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Syncing commands

These commands are used to sync raw Ethereum data into Postgres, with varying levels of data granularity.


Syncs block headers from a running Ethereum node into the VulcanizeDB table headers.

  • Queries the Ethereum node using RPC calls.
  • Validates headers from the last 15 blocks to ensure that data is up to date.
  • Useful when you want a minimal baseline from which to track targeted data on the blockchain (e.g. individual smart contract storage values or event logs).
  • Handles chain reorgs by validating the most recent blocks' hashes. If the hash is different from what we have already stored in the database, the header record will be updated.


  • Run: ./vulcanizedb headerSync --config <config.toml> --starting-block-number <block-number>
  • The config file must be formatted as follows, and should contain an ipc path to a running Ethereum node:
    name     = "vulcanize_public"
    hostname = "localhost"
    user     = "vulcanize"
    password = "vulcanize"
    port     = 5432

    ipcPath  = <path to a running Ethereum node>
  • Alternatively, the ipc path can be passed as a flag instead --client-ipcPath.