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Setup Troubleshooting

Config: Clearing data

Here is a command that will delete your chain data, stored wallets, stored data and any miners you have set up:

rm -rf ~/.lotus ~/.lotusstorage

This command usually resolves any issues with running lotus but it is not always required for updates. We will share information about when resetting your chain data and miners is required for an update in the future.

Error: Failed to connect bootstrap peer

WARN  peermgr peermgr/peermgr.go:131  failed to connect to bootstrap peer: failed to dial : all dials failed
  * [/ip4/] failed to negotiate security protocol: connected to wrong peer
  • Try running the build steps again and make sure that you have the latest code from GitHub.
ERROR hello hello/hello.go:81 other peer has different genesis!
  • Try deleting your file system's ~/.lotus directory. Check that it exists with ls ~/.lotus.
- repo is already locked
  • You already have another lotus deamon running.

Warning: get message get failed

Some errors will occur that do not prevent Lotus from working:

ERROR chainstore  store/store.go:564  get message get failed: <Data CID>: blockstore: block not found

  • Someone is requesting a Data CID from you that you don't have.