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The evm module contains the following parameters:


Key Type Default Value
EVMDenom string "aphoton"
EnableCreate bool true
EnableCall bool true
ExtraEIPs []int TBD
ChainConfig ChainConfig See ChainConfig

EVM denom

The evm denomination parameter defines the token denomination used on the EVM state transitions and gas consumption for EVM messages.

For example, on Ethereum, the evm_denom would be ETH. In the case of Ethermint, the default denomination is the atto photon (used on the Evmos testnets). In terms of precision, the PHOTON and ETH share the same value, i.e 1 PHOTON = 10^18 atto photon and 1 ETH = 10^18 wei.

::: tip Note: SDK applications that want to import the EVM module as a dependency will need to set their own evm_denom (i.e not "aphoton"). :::

Enable Create

The enable create parameter toggles state transitions that use the vm.Create function. When the parameter is disabled, it will prevent all contract creation functionality.

Enable Transfer

The enable transfer toggles state transitions that use the vm.Call function. When the parameter is disabled, it will prevent transfers between accounts and executing a smart contract call.

Extra EIPs

The extra EIPs parameter defines the set of activateable Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) on the Ethereum VM Config that apply custom jump tables.

::: tip NOTE: some of these EIPs are already enabled by the chain configuration, depending on the hard fork number. :::

The supported activateable EIPS are:

Chain Config

The ChainConfig is a protobuf wrapper type that contains the same fields as the go-ethereum ChainConfig parameters, but using *sdk.Int types instead of *big.Int.

By default, all block configuration fields but ConstantinopleBlock, are enabled at genesis (height 0).

ChainConfig Defaults

Name Default Value
HomesteadBlock 0
DAOForkBlock 0
DAOForkSupport true
EIP150Block 0
EIP150Hash 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
EIP155Block 0
EIP158Block 0
ByzantiumBlock 0
ConstantinopleBlock 0
PetersburgBlock 0
IstanbulBlock 0
MuirGlacierBlock 0
BerlinBlock 0
LondonBlock 0