2019-12-09 07:50:21 +00:00
//! Provides network functionality for the Syncing thread. This fundamentally wraps a network
//! channel and stores a global RPC ID to perform requests.
2019-12-20 05:26:30 +00:00
use crate ::message_processor ::status_message ;
2019-12-09 07:50:21 +00:00
use crate ::service ::NetworkMessage ;
use beacon_chain ::{ BeaconChain , BeaconChainTypes } ;
use eth2_libp2p ::rpc ::methods ::* ;
use eth2_libp2p ::rpc ::{ RPCEvent , RPCRequest , RequestId } ;
use eth2_libp2p ::PeerId ;
use slog ::{ debug , trace , warn } ;
use std ::sync ::Weak ;
use tokio ::sync ::mpsc ;
/// Wraps a Network channel to employ various RPC related network functionality for the Sync manager. This includes management of a global RPC request Id.
pub struct SyncNetworkContext {
/// The network channel to relay messages to the Network service.
network_send : mpsc ::UnboundedSender < NetworkMessage > ,
request_id : RequestId ,
/// Logger for the `SyncNetworkContext`.
log : slog ::Logger ,
impl SyncNetworkContext {
pub fn new ( network_send : mpsc ::UnboundedSender < NetworkMessage > , log : slog ::Logger ) -> Self {
Self {
network_send ,
request_id : 0 ,
log ,
pub fn status_peer < T : BeaconChainTypes > (
& mut self ,
chain : Weak < BeaconChain < T > > ,
peer_id : PeerId ,
) {
trace! (
self . log ,
" Sending Status Request " ;
" method " = > " STATUS " ,
" peer " = > format! ( " {:?} " , peer_id )
) ;
if let Some ( chain ) = chain . upgrade ( ) {
2020-01-06 06:30:37 +00:00
if let Some ( status_message ) = status_message ( & chain ) {
let _ = self . send_rpc_request ( peer_id , RPCRequest ::Status ( status_message ) ) ;
2019-12-09 07:50:21 +00:00
pub fn blocks_by_range_request (
& mut self ,
peer_id : PeerId ,
request : BlocksByRangeRequest ,
) -> Result < RequestId , & 'static str > {
trace! (
self . log ,
" Sending BlocksByRange Request " ;
" method " = > " BlocksByRange " ,
" count " = > request . count ,
" peer " = > format! ( " {:?} " , peer_id )
) ;
self . send_rpc_request ( peer_id . clone ( ) , RPCRequest ::BlocksByRange ( request ) )
pub fn blocks_by_root_request (
& mut self ,
peer_id : PeerId ,
request : BlocksByRootRequest ,
) -> Result < RequestId , & 'static str > {
trace! (
self . log ,
" Sending BlocksByRoot Request " ;
" method " = > " BlocksByRoot " ,
" count " = > request . block_roots . len ( ) ,
" peer " = > format! ( " {:?} " , peer_id )
) ;
self . send_rpc_request ( peer_id . clone ( ) , RPCRequest ::BlocksByRoot ( request ) )
pub fn downvote_peer ( & mut self , peer_id : PeerId ) {
debug! (
self . log ,
" Peer downvoted " ;
" peer " = > format! ( " {:?} " , peer_id )
) ;
// TODO: Implement reputation
self . disconnect ( peer_id . clone ( ) , GoodbyeReason ::Fault ) ;
fn disconnect ( & mut self , peer_id : PeerId , reason : GoodbyeReason ) {
warn! (
& self . log ,
" Disconnecting peer (RPC) " ;
" reason " = > format! ( " {:?} " , reason ) ,
" peer_id " = > format! ( " {:?} " , peer_id ) ,
) ;
// ignore the error if the channel send fails
let _ = self . send_rpc_request ( peer_id . clone ( ) , RPCRequest ::Goodbye ( reason ) ) ;
self . network_send
. try_send ( NetworkMessage ::Disconnect { peer_id } )
. unwrap_or_else ( | _ | {
warn! (
self . log ,
" Could not send a Disconnect to the network service "
} ) ;
pub fn send_rpc_request (
& mut self ,
peer_id : PeerId ,
rpc_request : RPCRequest ,
) -> Result < RequestId , & 'static str > {
let request_id = self . request_id ;
self . request_id + = 1 ;
self . send_rpc_event ( peer_id , RPCEvent ::Request ( request_id , rpc_request ) ) ? ;
Ok ( request_id )
fn send_rpc_event ( & mut self , peer_id : PeerId , rpc_event : RPCEvent ) -> Result < ( ) , & 'static str > {
self . network_send
. try_send ( NetworkMessage ::RPC ( peer_id , rpc_event ) )
. map_err ( | _ | {
// This is likely to happen when shutting down. Suppress this warning to trace for now
trace! (
self . log ,
" Could not send RPC message to the network service "
) ;
" Network channel send Failed "
} )