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145 lines
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# service-provider-setup
## Setup Ansible
To get started, follow the [installation](../README.md#installation) guide to setup ansible on your machine
## Setup a new User
- Create a new `hosts.ini` file:
cp ../hosts.example.ini hosts.ini
- Edit the [`hosts.ini`](./hosts.ini) file to run the playbook on a remote machine:
<host_name> ansible_host=<target_ip> ansible_user=<ssh_user> ansible_ssh_common_args='-o ForwardAgent=yes'
- Replace `<host_name>` with the desired `hostname` of the remote machine
- Replace `<target_ip>` with the IP address or hostname of the target machine
- Replace `<ssh_user>` with `root`
- Verify that you are able to connect to the host using the following command:
ansible all -m ping -i hosts.ini
# Expected output:
# <host_name> | SUCCESS => {
# "ansible_facts": {
# "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3.10"
# },
# "changed": false,
# "ping": "pong"
# }
- Setup `user-vars.yml` using the example file
cd vars
cp user-vars.example.yml user-vars.yml
- Edit the following vars:
# name of the user you want to setup on the target host
username: ""
# password of the user you want to setup on the target host
password: ""
# path to the ssh key on your machine
path_to_ssh_key: "
- Execute the `setup-user.yml` Ansible playbook to create a user with passwordless sudo permissions:
ansible-playbook setup-user.yml -i hosts.ini --extra-vars='{ "target_host": "deployment_host" }'
## Become a Service Provider
### Prerequisites
- Buy a domain and configure nameservers to DigitalOcean
- Generate a DigitalOcean access token
- Create a PGP key on your target host
gpg --full-generate-key
- List the secret keys
gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format=long
- This will output something like this
sec rsa4096/0AFB10B643944C22 2024-05-03 [SC] [expires: 2025-05-03]
uid [ultimate] user <hello@laconic.com>
Note the `0AFB10B643944C22` sequence of characters after `sec`. This will be required later.
- Copy the vars files:
cd vars
cp dns-vars.example.yml dns-vars.yml
cp k8s-vars.example.yml k8s-vars.yml
cp container-vars.example.yml container-vars.yml
cp webapp-vars.example.yml webapp-vars.yml
- Update the following values in the respective variable files:
# vars/dns-vars.yml
full_domain: "" # eg: laconic.com
subdomain_prefix: "" # eg: lcn-cad
cluster_control_ip: "" # eg:
do_api_token: "" # eg: dop_v1...
# vars/k8s-vars.yml
target_host: "deployment_host"
gpg_key_id: "" # The sequence obtained in the previous step, eg: 0AFB10B643944C22
vault_passphrase: "" # passphrase for GPG key
org_id: "" # eg: lcn
location_id: "" # eg: cad
base_domain: "" # eg: laconic
support_email: "" # eg: support@laconic.com
# vars/container-vars.yml
container_registry_username: "" # username to login to the container registry
container_registry_password: "" # password to login to the container registry
# vars/webapp-vars.yml
authority_name: "" # eg: my-org-name
cpu_reservation: "" # Minimum number of cpu cores to be used, eg: 2
memory_reservation: "" # Minimum amount of memory in GB to be used, eg: 4G
- Update `ansible_user` in the [`hosts.ini`](./hosts.ini) file to the user on target host
- Run the `service-provider-setup.yml` ansible-playbook to DNS records, deploy k8s, setup container registry, deploy the webapp-deployer API and webapp-deployer UI
ansible-playbook service-provider-setup.yml -i hosts.ini --extra-vars='{ target_host: "deployment_host" }' --user $USER