Add Nitro node config for users and payments instructions #28

nabarun merged 8 commits from pm-add-nitro-node-config into main 2024-09-17 13:55:56 +00:00
4 changed files with 239 additions and 55 deletions

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## Login
* Log in as `dev` user on the deployments VM
* Log in as `dev` user on the deployments machine
* All the deployments are placed in the `/srv` directory:
@ -22,9 +22,9 @@
* Ansible: see [installation](
* On deployments VM(s):
* On deployments machine(s):
* laconic-so: see [installation](
* laconic-so: see [installation](
<details open>
<summary>L2 Optimism</summary>
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
* Target dir: `/srv/op-sepolia/optimism-deployment`
* Cleanup an existing deployment on VM if required:
* Cleanup an existing deployment if required:
cd /srv/op-sepolia
@ -114,10 +114,10 @@
<host_name> ansible_host=<target_ip> ansible_user=<ssh_user> ansible_ssh_common_args='-o ForwardAgent=yes'
- Replace `<deployment_host>` with `l2_host`
- Replace `<host_name>` with the alias of your choice
- Replace `<target_ip>` with the IP address or hostname of the target machine
- Replace `<ssh_user>` with the SSH username (e.g., dev, ubuntu)
* Replace `<deployment_host>` with `l2_host`
* Replace `<host_name>` with the alias of your choice
* Replace `<target_ip>` with the IP address or hostname of the target machine
* Replace `<ssh_user>` with the SSH username (e.g., dev, ubuntu)
* Verify that you are able to connect to the host using the following command:
@ -142,12 +142,12 @@
* Bridge funds on L2:
* On the deployment VM, set the following variables:
* On the deployment machine, set the following variables:
cd /srv/op-sepolia
NETWORK=$(grep 'cluster-id' optimism-deployment/deployment.yml | sed 's/cluster-id: //')_default
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
* Use cast to send ETH to the bridge contract:
docker run --rm cerc/optimism-contracts:local "cast send --from $ACCOUNT --value 1ether $BRIDGE --rpc-url $L1_RPC --private-key $ACCOUNT_PK"
docker run --rm --network host cerc/optimism-contracts:local "cast send --from $ACCOUNT --value 1ether $BRIDGE --rpc-url $L1_RPC --private-key $ACCOUNT_PK"
* Allow a couple minutes for the bridge to complete
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
* Target dir: `/srv/bridge/nitro-contracts-deployment`
* Cleanup an existing deployment on VM if required:
* Cleanup an existing deployment if required:
cd /srv/bridge
@ -272,10 +272,10 @@
<host_name> ansible_host=<target_ip> ansible_user=<ssh_user> ansible_ssh_common_args='-o ForwardAgent=yes'
- Replace `<deployment_host>` with `nitro_host`
- Replace `<host_name>` with the alias of your choice
- Replace `<target_ip>` with the IP address or hostname of the target machine
- Replace `<ssh_user>` with the SSH username (e.g., dev, ubuntu)
* Replace `<deployment_host>` with `nitro_host`
* Replace `<host_name>` with the alias of your choice
* Replace `<target_ip>` with the IP address or hostname of the target machine
* Replace `<ssh_user>` with the SSH username (e.g., dev, ubuntu)
* Verify that you are able to connect to the host using the following command:
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@
LANG=en_US.utf8 ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini deploy-contracts.yml --extra-vars='{ "target_host": "nitro_host"}' --user $USER -kK
* Check logs for deployment on the virtual machine:
* Check logs for deployment on the remote machine:
cd /srv/bridge
@ -320,7 +320,7 @@
* Target dir: `/srv/bridge/bridge-deployment`
* Cleanup an existing deployment on VM if required:
* Cleanup an existing deployment if required:
cd /srv/bridge
@ -334,7 +334,7 @@
### Setup
* Execute the command on the deployment VM to get the deployed L1 Nitro contract addresses along with the L1 asset address:
* Execute the following command on deployment machine to get the deployed L1 Nitro contract addresses along with the L1 asset address:
cd /srv/bridge
@ -439,10 +439,10 @@
<host_name> ansible_host=<target_ip> ansible_user=<ssh_user> ansible_ssh_common_args='-o ForwardAgent=yes'
- Replace `<deployment_host>` with `nitro_host`
- Replace `<host_name>` with the alias of your choice
- Replace `<target_ip>` with the IP address or hostname of the target machine
- Replace `<ssh_user>` with the SSH username (e.g., dev, ubuntu)
* Replace `<deployment_host>` with `nitro_host`
* Replace `<host_name>` with the alias of your choice
* Replace `<target_ip>` with the IP address or hostname of the target machine
* Replace `<ssh_user>` with the SSH username (e.g., dev, ubuntu)
* Verify that you are able to connect to the host using the following command:
@ -465,7 +465,7 @@
LANG=en_US.utf8 ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini run-nitro-bridge.yml --extra-vars='{ "target_host": "nitro_host"}' --user $USER -kK
* Check logs for deployments on the virtual machine:
* Check logs for deployments on the remote machine:
cd /srv/bridge
@ -494,9 +494,9 @@
export BRIDGE_CONTRACT_ADDRESS=$(laconic-so deployment --dir bridge-deployment exec nitro-bridge "jq -r '.\"$OPTIMISM_CHAIN_ID\"[0].contracts.Bridge.address' /app/deployment/nitro-addresses.json")
export BRIDGE_NITRO_ADDRESS=$(laconic-so deployment --dir bridge-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-node-info -p 4006 -h nitro-bridge" | jq -r '.SCAddress')
export BRIDGE_NITRO_ADDRESS=$(laconic-so deployment --dir bridge-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-node-info -p 4005 -h nitro-bridge" | jq -r '.SCAddress')
export BRIDGE_PEER_ID=$(laconic-so deployment --dir bridge-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-node-info -p 4006 -h nitro-bridge" | jq -r '.MessageServicePeerId')
export BRIDGE_PEER_ID=$(laconic-so deployment --dir bridge-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-node-info -p 4005 -h nitro-bridge" | jq -r '.MessageServicePeerId')
@ -520,6 +520,12 @@
* Check in the generated file at location `ops/stage2/nitro-node-config.yml` within this repository
* List down L2 channels created by the bridge:
laconic-so deployment --dir bridge-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-all-l2-channels -p 4006 -h nitro-bridge"
<details open>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
nitro_l1_chain_url: "wss://"
nitro_l2_chain_url: "wss://"
na_address: "0xfD5276DDfE0E7738Af5F3dA0dE58D36560BbE544"
ca_address: "0xC71F47d58d521aE24FDf5e324969aCD6f83b6Ff8"
vpa_address: "0xEA55dEab3718CF4d084a94Fe4C0D750a80Eb1F2C"
l1_asset_address: "0xa4351114dAE1aBEb2d552d441C9733c72682a45D"
bridge_contract_address: "0x0fCC47652bd8Fa5ED4192DD6238B4d523B34D724"
bridge_nitro_address: "0xf0E6a85C6D23AcA9ff1b83477D426ed26F218185"
nitro_l1_bridge_multiaddr: "/dns4/"
nitro_l2_bridge_multiaddr: "/dns4/"

View File

@ -2,30 +2,26 @@
## Prerequisites
* Ansible: see [installation](
* Local:
* yq: see [installation](
* Clone the `cerc-io/testnet-ops` repository:
* laconic-so: see [installation](
git clone
* Check versions to verify installation:
* Ansible: see [installation](
laconic-so version
* On deployment machine:
ansible --version
yq --version
* laconic-so: see [installation](
## Setup
* Clone the `cerc-io/testnet-ops` repository:
* Move to `nitro-nodes-setup` :
git clone
cd testnet-ops/nitro-node-setup
cd testnet-ops/nitro-nodes-setup
* Fetch the required Nitro node config:
@ -76,7 +72,7 @@
* Update the target dir in `setup-vars.yml`:
# Set path to desired deployments dir
# Set path to desired deployments dir (under your user)
sed -i "s|^nitro_directory:.*|nitro_directory: $DEPLOYMENTS_DIR/nitro-node|" setup-vars.yml
@ -86,6 +82,8 @@
## Run Nitro Nodes
Nitro nodes can be run using Ansible either locally or on a remote machine; follow corresponding steps for your setup
### On Local Host
* Setup and run a Nitro node (L1+L2) by executing the `run-nitro-nodes.yml` Ansible playbook:
@ -94,9 +92,9 @@
LANG=en_US.utf8 ansible-playbook -i localhost, --connection=local run-nitro-nodes.yml --extra-vars='{ "target_host": "localhost"}' --user $USER
### On Remote Host (optional)
### On Remote Host
* Create a new `hosts.ini` file:
* In `testnet-ops/nitro-nodes-setup`, create a new `hosts.ini` file:
cp ../hosts.example.ini hosts.ini
@ -105,20 +103,22 @@
* Edit the [`hosts.ini`](./hosts.ini) file to run the playbook on a remote machine:
<host_name> ansible_host=<target_ip> ansible_user=<ssh_user> ansible_ssh_common_args='-o ForwardAgent=yes'
- Replace `<deployment_host>` with `nitro_host`
- Replace `<host_name>` with the alias of your choice
- Replace `<target_ip>` with the IP address or hostname of the target machine
- Replace `<ssh_user>` with the SSH username (e.g., dev, ubuntu)
* Replace `<deployment_host>` with `nitro_host`
* Replace `<host_name>` with the alias of your choice
* Replace `<target_ip>` with the IP address or hostname of the target machine
* Replace `<ssh_user>` with the SSH username (e.g., dev, ubuntu)
* Verify that you are able to connect to the host using the following command
ansible all -m ping -i hosts.ini -k
# If using password based authentication, enter the ssh password on prompt; otherwise, leave it blank
# Expected output:
# <host_name> | SUCCESS => {
@ -134,32 +134,56 @@
LANG=en_US.utf8 ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini run-nitro-nodes.yml --extra-vars='{ "target_host": "nitro_host"}' --user $USER -kK
# If using password based authentication, enter the ssh password on prompt; otherwise, leave it blank
# Enter the sudo password as "BECOME password" on prompt
### Check Deployment Status
* Run the following command in the directory where the deployments are created:
* Run the following commands on deployment machine:
cd $DEPLOYMENTS_DIR/nitro-node
# Check the logs, ensure that the nodes are running
laconic-so deployment --dir l1-nitro-deployment logs nitro-node -f
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment logs nitro-node -f
# Let L1 node sync up with the chain
# Expected logs after sync:
# nitro-node-1 | 2:04PM INF Initializing Http RPC transport...
# nitro-node-1 | 2:04PM INF Completed RPC server initialization url=
* Get your Nitro node's info:
laconic-so deployment --dir l1-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-node-info -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# Expected output:
# {
# "SCAddress": "0xd0eA8b27591b1D070cCcD4D30b8D408fe794FDfc",
# "MessageServicePeerId": "16Uiu2HAmSHRjoxveaPmJipzmdq69U8zme8BMnFjSBPferj1E5XAd"
# }
# SCAddress -> nitro address, MessageServicePeerId -> libp2p peer id
## Create Channels
Create a ledger channel with the bridge on L1 which is mirrored on L2
* Run the following commands from the directory where the deployments are created
* Run the following commands on deployment machine
* Set required variables:
cd $DEPLOYMENTS_DIR/nitro-node
# Fetch the required Nitro node config
cd $DEPLOYMENTS_DIR/nitro-node
export BRIDGE_NITRO_ADDRESS=$(yq eval '.bridge_nitro_address' nitro-node-config.yml)
export L1_ASSET_ADDRESS=$(yq eval '.l1_asset_address' nitro-node-config.yml)
@ -249,6 +273,150 @@ Create a ledger channel with the bridge on L1 which is mirrored on L2
# ]
## Payments On L2 Channel
Perform payments using a virtual payment channel created with another Nitro node over the mirrored L2 channel with bridge as an intermediary
* Run the following commands on deployment machine
* Switch to the `nitro-node` directory:
cd $DEPLOYMENTS_DIR/nitro-node
* Check status of the mirrored channel on L2:
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-all-ledger-channels -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# Expected output:
# [
# {
# "ID": "0x6a9f5ccf1fa802525d794f4a899897f947615f6acc7141e61e056a8bfca29179",
# "Status": "Open",
# "Balance": {
# "AssetAddress": "<l2-asset-address>",
# "Me": "<your-nitro-address>",
# "Them": "<bridge-nitro-address>",
# "MyBalance": Xn,
# "TheirBalance": Yn
# },
# "ChannelMode": "Open"
# }
# ]
* Set required variables:
export BRIDGE_NITRO_ADDRESS=$(yq eval '.bridge_nitro_address' nitro-node-config.yml)
# Counterparty to create the payment channel with
export COUNTER_PARTY_ADDRESS=<counterparty-nitro-address>
# Mirrored channel on L2
export L2_CHANNEL_ID=<l2-channel-id>
# Amount to create the payment channel with
* Check for existing payment channels for the L2 channel:
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-payment-channels-by-ledger $L2_CHANNEL_ID -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
* Create a virtual payment channel:
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client virtual-fund $COUNTER_PARTY_ADDRESS $BRIDGE_NITRO_ADDRESS --amount $PAYMENT_CHANNEL_AMOUNT -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# Follow your L2 Nitro node logs for progress
# Expected Output:
# Objective started VirtualFund-0x43db45a101658387263b36d613322cc952d8ce5b70de51e3a495513c256bef4d
# Channel Open 0x43db45a101658387263b36d613322cc952d8ce5b70de51e3a495513c256bef4d
# Set the resulting payment channel id in a variable
Multiple virtual payment channels can be created at once
* Check the payment channel's status:
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-payment-channel $PAYMENT_CHANNEL_ID -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# Expected output:
# {
# ID: '0xb29aeb32c9495a793ebf7bd116232075d1e7bfe89fc82281c7d498e3ffd3e3bf',
# Status: 'Open',
# Balance: {
# AssetAddress: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
# Payee: '<your-nitro-address>',
# Payer: '<counterparty-nitro-address>',
# PaidSoFar: 0n,
# RemainingFunds: <payment-channel-amount>n
# }
# }
* Send payments using the virtual payment channel:
export PAY_AMOUNT=200
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client pay $PAYMENT_CHANNEL_ID $PAY_AMOUNT -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# Expected output
# {
# Amount: <pay-amount>,
# Channel: '<payment-channel-id>'
# }
# This can be done multiple times until the payment channel balance is exhausted
* Check payment channel's status again to view updated channel state
* Close the payment channel to settle on the L2 mirrored channel:
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client virtual-defund $PAYMENT_CHANNEL_ID -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# Expected output:
# Objective started VirtualDefund-0x43db45a101658387263b36d613322cc952d8ce5b70de51e3a495513c256bef4d
# Channel complete 0x43db45a101658387263b36d613322cc952d8ce5b70de51e3a495513c256bef4d
* Check L2 mirrored channel's status after the virtual payment channel is closed:
laconic-so deployment --dir l2-nitro-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-all-ledger-channels -p 4005 -h nitro-node"
# Expected output:
# [
# {
# "ID": "0x6a9f5ccf1fa802525d794f4a899897f947615f6acc7141e61e056a8bfca29179",
# "Status": "Open",
# "Balance": {
# "AssetAddress": "<l2-asset-address>",
# "Me": "<your-nitro-address>",
# "Them": "<bridge-nitro-address>",
# "MyBalance": <your-updated-balance>n,
# "TheirBalance": <bridge-updated-balance>n
# },
# "ChannelMode": "Open"
# }
# ]
Your balance on the L2 channel should be reduced by total payments done on the virtual payment channel
## Clean up
* Switch to deployments dir:

View File

@ -879,7 +879,7 @@
- Open new terminal, check that no channels exist on L2
laconic-so deployment --dir bridge-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-all-l2-channels -p 4006 -h nitro-bridge"
laconic-so deployment --dir bridge-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-all-l2-channels -p 4005 -h nitro-bridge"
- Set address of bridge and address of custom token on L1 in the current terminal
@ -952,7 +952,7 @@
- Check status of all L2 mirrored ledger channels
laconic-so deployment --dir bridge-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-all-l2-channels -p 4006 -h nitro-bridge"
laconic-so deployment --dir bridge-deployment exec nitro-rpc-client "nitro-rpc-client get-all-l2-channels -p 4005 -h nitro-bridge"
# Expected output:
# {"ID":"0x15dbe6b996e4e46fdd6ea3e2074cbca58014dbb07368e3e7ba286df5c7b9da0d","Status":"Open","Balance":{"AssetAddress":"<Token_address_on_L2>","Me":"0xbbb676f9cff8d242e9eac39d063848807d3d1d94","Them":"0xa8d2d06ace9c7ffc24ee785c2695678aecdfd7a0","MyBalance":1000000,"TheirBalance":1000000},"ChannelMode":"Open"}