2023-02-14 14:43:32 +01:00

9.7 KiB

Checklist for making a release:


Pre-flight checks

At least a day before the release:

  • Run make linkcheck from within docs/ and fix any broken links it finds. Ignore false positives caused by href anchors and dummy links not meant to work.
  • Make sure that all merged PRs that should have changelog entries do have them.
  • Rerun CI on the top commits of main branches in all repositories that do not have daily activity by creating a test branch or PR:
    • solc-js
    • solc-bin (make sure the bytecode comparison check did run)
    • homebrew-ethereum
  • (Optional) Create a prerelease in our Ubuntu PPA by following the steps in the PPA section below on develop rather than on a tag. This is recommended especially when dealing with PPA for the first time, when we add a new Ubuntu version or when the PPA scripts were modified in this release cycle.
  • Verify that the release tarball of solc-js works. Bump version locally, add soljson.js from CI, build it, compare the file structure with the previous version, install it locally and try to use it.


At least a day before the release:

  • Create a draft PR to sort the changelog.
  • Create draft PRs to bump version in solidity and solc-js.
  • Create a draft of the release on github.
  • Create a draft PR to update
  • Create drafts of blog posts.
  • Prepare drafts of Twitter, Reddit and Solidity Forum announcements.

Blog Post

  • Create a post on solidity-blog in the Releases category and explain some of the new features or concepts.
  • Create a post on solidity-blog in the Security Alerts category in case of important bug(s).


  • Sort the changelog entries alphabetically and correct any errors you notice. Commit it.
  • Update the changelog to include a release date.
  • Run scripts/ to regenerate bugs_by_version.json from the changelog and bugs.json. Make sure that the resulting bugs_by_version.json has a new, empty entry for the new version.
  • Commit changes, create a pull request and wait for the tests. Then merge it.
  • Copy the changelog into the release blog post.

Create the Release

  • Create a release on GitHub. Set the target to the develop branch and the tag to the new version, e.g. v0.8.5. Include the following warning: **The release is still in progress and the binaries may not yet be available from all sources.**. Don't publish it yet - click the Save draft button instead.
  • Thank voluntary contributors in the GitHub release notes. Use scripts/ v<previous version> to get initial list of names. Remove different variants of the same name manually before using the output.
  • Check that all tests on the latest commit in develop are green.
  • Click the Publish release button on the release page, creating the tag.
  • Wait for the CI runs on the tag itself.

Upload Release Artifacts and Publish Binaries

  • Switch to the tag that archives have to be created for.
  • Create the prerelease.txt file: (echo -n > prerelease.txt).
  • Run scripts/ while being on the tag to create the source tarball. This will create the tarball in a directory called upload.
  • Take the tarball from the upload directory (its name should be solidity_x.x.x.tar.gz, otherwise prerelease.txt was missing in the step before) and upload the source tarball to the release page.
  • Take the github-binaries.tar tarball from c_release_binaries run of the tagged commit in circle-ci and add all binaries from it to the release page. Make sure it contains four binaries: solc-windows.exe, solc-macos, solc-static-linux and soljson.js.
  • Take the solc-bin-binaries.tar tarball from c_release_binaries run of the tagged commit in circle-ci and add all binaries from it to solc-bin.
  • Run npm run update -- --reuse-hashes in solc-bin and verify that the script has updated list.js, list.txt and list.json files correctly and that symlinks to the new release have been added in solc-bin/wasm/ and solc-bin/emscripten-wasm32/.
  • Create a pull request in solc-bin and merge.

Homebrew and MacOS


  • Run ./scripts/ v$VERSION.


  • Create .release_ppa_auth at the root of your local Solidity checkout and set LAUNCHPAD_EMAIL and LAUNCHPAD_KEYID to your key's email and key id.
  • Double-check that the DISTRIBUTIONS list in scripts/ and scripts/deps-ppa/ contains the most recent versions of Ubuntu.
  • Make sure the ~ethereum/cpp-build-deps PPA repository contains libz3-static-dev builds for all current versions of Ubuntu. Note that it may be included in the z3-static multipackage (follow the View package details link to check). If not present, run scripts/deps-ppa/ and wait for the builds to succeed before continuing.
  • Run scripts/ v$VERSION to create the PPA release. This will create a single package containing static binary for older Ubuntu versions in the ~ethereum/ethereum-static PPA and separate packages with dynamically-linked binaries for recent versions (those listed in DISTRIBUTIONS) in the ~ethereum/ethereum PPA.
  • Wait for the build to be finished and published for all architectures (currently we only build for amd64, but we may add arm in the future). SERIOUSLY: DO NOT PROCEED EARLIER!!!
  • After the package with the static build is published, use it to create packages for older Ubuntu versions. Copy the static package to the ~ethereum/ethereum PPA for the destination series Trusty, Xenial and Bionic while selecting Copy existing binaries.

Release solc-js

  • Wait until solc-bin was properly deployed. You can test this via remix - a test run through remix is advisable anyway.
  • Increment the version number, create a pull request for that, merge it after tests succeeded.
  • Run npm run build:tarball in the updated solc-js repository to create solc-<version>.tgz. Inspect the tarball to ensure that it contains an up to date compiler binary.
  • Run npm run publish:tarball to publish the newly created tarball.
  • Create a tag using git tag --annotate v$VERSION and push it with git push --tags.


  • Make sure the documentation for the new release has been published successfully. Go to the documentation status page at ReadTheDocs and verify that the new version is listed, works and is marked as default.
  • Remove "still in progress" warning from the release notes.
  • Publish the blog posts.
  • Create a commit to increase the version number on develop in CMakeLists.txt and add a new skeleton changelog entry.
  • Announce on Twitter, including links to the release and the blog post. Use #xp at the end of the tweet to automatically cross post the announcement to Fosstodon.
  • Share the announcement on Reddit in /r/ethdev, cross-posted to /r/ethereum.
  • Share the announcement the Solidity forum in the Announcements category.
  • Update the release information section on
  • Lean back, wait for bug reports and repeat from step 1 :).