2020-07-03 12:28:09 +01:00

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Delving into the unknown

This write-up summarises how to debug what appears to be a mischievous Lotus instance during our Testground tests. It also goes enumerates which assets are useful to report suspicious behaviours upstream, in a way that they are actionable.

Querying the Lotus RPC API

The local:docker and cluster:k8s map ports that you specify in the composition.toml, so you can access them externally.

All our compositions should carry this fragment:

  exposed_ports = ["6060", "1234", "2345"]

This tells Testground to expose the following ports:

  • 6060 => Go pprof.
  • 1234 => Lotus full node RPC.
  • 2345 => Lotus storage miner RPC.


  1. Install the lotus binary on your host.

  2. Find the container that you want to connect to in docker ps.

    • Note that our container names are slightly long, and they're the last field on every line, so if your terminal is wrapping text, the port numbers will end up ABOVE the friendly/recognizable container name (e.g. tg-lotus-soup-deals-e2e-acfc60bc1727-miners-1).
    • The testground output displays the container ID inside coloured angle brackets, so if you spot something spurious in a particular node, you can hone in on that one, e.g. << 54dd5ad916b2 >>.
    ⟩ docker ps
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                       COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                                                                NAMES
    54dd5ad916b2        be3c18d7f0d4                "/testplan"              10 seconds ago      Up 8 seconds>1234/tcp,>2345/tcp,>6060/tcp,>6060/tcp   tg-lotus-soup-deals-e2e-acfc60bc1727-clients-2
    53757489ce71        be3c18d7f0d4                "/testplan"              10 seconds ago      Up 8 seconds>1234/tcp,>2345/tcp,>6060/tcp,>6060/tcp   tg-lotus-soup-deals-e2e-acfc60bc1727-clients-1
    9d3e83b71087        be3c18d7f0d4                "/testplan"              10 seconds ago      Up 8 seconds>1234/tcp,>2345/tcp,>6060/tcp,>6060/tcp   tg-lotus-soup-deals-e2e-acfc60bc1727-clients-0
    7bd60e75ed0e        be3c18d7f0d4                "/testplan"              10 seconds ago      Up 8 seconds>1234/tcp,>2345/tcp,>6060/tcp,>6060/tcp   tg-lotus-soup-deals-e2e-acfc60bc1727-miners-1
    dff229d7b342        be3c18d7f0d4                "/testplan"              10 seconds ago      Up 9 seconds>1234/tcp,>2345/tcp,>6060/tcp,>6060/tcp   tg-lotus-soup-deals-e2e-acfc60bc1727-miners-0
    4cd67690e3b8        be3c18d7f0d4                "/testplan"              11 seconds ago      Up 8 seconds>1234/tcp,>2345/tcp,>6060/tcp,>6060/tcp   tg-lotus-soup-deals-e2e-acfc60bc1727-bootstrapper-0
    aeb334adf88d        iptestground/sidecar:edge   "testground sidecar …"   43 hours ago        Up About an hour>6060/tcp                                                                              testground-sidecar
    c1157500282b        influxdb:1.8                "/entrypoint.sh infl…"   43 hours ago        Up 25 seconds>8086/tcp                                                                               testground-influxdb
    99ca4c07fecc        redis                       "docker-entrypoint.s…"   43 hours ago        Up About an hour>6379/tcp                                                                               testground-redis
    bf25c87488a5        bitnami/grafana             "/run.sh"                43 hours ago        Up 26 seconds>3000/tcp                                                                               testground-grafana
    cd1d6383eff7        goproxy/goproxy             "/goproxy"               45 hours ago        Up About a minute   8081/tcp                                                                                             testground-goproxy
  3. Take note of the port mapping. Imagine in the output above, we want to query 54dd5ad916b2. We'd use localhost:32788, as it forwards to the container's 1234 port (Lotus Full Node RPC).

  4. Run your Lotus CLI command setting the FULLNODE_API_INFO env variable, which is a multiaddr:

    $ FULLNODE_API_INFO=":/ip4/$port/http" lotus chain list


WIP @nonsense.

Useful commands / checks

  • Making sure miners are on the same chain: compare outputs of lotus chain list.
  • Checking deals: lotus client list-deals.
  • Sector queries: WIP @nonsense.

Viewing logs of a particular container (local:docker)

This works for both started and stopped containers. Just get the container ID (in double angle brackets in Testground output, on every log line), and do a:

$ docker logs $container_id

Accessing the golang instrumentation

Testground exposes a pprof endpoint under local port 6060, which both local:docker and cluster:k8s map.

For local:docker, see above to figure out which host port maps to the container's 6060 port.

Acquiring a goroutine dump

When things appear to be stuck, get a goroutine dump.

$ wget -o goroutine.out http://localhost:${pprof_port}/debug/pprof/goroutine?debug=2

You can use whyrusleeping/stackparse to extract a summary:

$ go get https://github.com/whyrusleeping/stackparse
$ stackparse --summary goroutine.out

Acquiring a CPU profile

When the CPU appears to be spiking/rallying, grab a CPU profile.

$ wget -o profile.out http://localhost:${pprof_port}/debug/pprof/profile

Analyse it using go tool pprof. Usually, generating a png graph is useful:

$ go tool pprof profile.out
File: testground
Type: cpu
Time: Jul 3, 2020 at 12:00am (WEST)
Duration: 30.07s, Total samples = 2.81s ( 9.34%)
Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands, "o" for options)
(pprof) png
Generating report in profile003.png

Submitting actionable reports / findings

This is useful both internally (within the Oni team, so that peers can help) and externally (when submitting a finding upstream).

We don't need to play the full bug-hunting game on Lotus, but it's tremendously useful to provide the necessary data so that any reports are actionable.

These include:

  • test outputs (use testground collect).
  • stack traces that appear in logs (whether panics or not).
  • output of relevant Lotus CLI commands.
  • if this is some kind of blockage / deadlock, goroutine dumps.
  • if this is a CPU hotspot, a CPU profile would be useful.
  • if this is a memory issue, a heap dump would be useful.

When submitting bugs upstream (Lotus), make sure to indicate:

  • Lotus commit.
  • FFI commit.