> {
async getPrevIPLDBlock (blockHash: string, contractAddress: string, kind?: string): Promise<IPLDBlock | undefined> {
const repo = this._conn.getRepository(IPLDBlock);
return repo.find({
relations: ['block'],
where: {
kind: 'diff',
block: {
isPruned: false,
blockNumber: MoreThan(checkpointBlockNumber)
order: {
block: 'ASC'
return this._baseDatabase.getPrevIPLDBlock(repo, blockHash, contractAddress, kind);
async saveOrUpdateIPLDBlock (ipldBlock: IPLDBlock): Promise<IPLDBlock> {
// Fetch all diff IPLDBlocks after the specified block number.
async getDiffIPLDBlocksByBlocknumber (contractAddress: string, blockNumber: number): Promise<IPLDBlock[]> {
const repo = this._conn.getRepository(IPLDBlock);
return repo.save(ipldBlock);
return this._baseDatabase.getDiffIPLDBlocksByBlocknumber(repo, contractAddress, blockNumber);
async getHookStatus (queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<HookStatus | undefined> {
const repo = queryRunner.manager.getRepository(HookStatus);
async saveOrUpdateIPLDBlock (dbTx: QueryRunner, ipldBlock: IPLDBlock): Promise<IPLDBlock> {
const repo = dbTx.manager.getRepository(IPLDBlock);
return repo.findOne();
return this._baseDatabase.saveOrUpdateIPLDBlock(repo, ipldBlock);
async removeIPLDBlocks (dbTx: QueryRunner, blockNumber: number, kind: string): Promise<void> {
const repo = dbTx.manager.getRepository(IPLDBlock);
await this._baseDatabase.removeIPLDBlocks(repo, blockNumber, kind);
async getHookStatus (): Promise<HookStatus | undefined> {
const repo = this._conn.getRepository(HookStatus);
return this._baseDatabase.getHookStatus(repo);
async updateHookStatusProcessedBlock (queryRunner: QueryRunner, blockNumber: number, force?: boolean): Promise<HookStatus> {
const repo = queryRunner.manager.getRepository(HookStatus);
let entity = await repo.findOne();
if (!entity) {
entity = repo.create({
latestProcessedBlockNumber: blockNumber
if (force || blockNumber > entity.latestProcessedBlockNumber) {
entity.latestProcessedBlockNumber = blockNumber;
return repo.save(entity);
return this._baseDatabase.updateHookStatusProcessedBlock(repo, blockNumber, force);
async getContracts (): Promise<Contract[]> {
@ -236,12 +139,6 @@ export class Database implements DatabaseInterface {
return this._baseDatabase.getContracts(repo);
async getContract (address: string): Promise<Contract | undefined> {
const repo = this._conn.getRepository(Contract);
return this._baseDatabase.getContract(repo, address);
async createTransactionRunner (): Promise<QueryRunner> {
return this._baseDatabase.createTransactionRunner();
@ -276,7 +173,7 @@ export class Database implements DatabaseInterface {
return this._baseDatabase.saveEvents(blockRepo, eventRepo, block, events);
async saveContract (address: string, kind: string, checkpoint: boolean, startingBlock: number): Promise<Contract> {
async saveContract (queryRunner: QueryRunner, address: string, kind: string, checkpoint: boolean, startingBlock: number): Promise<Contract> {
const repo = queryRunner.manager.getRepository(Contract);
return this._baseDatabase.saveContract(repo, address, kind, checkpoint, startingBlock);
@ -20,12 +20,14 @@ export class {{className}} {{~#if implements}} implements {{implements}} {{~/if}
{{#each columns as | column |}}
{{#if (compare column.columnType 'ManyToOne')}}
@{{column.columnType}}({{column.lhs}} => {{column.rhs}}
{{~#if column.columnOptions}}, {{/if}}
{{~#if column.pgType~}} '{{column.pgType}}'
{{~#if column.columnOptions}}, {{/if}}
{{~#if column.columnOptions}}, {
{{~#if column.columnOptions}}{
{{~#each column.columnOptions}} {{this.option}}: {{{this.value}}}
{{~#unless @last}},{{/unless}}
{{~/each}} }
@ -80,7 +80,10 @@ export class EventWatcher implements EventWatcherInterface {
await this._baseEventWatcher.blockProcessingCompleteHandler(job);
await this.createHooksJob(kind);
// If it's a pruning job: Create a hooks job.
if (kind === JOB_KIND_PRUNE) {
await this.createHooksJob();
@ -148,20 +151,18 @@ export class EventWatcher implements EventWatcherInterface {
async createHooksJob (kind: string): Promise<void> {
// If it's a pruning job: Create a hook job for the latest canonical block.
if (kind === JOB_KIND_PRUNE) {
const latestCanonicalBlock = await this._indexer.getLatestCanonicalBlock();
async createHooksJob (): Promise<void> {
// Get the latest canonical block
const latestCanonicalBlock = await this._indexer.getLatestCanonicalBlock();
await this._jobQueue.pushJob(
blockHash: latestCanonicalBlock.blockHash,
blockNumber: latestCanonicalBlock.blockNumber
// Create a hooks job for parent block of latestCanonicalBlock because pruning for first block is skipped as it is assumed to be a canonical block.
await this._jobQueue.pushJob(
blockHash: latestCanonicalBlock.parentHash,
blockNumber: latestCanonicalBlock.blockNumber - 1
async createCheckpointJob (blockHash: string, blockNumber: number): Promise<void> {
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ export const main = async (): Promise<any> => {
const graphDb = new GraphDatabase(config.database, path.resolve(__dirname, 'entity/*'));
await graphDb.init();
const graphWatcher = new GraphWatcher(graphDb, postgraphileClient, ethProvider, config.server.subgraphPath);
const graphWatcher = new GraphWatcher(graphDb, postgraphileClient, ethProvider, config.server);
// Note: In-memory pubsub works fine for now, as each watcher is a single process anyway.
// Later: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/data/subscriptions/#production-pubsub-libraries
@ -14,12 +14,13 @@ const ACCOUNTS = [
* Hook function to create an initial checkpoint.
* Hook function to store an initial state.
* @param indexer Indexer instance.
* @param block Concerned block.
* @param blockHash Hash of the concerned block.
* @param contractAddress Address of the concerned contract.
* @returns Data block to be stored.
export async function createInitialCheckpoint (indexer: Indexer, contractAddress: string, blockHash: string): Promise<void> {
export async function createInitialState (indexer: Indexer, contractAddress: string, blockHash: string): Promise<any> { assert(indexer);
@ -33,11 +34,12 @@ export async function createInitialCheckpoint (indexer: Indexer, contractAddress
ipldBlockData = updateStateForMappingType(ipldBlockData, '_balances', [account], balance.value.toString());
await indexer.createCheckpoint(contractAddress, blockHash, ipldBlockData);
// Return initial state data to be saved.
return ipldBlockData;
* Hook function to create state diffs.
* Hook function to create state diff.
* @param indexer Indexer instance that contains methods to fetch the contract varaiable values.
* @param blockHash Block hash of the concerned block.
@ -100,6 +102,7 @@ export async function createStateDiff (indexer: Indexer, blockHash: string): Pro
// Use indexer.createStateDiff() method to create a custom state.
await indexer.createDiff(contractAddress, blockHash, ipldBlockData);
@ -124,6 +127,7 @@ export async function createStateCheckpoint (indexer: Indexer, contractAddress:
ipldBlockData = updateStateForMappingType(ipldBlockData, '_balances', [account], balance.value.toString());
// Use indexer.createStateCheckpoint() method to create a custom checkpoint.
await indexer.createCheckpoint(contractAddress, blockHash, ipldBlockData);
return false;
@ -132,7 +136,7 @@ export async function createStateCheckpoint (indexer: Indexer, contractAddress:
* Event hook function.
* @param indexer Indexer instance that contains methods to fetch and update the contract values in the database.
* @param eventData ResultEvent object containing necessary information.
* @param eventData ResultEvent object containing event information.
export async function handleEvent (indexer: Indexer, eventData: ResultEvent): Promise<void> {
@ -7,19 +7,34 @@ import debug from 'debug';
import { DeepPartial, FindConditions, FindManyOptions } from 'typeorm';
import JSONbig from 'json-bigint';
import { ethers } from 'ethers';
import { sha256 } from 'multiformats/hashes/sha2';
import { CID } from 'multiformats/cid';
import _ from 'lodash';
import { JsonFragment } from '@ethersproject/abi';
import { BaseProvider } from '@ethersproject/providers';
import * as codec from '@ipld/dag-cbor';
import { EthClient } from '@vulcanize/ipld-eth-client';
import { StorageLayout } from '@vulcanize/solidity-mapper';
import { Indexer as BaseIndexer, IndexerInterface, ValueResult, UNKNOWN_EVENT_NAME, ServerConfig, Where, QueryOptions, updateStateForElementaryType, updateStateForMappingType, JobQueue } from '@vulcanize/util';
import {
IPLDIndexer as BaseIndexer,
} from '@vulcanize/util';
import { GraphWatcher } from '@vulcanize/graph-node';
{{#each inputFileNames as | inputFileName |}}
import artifacts from './artifacts/{{inputFileName}}.json';
import { Database } from './database';
import { createInitialState, handleEvent, createStateDiff, createStateCheckpoint } from './hooks';
import { Contract } from './entity/Contract';
import { Event } from './entity/Event';
import { SyncStatus } from './entity/SyncStatus';
@ -27,13 +42,6 @@ import { HookStatus } from './entity/HookStatus';
import { BlockProgress } from './entity/BlockProgress';
import { IPLDBlock } from './entity/IPLDBlock';
{{#each inputFileNames as | inputFileName |}}
import artifacts from './artifacts/{{inputFileName}}.json';
import { createInitialCheckpoint, handleEvent, createStateDiff, createStateCheckpoint } from './hooks';
import { IPFSClient } from './ipfs';
const log = debug('vulcanize:indexer');
{{#each events as | event |}}
@ -93,6 +101,9 @@ export class Indexer implements IndexerInterface {
_ipfsClient: IPFSClient
_entityTypesMap: Map<string, { [key: string]: string }>
_relationsMap: Map<any, { [key: string]: any }>
constructor (serverConfig: ServerConfig, db: Database, ethClient: EthClient, postgraphileClient: EthClient, ethProvider: BaseProvider, jobQueue: JobQueue, graphWatcher: GraphWatcher) {
@ -103,7 +114,8 @@ export class Indexer implements IndexerInterface {
this._postgraphileClient = postgraphileClient;
this._ethProvider = ethProvider;
this._serverConfig = serverConfig;
this._baseIndexer = new BaseIndexer(this._db, this._ethClient, this._postgraphileClient, this._ethProvider, jobQueue);
this._ipfsClient = new IPFSClient(this._serverConfig.ipfsApiAddr);
this._baseIndexer = new BaseIndexer(this._serverConfig, this._db, this._ethClient, this._postgraphileClient, this._ethProvider, jobQueue, this._ipfsClient);
this._graphWatcher = graphWatcher;
const { abi, storageLayout } = artifacts;
@ -116,11 +128,13 @@ export class Indexer implements IndexerInterface {
this._contract = new ethers.utils.Interface(this._abi);
this._ipfsClient = new IPFSClient(this._serverConfig.ipfsApiAddr);
this._entityTypesMap = new Map();
this._relationsMap = new Map();
async init (): Promise<void> {
await this._baseIndexer.fetchContracts();
await this._baseIndexer.fetchIPLDStatus();
getResultEvent (event: Event): ResultEvent {
@ -258,315 +272,110 @@ export class Indexer implements IndexerInterface {
async pushToIPFS (data: any): Promise<void> {
await this._baseIndexer.pushToIPFS(data);
async processInitialState (contractAddress: string, blockHash: string): Promise<any> {
// Call initial state hook.
return createInitialState(this, contractAddress, blockHash);
async processStateCheckpoint (contractAddress: string, blockHash: string): Promise<boolean> {
// Call checkpoint hook.
return createStateCheckpoint(this, contractAddress, blockHash);
async processCanonicalBlock (job: any): Promise<void> {
const { data: { blockHash } } = job;
// Finalize staged diff blocks if any.
await this.finalizeDiffStaged(blockHash);
await this._baseIndexer.finalizeDiffStaged(blockHash);
// Call custom stateDiff hook.
await createStateDiff(this, blockHash);
async createDiffStaged (contractAddress: string, blockHash: string, data: any): Promise<void> {
const block = await this.getBlockProgress(blockHash);
// Create a staged diff block.
const ipldBlock = await this.prepareIPLDBlock(block, contractAddress, data, 'diff_staged');
await this.saveOrUpdateIPLDBlock(ipldBlock);
async finalizeDiffStaged (blockHash: string): Promise<void> {
const block = await this.getBlockProgress(blockHash);
// Get all the staged diff blocks for the given blockHash.
const stagedBlocks = await this._db.getIPLDBlocks({ block, kind: 'diff_staged' });
// For each staged block, create a diff block.
for (const stagedBlock of stagedBlocks) {
const data = codec.decode(Buffer.from(stagedBlock.data));
await this.createDiff(stagedBlock.contractAddress, stagedBlock.block.blockHash, data);
// Remove all the staged diff blocks for current blockNumber.
await this.removeStagedIPLDBlocks(block.blockNumber);
async createDiff (contractAddress: string, blockHash: string, data: any): Promise<void> {
const block = await this.getBlockProgress(blockHash);
// Fetch the latest checkpoint for the contract.
const checkpoint = await this.getLatestIPLDBlock(contractAddress, 'checkpoint');
// There should be an initial checkpoint at least.
// Assumption: There should be no events for the contract at the starting block.
assert(checkpoint, 'Initial checkpoint doesn\'t exist');
// Check if the latest checkpoint is in the same block.
assert(checkpoint.block.blockHash !== block.blockHash, 'Checkpoint already created for the block hash.');
const ipldBlock = await this.prepareIPLDBlock(block, contractAddress, data, 'diff');
await this.saveOrUpdateIPLDBlock(ipldBlock);
async processCheckpoint (job: any): Promise<void> {
// Return if checkpointInterval is <= 0.
const checkpointInterval = this._serverConfig.checkpointInterval;
if (checkpointInterval <= 0) return;
const { data: { blockHash, blockNumber } } = job;
// Get all the contracts.
const contracts = await this._db.getContracts({});
// For each contract, merge the diff till now to create a checkpoint.
for (const contract of contracts) {
// Check if contract has checkpointing on.
if (contract.checkpoint) {
// If a checkpoint doesn't already exist and blockNumber is equal to startingBlock, create an initial checkpoint.
const checkpointBlock = await this.getLatestIPLDBlock(contract.address, 'checkpoint');
if (!checkpointBlock) {
if (blockNumber === contract.startingBlock) {
// Call initial checkpoint hook.
await createInitialCheckpoint(this, contract.address, blockHash);
} else {
await this.createCheckpoint(contract.address, blockHash, null, checkpointInterval);
const { data: { blockHash } } = job;
await this._baseIndexer.processCheckpoint(this, blockHash, checkpointInterval);
async processCLICheckpoint (contractAddress: string, blockHash?: string): Promise<string | undefined> {
const checkpointBlockHash = await this.createCheckpoint(contractAddress, blockHash);
const block = await this.getBlockProgress(checkpointBlockHash);
const checkpointIPLDBlocks = await this._db.getIPLDBlocks({ block, contractAddress, kind: 'checkpoint' });
// There can be at most one IPLDBlock for a (block, contractAddress, kind) combination.
assert(checkpointIPLDBlocks.length <= 1);
const checkpointIPLDBlock = checkpointIPLDBlocks[0];
const checkpointData = this.getIPLDData(checkpointIPLDBlock);
await this.pushToIPFS(checkpointData);
return checkpointBlockHash;
async createCheckpoint (contractAddress: string, blockHash?: string, data?: any, checkpointInterval?: number): Promise<string | undefined> {
const syncStatus = await this.getSyncStatus();
// Getting the current block.
let currentBlock;
if (blockHash) {
currentBlock = await this.getBlockProgress(blockHash);
} else {
// In case of empty blockHash from checkpoint CLI, get the latest canonical block for the checkpoint.
currentBlock = await this.getBlockProgress(syncStatus.latestCanonicalBlockHash);
// Data is passed in case of initial checkpoint and checkpoint hook.
// Assumption: There should be no events for the contract at the starting block.
if (data) {
const ipldBlock = await this.prepareIPLDBlock(currentBlock, contractAddress, data, 'checkpoint');
await this.saveOrUpdateIPLDBlock(ipldBlock);
// If data is not passed, create from previous checkpoint and diffs after that.
// Make sure the block is marked complete.
assert(currentBlock.isComplete, 'Block for a checkpoint should be marked as complete');
// Make sure the block is in the pruned region.
assert(currentBlock.blockNumber <= syncStatus.latestCanonicalBlockNumber, 'Block for a checkpoint should be in the pruned region');
// Fetch the latest checkpoint for the contract.
const checkpointBlock = await this.getLatestIPLDBlock(contractAddress, 'checkpoint', currentBlock.blockNumber);
// Check (only if checkpointInterval is passed) if it is time for a new checkpoint.
if (checkpointInterval && checkpointBlock.block.blockNumber > (currentBlock.blockNumber - checkpointInterval)) {
// Call state checkpoint hook and check if default checkpoint is disabled.
const disableDefaultCheckpoint = await createStateCheckpoint(this, contractAddress, currentBlock.blockHash);
if (disableDefaultCheckpoint) {
// Return if default checkpoint is disabled.
// Return block hash for checkpoint CLI.
return currentBlock.blockHash;
const { block: { blockNumber: checkpointBlockNumber } } = checkpointBlock;
// Fetching all diff blocks after checkpoint.
const diffBlocks = await this.getDiffIPLDBlocksByCheckpoint(contractAddress, checkpointBlockNumber);
const checkpointBlockData = codec.decode(Buffer.from(checkpointBlock.data)) as any;
data = {
state: checkpointBlockData.state
for (const diffBlock of diffBlocks) {
const diff = codec.decode(Buffer.from(diffBlock.data)) as any;
data.state = _.merge(data.state, diff.state);
const ipldBlock = await this.prepareIPLDBlock(currentBlock, contractAddress, data, 'checkpoint');
await this.saveOrUpdateIPLDBlock(ipldBlock);
return currentBlock.blockHash;
getIPLDData (ipldBlock: IPLDBlock): any {
return codec.decode(Buffer.from(ipldBlock.data));
async getIPLDBlocksByHash (blockHash: string): Promise<IPLDBlock[]> {
const block = await this.getBlockProgress(blockHash);
return this._db.getIPLDBlocks({ block });
async getIPLDBlockByCid (cid: string): Promise<IPLDBlock | undefined> {
const ipldBlocks = await this._db.getIPLDBlocks({ cid });
// There can be only one IPLDBlock with a particular cid.
assert(ipldBlocks.length <= 1);
return ipldBlocks[0];
async getLatestIPLDBlock (contractAddress: string, kind: string | null, blockNumber?: number): Promise<IPLDBlock | undefined> {
return this._db.getLatestIPLDBlock(contractAddress, kind, blockNumber);
return this._baseIndexer.processCLICheckpoint(this, contractAddress, blockHash);
async getPrevIPLDBlock (blockHash: string, contractAddress: string, kind?: string): Promise<IPLDBlock | undefined> {
const dbTx = await this._db.createTransactionRunner();
let res;
try {
res = await this._db.getPrevIPLDBlock(dbTx, blockHash, contractAddress, kind);
await dbTx.commitTransaction();
} catch (error) {
await dbTx.rollbackTransaction();
throw error;
} finally {
await dbTx.release();
return res;
return this._db.getPrevIPLDBlock(blockHash, contractAddress, kind);
async getDiffIPLDBlocksByCheckpoint (contractAddress: string, checkpointBlockNumber: number): Promise<IPLDBlock[]> {
return this._db.getDiffIPLDBlocksByCheckpoint(contractAddress, checkpointBlockNumber);
async getLatestIPLDBlock (contractAddress: string, kind: StateKind | null, blockNumber?: number): Promise<IPLDBlock | undefined> {
return this._db.getLatestIPLDBlock(contractAddress, kind, blockNumber);
async prepareIPLDBlock (block: BlockProgress, contractAddress: string, data: any, kind: string):Promise<any> {
assert(_.includes(['diff', 'checkpoint', 'diff_staged'], kind));
// Get an existing 'diff' | 'diff_staged' | 'checkpoint' IPLDBlock for current block, contractAddress.
const currentIPLDBlocks = await this._db.getIPLDBlocks({ block, contractAddress, kind });
// There can be at most one IPLDBlock for a (block, contractAddress, kind) combination.
assert(currentIPLDBlocks.length <= 1);
const currentIPLDBlock = currentIPLDBlocks[0];
// Update currentIPLDBlock if it exists and is of same kind.
let ipldBlock;
if (currentIPLDBlock) {
ipldBlock = currentIPLDBlock;
// Update the data field.
const oldData = codec.decode(Buffer.from(currentIPLDBlock.data));
data = _.merge(oldData, data);
} else {
ipldBlock = new IPLDBlock();
// Fetch the parent IPLDBlock.
const parentIPLDBlock = await this.getLatestIPLDBlock(contractAddress, null, block.blockNumber);
// Setting the meta-data for an IPLDBlock (done only once per block).
data.meta = {
id: contractAddress,
parent: {
'/': parentIPLDBlock ? parentIPLDBlock.cid : null
ethBlock: {
cid: {
'/': block.cid
num: block.blockNumber
// Encoding the data using dag-cbor codec.
const bytes = codec.encode(data);
// Calculating sha256 (multi)hash of the encoded data.
const hash = await sha256.digest(bytes);
// Calculating the CID: v1, code: dag-cbor, hash.
const cid = CID.create(1, codec.code, hash);
// Update ipldBlock with new data.
ipldBlock = Object.assign(ipldBlock, {
cid: cid.toString(),
kind: data.meta.kind,
data: Buffer.from(bytes)
return ipldBlock;
async getIPLDBlocksByHash (blockHash: string): Promise<IPLDBlock[]> {
return this._baseIndexer.getIPLDBlocksByHash(blockHash);
async saveOrUpdateIPLDBlock (ipldBlock: IPLDBlock): Promise<IPLDBlock> {
return this._db.saveOrUpdateIPLDBlock(ipldBlock);
async getIPLDBlockByCid (cid: string): Promise<IPLDBlock | undefined> {
return this._baseIndexer.getIPLDBlockByCid(cid);
async removeStagedIPLDBlocks (blockNumber: number): Promise<void> {
const dbTx = await this._db.createTransactionRunner();
try {
await this._db.removeEntities(dbTx, IPLDBlock, { relations: ['block'], where: { block: { blockNumber }, kind: 'diff_staged' } });
await dbTx.commitTransaction();
} catch (error) {
await dbTx.rollbackTransaction();
throw error;
} finally {
await dbTx.release();
async pushToIPFS (data: any): Promise<void> {
await this._ipfsClient.push(data);
getIPLDData (ipldBlock: IPLDBlock): any {
return this._baseIndexer.getIPLDData(ipldBlock);
isIPFSConfigured (): boolean {
const ipfsAddr = this._serverConfig.ipfsApiAddr;
// Return false if ipfsAddr is undefined | null | empty string.
return (ipfsAddr !== undefined && ipfsAddr !== null && ipfsAddr !== '');
return this._baseIndexer.isIPFSConfigured();
async getSubgraphEntity<Entity> (entity: new () => Entity, id: string, blockHash: string): Promise<Entity | undefined> {
return this._graphWatcher.getEntity(entity, id, blockHash);
// Method used to create auto diffs (diff_staged).
async createDiffStaged (contractAddress: string, blockHash: string, data: any): Promise<void> {
await this._baseIndexer.createDiffStaged(contractAddress, blockHash, data);
// Method to be used by createStateDiff hook.
async createDiff (contractAddress: string, blockHash: string, data: any): Promise<void> {
const block = await this.getBlockProgress(blockHash);
await this._baseIndexer.createDiff(contractAddress, block, data);
// Method to be used by createStateCheckpoint hook.
async createStateCheckpoint (contractAddress: string, blockHash: string, data: any): Promise<void> {
const block = await this.getBlockProgress(blockHash);
return this._baseIndexer.createStateCheckpoint(contractAddress, block, data);
// Method to be used by checkpoint CLI.
async createCheckpoint (contractAddress: string, blockHash: string): Promise<string | undefined> {
const block = await this.getBlockProgress(blockHash);
return this._baseIndexer.createCheckpoint(this, contractAddress, block);
async saveOrUpdateIPLDBlock (ipldBlock: IPLDBlock): Promise<IPLDBlock> {
return this._baseIndexer.saveOrUpdateIPLDBlock(ipldBlock);
async removeIPLDBlocks (blockNumber: number, kind: StateKind): Promise<void> {
await this._baseIndexer.removeIPLDBlocks(blockNumber, kind);
async getSubgraphEntity<Entity> (entity: new () => Entity, id: string, block?: BlockHeight): Promise<any> {
const relations = this._relationsMap.get(entity) || {};
const data = await this._graphWatcher.getEntity(entity, id, relations, block);
return data;
async triggerIndexingOnEvent (event: Event): Promise<void> {
@ -584,6 +393,14 @@ export class Indexer implements IndexerInterface {
await this.triggerIndexingOnEvent(event);
async processBlock (blockHash: string, blockNumber: number): Promise<void> {
// Call a function to create initial state for contracts.
await this._baseIndexer.createInit(this, blockHash, blockNumber);
// Call subgraph handler for block.
await this._graphWatcher.handleBlock(blockHash);
parseEventNameAndArgs (kind: string, logObj: any): any {
let eventName = UNKNOWN_EVENT_NAME;
let eventInfo = {};
@ -595,7 +412,9 @@ export class Indexer implements IndexerInterface {
{{#each events as | event |}}
case {{capitalize event.name}}_EVENT: {
eventName = logDescription.name;
{{#if event.params}}
const { {{#each event.params~}} {{this.name}} {{~#unless @last}}, {{/unless}} {{~/each}} } = logDescription.args;
eventInfo = {
{{#each event.params}}
{{#if (compare this.type 'bigint')}}
@ -619,31 +438,8 @@ export class Indexer implements IndexerInterface {
async watchContract (address: string, kind: string, checkpoint: boolean, startingBlock: number): Promise<void> {
this._baseIndexer.updateIPLDStatusMap(address, {});
return this._baseIndexer.watchContract(address, kind, checkpoint, startingBlock);
cacheContract (contract: Contract): void {
return this._baseIndexer.cacheContract(contract);
async getHookStatus (): Promise<HookStatus | undefined> {
const dbTx = await this._db.createTransactionRunner();
let res;
try {
res = await this._db.getHookStatus(dbTx);
await dbTx.commitTransaction();
} catch (error) {
await dbTx.rollbackTransaction();
throw error;
} finally {
await dbTx.release();
return res;
return this._db.getHookStatus();
async updateHookStatusProcessedBlock (blockNumber: number, force?: boolean): Promise<HookStatus> {
@ -663,11 +459,32 @@ export class Indexer implements IndexerInterface {
return res;
async getLatestCanonicalBlock (): Promise<BlockProgress | undefined> {
async getLatestCanonicalBlock (): Promise<BlockProgress> {
const syncStatus = await this.getSyncStatus();
return this.getBlockProgress(syncStatus.latestCanonicalBlockHash);
const latestCanonicalBlock = await this.getBlockProgress(syncStatus.latestCanonicalBlockHash);
return latestCanonicalBlock;
async getLatestHooksProcessedBlock (): Promise<BlockProgress> {
return this._baseIndexer.getLatestHooksProcessedBlock();
async watchContract (address: string, kind: string, checkpoint: boolean, startingBlock: number): Promise<void> {
this._baseIndexer.updateIPLDStatusMap(address, {});
return this._baseIndexer.watchContract(address, kind, checkpoint, startingBlock);
cacheContract (contract: Contract): void {
return this._baseIndexer.cacheContract(contract);
async saveEventEntity (dbEvent: Event): Promise<Event> {
return this._baseIndexer.saveEventEntity(dbEvent);
async getEventsByFilter (blockHash: string, contract?: string, name?: string): Promise<Array<Event>> {
@ -690,6 +507,10 @@ export class Indexer implements IndexerInterface {
return this._baseIndexer.getSyncStatus();
async getBlocks (blockFilter: { blockHash?: string, blockNumber?: number }): Promise<any> {
return this._baseIndexer.getBlocks(blockFilter);
async updateSyncStatusIndexedBlock (blockHash: string, blockNumber: number, force = false): Promise<SyncStatus> {
return this._baseIndexer.updateSyncStatusIndexedBlock(blockHash, blockNumber, force);
@ -702,10 +523,6 @@ export class Indexer implements IndexerInterface {
return this._baseIndexer.updateSyncStatusCanonicalBlock(blockHash, blockNumber, force);
async getBlocks (blockFilter: { blockNumber?: number, blockHash?: string }): Promise<any> {
return this._baseIndexer.getBlocks(blockFilter);
async getEvent (id: string): Promise<Event | undefined> {
return this._baseIndexer.getEvent(id);
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2021 Vulcanize, Inc.
import { create, IPFSHTTPClient } from 'ipfs-http-client';
export class IPFSClient {
_client: IPFSHTTPClient
constructor (url: string) {
this._client = create({ url });
async push (data: any): Promise<void> {
await this._client.dag.put(data, { format: 'dag-cbor', hashAlg: 'sha2-256' });
@ -71,11 +71,19 @@ export class JobRunner {
const hookStatus = await this._indexer.getHookStatus();
if (hookStatus && hookStatus.latestProcessedBlockNumber < (blockNumber - 1)) {
const message = `Hooks for blockNumber ${blockNumber - 1} not processed yet, aborting`;
if (hookStatus) {
if (hookStatus.latestProcessedBlockNumber < (blockNumber - 1)) {
const message = `Hooks for blockNumber ${blockNumber - 1} not processed yet, aborting`;
throw new Error(message);
throw new Error(message);
if (hookStatus.latestProcessedBlockNumber > (blockNumber - 1)) {
log(`Hooks for blockNumber ${blockNumber} already processed`);
await this._indexer.processCanonicalBlock(job);
@ -123,7 +131,7 @@ export const main = async (): Promise<any> => {
const graphDb = new GraphDatabase(config.database, path.resolve(__dirname, 'entity/*'));
await graphDb.init();
const graphWatcher = new GraphWatcher(graphDb, postgraphileClient, ethProvider, config.server.subgraphPath);
const graphWatcher = new GraphWatcher(graphDb, postgraphileClient, ethProvider, config.server);
const jobQueueConfig = config.jobQueue;
assert(jobQueueConfig, 'Missing job queue config');
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import assert from 'assert';
import BigInt from 'apollo-type-bigint';
import debug from 'debug';
import { ValueResult } from '@vulcanize/util';
import { ValueResult, BlockHeight, StateKind } from '@vulcanize/util';
import { Indexer } from './indexer';
import { EventWatcher } from './events';
@ -38,10 +38,11 @@ export const createResolvers = async (indexer: Indexer, eventWatcher: EventWatch
Mutation: {
watchContract: (_: any, { address, kind, checkpoint, startingBlock }: { address: string, kind: string, checkpoint: boolean, startingBlock: number }): Promise<boolean> => {
watchContract: async (_: any, { address, kind, checkpoint, startingBlock = 1 }: { address: string, kind: string, checkpoint: boolean, startingBlock: number }): Promise<boolean> => {
log('watchContract', address, kind, checkpoint, startingBlock);
await indexer.watchContract(address, kind, checkpoint, startingBlock);
return indexer.watchContract(address, kind, checkpoint, startingBlock);
return true;
@ -59,10 +60,10 @@ export const createResolvers = async (indexer: Indexer, eventWatcher: EventWatch
{{~#each subgraphQueries}}
{{this.queryName}}: async (_: any, { id, blockHash }: { id: string, blockHash: string }): Promise<{{this.entityName}} | undefined> => {
log('{{this.queryName}}', id, blockHash);
{{this.queryName}}: async (_: any, { id, block = {} }: { id: string, block: BlockHeight }): Promise<{{this.entityName}} | undefined> => {
log('{{this.queryName}}', id, block);
return indexer.getSubgraphEntity({{this.entityName}}, id, blockHash);
return indexer.getSubgraphEntity({{this.entityName}}, id, block);
@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ export const createResolvers = async (indexer: Indexer, eventWatcher: EventWatch
return ipldBlock && ipldBlock.block.isComplete ? indexer.getResultIPLDBlock(ipldBlock) : undefined;
getState: async (_: any, { blockHash, contractAddress, kind = 'diff' }: { blockHash: string, contractAddress: string, kind: string }) => {
getState: async (_: any, { blockHash, contractAddress, kind = StateKind.Diff }: { blockHash: string, contractAddress: string, kind: string }) => {
log('getState', blockHash, contractAddress, kind);
const ipldBlock = await indexer.getPrevIPLDBlock(blockHash, contractAddress, kind);
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ export const main = async (): Promise<any> => {
const graphDb = new GraphDatabase(config.database, path.resolve(__dirname, 'entity/*'));
await graphDb.init();
const graphWatcher = new GraphWatcher(graphDb, postgraphileClient, ethProvider, config.server.subgraphPath);
const graphWatcher = new GraphWatcher(graphDb, postgraphileClient, ethProvider, config.server);
// Note: In-memory pubsub works fine for now, as each watcher is a single process anyway.
// Later: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/data/subscriptions/#production-pubsub-libraries
@ -45,8 +45,16 @@ export class Visitor {
return { name: item.name, type: item.typeName.name };
const typeName = node.returnParameters[0].typeName;
// TODO Handle user defined type return.
if (typeName.type === 'UserDefinedTypeName') {
// Skip in case of UserDefinedTypeName.
// TODO Handle multiple return parameters and array return type.
const returnType = node.returnParameters[0].typeName.name;
const returnType = typeName.name;
this._schema.addQuery(name, params, returnType);
this._resolvers.addQuery(name, params, returnType);
@ -72,6 +80,13 @@ export class Visitor {
const params: Param[] = [];
let typeName = variable.typeName;
// TODO Handle user defined type.
if (typeName.type === 'UserDefinedTypeName') {
// Skip in case of UserDefinedTypeName.
let numParams = 0;
// If the variable type is mapping, extract key as a param:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user