Bhargava Shastry 00946f3ea0 ossfuzz: Add sol proto fuzzer skeleton
Co-Authored-By: Leonardo <>
2020-05-11 23:56:27 +02:00

186 lines
6.0 KiB

This file is part of solidity.
solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with solidity. If not, see <>.
#pragma once
#include <test/tools/ossfuzz/solProto.pb.h>
#include <random>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
namespace solidity::test::solprotofuzzer
/// Random number generator that is seeded with a fuzzer
/// supplied unsigned integer.
struct SolRandomNumGenerator
using RandomEngine = std::minstd_rand;
explicit SolRandomNumGenerator(unsigned _seed): m_random(RandomEngine(_seed)) {}
/// @returns a pseudo random unsigned integer
unsigned operator()()
return m_random();
RandomEngine m_random;
/* There are two types of tests created by the converter:
* - library test
* - contract test
* The template for library test is the following:
* // Library generated from fuzzer protobuf specification
* library L0 {
* function f0(uint) public view returns (uint) {
* return 31337;
* }
* function f1(uint) public pure returns (uint) {
* return 455;
* }
* }
* library L1 {
* function f0(uint) external view returns (uint) {
* return 607;
* }
* }
* // Test entry point
* contract C {
* // Uses a single pseudo randomly chosen library
* // and calls a pseudo randomly chosen function
* // returning a non-zero error code on failure or
* // a zero uint when test passes.
* using L0 for uint;
* function test() public pure returns (uint) {
* uint x;
* if (x.f1() != 455)
* return 1;
* return 0;
* }
* }
* The template for contract test is the following
* // Contracts generated from fuzzer protobuf specification
* contract C0B {
* function f0() public pure virtual returns (uint)
* {
* return 42;
* }
* }
* contract C0 is C0B {
* function f0() public pure override returns (uint)
* {
* return 1337;
* }
* }
* // Test entry point
* contract C {
* // Invokes one or more contract functions returning
* // a non-zero error code for failure, a zero uint
* // when all tests pass
* function test() public pure returns (uint)
* {
* C0 tc0 = new C0();
* if (tc0.f0() != 1337)
* return 1;
* C0B tc1 = new C0B();
* if (tc1.f0() != 42)
* return 2;
* // Expected return value if all tests pass
* return 0;
* }
* }
class ProtoConverter
ProtoConverter() {}
ProtoConverter(ProtoConverter const&) = delete;
ProtoConverter(ProtoConverter&&) = delete;
std::string protoToSolidity(Program const&);
/// @returns true if test calls a library function, false
/// otherwise
bool libraryTest() const;
/// @returns name of the library under test
std::string libraryName() const;
/// Variant type that points to one of contract, interface, library protobuf messages
using CIL = std::variant<Contract const*, Interface const*, Library const*>;
/// Protobuf message visitors that accept a const reference to a protobuf message
/// type and return its solidity translation.
std::string visit(Program const&);
std::string visit(TestContract const&);
std::string visit(ContractType const&);
std::string visit(Interface const& _interface);
std::string visit(Library const& _library);
std::string visit(Contract const& _contract);
/// @returns a string pair containing a library declaration (relevant for library
/// tests only) and a solidity test case
std::pair<std::string, std::string> generateTestCase(TestContract const& _testContract);
/// @returns name of a program i.e., contract, library or interface
std::string programName(CIL _program);
/// @returns a tuple containing the names of the library and function under
/// test, and its expected output.
std::tuple<std::string, std::string, std::string> pseudoRandomLibraryTest();
/// Performs bookkeeping for a fuzzer-supplied program
void openProgramScope(CIL _program);
/// @returns a deterministic pseudo random unsigned integer
unsigned randomNumber();
/// @returns true if fuzzer supplied Library protobuf message
/// contains zero functions, false otherwise.
static bool emptyLibrary(Library const& _library)
return _library.funcdef_size() == 0;
/// @returns true if there are no valid library test cases, false
/// otherwise.
bool emptyLibraryTests()
return m_libraryTests.size() == 0;
/// @returns true if there are no valid contract test cases, false
/// otherwise.
bool emptyContractTests()
return m_contractTests.size() == 0;
/// Numeric suffix that is part of program names e.g., "0" in "C0"
unsigned m_programNumericSuffix = 0;
/// Flag that states whether library call is tested (true) or not (false).
bool m_libraryTest = false;
/// A smart pointer to fuzzer driven random number generator
std::shared_ptr<SolRandomNumGenerator> m_randomGen;
/// Maps protobuf program to its string name
std::map<CIL, std::string> m_programNameMap;
/// List of tuples containing library name, function and its expected output
std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, std::string, std::string>> m_libraryTests;
/// Maps contract name to a map of function names and their expected output
std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, std::string>> m_contractTests;
/// Name of the library under test, relevant if m_libraryTest is set
std::string m_libraryName;
/// Maximum number of local variables in test function to avoid stack too deep
/// errors
static unsigned constexpr s_maxVars = 15;