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Apollo GraphQL client.


First start the server:

  cd packages/console-server
  yarn start

Then start the Webpack devserver.

  cd packages/console-app
  yarn start

Then load the app: http://localhost:8080.

Using a KUBE

To use your KUBE for testing, rather than running all the services locally, specify a different config file when starting: config-kube.yml, which connects to kube.local for all services.

For example:

  cd packages/console-app
  CONFIG_FILE=config-kube.yml yarn start


  yarn build

This creates the following folders:

  /es               # Module imports.
  /production       # Production build.

NOTE: GQL and Production files and exported and may be used by the server.

import SYSTEM_STATUS from '@cerc-io/console-app/src/gql/system_status.graphql';


const file = path.join(__dirname + '../../../../node_modules/@cerc-io/console-app/dist/production', 'index.html');