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Tool for extracting the entire Ethereum state at a particular block height from leveldb into Postgres-backed IPFS

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./ipld-eth-state-snapshot stateSnapshot --config={path to toml config file}


Config format:

    mode = "file" # indicates output mode ("postgres" or "file")
    workers = 4 # degree of concurrency, the state trie is subdivided into sectiosn that are traversed and processed concurrently
    blockHeight = -1 # blockheight to perform the snapshot at (-1 indicates to use the latest blockheight found in leveldb)
    recoveryFile = "recovery_file" # specifies a file to output recovery information on error or premature closure

    path = "/Users/user/Library/Ethereum/geth/chaindata" # path to geth leveldb
    ancient = "/Users/user/Library/Ethereum/geth/chaindata/ancient" # path to geth ancient database

    name     = "vulcanize_public" # postgres database name
    hostname = "localhost" # postgres host
    port     = 5432 # postgres port
    user     = "postgres" # postgres user
    password = "" # postgres password

    outputDir = "output_dir/" # when operating in 'file' output mode, this is the directory the files are written to