Roy Crihfield 761d60acdf Geth 1.13 (Deneb/Cancun) update (#5)
The Geth `core/state` and `trie` packages underwent a big refactor between `v1.11.6` and `1.13.14`.
This code, which was adapted from those, needed corresponding updates. To do this I applied the diff patches from Geth directly where possible and in some places had to clone new parts of the Geth code and adapt them.

In order to make this process as straightforward as possible in the future, I've attempted to minimize the number of changes vs. Geth and added some documentation in the `trie_by_cid` package.

Reviewed-on: #5
2024-05-29 10:00:12 +00:00

343 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright 2023 go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package utils
import (
const (
// The spec of verkle key encoding can be found here.
// https://notes.ethereum.org/@vbuterin/verkle_tree_eip#Tree-embedding
VersionLeafKey = 0
BalanceLeafKey = 1
NonceLeafKey = 2
CodeKeccakLeafKey = 3
CodeSizeLeafKey = 4
var (
zero = uint256.NewInt(0)
verkleNodeWidthLog2 = 8
headerStorageOffset = uint256.NewInt(64)
mainStorageOffsetLshVerkleNodeWidth = new(uint256.Int).Lsh(uint256.NewInt(256), 31-uint(verkleNodeWidthLog2))
codeOffset = uint256.NewInt(128)
verkleNodeWidth = uint256.NewInt(256)
codeStorageDelta = uint256.NewInt(0).Sub(codeOffset, headerStorageOffset)
index0Point *verkle.Point // pre-computed commitment of polynomial [2+256*64]
// cacheHitGauge is the metric to track how many cache hit occurred.
cacheHitGauge = metrics.NewRegisteredGauge("trie/verkle/cache/hit", nil)
// cacheMissGauge is the metric to track how many cache miss occurred.
cacheMissGauge = metrics.NewRegisteredGauge("trie/verkle/cache/miss", nil)
func init() {
// The byte array is the Marshalled output of the point computed as such:
// var (
// config = verkle.GetConfig()
// fr verkle.Fr
// )
// verkle.FromLEBytes(&fr, []byte{2, 64})
// point := config.CommitToPoly([]verkle.Fr{fr}, 1)
index0Point = new(verkle.Point)
err := index0Point.SetBytes([]byte{34, 25, 109, 242, 193, 5, 144, 224, 76, 52, 189, 92, 197, 126, 9, 145, 27, 152, 199, 130, 165, 3, 210, 27, 193, 131, 142, 28, 110, 26, 16, 191})
if err != nil {
// PointCache is the LRU cache for storing evaluated address commitment.
type PointCache struct {
lru lru.BasicLRU[string, *verkle.Point]
lock sync.RWMutex
// NewPointCache returns the cache with specified size.
func NewPointCache(maxItems int) *PointCache {
return &PointCache{
lru: lru.NewBasicLRU[string, *verkle.Point](maxItems),
// Get returns the cached commitment for the specified address, or computing
// it on the flight.
func (c *PointCache) Get(addr []byte) *verkle.Point {
defer c.lock.Unlock()
p, ok := c.lru.Get(string(addr))
if ok {
return p
p = evaluateAddressPoint(addr)
c.lru.Add(string(addr), p)
return p
// GetStem returns the first 31 bytes of the tree key as the tree stem. It only
// works for the account metadata whose treeIndex is 0.
func (c *PointCache) GetStem(addr []byte) []byte {
p := c.Get(addr)
return pointToHash(p, 0)[:31]
// GetTreeKey performs both the work of the spec's get_tree_key function, and that
// of pedersen_hash: it builds the polynomial in pedersen_hash without having to
// create a mostly zero-filled buffer and "type cast" it to a 128-long 16-byte
// array. Since at most the first 5 coefficients of the polynomial will be non-zero,
// these 5 coefficients are created directly.
func GetTreeKey(address []byte, treeIndex *uint256.Int, subIndex byte) []byte {
if len(address) < 32 {
var aligned [32]byte
address = append(aligned[:32-len(address)], address...)
// poly = [2+256*64, address_le_low, address_le_high, tree_index_le_low, tree_index_le_high]
var poly [5]fr.Element
// 32-byte address, interpreted as two little endian
// 16-byte numbers.
verkle.FromLEBytes(&poly[1], address[:16])
verkle.FromLEBytes(&poly[2], address[16:])
// treeIndex must be interpreted as a 32-byte aligned little-endian integer.
// e.g: if treeIndex is 0xAABBCC, we need the byte representation to be 0xCCBBAA00...00.
// poly[3] = LE({CC,BB,AA,00...0}) (16 bytes), poly[4]=LE({00,00,...}) (16 bytes).
// To avoid unnecessary endianness conversions for go-ipa, we do some trick:
// - poly[3]'s byte representation is the same as the *top* 16 bytes (trieIndexBytes[16:]) of
// 32-byte aligned big-endian representation (BE({00,...,AA,BB,CC})).
// - poly[4]'s byte representation is the same as the *low* 16 bytes (trieIndexBytes[:16]) of
// the 32-byte aligned big-endian representation (BE({00,00,...}).
trieIndexBytes := treeIndex.Bytes32()
verkle.FromBytes(&poly[3], trieIndexBytes[16:])
verkle.FromBytes(&poly[4], trieIndexBytes[:16])
cfg := verkle.GetConfig()
ret := cfg.CommitToPoly(poly[:], 0)
// add a constant point corresponding to poly[0]=[2+256*64].
ret.Add(ret, index0Point)
return pointToHash(ret, subIndex)
// GetTreeKeyWithEvaluatedAddress is basically identical to GetTreeKey, the only
// difference is a part of polynomial is already evaluated.
// Specifically, poly = [2+256*64, address_le_low, address_le_high] is already
// evaluated.
func GetTreeKeyWithEvaluatedAddress(evaluated *verkle.Point, treeIndex *uint256.Int, subIndex byte) []byte {
var poly [5]fr.Element
// little-endian, 32-byte aligned treeIndex
var index [32]byte
for i := 0; i < len(treeIndex); i++ {
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(index[i*8:(i+1)*8], treeIndex[i])
verkle.FromLEBytes(&poly[3], index[:16])
verkle.FromLEBytes(&poly[4], index[16:])
cfg := verkle.GetConfig()
ret := cfg.CommitToPoly(poly[:], 0)
// add the pre-evaluated address
ret.Add(ret, evaluated)
return pointToHash(ret, subIndex)
// VersionKey returns the verkle tree key of the version field for the specified account.
func VersionKey(address []byte) []byte {
return GetTreeKey(address, zero, VersionLeafKey)
// BalanceKey returns the verkle tree key of the balance field for the specified account.
func BalanceKey(address []byte) []byte {
return GetTreeKey(address, zero, BalanceLeafKey)
// NonceKey returns the verkle tree key of the nonce field for the specified account.
func NonceKey(address []byte) []byte {
return GetTreeKey(address, zero, NonceLeafKey)
// CodeKeccakKey returns the verkle tree key of the code keccak field for
// the specified account.
func CodeKeccakKey(address []byte) []byte {
return GetTreeKey(address, zero, CodeKeccakLeafKey)
// CodeSizeKey returns the verkle tree key of the code size field for the
// specified account.
func CodeSizeKey(address []byte) []byte {
return GetTreeKey(address, zero, CodeSizeLeafKey)
func codeChunkIndex(chunk *uint256.Int) (*uint256.Int, byte) {
var (
chunkOffset = new(uint256.Int).Add(codeOffset, chunk)
treeIndex = new(uint256.Int).Div(chunkOffset, verkleNodeWidth)
subIndexMod = new(uint256.Int).Mod(chunkOffset, verkleNodeWidth)
var subIndex byte
if len(subIndexMod) != 0 {
subIndex = byte(subIndexMod[0])
return treeIndex, subIndex
// CodeChunkKey returns the verkle tree key of the code chunk for the
// specified account.
func CodeChunkKey(address []byte, chunk *uint256.Int) []byte {
treeIndex, subIndex := codeChunkIndex(chunk)
return GetTreeKey(address, treeIndex, subIndex)
func storageIndex(bytes []byte) (*uint256.Int, byte) {
// If the storage slot is in the header, we need to add the header offset.
var key uint256.Int
if key.Cmp(codeStorageDelta) < 0 {
// This addition is always safe; it can't ever overflow since pos<codeStorageDelta.
key.Add(headerStorageOffset, &key)
// In this branch, the tree-index is zero since we're in the account header,
// and the sub-index is the LSB of the modified storage key.
return zero, byte(key[0] & 0xFF)
// We first divide by VerkleNodeWidth to create room to avoid an overflow next.
key.Rsh(&key, uint(verkleNodeWidthLog2))
// We add mainStorageOffset/VerkleNodeWidth which can't overflow.
key.Add(&key, mainStorageOffsetLshVerkleNodeWidth)
// The sub-index is the LSB of the original storage key, since mainStorageOffset
// doesn't affect this byte, so we can avoid masks or shifts.
return &key, byte(key[0] & 0xFF)
// StorageSlotKey returns the verkle tree key of the storage slot for the
// specified account.
func StorageSlotKey(address []byte, storageKey []byte) []byte {
treeIndex, subIndex := storageIndex(storageKey)
return GetTreeKey(address, treeIndex, subIndex)
// VersionKeyWithEvaluatedAddress returns the verkle tree key of the version
// field for the specified account. The difference between VersionKey is the
// address evaluation is already computed to minimize the computational overhead.
func VersionKeyWithEvaluatedAddress(evaluated *verkle.Point) []byte {
return GetTreeKeyWithEvaluatedAddress(evaluated, zero, VersionLeafKey)
// BalanceKeyWithEvaluatedAddress returns the verkle tree key of the balance
// field for the specified account. The difference between BalanceKey is the
// address evaluation is already computed to minimize the computational overhead.
func BalanceKeyWithEvaluatedAddress(evaluated *verkle.Point) []byte {
return GetTreeKeyWithEvaluatedAddress(evaluated, zero, BalanceLeafKey)
// NonceKeyWithEvaluatedAddress returns the verkle tree key of the nonce
// field for the specified account. The difference between NonceKey is the
// address evaluation is already computed to minimize the computational overhead.
func NonceKeyWithEvaluatedAddress(evaluated *verkle.Point) []byte {
return GetTreeKeyWithEvaluatedAddress(evaluated, zero, NonceLeafKey)
// CodeKeccakKeyWithEvaluatedAddress returns the verkle tree key of the code
// keccak for the specified account. The difference between CodeKeccakKey is the
// address evaluation is already computed to minimize the computational overhead.
func CodeKeccakKeyWithEvaluatedAddress(evaluated *verkle.Point) []byte {
return GetTreeKeyWithEvaluatedAddress(evaluated, zero, CodeKeccakLeafKey)
// CodeSizeKeyWithEvaluatedAddress returns the verkle tree key of the code
// size for the specified account. The difference between CodeSizeKey is the
// address evaluation is already computed to minimize the computational overhead.
func CodeSizeKeyWithEvaluatedAddress(evaluated *verkle.Point) []byte {
return GetTreeKeyWithEvaluatedAddress(evaluated, zero, CodeSizeLeafKey)
// CodeChunkKeyWithEvaluatedAddress returns the verkle tree key of the code
// chunk for the specified account. The difference between CodeChunkKey is the
// address evaluation is already computed to minimize the computational overhead.
func CodeChunkKeyWithEvaluatedAddress(addressPoint *verkle.Point, chunk *uint256.Int) []byte {
treeIndex, subIndex := codeChunkIndex(chunk)
return GetTreeKeyWithEvaluatedAddress(addressPoint, treeIndex, subIndex)
// StorageSlotKeyWithEvaluatedAddress returns the verkle tree key of the storage
// slot for the specified account. The difference between StorageSlotKey is the
// address evaluation is already computed to minimize the computational overhead.
func StorageSlotKeyWithEvaluatedAddress(evaluated *verkle.Point, storageKey []byte) []byte {
treeIndex, subIndex := storageIndex(storageKey)
return GetTreeKeyWithEvaluatedAddress(evaluated, treeIndex, subIndex)
func pointToHash(evaluated *verkle.Point, suffix byte) []byte {
// The output of Byte() is big endian for banderwagon. This
// introduces an imbalance in the tree, because hashes are
// elements of a 253-bit field. This means more than half the
// tree would be empty. To avoid this problem, use a little
// endian commitment and chop the MSB.
bytes := evaluated.Bytes()
for i := 0; i < 16; i++ {
bytes[31-i], bytes[i] = bytes[i], bytes[31-i]
bytes[31] = suffix
return bytes[:]
func evaluateAddressPoint(address []byte) *verkle.Point {
if len(address) < 32 {
var aligned [32]byte
address = append(aligned[:32-len(address)], address...)
var poly [3]fr.Element
// 32-byte address, interpreted as two little endian
// 16-byte numbers.
verkle.FromLEBytes(&poly[1], address[:16])
verkle.FromLEBytes(&poly[2], address[16:])
cfg := verkle.GetConfig()
ret := cfg.CommitToPoly(poly[:], 0)
// add a constant point
ret.Add(ret, index0Point)
return ret