WIP: Nitro integration #65

roysc wants to merge 38 commits from roy/dev-nitro-bank into main
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roysc added 38 commits 2025-02-13 16:05:10 +00:00
- makefile clean up

- replace cosmos-sdk

- upgrade cosmos-sdk to v1.0.0

- replace cometbft

refactor cli + app init

- rm crisis module

- use custom address codec

- app setup, depinject fixes

- improve errors
- use sdk testutil/network

- refactor e2e tests

- gomock -> uber gomock
- use runtime, server v2

- move generic tx decoder to utils
refactor to add inputs via depinject
- portability on darwin
- pass bin and home paths
- set -e

go mod update
- register crypto types

- fix app codec

eager config and cli init

[wip] fix app cli

[wip] new msg handler registration (bonds)

clean up module autocli: use <> for required positional args

system tests

- registry

[wip] system tests fix, refactor

registry tests

TransferCoinsToModuleAccount: clarify function
- msg & query servers

- clean up logging, errors

- don't use sdk global config
fix integration test
go mod update
go mod update for nitro

[wip] nitro.Service

[wip] run protocgen

[wip] nitrobank account
run gql server

gql cleanup
go mod update
use toml config parser

- don't name key "alice"

init.sh nitro config
inject logger into slog for nitro
update protobuf usage

2025/01/15 13:16:22 Message cerc.registry.v1.Record contains the reserved field name cerc.registry.v1.Record.type which conflicts with protoreflect.Message interface implementation.
This field will be suffixed with an underscore '_'.
If you can change the message field name, please do so.
In a future iteration of pulsar we may make a breaking change to this practice in order to be compliant with field naming of the original golang protobuf implementation.
[wip] nitrobank module
Some checks failed
Unit Tests / test-unit (pull_request) Failing after 22s
SDK Tests / sdk_tests_authority_auctions (pull_request) Failing after 1m58s
SDK Tests / sdk_tests_nameservice_expiry (pull_request) Failing after 1m51s
SDK Tests / sdk_tests (pull_request) Failing after 1m52s
Protobuf / lint (pull_request) Failing after 7s
Integration Tests / test-integration (pull_request) Failing after 26s
Build / build (pull_request) Failing after 28s
E2E Tests / test-e2e (pull_request) Failing after 27s
Some checks failed
Unit Tests / test-unit (pull_request) Failing after 22s
SDK Tests / sdk_tests_authority_auctions (pull_request) Failing after 1m58s
SDK Tests / sdk_tests_nameservice_expiry (pull_request) Failing after 1m51s
SDK Tests / sdk_tests (pull_request) Failing after 1m52s
Protobuf / lint (pull_request) Failing after 7s
Integration Tests / test-integration (pull_request) Failing after 26s
Build / build (pull_request) Failing after 28s
E2E Tests / test-e2e (pull_request) Failing after 27s
This pull request has changes conflicting with the target branch.
  • Dockerfile
  • go.mod
  • go.sum
  • scripts/init.sh


From your project repository, check out a new branch and test the changes.
git fetch -u origin roy/dev-nitro-bank:roy/dev-nitro-bank
git checkout roy/dev-nitro-bank
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Reference: cerc-io/laconicd#65
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