2024-09-13 10:51:55 +05:30

31 KiB

Create deployments from scratch (for reference only)


  • Log in as dev user on the deployments VM

  • All the deployments are placed in the /srv directory:

    cd /srv


  • Local:

    • Clone the cerc-io/testnet-ops repository:

      git clone git@git.vdb.to:cerc-io/testnet-ops.git
    • Ansible: see installation

  • On deployments VM(s):

L2 Optimism

L2 Optimism


  • Switch to testnet-ops/l2-setup directory on your local machine:

    cd testnet-ops/l2-setup
  • Copy the l2-vars.example.yml vars file:

    cp l2-vars.example.yml l2-vars.yml
  • Edit l2-vars.yml with required values:

    # L1 chain ID (Sepolia: 11155111)
    l1_chain_id: "11155111"
    # L1 RPC endpoint
    l1_rpc: "http://host.docker.internal:8545"
    # L1 RPC endpoint host or IP address
    l1_host: "host.docker.internal"
    # L1 RPC endpoint port number
    l1_port: "8545"
    # L1 Beacon endpoint
    l1_beacon: "http://host.docker.internal:8001"
    # Account credentials for the Admin account
    # Used for Optimism contracts deployment and funding other generated accounts
    l1_address: ""
    l1_priv_key: ""
  • Update the target dir in setup-vars.yml:

    sed -i 's|^l2_directory:.*|l2_directory: /srv/op-sepolia|' setup-vars.yml
    # Will create deployment at /srv/op-sepolia/optimism-deployment


  • Set up and run L2 on remote host by executing run-optimism.yml Ansible playbook on your local machine:

    • Create a new hosts.ini file:

      cp ../hosts.example.ini hosts.ini
    • Edit the hosts.ini file to run the playbook on a remote machine:

      <host_name> ansible_host=<target_ip> ansible_user=<ssh_user> ansible_ssh_common_args='-o ForwardAgent=yes'
      • Replace <deployment_host> with l2_host
      • Replace <host_name> with the alias of your choice
      • Replace <target_ip> with the IP address or hostname of the target machine
      • Replace <ssh_user> with the SSH username (e.g., dev, ubuntu)
    • Verify that you are able to connect to the host using the following command:

      ansible all -m ping -i hosts.ini -k
      # Expected output:
      # <host_name> | SUCCESS => {
      #  "ansible_facts": {
      #      "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3.10"
      #  },
      #  "changed": false,
      #  "ping": "pong"
      # }
    • Execute the run-optimism.yml Ansible playbook for remote deployment:

      LANG=en_US.utf8 ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini run-optimism.yml --extra-vars='{ "target_host": "l2_host"}'  --user $USER -kK
  • Bridge funds on L2:

    • On the deployment VM, set the following variables:

      cd /srv/op-sepolia
      NETWORK=$(grep 'cluster-id' optimism-deployment/deployment.yml | sed 's/cluster-id: //')_default
    • Read the bridge contract address from the L1 deployment records in the op-node container:

      BRIDGE=$(laconic-so deployment --dir optimism-deployment exec op-node "cat /l1-deployment/$DEPLOYMENT_CONTEXT-deploy.json" | jq -r .L1StandardBridgeProxy)
      # Get the funded account's pk
      ACCOUNT_PK=$(laconic-so deployment --dir optimism-deployment exec op-node "jq -r '.AdminKey' /l2-accounts/accounts.json")
    • Check that the starting balance for account on L2 is 0:

      docker run --rm --network $NETWORK cerc/optimism-contracts:local "cast balance $ACCOUNT --rpc-url $L2_RPC"
      # 0
    • Use cast to send ETH to the bridge contract:

      docker run --rm cerc/optimism-contracts:local "cast send --from $ACCOUNT --value 1ether $BRIDGE --rpc-url $L1_RPC --private-key $ACCOUNT_PK"
      • Allow a couple minutes for the bridge to complete
    • Check balance on L2:

      docker run --rm --network $NETWORK cerc/optimism-contracts:local "cast balance $ACCOUNT --rpc-url $L2_RPC"
      # 100000000000000000
L1 Nitro Contracts Deployment

L1 Nitro Contracts Deployment


  • Switch to testnet-ops/nitro-contracts-setup directory on your local machine:

    cd testnet-ops/nitro-contracts-setup
  • Copy the contract-vars-example.yml vars file:

    cp contract-vars.example.yml contract-vars.yml
  • Edit contract-vars.yml and fill in the following values:

    # L1 RPC endpoint
    geth_url: "https://sepolia.laconic.com"
    # L1 chain ID (Sepolia: 11155111)
    geth_chain_id: "11155111"
    # Private key for a funded L1 account, to be used for contract deployment on L1
    # Must also be funded on L2 for deploying contracts
    # Required since this private key will be utilized by both L1 and L2 nodes of the bridge
    geth_deployer_pk: ""
    # Custom L1 token to be deployed
    token_name: ""
    token_symbol: ""
    intial_token_supply: ""
  • Update the target dir in setup-vars.yml:

    sed -i 's|^nitro_directory:.*|nitro_directory: /srv/bridge|' setup-vars.yml
    # Will create deployment at /srv/bridge/nitro-contracts-deployment


  • Deploy nitro contracts on remote host by executing deploy-contracts.yml Ansible playbook on your local machine:

    • Create a new hosts.ini file:

      cp ../hosts.example.ini hosts.ini
    • Edit the hosts.ini file to run the playbook on a remote machine:

      <host_name> ansible_host=<target_ip> ansible_user=<ssh_user> ansible_ssh_common_args='-o ForwardAgent=yes'
      • Replace <deployment_host> with nitro_host
      • Replace <host_name> with the alias of your choice
      • Replace <target_ip> with the IP address or hostname of the target machine
      • Replace <ssh_user> with the SSH username (e.g., dev, ubuntu)
    • Verify that you are able to connect to the host using the following command:

      ansible all -m ping -i hosts.ini -k
      # Expected output:
      # <host_name> | SUCCESS => {
      #  "ansible_facts": {
      #      "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3.10"
      #  },
      #  "changed": false,
      #  "ping": "pong"
      # }
    • Execute the deploy-contracts.yml Ansible playbook for remote deployment:

      LANG=en_US.utf8 ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini deploy-contracts.yml --extra-vars='{ "target_host": "nitro_host"}'  --user $USER -kK
  • Check logs for deployment on the virtual machine:

    cd /srv/bridge
    # Check the l1 nitro contract deployments
    laconic-so deployment --dir nitro-contracts-deployment logs nitro-contracts  -f
Nitro Bridge

Nitro Bridge


  • Execute the command on the deployment VM to get the deployed L1 Nitro contract addresses along with the L1 asset address:

    cd /srv/bridge
    laconic-so deployment --dir nitro-contracts-deployment exec nitro-contracts "cat /app/deployment/nitro-addresses.json"
    # Expected output:
    # {
    #   "11155111": [
    #     {
    #       "name": "geth",
    #       "chainId": "11155111",
    #       "contracts": {
    #         "ConsensusApp": {
    #           "address": "0xC98aD0B41B9224dad0605be32A9241dB9c67E2e8"
    #         },
    #         "NitroAdjudicator": {
    #           "address": "0x7C22fdA703Cdf09eB8D3B5Adc81F723526713D0e"
    #         },
    #         "VirtualPaymentApp": {
    #           "address": "0x778e4e6297E8BF04C67a20Ec989618d72eB4a19E"
    #         },
    #         "Token": {
    #           "address": "0x02ebfB2706527C7310F2a7d9098b2BC61014C5F2"
    #         }
    #       }
    #     }
    #   ]
    # }
  • Switch to testnet-ops/nitro-bridge-setup directory on your local machine:

    cd testnet-ops/nitro-bridge-setup
  • Create the required vars file:

    cp bridge-vars.example.yml bridge-vars.yml
  • Edit bridge-vars.yml with required values:

    # L1 WS endpoint
    nitro_l1_chain_url: "wss://sepolia.laconic.com"
    # L2 WS endpoint
    nitro_l2_chain_url: "wss://optimism.laconic.com"
    # Private key for bridge Nitro address
    nitro_sc_pk: ""
    # Private key should correspond to a funded account on both L1 and L2, and this account must own the Nitro contracts on L1
    # It also needs to hold L1 tokens to fund Nitro channels and will be used for deploying contracts on L2
    nitro_chain_pk: ""
    # L2 chain ID (Optimism: 42069)
    optimism_chain_id: "42069"
    # L2 RPC endpoint
    optimism_url: "https://optimism.laconic.com"
    # Custom L2 token to be deployed
    token_name: ""
    token_symbol: ""
    intial_token_supply: ""
    # Deployed L1 Nitro contract addresses
    na_address: ""
    vpa_address: ""
    ca_address: ""
    # Deployed L1 token address
    l1_asset_address: ""
  • Update the target dir in setup-vars.yml:

    sed -i 's|^nitro_directory:.*|nitro_directory: /srv/bridge|' setup-vars.yml
    # Will create deployment at /srv/bridge/nitro-contracts-deployment and /srv/bridge/bridge-deployment


  • Deploy L2 contracts and start the bridge on remote host by executing run-nitro-bridge.yml Ansible playbook on your local machine:

    • Create a new hosts.ini file:

      cp ../hosts.example.ini hosts.ini
    • Edit the hosts.ini file to run the playbook on a remote machine:

      <host_name> ansible_host=<target_ip> ansible_user=<ssh_user> ansible_ssh_common_args='-o ForwardAgent=yes'
      • Replace <deployment_host> with nitro_host
      • Replace <host_name> with the alias of your choice
      • Replace <target_ip> with the IP address or hostname of the target machine
      • Replace <ssh_user> with the SSH username (e.g., dev, ubuntu)
    • Verify that you are able to connect to the host using the following command:

      ansible all -m ping -i hosts.ini -k
      # Expected output:
      # <host_name> | SUCCESS => {
      #  "ansible_facts": {
      #      "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3.10"
      #  },
      #  "changed": false,
      #  "ping": "pong"
      # }
    • Execute the run-nitro-bridge.yml Ansible playbook for remote deployment:

      LANG=en_US.utf8 ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini run-nitro-bridge.yml --extra-vars='{ "target_host": "nitro_host"}'  --user $USER -kK
  • Check logs for deployments on the virtual machine:

    cd /srv/bridge
    # Check the l2 nitro contract deployments
    laconic-so deployment --dir bridge-deployment logs l2-nitro-contracts -f
    # Check bridge logs, ensure that the node is running
    laconic-so deployment --dir bridge-deployment logs nitro-bridge -f
  • Create Nitro node config for users:

    cd /srv/bridge
    # Create required variables
    export NA_ADDRESS=$(laconic-so deployment --dir nitro-contracts-deployment exec nitro-contracts "jq -r '.\"$GETH_CHAIN_ID\"[0].contracts.NitroAdjudicator.address' /app/deployment/nitro-addresses.json")
    export CA_ADDRESS=$(laconic-so deployment --dir nitro-contracts-deployment exec nitro-contracts "jq -r '.\"$GETH_CHAIN_ID\"[0].contracts.ConsensusApp.address' /app/deployment/nitro-addresses.json")
    export VPA_ADDRESS=$(laconic-so deployment --dir nitro-contracts-deployment exec nitro-contracts "jq -r '.\"$GETH_CHAIN_ID\"[0].contracts.VirtualPaymentApp.address' /app/deployment/nitro-addresses.json")
    export L1_ASSET_ADDRESS=$(laconic-so deployment --dir nitro-contracts-deployment exec nitro-contracts "jq -r '.\"$GETH_CHAIN_ID\"[0].contracts.Token.address' /app/deployment/nitro-addresses.json")
    export BRIDGE_CONTRACT_ADDRESS=$(laconic-so deployment --dir bridge-deployment exec nitro-bridge "jq -r '.\"$OPTIMISM_CHAIN_ID\"[0].contracts.Bridge.address' /app/deployment/nitro-addresses.json")
    export BRIDGE_NITRO_ADDRESS=$(laconic-so deployment --dir bridge-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-node-info -p 4006 -h nitro-bridge" | jq -r '.SCAddress')
    export BRIDGE_PEER_ID=$(laconic-so deployment --dir bridge-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-node-info -p 4006 -h nitro-bridge" | jq -r '.MessageServicePeerId')
    export L1_BRIDGE_MULTIADDR="/dns4/bridge.laconic.com/tcp/3005/p2p/$BRIDGE_PEER_ID"
    export L2_BRIDGE_MULTIADDR="/dns4/bridge.laconic.com/tcp/3006/p2p/$BRIDGE_PEER_ID"
    # Create the required config file
    cat <<EOF > nitro-node-config.yml
    nitro_l1_chain_url: "wss://sepolia.laconic.com"
    nitro_l2_chain_url: "wss://optimism.laconic.com"
    na_address: "$NA_ADDRESS"
    ca_address: "$CA_ADDRESS"
    vpa_address: "$VPA_ADDRESS"
    l1_asset_address: "${L1_ASSET_ADDRESS}"
    bridge_contract_address: "$BRIDGE_CONTRACT_ADDRESS"
    bridge_nitro_address: "$BRIDGE_NITRO_ADDRESS"
    nitro_l1_bridge_multiaddr: "$L1_BRIDGE_MULTIADDR"
    nitro_l2_bridge_multiaddr: "$L2_BRIDGE_MULTIADDR"
    • The required config file should be generated at /srv/bridge/nitro-node-config.yml

    • Check in the generated file at location ops/stage2/nitro-node-config.yml within this repository

stage0 laconicd

stage0 laconicd


  • Clone the stack repo:

    laconic-so fetch-stack git.vdb.to/cerc-io/fixturenet-laconicd-stack --pull
    # This should clone the fixturenet-laconicd-stack repo at `/home/dev/cerc/fixturenet-laconicd-stack`
  • Clone required repositories:

    laconic-so --stack ~/cerc/fixturenet-laconicd-stack/stack-orchestrator/stacks/fixturenet-laconicd setup-repositories --pull
    # This should clone the laconicd repo at `/home/dev/cerc/laconicd`
  • Build the container images:

    laconic-so --stack ~/cerc/fixturenet-laconicd-stack/stack-orchestrator/stacks/fixturenet-laconicd build-containers --force-rebuild
    # This should create the "cerc/laconicd" Docker image


  • Create a spec file for the deployment:

    cd /srv/laconicd
    laconic-so --stack ~/cerc/fixturenet-laconicd-stack/stack-orchestrator/stacks/fixturenet-laconicd deploy init --output stage0-spec.yml
  • Edit network in the spec file to map container ports to host ports:

    # stage0-spec.yml
          - '6060'
          - ''
          - '26656'
          - ''
          - ''
          - ''
  • Create a deployment from the spec file:

    laconic-so --stack ~/cerc/fixturenet-laconicd-stack/stack-orchestrator/stacks/fixturenet-laconicd deploy create --spec-file stage0-spec.yml --deployment-dir stage0-deployment
  • Update the configuration:

    cat <<EOF > stage0-deployment/config.env
    # Set to true to enable adding participants functionality of the onboarding module
    # A custom human readable name for this node


  • Start the deployment:

    laconic-so deployment --dir stage0-deployment start
  • Check status:

    # List down the containers and check health status
    docker ps -a | grep laconicd
    # Follow logs for laconicd container, check that new blocks are getting created
    laconic-so deployment --dir stage0-deployment logs laconicd -f
  • Verify that endpoint is now publicly accessible:

    • https://laconicd.laconic.com is pointed to the node's RPC endpoint

    • Check status query:

      curl https://laconicd.laconic.com/status | jq
      # Expected output:
      # JSON with `node_info`, `sync_info` and `validator_info`



  • Clone the stack repo:

    laconic-so fetch-stack git.vdb.to/cerc-io/testnet-laconicd-stack --pull
    # This should clone the testnet-laconicd-stack repo at `/home/dev/cerc/testnet-laconicd-stack`
  • Clone required repositories:

    laconic-so --stack ~/cerc/testnet-laconicd-stack/stack-orchestrator/stacks/laconic-faucet setup-repositories --pull
    # This should clone the laconicd repo at `/home/dev/cerc/laconic-faucet
  • Build the container images:

    laconic-so --stack ~/cerc/testnet-laconicd-stack/stack-orchestrator/stacks/laconic-faucet build-containers --force-rebuild
    # This should create the "cerc/laconic-faucet" Docker image


  • Create a spec file for the deployment:

    cd /srv/faucet
    laconic-so --stack ~/cerc/testnet-laconicd-stack/stack-orchestrator/stacks/laconic-faucet deploy init --output laconic-faucet-spec.yml
  • Edit network in the spec file to map container ports to host ports:

    # laconic-faucet-spec.yml
          - ''
  • Create a deployment from the spec file:

    laconic-so --stack ~/cerc/testnet-laconicd-stack/stack-orchestrator/stacks/laconic-faucet deploy create --spec-file laconic-faucet-spec.yml --deployment-dir laconic-faucet-deployment
    # Place in the same namespace as stage0
    cp /srv/laconicd/stage0-deployment/deployment.yml laconic-faucet-deployment/deployment.yml
  • Update the configuration:

    # Get the faucet account key from stage0 deployment
    export FAUCET_ACCOUNT_PK=$(laconic-so deployment --dir /srv/laconicd/stage0-deployment exec laconicd "echo y | laconicd keys export alice --keyring-backend test --unarmored-hex --unsafe")
    cat <<EOF > laconic-faucet-deployment/config.env


  • Start the deployment:

    laconic-so deployment --dir laconic-faucet-deployment start
  • Check status:

    # List down the containers and check health status
    docker ps -a | grep faucet
    # Check logs for faucet container
    laconic-so deployment --dir laconic-faucet-deployment logs faucet -f
  • Verify that endpoint is now publicly accessible:

    • https://faucet.laconic.com is pointed to the faucet endpoint

    • Check faucet:

      curl -X POST https://faucet.laconic.com/faucet
      # Expected output:
      # {"error":"address is required"}



  • Clone the stack repo:

    laconic-so fetch-stack git.vdb.to/cerc-io/testnet-onboarding-app-stack --pull
    # This should clone the testnet-onboarding-app-stack repo at `/home/dev/cerc/testnet-onboarding-app-stack`
  • Clone required repositories:

    laconic-so --stack ~/cerc/testnet-onboarding-app-stack/stack-orchestrator/stacks/onboarding-app setup-repositories --pull
    # This should clone the testnet-onboarding-app repo at `/home/dev/cerc/testnet-onboarding-app`
  • Build the container images:

    laconic-so --stack ~/cerc/testnet-onboarding-app-stack/stack-orchestrator/stacks/onboarding-app build-containers --force-rebuild
    # This should create the Docker image "cerc/testnet-onboarding-app" locally


  • Create a spec file for the deployment:

    cd /srv/app
    laconic-so --stack ~/cerc/testnet-onboarding-app-stack/stack-orchestrator/stacks/onboarding-app deploy init --output onboarding-app-spec.yml
  • Edit network in the spec file to map container ports to host ports:

          - ''
  • Create a deployment from the spec file:

    laconic-so --stack ~/cerc/testnet-onboarding-app-stack/stack-orchestrator/stacks/onboarding-app deploy create --spec-file onboarding-app-spec.yml --deployment-dir onboarding-app-deployment
  • Update the configuration:

    cat <<EOF > onboarding-app-deployment/config.env


  • Start the deployment:

    laconic-so deployment --dir onboarding-app-deployment start
  • Check status:

    # List down the container
    docker ps -a | grep testnet-onboarding-app
    # Follow logs for testnet-onboarding-app container, wait for the build to finish
    laconic-so deployment --dir onboarding-app-deployment logs testnet-onboarding-app -f
  • The onboarding app can now be viewed at https://loro-signup.laconic.com




  • Clone the stack repo:

    laconic-so fetch-stack git.vdb.to/cerc-io/laconic-wallet-web --pull
    # This should clone the laconic-wallet-web repo at `/home/dev/cerc/laconic-wallet-web`
  • Build the container images:

    laconic-so --stack ~/cerc/laconic-wallet-web/stack/stack-orchestrator/stack/laconic-wallet-web build-containers --force-rebuild
    # This should create the Docker image "cerc/laconic-wallet-web" locally


  • Create a spec file for the deployment:

    cd /srv/wallet
    laconic-so --stack ~/cerc/laconic-wallet-web/stack/stack-orchestrator/stack/laconic-wallet-web deploy init --output laconic-wallet-web-spec.yml
  • Edit network in the spec file to map container ports to host ports:

          - ''
  • Create a deployment from the spec file:

    laconic-so --stack ~/cerc/laconic-wallet-web/stack/stack-orchestrator/stack/laconic-wallet-web deploy create --spec-file laconic-wallet-web-spec.yml --deployment-dir laconic-wallet-web-deployment
  • Update the configuration:

    cat <<EOF > laconic-wallet-web-deployment/config.env


  • Start the deployment:

    laconic-so deployment --dir laconic-wallet-web-deployment start
  • Check status:

    # List down the container
    docker ps -a | grep laconic-wallet-web
    # Follow logs for laconic-wallet-web container, wait for the build to finish
    laconic-so deployment --dir laconic-wallet-web-deployment logs laconic-wallet-web -f
  • The web wallet can now be viewed at https://wallet.laconic.com

stage1 laconicd

stage1 laconicd


  • Same as that for stage0 laconicd, not required if already done for stage0


  • Create a spec file for the deployment:

    cd /srv/laconicd
    laconic-so --stack ~/cerc/fixturenet-laconicd-stack/stack-orchestrator/stacks/fixturenet-laconicd deploy init --output stage1-spec.yml
  • Edit network in the spec file to map container ports to host ports:

    # stage1-spec.yml
          - '6060'
          - ''
          - '26656:26656'
          - ''
          - ''
          - ''
  • Create a deployment from the spec file:

    laconic-so --stack ~/cerc/fixturenet-laconicd-stack/stack-orchestrator/stacks/fixturenet-laconicd deploy create --spec-file stage1-spec.yml --deployment-dir stage1-deployment
  • Update the configuration:

    cat <<EOF > stage1-deployment/config.env


  • Follow stage0-to-stage1.md to halt stage0 deployment, generate the genesis file for stage1 and start the stage1 deployment



  • Clone the stack repo:

    laconic-so fetch-stack git.vdb.to/cerc-io/testnet-laconicd-stack --pull
    # This should clone the testnet-laconicd-stack repo at `/home/dev/cerc/testnet-laconicd-stack`
  • Clone required repositories:

    laconic-so --stack ~/cerc/testnet-laconicd-stack/stack-orchestrator/stacks/laconic-console setup-repositories --pull
    # This should clone the laconic-registry-cli repo at `/home/dev/cerc/laconic-registry-cli`, laconic-console repo at `/home/dev/cerc/laconic-console`
  • Build the container images:

    laconic-so --stack ~/cerc/testnet-laconicd-stack/stack-orchestrator/stacks/laconic-console build-containers --force-rebuild
    # This should create the Docker images: "cerc/laconic-registry-cli", "cerc/webapp-base", "cerc/laconic-console-host"


  • Create a spec file for the deployment:

    cd /srv/console
    laconic-so --stack ~/cerc/testnet-laconicd-stack/stack-orchestrator/stacks/laconic-console deploy init --output laconic-console-spec.yml
  • Edit network in the spec file to map container ports to host ports:

          - ''
  • Create a deployment from the spec file:

    laconic-so --stack ~/cerc/testnet-laconicd-stack/stack-orchestrator/stacks/laconic-console deploy create --spec-file laconic-console-spec.yml --deployment-dir laconic-console-deployment
  • Update the configuration:

    cat <<EOF > laconic-console-deployment/config.env
    # Laconicd (hosted) GQL endpoint


  • Start the deployment:

    laconic-so deployment --dir laconic-console-deployment start
  • Check status:

    # List down the container
    docker ps -a | grep console
    # Follow logs for console container
    laconic-so deployment --dir laconic-console-deployment logs console -f
  • The laconic console can now be viewed at https://loro-console.laconic.com

Domains / Port Mappings

# Machine 1
https://laconicd.laconic.com        -> 26657
https://laconicd.laconic.com/api    -> 9473/api
https://faucet.laconic.com          -> 4000
https://loro-signup.laconic.com     -> 3000
https://wallet.laconic.com          -> 5000
https://loro-console.laconic.com    -> 4001

# Machine 2
https://sepolia.laconic.com   -> 8545
wss://sepolia.laconic.com     -> 8546
https://optimism.laconic.com  -> 9545
wss://optimism.laconic.com    -> 9546

Open ports:
3005 (L1 side)
3006 (L2 side)