* Split graph-node stack to run independently * Fix sushiswap subgraph config in fixturenet stack
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5.2 KiB
Fixturenet SushiSwap Subgraph
Clone required repositories:
laconic-so --stack fixturenet-sushiswap-subgraph setup-repositories --pull
Checkout to a non-default branch in the cloned repos if required:
# Default repo base dir
cd ~/cerc
# Example
cd graph-node
git checkout <your-branch> && git pull
# Remove the corresponding docker image if it already exists
docker image rm cerc/graph-node:local
# Remove any dangling images
docker image prune
Build the container images:
laconic-so --stack fixturenet-sushiswap-subgraph build-containers
Deploy the stack:
laconic-so --stack fixturenet-sushiswap-subgraph deploy --cluster sushigraph up
# Note: Remove any existing volumes for the cluster for a fresh start
After all services have started:
logs:laconic-so --stack fixturenet-sushiswap-subgraph deploy --cluster sushigraph logs -f graph-node
Check that the subgraphs have been deployed:
laconic-so --stack fixturenet-sushiswap-subgraph deploy --cluster sushigraph logs -f sushiswap-subgraph-v3 # Expected output: # . # . # sushigraph-sushiswap-subgraph-v3-1 | - Deploying to Graph node http://graph-node:8020/ # sushigraph-sushiswap-subgraph-v3-1 | Deployed to http://graph-node:8000/subgraphs/name/sushiswap/v3-lotus/graphql # sushigraph-sushiswap-subgraph-v3-1 | # sushigraph-sushiswap-subgraph-v3-1 | # sushigraph-sushiswap-subgraph-v3-1 | Subgraph endpoints: # sushigraph-sushiswap-subgraph-v3-1 | Queries (HTTP): http://graph-node:8000/subgraphs/name/sushiswap/v3-lotus # . # . # sushigraph-sushiswap-subgraph-v3-1 | - Deploying to Graph node http://graph-node:8020/ # sushigraph-sushiswap-subgraph-v3-1 | Deployed to http://graph-node:8000/subgraphs/name/sushiswap/blocks/graphql # sushigraph-sushiswap-subgraph-v3-1 | # sushigraph-sushiswap-subgraph-v3-1 | # sushigraph-sushiswap-subgraph-v3-1 | Subgraph endpoints: # sushigraph-sushiswap-subgraph-v3-1 | Queries (HTTP): http://graph-node:8000/subgraphs/name/sushiswap/blocks # sushigraph-sushiswap-subgraph-v3-1 | # sushigraph-sushiswap-subgraph-v3-1 | # sushigraph-sushiswap-subgraph-v3-1 | Done
After graph-node
has fetched the latest blocks from upstream, use the subgraph (GQL) endpoints for querying:
# Find out the mapped host port for the subgraph endpoint
laconic-so --stack fixturenet-sushiswap-subgraph deploy --cluster sushigraph port graph-node 8000
# Blocks subgraph endpoint:<HOST_PORT>/subgraphs/name/sushiswap/blocks/graphql
# v3 subgraph endpoint:<HOST_PORT>/subgraphs/name/sushiswap/v3-lotus/graphql
Deploy an ERC20 token:
docker exec -it sushigraph-sushiswap-v3-periphery-1 yarn hardhat --network docker deploy --tags TestERC20 # Deploy two tokens and set the addresses to variables TOKEN1_ADDRESS and TOKEN2_ADDRESS export TOKEN1_ADDRESS=<TOKEN1_ADDRESS> export TOKEN2_ADDRESS=<TOKEN2_ADDRESS>
Get contract address of factory deployed:
docker exec -it sushigraph-sushiswap-v3-core-1 jq -r '.address' /app/deployments/docker/UniswapV3Factory.json # Set the address to variable FACTORY_ADDRESS export FACTORY_ADDRESS=<FACTORY_ADDRESS>
Create a pool:
docker exec -it sushigraph-sushiswap-v3-core-1 pnpm run pool:create:docker --factory $FACTORY_ADDRESS --token0 $TOKEN1_ADDRESS --token1 $TOKEN2_ADDRESS --fee 500 # Set the created pool address to variable POOL_ADDRESS export POOL_ADDRESS=<POOL_ADDRESS>
Initialize the pool:
docker exec -it sushigraph-sushiswap-v3-core-1 pnpm run pool:initialize:docker --sqrt-price 4295128939 --pool $POOL_ADDRESS
Set the recipient address to the contract deployer:
export RECIPIENT=0xD375B03bd3A2434A9f675bEC4Ccd68aC5e67C743
Trigger pool
event:docker exec -it sushigraph-sushiswap-v3-core-1 pnpm run pool:mint:docker --pool $POOL_ADDRESS --recipient $RECIPIENT --amount 10
Trigger pool
event:docker exec -it sushigraph-sushiswap-v3-core-1 pnpm run pool:burn:docker --pool $POOL_ADDRESS --amount 10
Query the sushiswap v3-lotus subgraph GQL after running above commands
{ _meta { block { number } deployment hasIndexingErrors } factories { poolCount id } pools { id token0 { id name symbol } mints { id owner } burns { id owner } } }
Clean up
Stop all the services running in background run:
laconic-so --stack fixturenet-sushiswap-subgraph deploy --cluster sushigraph down
Clear volumes created by this stack:
# List all relevant volumes
docker volume ls -q --filter "name=sushigraph"
# Remove all the listed volumes
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q --filter "name=sushigraph")
# WARNING: To avoid refetching the Lotus proof params on the next run,
# avoid removing the corresponding volumes
# To remove volumes that do not contain Lotus params
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q --filter "name=sushigraph" | grep -v "params$")