2018-09-24 15:39:00 -05:00

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The main goal of creating a transformer is to fetch specific log events from Ethereum, convert/decode them into usable data and then persist them to VulcanizeDB. For Maker there are two main types of log events that we're tracking: custom events that are defined in the contract solidity code, and LogNote events which utilize the DSNote library. The transformer process for each of these different log types is the same, except for the converting process, as denoted below.

Creating a Transformer for custom events (i.e. FlopKick)

To illustrate how to create a custom log event transformer we'll use the Kick event defined in flop.sol as an example.

  1. Get an example FlopKick log event either from mainnet (if the contract has already been deployed), from the Kovan testnet, or by deploying the contract to a local chain and emitting the event manually. We will use the example log event to test drive converting the log to a FlopKick database model.

  2. Fetch the appropriate logs from the chain.

  • Most transformers use shared.LogFetcher
  • Price Feeds
  1. Convert the raw log into a database model.
  • For Custom Events, such as FlopKick

    1. Create a converter to convert the raw log into a Go structure.
    • We've been using go-ethereum's abigen tool to get the contract's ABI, and a Go struct that represents the event log. We will unpack the raw logs into this struct.
      • To use abigen: abigen --sol flip.sol --pkg flip --out {/path/to/output_file}
        • sol: this is the path to the solidity contract
        • pkg: a package name for the generated Go code
        • out: the file path for the generated Go code (optional)
      • the output for flop.sol will include the FlopperAbi and the FlopperKick struct:
          type FlopperKick struct {
            Id  *big.Int
            Lot *big.Int
            Bid *big.Int
            Gal common.Address
            End *big.Int
            Raw types.Log
    • Using go-ethereum's contract.UnpackLog method we can unpack the raw log into the FlopperKick struct (which we're referring to as the entity).
      • See the ToEntity method in pkg/transformers/flop_kick/converter.
      • The unpack method will not add the Raw or TransactionIndex values to the entity struct - both of these values are accessible from the entity.
    1. Then convert the entity into a database model. See the ToModel method in pkg/transformers/flop_kick/converter.
  • For LogNote Events, such as tend.

    • Since LogNote events are a generic structure, they depend on the method signature of the method that is calling them. For example, when the tend method is called on the flip.sol contract, the method signature looks like this: tend(uint id, uint lot, uint bid)
      • the LogNote event will take the first
  1. Persist the log record to VulcanizeDB.
  • Each event log has it's own table in the database, as well as it's own column in the checked_headers table.
    • The checked_headers table alllows us to keep track of which headers have been queried for a given log type.
  • To create a new migration file: migrate create -ext sql -dir ./db/migrations/ create_flop_kick
    • See db/migrations/1536942529_create_flop_kick.up.sql.
    • The specific log event tables are all created in the maker schema.
    • There is a one-many association between headers and the log event tables. This is so that if a header is removed due to a reorg, the associated log event records are also removed.
  • We have been following a repository pattern to interact with the database for each table, see the Create method in pkg/transformers/flop_kick/repository.go.
  1. Get all MissingHeaders. //TODO//
  • The repository is also responsible for querying for all header records that have not yet been.
  1. MarkHeaderChecked//TODO//

  2. Wire each component up in the transformer.

  • Each transformer's Execute method iterates through all of the MissingHeaders
  • Currently each transformer's Execute method is responsible for fetching the missing headers, meaning the headers that haven't yet been checked for a given log type

For LogNote events