3.8 KiB
Halt stage1 and start stage2
Log in as
user on the deployments VM -
All the deployments are placed in the
directory:cd /srv
Halt stage1
Confirm the the currently running node is for stage1 chain:
# On stage1 deployment machine cd /srv/laconicd laconic-so deployment --dir stage1-deployment logs laconicd -f --tail 30
Stop the stage1 deployment:
laconic-so deployment --dir stage1-deployment stop # Stopping this deployment marks the end of testnet stage1
Export stage1 state
Export the chain state:
STAGE1_DEPLOYMENT=/srv/laconicd/stage1-deployment docker run -it \ -v $STAGE1_DEPLOYMENT/data/laconicd-data:/root/.laconicd \ cerc/laconicd:local bash -c "laconicd export | jq > /root/.laconicd/stage1-state.json"
Archive the state and node config and keys:
sudo tar -czf /srv/laconicd/stage1-laconicd-export.tar.gz --exclude="./data" --exclude="./tmp" -C $STAGE1_DEPLOYMENT/data/laconicd-data . sudo chown dev:dev /srv/laconicd/stage1-laconicd-export.tar.gz
Get the exports locally:
scp dev@<deployments-server-hostname>:/srv/laconicd/stage1-laconicd-export.tar.gz </path/to/local/directory> # These files are to be used in the next initialization step, scp them over to the stage2 deploment machine
Initialize stage2
Copy over the stage1 state and node export archive to stage2 deployment machine
Extract the stage1 state and node config to stage2 deployment dir:
# On stage2 deployment machine cd /srv/laconicd # Unarchive tar -xzf stage1-laconicd-export.tar.gz -C stage2-deployment/data/laconicd-data # Verify contents ll stage2-deployment/data/laconicd-data
Initialize stage2 chain:
DEPLOYMENT_DIR=$(pwd) cd ~/cerc/fixturenet-laconicd-stack/stack-orchestrator/stacks/fixturenet-laconicd STAGE2_CHAIN_ID=laconic-testnet-2 ./scripts/initialize-stage2.sh $DEPLOYMENT_DIR/stage2-deployment $STAGE2_CHAIN_ID LaconicStage2 os 1000000000000000 # Enter the keyring passphrase for account from stage1 when prompted cd $DEPLOYMENT_DIR
Resets the node data (
) -
Initializes the
node -
Generates the genesis file for stage2 with stage1 state
Carries over accounts, balances and laconicd modules from stage1
Skips staking and validator data
Start stage2
Start the stage2 deployment:
laconic-so deployment --dir stage2-deployment start
Check status of stage2 laconicd:
# List down the container and check health status docker ps -a | grep laconicd # Follow logs for laconicd container, check that new blocks are getting created laconic-so deployment --dir stage2-deployment logs laconicd -f
Get the node's peer adddress and stage2 genesis file to share with the participants:
Get the node id:
echo $(laconic-so deployment --dir stage2-deployment exec laconicd "laconicd cometbft show-node-id")@laconicd-testnet2.laconic.com:36656
Get the genesis file:
scp dev@<deployments-server-hostname>:/srv/laconicd/stage2-deployment/data/laconicd-data/config/genesis.json </path/to/local/directory>
Now users can follow the steps to Upgrade to testnet stage2
Bank Transfer
Transfer tokens to an address:
cd /srv/laconicd RECEIVER_ADDRESS= AMOUNT= laconic-so deployment --dir stage2-deployment exec laconicd "laconicd tx bank send alice ${RECEIVER_ADDRESS} ${AMOUNT}alnt --from alice --fees 1000000alnt"
Check balance:
laconic-so deployment --dir stage2-deployment exec laconicd "laconicd query bank balances ${RECEIVER_ADDRESS}"