2019-05-13 16:14:56 -05:00

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Syncing commands

These commands are used to sync raw Ethereum data into Postgres, with varying levels of data granularity.


Syncs block headers from a running Ethereum node into the VulcanizeDB table headers.

  • Queries the Ethereum node using RPC calls.
  • Validates headers from the last 15 blocks to ensure that data is up to date.
  • Useful when you want a minimal baseline from which to track targeted data on the blockchain (e.g. individual smart contract storage values or event logs).


  • Run: ./vulcanizedb headerSync --config <config.toml> --starting-block-number <block-number>
  • The config file must be formatted as follows, and should contain an ipc path to a running Ethereum node:
    name     = "vulcanize_public"
    hostname = "localhost"
    user     = "vulcanize"
    password = "vulcanize"
    port     = 5432

    ipcPath  = <path to a running Ethereum node>
  • Alternatively, the ipc path can be passed as a flag instead --client-ipcPath.


Syncs blocks, transactions, receipts and logs from a running Ethereum node into VulcanizeDB tables named blocks, uncles, full_sync_transactions, full_sync_receipts and logs.

  • Queries the Ethereum node using RPC calls.
  • Validates headers from the last 15 blocks to ensure that data is up to date.
  • Useful when you want to maintain a broad cache of what's happening on the blockchain.


  • Run ./vulcanizedb fullSync --config <config.toml> --starting-block-number <block-number>
  • The config file must be formatted as follows, and should contain an ipc path to a running Ethereum node:
    name     = "vulcanize_public"
    hostname = "localhost"
    user     = "vulcanize"
    password = "vulcanize"
    port     = 5432

    ipcPath  = <path to a running Ethereum node>
  • Alternatively, the ipc path can be passed as a flag instead --client-ipcPath.

Please note, that if you are fast syncing your Ethereum node, wait for the initial sync to finish.


Syncs VulcanizeDB from Geth's underlying LevelDB datastore and persists Ethereum blocks, transactions, receipts and logs into VulcanizeDB tables named blocks, uncles, full_sync_transactions, full_sync_receipts and logs respectively.


  1. Ensure the Ethereum node you're point at is not running, and that it has synced to the desired block height.
  2. Run ./vulcanizedb coldImport --config <config.toml>
  3. Optional flags:
    • --starting-block-number <block number>/-s <block number>: block number to start syncing from
    • --ending-block-number <block number>/-e <block number>: block number to sync to
    • --all/-a: sync all missing blocks

The config file can be formatted as follows, and must contain the LevelDB path.

    name     = "vulcanize_public"
    hostname = "localhost"
    user     = "vulcanize"
    password = "vulcanize"
    port     = 5432

    leveldbpath = "/Users/user/Library/Ethereum/geth/chaindata"