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// Copyright 2023 go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package utils
import (
const (
// The spec of verkle key encoding can be found here.
// https://notes.ethereum.org/@vbuterin/verkle_tree_eip#Tree-embedding
VersionLeafKey = 0
BalanceLeafKey = 1
NonceLeafKey = 2
CodeKeccakLeafKey = 3
CodeSizeLeafKey = 4
var (
zero = uint256.NewInt(0)
verkleNodeWidthLog2 = 8
headerStorageOffset = uint256.NewInt(64)
mainStorageOffsetLshVerkleNodeWidth = new(uint256.Int).Lsh(uint256.NewInt(256), 31-uint(verkleNodeWidthLog2))
codeOffset = uint256.NewInt(128)
verkleNodeWidth = uint256.NewInt(256)
codeStorageDelta = uint256.NewInt(0).Sub(codeOffset, headerStorageOffset)
index0Point *verkle.Point // pre-computed commitment of polynomial [2+256*64]
// cacheHitGauge is the metric to track how many cache hit occurred.
cacheHitGauge = metrics.NewRegisteredGauge("trie/verkle/cache/hit", nil)
// cacheMissGauge is the metric to track how many cache miss occurred.
cacheMissGauge = metrics.NewRegisteredGauge("trie/verkle/cache/miss", nil)
func init() {
// The byte array is the Marshalled output of the point computed as such:
// var (
// config = verkle.GetConfig()
// fr verkle.Fr
// )
// verkle.FromLEBytes(&fr, []byte{2, 64})
// point := config.CommitToPoly([]verkle.Fr{fr}, 1)
index0Point = new(verkle.Point)
err := index0Point.SetBytes([]byte{34, 25, 109, 242, 193, 5, 144, 224, 76, 52, 189, 92, 197, 126, 9, 145, 27, 152, 199, 130, 165, 3, 210, 27, 193, 131, 142, 28, 110, 26, 16, 191})
if err != nil {
// PointCache is the LRU cache for storing evaluated address commitment.
type PointCache struct {
lru lru.BasicLRU[string, *verkle.Point]
lock sync.RWMutex
// NewPointCache returns the cache with specified size.
func NewPointCache(maxItems int) *PointCache {
return &PointCache{
lru: lru.NewBasicLRU[string, *verkle.Point](maxItems),
// Get returns the cached commitment for the specified address, or computing
// it on the flight.
func (c *PointCache) Get(addr []byte) *verkle.Point {
defer c.lock.Unlock()
p, ok := c.lru.Get(string(addr))
if ok {
return p
p = evaluateAddressPoint(addr)
c.lru.Add(string(addr), p)
return p
// GetStem returns the first 31 bytes of the tree key as the tree stem. It only
// works for the account metadata whose treeIndex is 0.
func (c *PointCache) GetStem(addr []byte) []byte {
p := c.Get(addr)
return pointToHash(p, 0)[:31]
// GetTreeKey performs both the work of the spec's get_tree_key function, and that
// of pedersen_hash: it builds the polynomial in pedersen_hash without having to
// create a mostly zero-filled buffer and "type cast" it to a 128-long 16-byte
// array. Since at most the first 5 coefficients of the polynomial will be non-zero,
// these 5 coefficients are created directly.
func GetTreeKey(address []byte, treeIndex *uint256.Int, subIndex byte) []byte {
if len(address) < 32 {
var aligned [32]byte
address = append(aligned[:32-len(address)], address...)
// poly = [2+256*64, address_le_low, address_le_high, tree_index_le_low, tree_index_le_high]
var poly [5]fr.Element
// 32-byte address, interpreted as two little endian
// 16-byte numbers.
verkle.FromLEBytes(&poly[1], address[:16])
verkle.FromLEBytes(&poly[2], address[16:])
// treeIndex must be interpreted as a 32-byte aligned little-endian integer.
// e.g: if treeIndex is 0xAABBCC, we need the byte representation to be 0xCCBBAA00...00.
// poly[3] = LE({CC,BB,AA,00...0}) (16 bytes), poly[4]=LE({00,00,...}) (16 bytes).
// To avoid unnecessary endianness conversions for go-ipa, we do some trick:
// - poly[3]'s byte representation is the same as the *top* 16 bytes (trieIndexBytes[16:]) of
// 32-byte aligned big-endian representation (BE({00,...,AA,BB,CC})).
// - poly[4]'s byte representation is the same as the *low* 16 bytes (trieIndexBytes[:16]) of
// the 32-byte aligned big-endian representation (BE({00,00,...}).
trieIndexBytes := treeIndex.Bytes32()
verkle.FromBytes(&poly[3], trieIndexBytes[16:])
verkle.FromBytes(&poly[4], trieIndexBytes[:16])
cfg := verkle.GetConfig()
ret := cfg.CommitToPoly(poly[:], 0)
// add a constant point corresponding to poly[0]=[2+256*64].
ret.Add(ret, index0Point)
return pointToHash(ret, subIndex)
// GetTreeKeyWithEvaluatedAddress is basically identical to GetTreeKey, the only
// difference is a part of polynomial is already evaluated.
// Specifically, poly = [2+256*64, address_le_low, address_le_high] is already
// evaluated.
func GetTreeKeyWithEvaluatedAddress(evaluated *verkle.Point, treeIndex *uint256.Int, subIndex byte) []byte {
var poly [5]fr.Element
// little-endian, 32-byte aligned treeIndex
var index [32]byte
for i := 0; i < len(treeIndex); i++ {
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(index[i*8:(i+1)*8], treeIndex[i])
verkle.FromLEBytes(&poly[3], index[:16])
verkle.FromLEBytes(&poly[4], index[16:])
cfg := verkle.GetConfig()
ret := cfg.CommitToPoly(poly[:], 0)
// add the pre-evaluated address
ret.Add(ret, evaluated)
return pointToHash(ret, subIndex)
// VersionKey returns the verkle tree key of the version field for the specified account.
func VersionKey(address []byte) []byte {
return GetTreeKey(address, zero, VersionLeafKey)
// BalanceKey returns the verkle tree key of the balance field for the specified account.
func BalanceKey(address []byte) []byte {
return GetTreeKey(address, zero, BalanceLeafKey)
// NonceKey returns the verkle tree key of the nonce field for the specified account.
func NonceKey(address []byte) []byte {
return GetTreeKey(address, zero, NonceLeafKey)
// CodeKeccakKey returns the verkle tree key of the code keccak field for
// the specified account.
func CodeKeccakKey(address []byte) []byte {
return GetTreeKey(address, zero, CodeKeccakLeafKey)
// CodeSizeKey returns the verkle tree key of the code size field for the
// specified account.
func CodeSizeKey(address []byte) []byte {
return GetTreeKey(address, zero, CodeSizeLeafKey)
func codeChunkIndex(chunk *uint256.Int) (*uint256.Int, byte) {
var (
chunkOffset = new(uint256.Int).Add(codeOffset, chunk)
treeIndex = new(uint256.Int).Div(chunkOffset, verkleNodeWidth)
subIndexMod = new(uint256.Int).Mod(chunkOffset, verkleNodeWidth)
var subIndex byte
if len(subIndexMod) != 0 {
subIndex = byte(subIndexMod[0])
return treeIndex, subIndex
// CodeChunkKey returns the verkle tree key of the code chunk for the
// specified account.
func CodeChunkKey(address []byte, chunk *uint256.Int) []byte {
treeIndex, subIndex := codeChunkIndex(chunk)
return GetTreeKey(address, treeIndex, subIndex)
func storageIndex(bytes []byte) (*uint256.Int, byte) {
// If the storage slot is in the header, we need to add the header offset.
var key uint256.Int
if key.Cmp(codeStorageDelta) < 0 {
// This addition is always safe; it can't ever overflow since pos<codeStorageDelta.
key.Add(headerStorageOffset, &key)
// In this branch, the tree-index is zero since we're in the account header,
// and the sub-index is the LSB of the modified storage key.
return zero, byte(key[0] & 0xFF)
// We first divide by VerkleNodeWidth to create room to avoid an overflow next.
key.Rsh(&key, uint(verkleNodeWidthLog2))
// We add mainStorageOffset/VerkleNodeWidth which can't overflow.
key.Add(&key, mainStorageOffsetLshVerkleNodeWidth)
// The sub-index is the LSB of the original storage key, since mainStorageOffset
// doesn't affect this byte, so we can avoid masks or shifts.
return &key, byte(key[0] & 0xFF)
// StorageSlotKey returns the verkle tree key of the storage slot for the
// specified account.
func StorageSlotKey(address []byte, storageKey []byte) []byte {
treeIndex, subIndex := storageIndex(storageKey)
return GetTreeKey(address, treeIndex, subIndex)
// VersionKeyWithEvaluatedAddress returns the verkle tree key of the version
// field for the specified account. The difference between VersionKey is the
// address evaluation is already computed to minimize the computational overhead.
func VersionKeyWithEvaluatedAddress(evaluated *verkle.Point) []byte {
return GetTreeKeyWithEvaluatedAddress(evaluated, zero, VersionLeafKey)
// BalanceKeyWithEvaluatedAddress returns the verkle tree key of the balance
// field for the specified account. The difference between BalanceKey is the
// address evaluation is already computed to minimize the computational overhead.
func BalanceKeyWithEvaluatedAddress(evaluated *verkle.Point) []byte {
return GetTreeKeyWithEvaluatedAddress(evaluated, zero, BalanceLeafKey)
// NonceKeyWithEvaluatedAddress returns the verkle tree key of the nonce
// field for the specified account. The difference between NonceKey is the
// address evaluation is already computed to minimize the computational overhead.
func NonceKeyWithEvaluatedAddress(evaluated *verkle.Point) []byte {
return GetTreeKeyWithEvaluatedAddress(evaluated, zero, NonceLeafKey)
// CodeKeccakKeyWithEvaluatedAddress returns the verkle tree key of the code
// keccak for the specified account. The difference between CodeKeccakKey is the
// address evaluation is already computed to minimize the computational overhead.
func CodeKeccakKeyWithEvaluatedAddress(evaluated *verkle.Point) []byte {
return GetTreeKeyWithEvaluatedAddress(evaluated, zero, CodeKeccakLeafKey)
// CodeSizeKeyWithEvaluatedAddress returns the verkle tree key of the code
// size for the specified account. The difference between CodeSizeKey is the
// address evaluation is already computed to minimize the computational overhead.
func CodeSizeKeyWithEvaluatedAddress(evaluated *verkle.Point) []byte {
return GetTreeKeyWithEvaluatedAddress(evaluated, zero, CodeSizeLeafKey)
// CodeChunkKeyWithEvaluatedAddress returns the verkle tree key of the code
// chunk for the specified account. The difference between CodeChunkKey is the
// address evaluation is already computed to minimize the computational overhead.
func CodeChunkKeyWithEvaluatedAddress(addressPoint *verkle.Point, chunk *uint256.Int) []byte {
treeIndex, subIndex := codeChunkIndex(chunk)
return GetTreeKeyWithEvaluatedAddress(addressPoint, treeIndex, subIndex)
// StorageSlotKeyWithEvaluatedAddress returns the verkle tree key of the storage
// slot for the specified account. The difference between StorageSlotKey is the
// address evaluation is already computed to minimize the computational overhead.
func StorageSlotKeyWithEvaluatedAddress(evaluated *verkle.Point, storageKey []byte) []byte {
treeIndex, subIndex := storageIndex(storageKey)
return GetTreeKeyWithEvaluatedAddress(evaluated, treeIndex, subIndex)
func pointToHash(evaluated *verkle.Point, suffix byte) []byte {
// The output of Byte() is big endian for banderwagon. This
// introduces an imbalance in the tree, because hashes are
// elements of a 253-bit field. This means more than half the
// tree would be empty. To avoid this problem, use a little
// endian commitment and chop the MSB.
bytes := evaluated.Bytes()
for i := 0; i < 16; i++ {
bytes[31-i], bytes[i] = bytes[i], bytes[31-i]
bytes[31] = suffix
return bytes[:]
func evaluateAddressPoint(address []byte) *verkle.Point {
if len(address) < 32 {
var aligned [32]byte
address = append(aligned[:32-len(address)], address...)
var poly [3]fr.Element
// 32-byte address, interpreted as two little endian
// 16-byte numbers.
verkle.FromLEBytes(&poly[1], address[:16])
verkle.FromLEBytes(&poly[2], address[16:])
cfg := verkle.GetConfig()
ret := cfg.CommitToPoly(poly[:], 0)
// add a constant point
ret.Add(ret, index0Point)
return ret