2021-09-27 09:54:17 +00:00
// Copyright 2021 Vulcanize, Inc.
2022-07-22 07:47:56 +00:00
{{#if (subgraphPath)}}
2021-11-12 12:39:03 +00:00
import path from 'path';
2022-07-22 07:47:56 +00:00
2021-09-27 09:54:17 +00:00
import assert from 'assert';
import 'reflect-metadata';
import yargs from 'yargs';
import { hideBin } from 'yargs/helpers';
import debug from 'debug';
2021-11-12 12:39:03 +00:00
2021-09-27 09:54:17 +00:00
import {
2021-11-01 06:01:54 +00:00
2021-09-27 09:54:17 +00:00
JobRunner as BaseJobRunner,
2021-10-12 10:32:56 +00:00
2021-10-29 11:33:22 +00:00
2021-12-24 14:16:56 +00:00
2021-09-27 09:54:17 +00:00
2021-10-25 14:21:16 +00:00
2021-11-01 06:01:54 +00:00
2021-09-27 09:54:17 +00:00
} from '@vulcanize/util';
2022-07-22 07:47:56 +00:00
{{#if (subgraphPath)}}
2021-11-12 12:39:03 +00:00
import { GraphWatcher, Database as GraphDatabase } from '@vulcanize/graph-node';
2022-07-22 07:47:56 +00:00
2021-09-27 09:54:17 +00:00
import { Indexer } from './indexer';
import { Database } from './database';
const log = debug('vulcanize:job-runner');
export class JobRunner {
_indexer: Indexer
_jobQueue: JobQueue
_baseJobRunner: BaseJobRunner
_jobQueueConfig: JobQueueConfig
constructor (jobQueueConfig: JobQueueConfig, indexer: Indexer, jobQueue: JobQueue) {
2021-10-26 12:06:21 +00:00
this._jobQueueConfig = jobQueueConfig;
2021-09-27 09:54:17 +00:00
this._indexer = indexer;
this._jobQueue = jobQueue;
this._baseJobRunner = new BaseJobRunner(this._jobQueueConfig, this._indexer, this._jobQueue);
async start (): Promise<void> {
await this.subscribeBlockProcessingQueue();
await this.subscribeEventProcessingQueue();
2021-10-12 10:32:56 +00:00
await this.subscribeBlockCheckpointQueue();
await this.subscribeHooksQueue();
2021-10-29 11:33:22 +00:00
await this.subscribeIPFSQueue();
2021-09-27 09:54:17 +00:00
async subscribeBlockProcessingQueue (): Promise<void> {
await this._jobQueue.subscribe(QUEUE_BLOCK_PROCESSING, async (job) => {
await this._baseJobRunner.processBlock(job);
2021-12-24 14:16:56 +00:00
const { data: { kind } } = job;
// If it's a pruning job: Create a hooks job.
if (kind === JOB_KIND_PRUNE) {
await this.createHooksJob();
await this._jobQueue.markComplete(job);
2021-09-27 09:54:17 +00:00
async subscribeEventProcessingQueue (): Promise<void> {
await this._jobQueue.subscribe(QUEUE_EVENT_PROCESSING, async (job) => {
2021-12-22 06:25:39 +00:00
await this._baseJobRunner.processEvent(job);
2021-09-27 09:54:17 +00:00
2021-10-12 10:32:56 +00:00
2021-10-14 10:38:45 +00:00
async subscribeHooksQueue (): Promise<void> {
await this._jobQueue.subscribe(QUEUE_HOOKS, async (job) => {
2021-12-24 14:16:56 +00:00
const { data: { blockHash, blockNumber } } = job;
// Get the current IPLD Status.
const ipldStatus = await this._indexer.getIPLDStatus();
2021-10-14 10:38:45 +00:00
2021-12-24 14:16:56 +00:00
if (ipldStatus) {
if (ipldStatus.latestHooksBlockNumber < (blockNumber - 1)) {
// Create hooks job for parent block.
const [parentBlock] = await this._indexer.getBlocksAtHeight(blockNumber - 1, false);
await this.createHooksJob(parentBlock.blockHash, parentBlock.blockNumber);
2021-10-14 10:38:45 +00:00
2021-12-22 09:42:14 +00:00
const message = `Hooks for blockNumber ${blockNumber - 1} not processed yet, aborting`;
2021-10-14 10:38:45 +00:00
2021-12-22 09:42:14 +00:00
throw new Error(message);
2021-12-24 14:16:56 +00:00
if (ipldStatus.latestHooksBlockNumber > (blockNumber - 1)) {
2021-12-22 09:42:14 +00:00
log(`Hooks for blockNumber ${blockNumber} already processed`);
2021-10-14 10:38:45 +00:00
2021-12-24 14:16:56 +00:00
// Process the hooks for the given block number.
await this._indexer.processCanonicalBlock(blockHash);
// Update the IPLD status.
await this._indexer.updateIPLDStatusHooksBlock(blockNumber);
// Create a checkpoint job after completion of a hook job.
await this.createCheckpointJob(blockHash, blockNumber);
2021-10-12 10:32:56 +00:00
await this._jobQueue.markComplete(job);
2021-10-14 10:38:45 +00:00
async subscribeBlockCheckpointQueue (): Promise<void> {
await this._jobQueue.subscribe(QUEUE_BLOCK_CHECKPOINT, async (job) => {
2021-12-24 14:16:56 +00:00
const { data: { blockHash, blockNumber } } = job;
// Get the current IPLD Status.
const ipldStatus = await this._indexer.getIPLDStatus();
if (ipldStatus.latestCheckpointBlockNumber >= 0) {
if (ipldStatus.latestCheckpointBlockNumber < (blockNumber - 1)) {
// Create a checkpoint job for parent block.
const [parentBlock] = await this._indexer.getBlocksAtHeight(blockNumber - 1, false);
await this.createCheckpointJob(parentBlock.blockHash, parentBlock.blockNumber);
const message = `Checkpoints for blockNumber ${blockNumber - 1} not processed yet, aborting`;
throw new Error(message);
if (ipldStatus.latestCheckpointBlockNumber > (blockNumber - 1)) {
log(`Checkpoints for blockNumber ${blockNumber} already processed`);
// Process checkpoints for the given block.
await this._indexer.processCheckpoint(blockHash);
// Update the IPLD status.
await this._indexer.updateIPLDStatusCheckpointBlock(blockNumber);
// Create an IPFS job after completion of a checkpoint job.
if (this._indexer.isIPFSConfigured()) {
await this.createIPFSPutJob(blockHash, blockNumber);
2021-10-12 10:32:56 +00:00
await this._jobQueue.markComplete(job);
2021-10-29 11:33:22 +00:00
async subscribeIPFSQueue (): Promise<void> {
await this._jobQueue.subscribe(QUEUE_IPFS, async (job) => {
2021-12-24 14:16:56 +00:00
const { data: { blockHash, blockNumber } } = job;
const ipldStatus = await this._indexer.getIPLDStatus();
2021-10-29 11:33:22 +00:00
2021-12-24 14:16:56 +00:00
if (ipldStatus.latestIPFSBlockNumber >= 0) {
if (ipldStatus.latestIPFSBlockNumber < (blockNumber - 1)) {
// Create a IPFS job for parent block.
const [parentBlock] = await this._indexer.getBlocksAtHeight(blockNumber - 1, false);
await this.createIPFSPutJob(parentBlock.blockHash, parentBlock.blockNumber);
const message = `IPFS for blockNumber ${blockNumber - 1} not processed yet, aborting`;
throw new Error(message);
if (ipldStatus.latestIPFSBlockNumber > (blockNumber - 1)) {
log(`IPFS for blockNumber ${blockNumber} already processed`);
// Get IPLDBlocks for the given blocHash.
const ipldBlocks = await this._indexer.getIPLDBlocksByHash(blockHash);
// Push all the IPLDBlocks to IPFS.
for (const ipldBlock of ipldBlocks) {
const data = this._indexer.getIPLDData(ipldBlock);
await this._indexer.pushToIPFS(data);
// Update the IPLD status.
await this._indexer.updateIPLDStatusIPFSBlock(blockNumber);
2021-10-29 11:33:22 +00:00
await this._jobQueue.markComplete(job);
2021-12-24 14:16:56 +00:00
async createHooksJob (blockHash?: string, blockNumber?: number): Promise<void> {
if (!blockNumber || !blockHash) {
// Get the latest canonical block
const latestCanonicalBlock = await this._indexer.getLatestCanonicalBlock();
// Create a hooks job for parent block of latestCanonicalBlock because pruning for first block is skipped as it is assumed to be a canonical block.
blockHash = latestCanonicalBlock.parentHash;
blockNumber = latestCanonicalBlock.blockNumber - 1;
await this._jobQueue.pushJob(
async createCheckpointJob (blockHash: string, blockNumber: number): Promise<void> {
await this._jobQueue.pushJob(
async createIPFSPutJob (blockHash: string, blockNumber: number): Promise<void> {
await this._jobQueue.pushJob(
2021-09-27 09:54:17 +00:00
export const main = async (): Promise<any> => {
const argv = await yargs(hideBin(process.argv))
.option('f', {
alias: 'config-file',
demandOption: true,
describe: 'configuration file path (toml)',
type: 'string',
2021-11-01 06:01:54 +00:00
const config: Config = await getConfig(argv.f);
2022-06-08 06:43:52 +00:00
const { ethClient, ethProvider } = await initClients(config);
2021-09-27 09:54:17 +00:00
2021-11-01 06:01:54 +00:00
const db = new Database(config.database);
2021-09-27 09:54:17 +00:00
await db.init();
2022-07-22 07:47:56 +00:00
{{#if (subgraphPath)}}
2021-11-12 12:39:03 +00:00
const graphDb = new GraphDatabase(config.database, path.resolve(__dirname, 'entity/*'));
await graphDb.init();
2022-07-22 07:47:56 +00:00
2022-06-08 06:43:52 +00:00
const graphWatcher = new GraphWatcher(graphDb, ethClient, ethProvider, config.server);
2022-07-22 07:47:56 +00:00
2021-11-12 12:39:03 +00:00
2021-11-01 06:01:54 +00:00
const jobQueueConfig = config.jobQueue;
2021-09-27 09:54:17 +00:00
assert(jobQueueConfig, 'Missing job queue config');
const { dbConnectionString, maxCompletionLagInSecs } = jobQueueConfig;
assert(dbConnectionString, 'Missing job queue db connection string');
const jobQueue = new JobQueue({ dbConnectionString, maxCompletionLag: maxCompletionLagInSecs });
await jobQueue.start();
2022-07-22 07:47:56 +00:00
const indexer = new Indexer(config.server, db, ethClient, ethProvider, jobQueue{{#if (subgraphPath)}}, graphWatcher{{/if}});
2021-12-22 06:25:39 +00:00
await indexer.init();
2022-07-22 07:47:56 +00:00
{{#if (subgraphPath)}}
2021-12-22 06:25:39 +00:00
await graphWatcher.init();
// Watching all the contracts in the subgraph.
await graphWatcher.addContracts();
2022-05-26 12:30:17 +00:00
2021-12-22 06:25:39 +00:00
2021-11-01 10:05:02 +00:00
const jobRunner = new JobRunner(jobQueueConfig, indexer, jobQueue);
2021-09-27 09:54:17 +00:00
await jobRunner.start();
main().then(() => {
log('Starting job runner...');
}).catch(err => {
process.on('uncaughtException', err => {
log('uncaughtException', err);