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Transformers must be defined in order to define what events should trigger data updates and how those are performed.
Accepts DB and Blockchain from Vulcanize and returns a new transformer. E.g. for a new object "Cup":
func NewCupTransformer(db *postgres.DB, blockchain core.ContractDataFetcher) transformers.Transformer
Triggers operations to take in response to a given log event.
Can persist data from logs, fetch and persist arbitrary data from outside services (e.g. contract state), or take any number of other actions. E.g.:
func (cupTransformer *CupTransformer) Execute() error
Additional Requirements
Transformers must define log filters and create them so that relevant watched events can be identified and retrieved. E.g.:
Name: "CupsBite",
FromBlock: 0,
ToBlock: -1,
Address: "0x448a5065aebb8e423f0896e6c5d525c040f59af3",
Topics: core.Topics{"0x40cc885400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"},