2024-03-28 16:24:36 -04:00

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Deploying WebApps from the Laconic Registry to Kubernetes

First, ensure you have laconicd and the console running via this tutorial.

Setup Kubernetes

If merely requesting deployment, access to the Laconic registry is sufficient, but to process deployment requests, Kubernetes configuration is also necessary. The configuration format is the same as used by kubectl, and should be places in /etc/config/kube.yml

Setup the Deployer

Set envs


laconic-so --stack webapp-deployer-backend setup-repositories
laconic-so --stack webapp-deployer-backend build-containers
laconic-so --stack webapp-deployer-backend deploy up

Setup Your Account

Writing to the Laconic Registry, in order to create records for applications and deployment requests, requires a user key, and a bond with adequate funds available.

Install the registry CLI

npm config set @cerc-io:registry
npm install -g @cerc-io/laconic-registry-cli

Alternatively, use the pre-configured container that was setup alongside laconicd

Get your private key

exec into laconicd


    userKey: 3d4789e88508c6230d973ccea283032d3e3948775dbe02f4f0a80dc6c1f7c8d5
   # bondId: 3c61577f3c6197ced599e2fc21ccf76f43373004fd29c29f2e560c77f7c4bb6d
    chainId: laconic_9000-1
    gas: 550000
    fees: 200000aphoton

Create a bond

laconic cns -c config.yml bond create --type aphoton --quantity 1000000000 --gas 200000 --fees 200000aphoton

Creating Deployments

Deploying an application from the registry requires (and generates) several records:

  1. An ApplicationRecord which describes the application itself, including its name, version, and repository.
  2. An ApplicationDeploymentRequest which references anApplicationRecord, and provides additional information such as the DNS name and configuration.
  3. A DnsRecord, which contains the FQDN of the deployment. The ownership of this record will be checked against any future deployment or removal requests.
  4. An ApplicationDeploymentRecord which records the successful processing of the deployment request.

Additionally, since names need to be registered, namespace authorities need to be reserved, for example:

$ laconic -c $LACONIC_CONFIG cns authority reserve my-org-name

$ laconic -c $LACONIC_CONFIG cns authority bond set my-org-name 0e9176d854bc3c20528b6361aab632f0b252a0f69717bf035fa68d1ef7647ba7

Application Records

The ApplicationRecord should, at a minimum, specify the name of the application (name), its version (app_version), type (app_type), one or more repository URLs (repository), and the repository reference (eg, branch, tag, hash, etc.) to use (repository_ref).

$ cat app.yml
  type: ApplicationRecord
  version: 0.0.4
  name: "@my-org-name/my-test-webapp"
    - ""
  repository_ref: "v0.1.5"
  app_version: "0.1.5"
  app_type: "webapp"

$ laconic -c $LACONIC_CONFIG cns record publish -f app.yml

One or more names should be registered for the application, which deployment requests can reference.

$ laconic -c $LACONIC_CONFIG cns name set "crn://my-org-name/applications/my-test-webapp" bafyreihwvu6ynmk4nfrxg2vdcx2ep3tqry775ksqyehjitj2i4kphhyuky

$ laconic -c $LACONIC_CONFIG cns name set "crn://my-org-name/applications/my-test-webapp@0.1.5" bafyreihwvu6ynmk4nfrxg2vdcx2ep3tqry775ksqyehjitj2i4kphhyuky

$ laconic -c $LACONIC_CONFIG cns record get --id bafyreihwvu6ynmk4nfrxg2vdcx2ep3tqry775ksqyehjitj2i4kphhyuky
    "id": "bafyreihwvu6ynmk4nfrxg2vdcx2ep3tqry775ksqyehjitj2i4kphhyuky",
    "names": [
    "owners": [
    "bondId": "0e9176d854bc3c20528b6361aab632f0b252a0f69717bf035fa68d1ef7647ba7",
    "createTime": "2024-01-12T20:30:33Z",
    "expiryTime": "2025-01-11T20:30:33Z",
    "attributes": {
      "app_type": "webapp",
      "app_version": "0.1.5",
      "name": "@my-org-name/my-test-webapp",
      "repository": [
      "repository_ref": "v0.1.5",
      "type": "ApplicationRecord",
      "version": "0.0.4"

Application Deployment Requests

To create the deployment of specific application, and ApplicationDeploymentRequest must be published. This request must reference the application to be deployed (application) and may optionally provide configuration (config) and a DNS name (dns). If no DNS name is supplied, one will be generated. A supplied DNS is usually just the short hostname, not the FQDN, since the suffix is supplied by the deployer.

$ cat req.yml
  type: ApplicationDeploymentRequest
  version: 1.0.0
  name: "my-org-name/my-test-webapp@0.1.5"
  application: "crn://my-org-name/applications/my-test-webapp@0.1.5"
  dns: "my-test-app"
      CERC_WEBAPP_DEBUG: my_debug_value_here

$ laconic -c $LACONIC_CONFIG cns record publish -f req.yml

It is not necessary to assign a name to the request.

Building and Deploying

Building and deploying will happen automatically for records published the production registry, but in other environments it can be triggered manually.

Laconic stack-orchestrator is used build and launch the application. It will clone the repository, build the application, upload the container to a registry, and launch the instance in Kubernetes, with automatic DNS and TLS provisioning.

$ laconic-so deploy-webapp-from-registry \
    --kube-config $KUBE_CONFIG \
    --image-registry \
    --deployment-parent-dir /opt/deployments \
    --laconic-config $LACONIC_CONFIG \
    --dns-suffix \
    --record-namespace-dns crn://my-deployer-org/dns \
    --record-namespace-deployments crn://my-deployer-org/deployments \
    --request-id bafyreihtpvwjka5ecjmca46y4dip5gb2h25vvmc7t27d7g4zecngjssvky

When deployment is complete, an ApplicationDeploymentRecord will be created:

$ laconic -c $LACONIC_CONFIG cns name resolve crn://my-deployer-org/deployments/
    "id": "bafyreiemfmxsue4svzys6tcwsqmhfjeyoo3gp63n7kydi2izbrwuzd4rga",
    "names": [
    "owners": [
    "bondId": "0e9176d854bc3c20528b6361aab632f0b252a0f69717bf035fa68d1ef7647ba7",
    "createTime": "2024-01-11T20:45:29Z",
    "expiryTime": "2025-01-10T20:45:29Z",
    "attributes": {
      "application": "bafyreibs6y7jhgjlsoxyqlugvkweanp3bi7ippfmhehk2rslcpoaqic2xi",
      "dns": "bafyreicpac7tar5ua5e42zo7d5zwyp5yv7iord23p3gdox7zdfslrarjle",
      "meta": {
        "config": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709",
        "so": "82a5f9a3e4924cbb92e28be68759a487"
      "name": "@cerc-io/my-test-webapp",
      "request": "bafyreiex7vmtruiiasra4wvqe7wirl6iuwiso6p3cvb3sjhq55e74zh4ke",
      "type": "ApplicationDeploymentRecord",
      "url": "",
      "version": "0.0.1"

Checking Status

The status of the deployment may be checked with stack-orchestrator.

$ laconic-so deployment --dir /opt/deployments/ status
        TLS: notBefore: 2024-01-12T23:11:09Z, notAfter: 2024-04-11T23:11:08Z

        default/laconic-9560ffc64512e453-deployment-fb58d756f-l77pm: Running (2024-01-13 00:10:42+00:00)

Removing Deployments

As with deployment, removal involves publishing a request, which is then fulfilled by deployment processor.

Application Deployment Removal Requests

$ cat apprm.yml
  type: ApplicationDeploymentRemovalRequest
  version: 1.0.0
  deployment: bafyreiemfmxsue4svzys6tcwsqmhfjeyoo3gp63n7kydi2izbrwuzd4rga

$ laconic -c $LACONIC_CONFIG cns record publish -f apprm.yml


As with deployment, for records publish to the production service removal should be processed automatically. In other environments, removal can be processed with stack-orchestrator.

$ laconic-so undeploy-webapp-from-registry   \
    --deployment-parent-dir /opt/deployments   \
    --laconic-config ~/.laconic/local.yml   \
    --request-id bafyreiejnqhsn5ibc3c6pzlsc26co3mt63djdeuntt3gmfuckcntdmisge

Request bafyreiejnqhsn5ibc3c6pzlsc26co3mt63djdeuntt3gmfuckcntdmisge needs to processed.
Found 1 unsatisfied request(s) to process.
Matched deployment ownership: 2671D38525BDC91A5DF4794EF2059D5771133702
  type: ApplicationDeploymentRemovalRecord
  deployment: bafyreiemfmxsue4svzys6tcwsqmhfjeyoo3gp63n7kydi2izbrwuzd4rga
  request: bafyreiejnqhsn5ibc3c6pzlsc26co3mt63djdeuntt3gmfuckcntdmisge
  version: 1.0.0