Implement figma styles #24

gilbert wants to merge 1 commits from snowball/testnet-onboarding-app:styling into main

Looks like the figma now, but currently on an older commit. Should be simple to add the newer commits on top. Might be better to merge into a separate branch first.

Minor apologies for some of the formatting changes, prettier saves too much time not to use. I added the same config I used, but it's not hooked into anything, and I only used it for the files that I touched.

Looks like the figma now, but currently on an older commit. Should be simple to add the newer commits on top. Might be better to merge into a separate branch first. Minor apologies for some of the formatting changes, prettier saves too much time not to use. I added the same config I used, but it's not hooked into anything, and I only used it for the files that I touched.
gilbert added 1 commit 2024-08-09 04:09:15 +00:00
zramsay closed this pull request 2024-08-11 20:56:11 +00:00

Pull request closed

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Reference: cerc-io/testnet-onboarding-app#24
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