Fuzzer: Add test harness for solidity inheritance protobuf fuzzer

Co-Authored-By: Leonardo <leo@ethereum.org>
This commit is contained in:
Bhargava Shastry 2020-04-20 16:08:31 +02:00
parent 00946f3ea0
commit 596ac018f5
6 changed files with 313 additions and 57 deletions

View File

@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ defaults:
cd build
protoc --proto_path=../test/tools/ossfuzz yulProto.proto --cpp_out=../test/tools/ossfuzz
protoc --proto_path=../test/tools/ossfuzz abiV2Proto.proto --cpp_out=../test/tools/ossfuzz
protoc --proto_path=../test/tools/ossfuzz solProto.proto --cpp_out=../test/tools/ossfuzz
make ossfuzz ossfuzz_proto ossfuzz_abiv2 -j4
@ -97,6 +98,7 @@ defaults:
- test/tools/ossfuzz/strictasm_opt_ossfuzz
- test/tools/ossfuzz/yul_proto_diff_ossfuzz
- test/tools/ossfuzz/yul_proto_ossfuzz
- test/tools/ossfuzz/sol_proto_ossfuzz
# test result output directory
- artifacts_test_results: &artifacts_test_results

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ add_dependencies(ossfuzz
add_dependencies(ossfuzz_proto yul_proto_ossfuzz yul_proto_diff_ossfuzz)
add_dependencies(ossfuzz_proto yul_proto_ossfuzz yul_proto_diff_ossfuzz sol_proto_ossfuzz)
add_dependencies(ossfuzz_abiv2 abiv2_proto_ossfuzz)
@ -78,6 +78,25 @@ if (OSSFUZZ)
set_target_properties(abiv2_proto_ossfuzz PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS ${LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE})
target_include_directories(sol_proto_ossfuzz PRIVATE
target_link_libraries(sol_proto_ossfuzz PRIVATE solidity libsolc
set_target_properties(sol_proto_ossfuzz PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS ${LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE})

View File

@ -46,17 +46,22 @@ pair<string, string> ProtoConverter::generateTestCase(TestContract const& _testC
m_libraryTest = true;
auto testTuple = pseudoRandomLibraryTest();
m_libraryName = get<0>(testTuple);
usingLibDecl = Whiskers(R"(
using <libraryName> for uint;)")
("libraryName", get<0>(testTuple))
testCode << Whiskers(R"(
uint x;
if (x.<testFunction>() != <expectedOutput>)
return 1;)")
("testFunction", get<1>(testTuple))
("expectedOutput", get<2>(testTuple))
Whiskers u(R"(<ind>using <libraryName> for uint;)");
u("ind", "\t");
u("libraryName", get<0>(testTuple));
usingLibDecl = u.render();
Whiskers test(R"(<endl><ind><varDecl><endl><ind><ifStmt>)");
test("endl", "\n");
test("ind", "\t\t");
test("varDecl", "uint x;");
Whiskers ifStmt(R"(if (<cond>)<endl><ind>return 1;)");
Whiskers ifCond(R"(x.<testFunction>() != <expectedOutput>)");
ifCond("testFunction", get<1>(testTuple));
ifCond("expectedOutput", get<2>(testTuple));
ifStmt("cond", ifCond.render());
ifStmt("endl", "\n");
ifStmt("ind", "\t\t\t");
test("ifStmt", ifStmt.render());
case TestContract::CONTRACT:
@ -73,21 +78,28 @@ pair<string, string> ProtoConverter::generateTestCase(TestContract const& _testC
string contractName = testTuple.first;
string contractVarName = "tc" + to_string(contractVarIndex);
testCode << Whiskers(R"(
<contractName> <contractVarName> = new <contractName>();)")
("contractName", contractName)
("contractVarName", contractVarName)
Whiskers init(R"(<endl><ind><contractName> <contractVarName> = new <contractName>();)");
init("endl", "\n");
init("ind", "\t\t");
init("contractName", contractName);
init("contractVarName", contractVarName);
testCode << init.render();
for (auto const& t: testTuple.second)
testCode << Whiskers(R"(
if (<contractVarName>.<testFunction>() != <expectedOutput>)
return <errorCode>;)")
("contractVarName", contractVarName)
("testFunction", t.first)
("expectedOutput", t.second)
("errorCode", to_string(errorCode))
Whiskers tc(R"(<endl><ind><ifStmt>)");
tc("endl", "\n");
tc("ind", "\t\t");
Whiskers ifStmt(R"(if (<cond>)<endl><ind>return <errorCode>;)");
Whiskers ifCond(R"(<contractVarName>.<testFunction>() != <expectedOutput>)");
ifCond("contractVarName", contractVarName);
ifCond("testFunction", t.first);
ifCond("expectedOutput", t.second);
ifStmt("endl", "\n");
ifStmt("cond", ifCond.render());
ifStmt("ind", "\t\t\t");
ifStmt("errorCode", to_string(errorCode));
tc("ifStmt", ifStmt.render());
testCode << tc.render();
@ -96,10 +108,8 @@ pair<string, string> ProtoConverter::generateTestCase(TestContract const& _testC
// Expected return value when all tests pass
testCode << Whiskers(R"(
return 0;)")
return pair(usingLibDecl, testCode.str());
testCode << Whiskers(R"(<endl><ind>return 0;)")("endl", "\n")("ind", "\t\t").render();
return {usingLibDecl, testCode.str()};
string ProtoConverter::visit(TestContract const& _testContract)
@ -111,23 +121,20 @@ string ProtoConverter::visit(TestContract const& _testContract)
// Simply return valid uint (zero) if there are
// no tests.
if (emptyLibraryTests() || emptyContractTests())
testCode = Whiskers(R"(
return 0;)")
testCode = Whiskers(R"(<endl><ind>return 0;)")("endl", "\n")("ind", "\t\t").render();
tie(usingLibDecl, testCode) = generateTestCase(_testContract);
return Whiskers(R"(
contract C {<?isLibrary><usingDecl></isLibrary>
function test() public returns (uint)
("isLibrary", m_libraryTest)
("usingDecl", usingLibDecl)
("testCode", testCode)
Whiskers c(R"(<endl>contract C {<?isLibrary><usingDecl></isLibrary><endl><function><endl>})");
c("endl", "\n");
c("isLibrary", m_libraryTest);
c("usingDecl", usingLibDecl);
Whiskers f("<ind>function test() public returns (uint)<endl><ind>{<testCode><endl><ind>}");
f("ind", "\t");
f("endl", "\n");
f("testCode", testCode);
c("function", f.render());
return c.render();
bool ProtoConverter::libraryTest() const
@ -148,17 +155,11 @@ string ProtoConverter::visit(Program const& _p)
for (auto &contract: _p.contracts())
contracts << visit(contract);
program << Whiskers(R"(
pragma solidity >=0.0;
("contracts", contracts.str())
("testContract", visit(_p.test()))
return program.str();
Whiskers p(R"(<endl>pragma solidity >=0.0;<endl><contracts><endl><test>)");
p("endl", "\n");
p("contracts", contracts.str());
p("test", visit(_p.test()));
return p.render();
string ProtoConverter::visit(ContractType const& _contractType)

View File

@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ private:
/// otherwise.
bool emptyLibraryTests()
return m_libraryTests.size() == 0;
return m_libraryTests.empty();
/// @returns true if there are no valid contract test cases, false
/// otherwise.
bool emptyContractTests()
return m_contractTests.size() == 0;
return m_contractTests.empty();
/// Numeric suffix that is part of program names e.g., "0" in "C0"
unsigned m_programNumericSuffix = 0;

View File

@ -108,4 +108,4 @@ message Program {
required uint64 seed = 3;
package solidity.test.solprotofuzzer;
package solidity.test.solprotofuzzer;

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@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
This file is part of solidity.
solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with solidity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <test/tools/ossfuzz/protoToSol.h>
#include <test/tools/ossfuzz/solProto.pb.h>
#include <test/tools/ossfuzz/abiV2FuzzerCommon.h>
#include <test/EVMHost.h>
#include <evmone/evmone.h>
#include <src/libfuzzer/libfuzzer_macro.h>
#include <fstream>
static evmc::VM evmone = evmc::VM{evmc_create_evmone()};
using namespace solidity::test::abiv2fuzzer;
using namespace solidity::test::solprotofuzzer;
using namespace solidity;
using namespace solidity::test;
using namespace solidity::util;
using namespace std;
/// Test function returns a uint256 value
static size_t const expectedOutputLength = 32;
/// Expected output value is decimal 0
static uint8_t const expectedOutput[expectedOutputLength] = {
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
/// Compares the contents of the memory address pointed to
/// by `_result` of `_length` bytes to the expected output.
/// Returns true if `_result` matches expected output, false
/// otherwise.
bool isOutputExpected(evmc::result const& _run)
if (_run.output_size != expectedOutputLength)
return false;
return memcmp(_run.output_data, expectedOutput, expectedOutputLength) == 0;
/// Accepts a reference to a user-specified input and returns an
/// evmc_message with all of its fields zero initialized except
/// gas and input fields.
/// The gas field is set to the maximum permissible value so that we
/// don't run into out of gas errors. The input field is copied from
/// user input.
evmc_message initializeMessage(bytes const& _input)
// Zero initialize all message fields
evmc_message msg = {};
// Gas available (value of type int64_t) is set to its maximum
// value.
msg.gas = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
msg.input_data = _input.data();
msg.input_size = _input.size();
return msg;
/// Accepts host context implementation, and keccak256 hash of the function
/// to be called at a specified address in the simulated blockchain as
/// input and returns the result of the execution of the called function.
evmc::result executeContract(
EVMHost& _hostContext,
bytes const& _functionHash,
evmc_address _deployedAddress
evmc_message message = initializeMessage(_functionHash);
message.destination = _deployedAddress;
message.kind = EVMC_CALL;
return _hostContext.call(message);
/// Accepts a reference to host context implementation and byte code
/// as input and deploys it on the simulated blockchain. Returns the
/// result of deployment.
evmc::result deployContract(EVMHost& _hostContext, bytes const& _code)
evmc_message message = initializeMessage(_code);
message.kind = EVMC_CREATE;
return _hostContext.call(message);
std::pair<bytes, Json::Value> compileContract(
std::string _sourceCode,
std::string _contractName,
std::map<std::string, solidity::util::h160> const& _libraryAddresses = {},
frontend::OptimiserSettings _optimization = frontend::OptimiserSettings::minimal()
// Compile contract generated by the proto fuzzer
SolidityCompilationFramework solCompilationFramework;
return std::make_pair(
solCompilationFramework.compileContract(_sourceCode, _contractName, _libraryAddresses, _optimization),
// Ignore stack too deep errors during compilation
catch (evmasm::StackTooDeepException const&)
return std::make_pair(bytes{}, Json::Value(0));
evmc::result deployAndExecute(EVMHost& _hostContext, bytes _byteCode, std::string _hexEncodedInput)
// Deploy contract and signal failure if deploy failed
evmc::result createResult = deployContract(_hostContext, _byteCode);
createResult.status_code == EVMC_SUCCESS,
"Proto solc fuzzer: Contract creation failed"
// Execute test function and signal failure if EVM reverted or
// did not return expected output on successful execution.
evmc::result callResult = executeContract(
// We don't care about EVM One failures other than EVMC_REVERT
solAssert(callResult.status_code != EVMC_REVERT, "Proto solc fuzzer: EVM One reverted");
return callResult;
evmc::result compileDeployAndExecute(
std::string _sourceCode,
std::string _contractName,
std::string _methodName,
frontend::OptimiserSettings _optimization,
std::string _libraryName = {}
bytes libraryBytecode;
Json::Value libIds;
// We target the default EVM which is the latest
langutil::EVMVersion version = {};
EVMHost hostContext(version, evmone);
std::map<std::string, solidity::util::h160> _libraryAddressMap;
// First deploy library
if (!_libraryName.empty())
tie(libraryBytecode, libIds) = compileContract(
// Deploy contract and signal failure if deploy failed
evmc::result createResult = deployContract(hostContext, libraryBytecode);
createResult.status_code == EVMC_SUCCESS,
"Proto solc fuzzer: Library deployment failed"
_libraryAddressMap[_libraryName] = EVMHost::convertFromEVMC(createResult.create_address);
auto [bytecode, ids] = compileContract(
return deployAndExecute(
DEFINE_PROTO_FUZZER(Program const& _input)
ProtoConverter converter;
string sol_source = converter.protoToSolidity(_input);
if (char const* dump_path = getenv("PROTO_FUZZER_DUMP_PATH"))
// With libFuzzer binary run this to generate a YUL source file x.yul:
// PROTO_FUZZER_DUMP_PATH=x.yul ./a.out proto-input
ofstream of(dump_path);
of.write(sol_source.data(), sol_source.size());
if (char const* dump_path = getenv("SOL_DEBUG_FILE"))
// With libFuzzer binary run this to generate a YUL source file x.yul:
// PROTO_FUZZER_LOAD_PATH=x.yul ./a.out proto-input
ifstream ifstr(dump_path);
sol_source = {
std::cout << sol_source << std::endl;
auto minimalResult = compileDeployAndExecute(
converter.libraryTest() ? converter.libraryName() : ""
bool successState = minimalResult.status_code == EVMC_SUCCESS;
if (successState)
"Proto solc fuzzer: Output incorrect"