Part of [Service provider auctions for web deployments]( - Update instructions for nitro node deployments Co-authored-by: Adw8 <> Co-authored-by: Shreerang Kale <> Co-authored-by: Neeraj <> Reviewed-on: #32 Co-authored-by: Prathamesh Musale <> Co-committed-by: Prathamesh Musale <>
921 lines
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921 lines
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# testnet-nitro-node
## Prerequisites
* Local:
* Clone the `cerc-io/testnet-ops` repository:
git clone
* Ansible: see [installation](
* On deployment machine:
* User with passwordless sudo: see [setup](
* laconic-so: see [installation](
## Setup
* Move to `nitro-nodes-setup` :
cd testnet-ops/nitro-nodes-setup
* Fetch the required Nitro node config:
wget -O nitro-vars.yml
* Fetch required asset addresses:
wget -O assets.json
* Ask testnet operator to send L1 tokens and ETH to your chain address
* [README for transferring tokens](./ops/
* [README for transferring ETH](./ops/
* Check balance of your tokens once they are transferred:
# Note: Account address should be without "0x"
export ACCOUNT_ADDRESS="<account-address>"
export GETH_CHAIN_ID="1212"
export GETH_CHAIN_URL=""
export ASSET_ADDRESS_1=$(jq -r --arg chainId "$GETH_CHAIN_ID" '.[$chainId][0].contracts.TestToken.address' assets.json)
export ASSET_ADDRESS_2=$(jq -r --arg chainId "$GETH_CHAIN_ID" '.[$chainId][0].contracts.TestToken2.address' assets.json)
# Check balance of eth account
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"params":["'"$ACCOUNT_ADDRESS"'", "latest"],
# Check balance of first asset address
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"to": "'"$ASSET_ADDRESS_1"'",
"data": "0x70a08231000000000000000000000000'"$ACCOUNT_ADDRESS"'"
}, "latest"],
# Check balance of second asset address
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"to": "'"$ASSET_ADDRESS_2"'",
"data": "0x70a08231000000000000000000000000'"$ACCOUNT_ADDRESS"'"
}, "latest"],
* Edit `nitro-vars.yml` and add the following variables:
# Private key for your Nitro account (same as the one used in stage0 onboarding)
# Export the key from Laconic wallet (
nitro_sc_pk: ""
# Private key for a funded account on L1
# This account should have L1 tokens for funding your Nitro channels
nitro_chain_pk: ""
# Multiaddr with publically accessible IP address / DNS for your L1 nitro node
# Use port 3007
# Example: "/ip4/192.168.x.y/tcp/3007"
# Example: "/dns4/"
nitro_l1_ext_multiaddr: ""
# Multiaddr with publically accessible IP address / DNS for your L2 nitro node
# Use port 3009
# Example: "/ip4/192.168.x.y/tcp/3009"
# Example: "/dns4/"
nitro_l2_ext_multiaddr: ""
* Edit the `setup-vars.yml` to update the target directory:
# Set absolute path to desired deployments directory (under your user)
# Example: /home/dev/nitro-node-deployments
nitro_directory: <path-to-deployments-dir>
# Will create deployments at <path-to-deployments-dir>/l1-nitro-deployment and <path-to-deployments-dir>/l2-nitro-deployment
## Run Nitro Nodes
Nitro nodes can be set up on a target machine using Ansible:
* In `testnet-ops/nitro-nodes-setup`, create a new `hosts.ini` file:
cp ../hosts.example.ini hosts.ini
* Edit the [`hosts.ini`](./hosts.ini) file to run the playbook on a remote machine:
<host_name> ansible_host=<target_ip> ansible_user=<ssh_user> ansible_ssh_common_args='-o ForwardAgent=yes'
* Replace `<deployment_host>` with `nitro_host`
* Replace `<host_name>` with the alias of your choice
* Replace `<target_ip>` with the IP address or hostname of the target machine
* Replace `<ssh_user>` with the username of the user that you set up on target machine (e.g. dev, ubuntu)
* Verify that you are able to connect to the host using the following command
ansible all -m ping -i hosts.ini
# If using password based authentication, enter the ssh password on prompt; otherwise, leave it blank
# Expected output:
# <host_name> | SUCCESS => {
# "ansible_facts": {
# "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3.10"
# },
# "changed": false,
# "ping": "pong"
# }
* Execute the `run-nitro-nodes.yml` Ansible playbook to setup and run a Nitro node (L1+L2):
LANG=en_US.utf8 ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini run-nitro-nodes.yml --extra-vars='{ "target_host": "nitro_host"}' --user $USER
### Check Deployment Status
* Run the following commands on deployment machine:
cd <path-to-deployments-dir>
# Check the logs, ensure that the nodes are running
laconic-so deployment --dir l1-nitro-deployment logs nitro-node -f
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment logs nitro-node -f
# Let L1 node sync up with the chain
# Expected logs after sync:
# nitro-node-1 | 2:04PM INF Initializing Http RPC transport...
# nitro-node-1 | 2:04PM INF Completed RPC server initialization url=
* Get your Nitro node's info:
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-node-info -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# Expected output:
# {
# "SCAddress": "0xd0eA8b27591b1D070cCcD4D30b8D408fe794FDfc",
# "MessageServicePeerId": "16Uiu2HAmSHRjoxveaPmJipzmdq69U8zme8BMnFjSBPferj1E5XAd"
# }
# SCAddress -> nitro address, MessageServicePeerId -> libp2p peer id
## Create Channels
Create a ledger channel with the bridge on L1 which is mirrored on L2
* Run the following commands on deployment machine
* Set required variables:
cd <path-to-deployments-dir>
export BRIDGE_NITRO_ADDRESS=$(yq eval '.bridge_nitro_address' nitro-node-config.yml)
export GETH_CHAIN_ID="1212"
# Get asset addresses from assets.json file
export ASSET_ADDRESS_1=$(jq -r --arg chainId "$GETH_CHAIN_ID" '.[$chainId][0].contracts.TestToken.address' assets.json)
export ASSET_ADDRESS_2=$(jq -r --arg chainId "$GETH_CHAIN_ID" '.[$chainId][0].contracts.TestToken2.address' assets.json)
* Check that you have no existing channels on L1 or L2:
laconic-so deployment --dir l1-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-all-ledger-channels -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-all-ledger-channels -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# Expected output:
# []
* Ensure that your account has enough balance of tokens from `assets.json`
* Create a ledger channel between your L1 Nitro node and Bridge with custom asset:
laconic-so deployment --dir l1-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client direct-fund $BRIDGE_NITRO_ADDRESS --asset "$ASSET_ADDRESS_1:1000,1000" --asset "$ASSET_ADDRESS_2:1000,1000" -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# Follow your L1 Nitro node logs for progress
# Expected Output:
# Objective started DirectFunding-0x161d289a50222caa781db215bb82a3ede4f557217742245525b8e8cbff04ec21
# Channel Open 0x161d289a50222caa781db215bb82a3ede4f557217742245525b8e8cbff04ec21
# Set the resulting ledger channel id in a variable
* Check the [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting) section if command to create a ledger channel fails or gets stuck
* Once direct-fund objective is complete, the bridge will create a mirrored channel on L2
* Check L2 Nitro node's logs to see that a bridged-fund objective completed:
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment logs nitro-node -f --tail 30
# Expected Output:
# nitro-node-1 | 5:01AM INF INFO Objective cranked address=0xaaa6628ec44a8a742987ef3a114ddfe2d4f7adce objective-id=bridgedfunding-0x6a9f5ccf1fa802525d794f4a899897f947615f6acc7141e61e056a8bfca29179 waiting-for=WaitingForNothing
# nitro-node-1 | 5:01AM INF INFO Objective is complete & returned to API address=0xaaa6628ec44a8a742987ef3a114ddfe2d4f7adce objective-id=bridgedfunding-0x6a9f5ccf1fa802525d794f4a899897f947615f6acc7141e61e056a8bfca29179
* Check status of L1 ledger channel with the bridge using channel id:
laconic-so deployment --dir l1-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-ledger-channel $LEDGER_CHANNEL_ID -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# Example output:
# {
# ID: '0xbb28acc2e1543f4b41eb1ab9eb2e354b18554aefe4e7f0fa5f20046869d8553f',
# Status: 'Open',
# Balances: [
# {
# AssetAddress: '0xa6b4b8b84576047a53255649b4994743d9c83a71',
# Me: '0xdaaa6ef3bc03f9c7dabc9a02847387d2c19107f5',
# Them: '0xf0e6a85c6d23aca9ff1b83477d426ed26f218185',
# MyBalance: 1000n,
# TheirBalance: 1000n
# },
# {
# AssetAddress: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
# Me: '0xdaaa6ef3bc03f9c7dabc9a02847387d2c19107f5',
# Them: '0xf0e6a85c6d23aca9ff1b83477d426ed26f218185',
# MyBalance: 1000n,
# TheirBalance: 1000n
# }
# ],
# ChannelMode: 'Open'
# }
* Check status of the mirrored channel on L2:
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-all-ledger-channels -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# Example output:
# [
# {
# "ID": "0xb34210b763d4fdd534190ba11886ad1daa1e411c87be6fd20cff74cd25077c46",
# "Status": "Open",
# "Balances": [
# {
# "AssetAddress": "0xa4351114dae1abeb2d552d441c9733c72682a45d",
# "Me": "0x075400039e303b3fb46c0cff0404c5fa61947c05",
# "Them": "0xf0e6a85c6d23aca9ff1b83477d426ed26f218185",
# "MyBalance": 1000,
# "TheirBalance": 1000
# },
# {
# "AssetAddress": "0x314e43f9825b10961859c2a62c2de6a765c1c1f1",
# "Me": "0x075400039e303b3fb46c0cff0404c5fa61947c05",
# "Them": "0xf0e6a85c6d23aca9ff1b83477d426ed26f218185",
# "MyBalance": 1000,
# "TheirBalance": 1000
# }
# ],
# "ChannelMode": "Open"
# }
# ]
## Payments On L2 Channel
Perform payments using a virtual payment channel created with another Nitro node over the mirrored L2 channel with bridge as an intermediary
* Prerequisite: Ledger channel is required to create a payment channel
* Note: Currently payment channel is created from first asset present in ledger channel
* Run the following commands on deployment machine
* Switch to the `nitro-node` directory:
cd <path-to-deployments-dir>
* Check status of the mirrored channel on L2:
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-all-ledger-channels -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# Example output:
# [
# {
# "ID": "0xb34210b763d4fdd534190ba11886ad1daa1e411c87be6fd20cff74cd25077c46",
# "Status": "Open",
# "Balances": [
# {
# "AssetAddress": "0xa4351114dae1abeb2d552d441c9733c72682a45d",
# "Me": "0x075400039e303b3fb46c0cff0404c5fa61947c05",
# "Them": "0xf0e6a85c6d23aca9ff1b83477d426ed26f218185",
# "MyBalance": 1000,
# "TheirBalance": 1000
# },
# {
# "AssetAddress": "0x314e43f9825b10961859c2a62c2de6a765c1c1f1",
# "Me": "0x075400039e303b3fb46c0cff0404c5fa61947c05",
# "Them": "0xf0e6a85c6d23aca9ff1b83477d426ed26f218185",
# "MyBalance": 1000,
# "TheirBalance": 1000
# }
# ],
# "ChannelMode": "Open"
# }
# ]
* Set required variables:
export BRIDGE_NITRO_ADDRESS=$(yq eval '.bridge_nitro_address' nitro-node-config.yml)
# Mirrored channel on L2
export L2_CHANNEL_ID=<l2-channel-id>
# Amount to create the payment channel with
* Set counterparty address
export COUNTER_PARTY_ADDRESS=<counterparty-nitro-address>
* Get the nitro address of the counterparty's node with whom you want create payment channel
* To get the nitro address of the your node:
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-node-info -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# `SCAddress` -> nitro address
* Check for existing payment channels for the L2 channel:
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-payment-channels-by-ledger $L2_CHANNEL_ID -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
* Create a virtual payment channel:
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client virtual-fund $COUNTER_PARTY_ADDRESS $BRIDGE_NITRO_ADDRESS --amount $PAYMENT_CHANNEL_AMOUNT -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# Follow your L2 Nitro node logs for progress
# Expected Output:
# Objective started VirtualFund-0x43db45a101658387263b36d613322cc952d8ce5b70de51e3a495513c256bef4d
# Channel Open 0x43db45a101658387263b36d613322cc952d8ce5b70de51e3a495513c256bef4d
# Set the resulting payment channel id in a variable
Multiple virtual payment channels can be created at once
* Check the payment channel's status:
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-payment-channel $PAYMENT_CHANNEL_ID -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# Expected output:
# {
# ID: '0xb29aeb32c9495a793ebf7bd116232075d1e7bfe89fc82281c7d498e3ffd3e3bf',
# Status: 'Open',
# Balance: {
# AssetAddress: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
# Payee: '<your-nitro-address>',
# Payer: '<counterparty-nitro-address>',
# PaidSoFar: 0n,
# RemainingFunds: <payment-channel-amount>n
# }
# }
* Send payments using the virtual payment channel:
export PAY_AMOUNT=200
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client pay $PAYMENT_CHANNEL_ID $PAY_AMOUNT -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# Expected output
# {
# Amount: <pay-amount>,
# Channel: '<payment-channel-id>'
# }
# This can be done multiple times until the payment channel balance is exhausted
* Check payment channel's status again to view updated channel state
* Close the payment channel to settle on the L2 mirrored channel:
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client virtual-defund $PAYMENT_CHANNEL_ID -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# Expected output:
# Objective started VirtualDefund-0x43db45a101658387263b36d613322cc952d8ce5b70de51e3a495513c256bef4d
# Channel complete 0x43db45a101658387263b36d613322cc952d8ce5b70de51e3a495513c256bef4d
* Check L2 mirrored channel's status after the virtual payment channel is closed:
* This can be checked by both nodes
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-all-ledger-channels -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# Example output:
# [
# {
# "ID": "0xb34210b763d4fdd534190ba11886ad1daa1e411c87be6fd20cff74cd25077c46",
# "Status": "Open",
# "Balances": [
# {
# "AssetAddress": "0xa4351114dae1abeb2d552d441c9733c72682a45d",
# "Me": "0x075400039e303b3fb46c0cff0404c5fa61947c05",
# "Them": "0xf0e6a85c6d23aca9ff1b83477d426ed26f218185",
# "MyBalance": <updated balance>,
# "TheirBalance": <updated balance>
# },
# {
# "AssetAddress": "0x314e43f9825b10961859c2a62c2de6a765c1c1f1",
# "Me": "0x075400039e303b3fb46c0cff0404c5fa61947c05",
# "Them": "0xf0e6a85c6d23aca9ff1b83477d426ed26f218185",
# "MyBalance": <updated balance>,
# "TheirBalance": <updated balance>
# }
# ],
# "ChannelMode": "Open"
# }
# ]
Your balance on the L2 channel should be reduced by total payments done on the virtual payment channel
## Swaps on L2
Perform swaps using a swap channel created with another Nitro node over the mirrored L2 channel with bridge as an intermediary
* Prerequisite: Ledger channel is required to create a swap channel
* Run the following commands on deployment machine
* Switch to the `nitro-node` directory:
cd <path-to-deployments-dir>
* Check status of the mirrored channel on L2:
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-all-ledger-channels -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# Example output:
# [
# {
# "ID": "0xb34210b763d4fdd534190ba11886ad1daa1e411c87be6fd20cff74cd25077c46",
# "Status": "Open",
# "Balances": [
# {
# "AssetAddress": "0xa4351114dae1abeb2d552d441c9733c72682a45d",
# "Me": "0x075400039e303b3fb46c0cff0404c5fa61947c05",
# "Them": "0xf0e6a85c6d23aca9ff1b83477d426ed26f218185",
# "MyBalance": 1000,
# "TheirBalance": 1000
# },
# {
# "AssetAddress": "0x314e43f9825b10961859c2a62c2de6a765c1c1f1",
# "Me": "0x075400039e303b3fb46c0cff0404c5fa61947c05",
# "Them": "0xf0e6a85c6d23aca9ff1b83477d426ed26f218185",
# "MyBalance": 1000,
# "TheirBalance": 1000
# }
# ],
# "ChannelMode": "Open"
# }
# ]
* Set required variables:
export BRIDGE_NITRO_ADDRESS=$(yq eval '.bridge_nitro_address' nitro-node-config.yml)
export GETH_CHAIN_ID="1212"
# Get asset addresses from assets.json file
export ASSET_ADDRESS_1=$(jq -r --arg chainId "$GETH_CHAIN_ID" '.[$chainId][0].contracts.TestToken.address' assets.json)
export ASSET_ADDRESS_2=$(jq -r --arg chainId "$GETH_CHAIN_ID" '.[$chainId][0].contracts.TestToken2.address' assets.json)
* Set counterparty address
export COUNTER_PARTY_ADDRESS=<counterparty-nitro-address>
* Get the nitro address of the counterparty's node with whom you want create swap channel
* To get the nitro address of the your node:
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-node-info -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# `SCAddress` -> nitro address
* Create swap channel:
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client swap-fund $COUNTER_PARTY_ADDRESS $BRIDGE_NITRO_ADDRESS --asset "$ASSET_ADDRESS_1:100,100" --asset "$ASSET_ADDRESS_2:100,100" -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# Expected output
# Objective started SwapFund-0x1dbd58d314f123f4b0f4147eee7fd92fa523ba7082d8a75b846f6d1189e2f0e9
# Channel open 0x1dbd58d314f123f4b0f4147eee7fd92fa523ba7082d8a75b846f6d1189e2f0e9
* Export swap channel ID:
* Check swap channel:
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-swap-channel $SWAP_CHANNEL_ID -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# Expected output:
# {
# ID: '0x1dbd58d314f123f4b0f4147eee7fd92fa523ba7082d8a75b846f6d1189e2f0e9',
# Status: 'Open',
# Balances: [
# {
# AssetAddress: '0xa4351114dae1abeb2d552d441c9733c72682a45d',
# Me: '0x075400039e303b3fb46c0cff0404c5fa61947c05',
# Them: '0xd0ea8b27591b1d070cccd4d30b8d408fe794fdfc',
# MyBalance: 100n,
# TheirBalance: 100n
# },
# {
# AssetAddress: '0x314e43f9825b10961859c2a62c2de6a765c1c1f1',
# Me: '0x075400039e303b3fb46c0cff0404c5fa61947c05',
# Them: '0xd0ea8b27591b1d070cccd4d30b8d408fe794fdfc',
# MyBalance: 100n,
# TheirBalance: 100n
# }
# ]
# }
### Performing swaps
* Ensure that environment variables for asset addresses are set (should be done by both parties):
export GETH_CHAIN_ID="1212"
# Get asset addresses from assets.json file
export ASSET_ADDRESS_1=$(jq -r --arg chainId "$GETH_CHAIN_ID" '.[$chainId][0].contracts.TestToken.address' assets.json)
export ASSET_ADDRESS_2=$(jq -r --arg chainId "$GETH_CHAIN_ID" '.[$chainId][0].contracts.TestToken2.address' assets.json)
* Get all active swap channels for a specific mirrored ledger channel (should be done by both parties)
* To get mirrored ledger channels:
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-all-ledger-channels -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# Example output:
# [
# {
# "ID": "0xb34210b763d4fdd534190ba11886ad1daa1e411c87be6fd20cff74cd25077c46",
# "Status": "Open",
# "Balances": [
# {
# "AssetAddress": "0xa4351114dae1abeb2d552d441c9733c72682a45d",
# "Me": "0x075400039e303b3fb46c0cff0404c5fa61947c05",
# "Them": "0xf0e6a85c6d23aca9ff1b83477d426ed26f218185",
# "MyBalance": 1000n,
# "TheirBalance": 1000n
# },
# {
# "AssetAddress": "0x314e43f9825b10961859c2a62c2de6a765c1c1f1",
# "Me": "0x075400039e303b3fb46c0cff0404c5fa61947c05",
# "Them": "0xf0e6a85c6d23aca9ff1b83477d426ed26f218185",
# "MyBalance": 1000n,
# "TheirBalance": 1000n
# }
# ],
# "ChannelMode": "Open"
# }
# ]
* Export ledger channel ID:
* To get swap channels for a ledger channel:
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-swap-channels-by-ledger $LEDGER_CHANNEL_ID -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# Example Output:
# [
# {
# ID: '0x1dbd58d314f123f4b0f4147eee7fd92fa523ba7082d8a75b846f6d1189e2f0e9',
# Status: 'Open',
# Balances: [
# {
# AssetAddress: '0xa4351114dae1abeb2d552d441c9733c72682a45d',
# Me: '0x075400039e303b3fb46c0cff0404c5fa61947c05',
# Them: '0xd0ea8b27591b1d070cccd4d30b8d408fe794fdfc',
# MyBalance: 100,
# TheirBalance: 100n
# },
# {
# AssetAddress: '0x314e43f9825b10961859c2a62c2de6a765c1c1f1',
# Me: '0x075400039e303b3fb46c0cff0404c5fa61947c05',
# Them: '0xd0ea8b27591b1d070cccd4d30b8d408fe794fdfc',
# MyBalance: 100,
# TheirBalance: 100
# }
# ]
# }
# ]
* Export swap channel ID:
* One of the participants can initiate the swap and other one will either accept it or reject it
* For initiating the swap:
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client swap-initiate $SWAP_CHANNEL_ID --AssetIn "$ASSET_ADDRESS_1:20" --AssetOut "$ASSET_ADDRESS_2:10" -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# Expected output:
# {
# SwapAssetsData: {
# TokenIn: '0xa4351114dae1abeb2d552d441c9733c72682a45d',
# TokenOut: '0x314e43f9825b10961859c2a62c2de6a765c1c1f1',
# AmountIn: 20,
# AmountOut: 10
# },
# Channel: '0x1dbd58d314f123f4b0f4147eee7fd92fa523ba7082d8a75b846f6d1189e2f0e9'
# }
* For receiving the swap
* Get the pending swap:
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-pending-swap $SWAP_CHANNEL_ID -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# Expected output:
# {
# Id: '0x7d582020753335cfd2f2af14127c9b51c7ed7a5d547a674d9cb04fe62de6ddf3',
# ChannelId: '0x1dbd58d314f123f4b0f4147eee7fd92fa523ba7082d8a75b846f6d1189e2f0e9',
# Exchange: {
# TokenIn: '0xa4351114dae1abeb2d552d441c9733c72682a45d',
# TokenOut: '0x314e43f9825b10961859c2a62c2de6a765c1c1f1',
# AmountIn: 20,
# AmountOut: 10
# },
# Sigs: {
# '0': '0x0a018de18a091f7bfb400d9bc64fe958d298882e569c1668c5b1c853b5493221576b2d72074ef6e1899b79e60eaa9934afac5c1e07b7000746bac5b3b1da93311b'
# },
# Nonce: 2840594896360394000
# }
* Export swap ID:
export SWAP_ID=
* Either accept or reject the swap
* To accept:
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client swap-accept $SWAP_ID -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# Expected output:
# Confirming Swap with accepted
# Objective complete Swap-0x7d582020753335cfd2f2af14127c9b51c7ed7a5d547a674d9cb04fe62de6ddf3
* To reject:
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client swap-reject $SWAP_ID -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# Expected output:
# Confirming Swap with accepted
# Objective complete Swap-0x7d582020753335cfd2f2af14127c9b51c7ed7a5d547a674d9cb04fe62de6ddf3
* Check swap channel:
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-swap-channel $SWAP_CHANNEL_ID -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# Example output:
# {
# ID: '0x1dbd58d314f123f4b0f4147eee7fd92fa523ba7082d8a75b846f6d1189e2f0e9',
# Status: 'Open',
# Balances: [
# {
# AssetAddress: '0xa4351114dae1abeb2d552d441c9733c72682a45d',
# Me: '0xd0ea8b27591b1d070cccd4d30b8d408fe794fdfc',
# Them: '0x075400039e303b3fb46c0cff0404c5fa61947c05',
# MyBalance: 120n,
# TheirBalance: 80n
# },
# {
# AssetAddress: '0x314e43f9825b10961859c2a62c2de6a765c1c1f1',
# Me: '0xd0ea8b27591b1d070cccd4d30b8d408fe794fdfc',
# Them: '0x075400039e303b3fb46c0cff0404c5fa61947c05',
# MyBalance: 90n,
# TheirBalance: 110n
# }
# ]
# }
* Close swap channel:
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client swap-defund $SWAP_CHANNEL_ID -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# Expected output:
# Objective started SwapDefund-0x1dbd58d314f123f4b0f4147eee7fd92fa523ba7082d8a75b846f6d1189e2f0e9
# Objective complete SwapDefund-0x1dbd58d314f123f4b0f4147eee7fd92fa523ba7082d8a75b846f6d1189e2f0e9
* Check L2 mirrored channel status:
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-all-ledger-channels -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# Example output:
# [
# {
# "ID": "0xb34210b763d4fdd534190ba11886ad1daa1e411c87be6fd20cff74cd25077c46",
# "Status": "Open",
# "Balances": [
# {
# "AssetAddress": "0xa4351114dae1abeb2d552d441c9733c72682a45d",
# "Me": "0x075400039e303b3fb46c0cff0404c5fa61947c05",
# "Them": "0xf0e6a85c6d23aca9ff1b83477d426ed26f218185",
# "MyBalance": <updated balance>,
# "TheirBalance": <updated balance>
# },
# {
# "AssetAddress": "0x314e43f9825b10961859c2a62c2de6a765c1c1f1",
# "Me": "0x075400039e303b3fb46c0cff0404c5fa61947c05",
# "Them": "0xf0e6a85c6d23aca9ff1b83477d426ed26f218185",
# "MyBalance": <updated balance>,
# "TheirBalance": <updated balance>
# }
# ],
# "ChannelMode": "Open"
# }
# ]
## Clean up
* Switch to deployments dir:
cd <path-to-deployments-dir>
* Stop all Nitro services running in the background:
laconic-so deployment --dir l1-nitro-deployment stop
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment stop
* To stop all services and also delete data:
laconic-so deployment --dir l1-nitro-deployment stop --delete-volumes
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment stop --delete-volumes
# Remove deployment directories (deployments will have to be recreated for a re-run)
sudo rm -r l1-nitro-deployment
sudo rm -r l2-nitro-deployment
## Troubleshooting
* Check the logs of nitro node to see if the objective is completed
# To check logs of L1 nitro-node
laconic-so deployment --dir l1-nitro-deployment logs nitro-node -f --tail 30
# To check logs of L2 nitro-node
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment logs nitro-node -f --tail 30
* If the objective is completed, you can safely stop (`Ctrl+C`) the running CLI command and continue with the further instructions
* Stop (`Ctrl+C`) the direct-fund command if it is stuck
* Restart the L1 Nitro node:
* Stop the deployment:
cd <path-to-deployments-dir>
laconic-so deployment --dir l1-nitro-deployment stop
* Reset the node's durable store:
sudo rm -rf l1-nitro-deployment/data/nitro_node_data
mkdir l1-nitro-deployment/data/nitro_node_data
* Restart the deployment:
laconic-so deployment --dir l1-nitro-deployment start
* Retry the ledger channel creation command