Update to geth 1.11.5-statediff-v5 #238

telackey merged 40 commits from roy/v5-dev into v5 2023-06-01 13:53:57 +00:00
103 changed files with 6797 additions and 22549 deletions

View File

@ -23,14 +23,6 @@ jobs:
uses: ./.github/workflows/tests.yaml
if: ${{ needs.pre_job.outputs.should_skip != 'true' }}
needs: pre_job
BUILD_KEY: ${{ secrets.BUILD_KEY }}
STACK_ORCHESTRATOR_REF: "f2fd766f5400fcb9eb47b50675d2e3b1f2753702"
GO_ETHEREUM_REF: "2ddad81c1a04ff494a706f2f757a0f75d2616fbd"
IPLD_ETH_DB_REF: "6c00c38cc4e1db6f7c4cecbb62fdfd540fba50d6"
name: Run docker build
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
@ -40,21 +32,20 @@ jobs:
(needs.run-tests.result == 'success' || needs.run-tests.result == 'skipped') &&
github.event_name == 'release'
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Get the version
id: vars
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- id: vars
name: Output SHA and version tag
run: |
echo ::set-output name=sha::$(echo ${GITHUB_SHA:0:7})
echo ::set-output name=tag::$(echo ${GITHUB_REF#refs/tags/})
- name: Run docker build
run: make docker-build
- name: Tag docker image SHA
run: docker tag cerc-io/ipld-eth-server git.vdb.to/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/ipld-eth-server:${{steps.vars.outputs.sha}}
- name: Tag docker image TAG
run: docker tag git.vdb.to/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/ipld-eth-server:${{steps.vars.outputs.sha}} git.vdb.to/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/ipld-eth-server:${{steps.vars.outputs.tag}}
- name: Docker Login
run: echo ${{ secrets.GITEA_TOKEN }} | docker login https://git.vdb.to -u cerccicd --password-stdin
- name: Docker Push SHA
run: docker push git.vdb.to/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/ipld-eth-server:${{steps.vars.outputs.sha}}
- name: Docker Push TAG
run: docker push git.vdb.to/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/ipld-eth-server:${{steps.vars.outputs.tag}}
echo sha=$(echo ${GITHUB_SHA:0:7}) >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
echo tag=$(echo ${GITHUB_REF#refs/tags/}) >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT""
- name: Build and tag Docker image
run: |
docker build . \
-t cerc-io/ipld-eth-server \
-t git.vdb.to/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/ipld-eth-server:${{steps.vars.outputs.sha}} \
-t git.vdb.to/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/ipld-eth-server:${{steps.vars.outputs.tag}}
- name: Push Docker tags
run: |
echo ${{ secrets.GITEA_TOKEN }} | docker login https://git.vdb.to -u cerccicd --password-stdin
docker push git.vdb.to/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/ipld-eth-server:${{steps.vars.outputs.sha}}
docker push git.vdb.to/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/ipld-eth-server:${{steps.vars.outputs.tag}}

View File

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
set -e
set -o pipefail
# Set up repo
temp_dir=$(mktemp -d)
cd $temp_dir
git clone -b $(cat /tmp/git_head_ref) "https://github.com/$(cat /tmp/git_repository).git"
cd ipld-eth-server
## Remove the branch and github related info. This way future runs wont be confused.
rm -f /tmp/git_head_ref /tmp/git_repository
# Spin up DB and run migrations
echo 'docker-compose up -d migrations ipld-eth-db'
docker-compose up -d migrations ipld-eth-db
trap "docker-compose down -v --remove-orphans; cd $start_dir ; rm -r $temp_dir" SIGINT SIGTERM ERR
sleep 60
# Remove old logs so there's no confusion, then run test
rm -f /tmp/test.log /tmp/return_test.txt
PGPASSWORD=password DATABASE_USER=vdbm DATABASE_PORT=8077 DATABASE_PASSWORD=password DATABASE_HOSTNAME=localhost DATABASE_NAME=vulcanize_testing make test | tee /tmp/test.log
echo $? > /tmp/return_test.txt
# Clean up
docker-compose down -v --remove-orphans
cd $start_dir
rm -fr $temp_dir

View File

@ -1,212 +1,91 @@
name: Test the stack.
required: true
required: true
required: true
required: true
type: string
required: true
type: string
required: true
type: string
name: Run docker build
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Run docker build
run: make docker-build
name: Run unit tests
GOPATH: /tmp/go
# To run the unit tests you need to add secrets to your repository.
BUILD_KEY: ${{ secrets.BUILD_KEY }}
# matrix:
# go-version: [1.16.x, 1.17.x, 1.18.x]
name: "Run unit tests"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
# Passed experience with GHA has taught me to store variables in files instead of passing them as variables.
- name: Output variables to files
run: |
echo $GITHUB_REPOSITORY > /tmp/git_repository
[ -z "$GITHUB_HEAD_REF" ] && echo $GITHUB_REF_NAME > /tmp/git_head_ref || echo $GITHUB_HEAD_REF > /tmp/git_head_ref
echo "-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----" >> /tmp/key
echo ${{ env.BUILD_KEY }} >> /tmp/key
echo "-----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----" >> /tmp/key
chmod 400 /tmp/key
cat /tmp/git_repository
cat /tmp/git_head_ref
- name: Raw SCP
run: |
scp -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q -i /tmp/key /tmp/git_repository ${{ env.BUILD_USERNAME }}@${{ env.BUILD_HOSTNAME }}:/tmp/git_repository
scp -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q -i /tmp/key /tmp/git_head_ref ${{ env.BUILD_USERNAME }}@${{ env.BUILD_HOSTNAME }}:/tmp/git_head_ref
scp -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q -i /tmp/key .github/workflows/run_unit_test.sh ${{ env.BUILD_USERNAME }}@${{ env.BUILD_HOSTNAME }}:/tmp/run_unit_test.sh
- name: Trigger Unit Test
run: |
ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q -i /tmp/key ${{ env.BUILD_USERNAME }}@${{ env.BUILD_HOSTNAME }} go install github.com/onsi/ginkgo/ginkgo@latest
ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q -i /tmp/key ${{ env.BUILD_USERNAME }}@${{ env.BUILD_HOSTNAME }} /tmp/run_unit_test.sh
- name: Get the logs and cat them
run: |
scp -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q -i /tmp/key ${{ env.BUILD_USERNAME }}@${{ env.BUILD_HOSTNAME }}:/tmp/test.log .
cat ./test.log
- name: Check Error Code
run: |
scp -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q -i /tmp/key ${{ env.BUILD_USERNAME }}@${{ env.BUILD_HOSTNAME }}:/tmp/return_test.txt .
[ $(cat ./return_test.txt) -eq 0 ]
name: Run integration tests
GOPATH: /tmp/go
DB_WRITE: true
ETH_HTTP_PATH: "go-ethereum:8545"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Create GOPATH
run: mkdir -p /tmp/go
- uses: actions/setup-go@v3
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-go@v4
go-version: "1.18.x"
go-version-file: 'go.mod'
check-latest: true
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
path: "./ipld-eth-server"
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
ref: ${{ inputs.STACK_ORCHESTRATOR_REF }}
path: "./stack-orchestrator/"
repository: vulcanize/stack-orchestrator
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
ref: ${{ inputs.GO_ETHEREUM_REF }}
repository: cerc-io/go-ethereum
path: "./go-ethereum/"
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
ref: ${{ inputs.IPLD_ETH_DB_REF }}
repository: cerc-io/ipld-eth-db
path: "./ipld-eth-db/"
- name: Create config file
- name: "Run DB container"
run: docker compose -f test/compose-db.yml up --wait --quiet-pull
- name: "Build and run tests"
run: |
echo vulcanize_go_ethereum=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/go-ethereum/ > ./config.sh
echo vulcanize_ipld_eth_db=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/ipld-eth-db/ >> ./config.sh
echo vulcanize_ipld_eth_server=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/ipld-eth-server/ >> ./config.sh
echo vulcanize_test_contract=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/ipld-eth-server/test/contract >> ./config.sh
echo genesis_file_path=start-up-files/go-ethereum/genesis.json >> ./config.sh
echo db_write=$DB_WRITE >> ./config.sh
echo eth_forward_eth_calls=$ETH_FORWARD_ETH_CALLS >> ./config.sh
echo eth_proxy_on_error=$ETH_PROXY_ON_ERROR >> ./config.sh
echo eth_http_path=$ETH_HTTP_PATH >> ./config.sh
cat ./config.sh
- name: Build geth
run: |
cd $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/stack-orchestrator/helper-scripts
./compile-geth.sh \
-p "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/config.sh" \
-e docker
- name: Run docker compose
run: |
docker-compose \
-f "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/stack-orchestrator/docker/local/docker-compose-db-sharding.yml" \
-f "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/stack-orchestrator/docker/local/docker-compose-go-ethereum.yml" \
-f "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/stack-orchestrator/docker/local/docker-compose-ipld-eth-server.yml" \
-f "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/stack-orchestrator/docker/local/docker-compose-contract.yml" \
--env-file "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/config.sh" \
up -d --build
- name: Test
run: |
cd $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/ipld-eth-server
while [ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w ''%{http_code}'' localhost:8081)" != "200" ]; do echo "waiting for ipld-eth-server..." && sleep 5; done && \
while [ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w ''%{http_code}'' localhost:8545)" != "200" ]; do echo "waiting for geth-statediff..." && sleep 5; done && \
make integrationtest
go install github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/ginkgo
ginkgo -v -r --skipPackage=./integration
name: Run integration tests for direct proxy fall-through of eth_calls
GOPATH: /tmp/go
DB_WRITE: false
ETH_HTTP_PATH: "go-ethereum:8545"
name: "Run integration tests"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Create GOPATH
run: mkdir -p /tmp/go
- uses: actions/setup-go@v3
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-go@v4
go-version: "1.18.x"
go-version-file: 'go.mod'
check-latest: true
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: "Install stack-orchestrator"
# FIXME: using my dev branch for v5 migration changes until a release has them
# run: |
# curl -L -O https://github.com/cerc-io/stack-orchestrator/releases/latest/download/laconic-so
uses: actions/checkout@v3
path: "./ipld-eth-server"
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
repository: cerc-io/stack-orchestrator
ref: roy/ipld-eth-ci
path: ./stack-orchestrator
- run: pip install ./stack-orchestrator
- name: "Run testnet stack"
run: ./scripts/integration-setup.sh
- name: "Build and run server"
run: docker compose -f test/compose-server.yml up --wait --quiet-pull
- name: "Run tests"
run: |
go install github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/ginkgo
ginkgo -v --label-filter '!proxy' -r ./integration
name: "Run direct-proxy integration tests"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-go@v4
ref: ${{ inputs.STACK_ORCHESTRATOR_REF }}
path: "./stack-orchestrator/"
repository: vulcanize/stack-orchestrator
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
go-version-file: 'go.mod'
check-latest: true
- name: "Install stack-orchestrator"
uses: actions/checkout@v3
ref: ${{ inputs.GO_ETHEREUM_REF }}
repository: cerc-io/go-ethereum
path: "./go-ethereum/"
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
ref: ${{ inputs.IPLD_ETH_DB_REF }}
repository: cerc-io/ipld-eth-db
path: "./ipld-eth-db/"
- name: Create config file
repository: cerc-io/stack-orchestrator
ref: roy/ipld-eth-ci
path: ./stack-orchestrator
- run: pip install ./stack-orchestrator
- name: "Run testnet stack"
run: ./scripts/integration-setup.sh
- name: "Build and run server"
run: docker compose -f test/compose-server.yml up --wait --quiet-pull
- name: "Run tests"
run: |
echo vulcanize_go_ethereum=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/go-ethereum/ > ./config.sh
echo vulcanize_ipld_eth_db=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/ipld-eth-db/ >> ./config.sh
echo vulcanize_ipld_eth_server=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/ipld-eth-server/ >> ./config.sh
echo vulcanize_test_contract=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/ipld-eth-server/test/contract >>./config.sh
echo genesis_file_path=start-up-files/go-ethereum/genesis.json >> ./config.sh
echo db_write=$DB_WRITE >> ./config.sh
echo eth_forward_eth_calls=$ETH_FORWARD_ETH_CALLS >> ./config.sh
echo eth_proxy_on_error=$ETH_PROXY_ON_ERROR >> ./config.sh
echo eth_http_path=$ETH_HTTP_PATH >> ./config.sh
cat ./config.sh
- name: Build geth
run: |
cd $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/stack-orchestrator/helper-scripts
./compile-geth.sh \
-p "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/config.sh" \
-e docker
- name: Run docker compose
run: |
docker-compose \
-f "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/stack-orchestrator/docker/local/docker-compose-db-sharding.yml" \
-f "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/stack-orchestrator/docker/local/docker-compose-go-ethereum.yml" \
-f "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/stack-orchestrator/docker/local/docker-compose-ipld-eth-server.yml" \
-f "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/stack-orchestrator/docker/local/docker-compose-contract.yml" \
--env-file "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/config.sh" \
up -d --build
- name: Test
run: |
cd $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/ipld-eth-server
while [ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w ''%{http_code}'' localhost:8081)" != "200" ]; do echo "waiting for ipld-eth-server..." && sleep 5; done && \
while [ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w ''%{http_code}'' localhost:8545)" != "200" ]; do echo "waiting for geth-statediff..." && sleep 5; done && \
make integrationtest
go install github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/ginkgo
ginkgo -v --label-filter 'proxy' -r ./integration

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
FROM golang:1.18-alpine as builder
FROM golang:1.19-alpine as builder
RUN apk --update --no-cache add make git g++ linux-headers
RUN apk --update --no-cache add gcc musl-dev
RUN apk add busybox-extras
@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ RUN go mod download
COPY . .
# Build the binary
RUN GCO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -installsuffix cgo -ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -o ipld-eth-server .
RUN GOOS=linux go build -a -installsuffix cgo -ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -o ipld-eth-server .
# Copy migration tool
# Get migration tool
ARG GOOSE_VER="v2.6.0"
ADD https://github.com/pressly/goose/releases/download/${GOOSE_VER}/goose-linux64 ./goose
ARG GOOSE_VER="v3.6.1"
ADD https://github.com/pressly/goose/releases/download/${GOOSE_VER}/goose_linux_x86_64 ./goose
RUN chmod +x ./goose
# app container

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Additional, unique endpoints are exposed which utilize the new indexes and state
## Dependencies
Minimal build dependencies
* Go (1.18)
* Go (1.19)
* Git
* GCC compiler
* This repository
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ External dependency
## Install
Start by downloading ipld-eth-server and moving into the repo:
`GO111MODULE=off go get -d github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/v4`
`GO111MODULE=off go get -d github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/v5`
`cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/v4@v4.x.x`
`cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/v5@v5.x.x`
Then, build the binary:
@ -67,11 +67,10 @@ The corresponding CLI flags can be found with the `./ipld-eth-server serve --hel
wsPath = "" # $SERVER_WS_PATH
httpPath = "" # $SERVER_HTTP_PATH
graphql = true # $SERVER_GRAPHQL
graphqlEndpoint = "" # $SERVER_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT
graphqlPath = "" # $SERVER_GRAPHQL_PATH
chainID = "1" # $ETH_CHAIN_ID
defaultSender = "" # $ETH_DEFAULT_SENDER_ADDR
rpcGasCap = "1000000000000" # $ETH_RPC_GAS_CAP
httpPath = "" # $ETH_HTTP_PATH
nodeID = "arch1" # $ETH_NODE_ID
@ -80,9 +79,9 @@ The corresponding CLI flags can be found with the `./ipld-eth-server serve --hel
networkID = "1" # $ETH_NETWORK_ID
The `database` fields are for connecting to a Postgres database that has been/is being populated by [ipld-eth-indexer](https://github.com/vulcanize/ipld-eth-indexer)
The `server` fields set the paths for exposing the ipld-eth-server endpoints
The `ethereum` fields set the chainID and default sender address to use for EVM simulation, and can optionally be used to configure a remote eth node to forward cache misses to
The `database` fields are for connecting to a Postgres database that has been/is being populated by [ipld-eth-indexer](https://github.com/vulcanize/ipld-eth-indexer)
The `server` fields set the paths for exposing the ipld-eth-server endpoints
The `ethereum` fields set the chainID and default sender address to use for EVM simulation, and can optionally be used to configure a remote eth node to forward cache misses to
### Endpoints
@ -92,61 +91,35 @@ TODO: Port the IPLD RPC subscription endpoints after the decoupling
#### Ethereum JSON-RPC
ipld-eth-server currently recapitulates portions of the Ethereum JSON-RPC api standard.
The currently supported standard endpoints are:
The currently supported standard endpoints are:
- `eth_call`
- `eth_getBalance`
- `eth_getStorageAt`
- `eth_getCode`
- `eth_getProof`
- `eth_blockNumber`
- `eth_getHeaderByNumber`
- `eth_getHeaderByHash`
- `eth_getBlockByNumber`
- `eth_getBlockByHash`
- `eth_getTransactionCount`
- `eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash`
- `eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber`
- `eth_getTransactionByHash`
- `eth_getRawTransactionByHash`
- `eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex`
- `eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex`
- `eth_getRawTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex`
- `eth_getRawTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex`
- `eth_getTransactionReceipt`
- `eth_getLogs`
- `eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash`
- `eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber`
- `eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex`
- `eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex`
TODO: Add the rest of the standard endpoints and unique endpoints (e.g. getSlice)
### CLI Options and Environment variables
| CLI Option | Environment Variable | Default Value | Comment |
| ----------------------------- | ----------------------------- | ---------------- | ----------------------------------- |
| `database-hostname` | `DATABASE_HOSTNAME` | localhost | IPLD database host |
| `database-port` | `DATABASE_PORT` | 5432 | IPLD database port |
| `database-name` | `DATABASE_NAME` | vulcanize_public | IPLD database name |
| `database-user` | `DATABASE_USER` | | IPLD database user |
| `database-password` | `DATABASE_PASSWORD` | | IPLD database password |
| `eth-server-graphql` | `ETH_SERVER_GRAPHQL` | false | If `true` enable Eth GraphQL Server |
| `eth-server-graphql-path` | `ETH_SERVER_GRAPHQLPATH` | | If `eth-server-graphql` set to true, endpoint url for graphql server (host:port) |
| `eth-server-http` | `ETH_SERVER_HTTP` | true | If `true` enable Eth HTTP JSON-RPC Server |
| `eth-server-http-path` | `ETH_SERVER_HTTPPATH` | | If `eth-server-http` set to `true`, endpoint url for Eth HTTP JSON-RPC server (host:port) |
| `eth-server-ws` | `ETH_SERVER_WS` | false | If `true` enable Eth WS JSON-RPC Server |
| `eth-server-ws-path` | `ETH_SERVER_WSPATH` | | If `eth-server-ws` set to `true`, endpoint url for Eth WS JSON-RPC server (host:port) |
| `eth-server-ipc` | `ETH_SERVER_IPC` | false | If `true` enable Eth IPC JSON-RPC Server |
| `eth-server-ipc-path` | `ETH_SERVER_IPC_PATH` | | If `eth-server-ws` set to `true`, path for Eth IPC JSON-RPC server |
| `ipld-server-graphql` | `IPLD_SERVER_GRAPHQL` | false | If `true` enable IPLD GraphQL Server |
| `ipld-server-graphql-path` | `IPLD_SERVER_GRAPHQLPATH` | | If `ipld-server-graphql` set to true, endpoint url for graphql server (host:port) |
| `ipld-postgraphile-path` | `IPLD_POSTGRAPHILEPATH` | | If `ipld-server-graphql` set to true, http url for postgraphile server on top of IPLD db |
| `tracing-http-path` | `TRACING_HTTPPATH` | | If `ipld-server-graphql` set to true, http url for tracing server |
| `tracing-postgraphile-path` | `TRACING.POSTGRAPHILEPATH` | | If `ipld-server-graphql` set to true, http url for postgraphile server on top of tracing db |
### Testing
Follow steps in [test/README.md](./test/README.md)

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
"chainId": 4,
"homesteadBlock": 1,
"eip150Block": 2,
"eip150Hash": "0x9b095b36c15eaf13044373aef8ee0bd3a382a5abb92e402afa44b8249c3a90e9",
"eip155Block": 3,
"eip158Block": 3,
"byzantiumBlock": 3,
"constantinopleBlock": 3,
"petersburgBlock": 3,
"istanbulBlock": 3,
"clique": {
"period": 15,
"epoch": 30000

View File

@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ import (
var (

View File

@ -25,19 +25,16 @@ import (
srpc "github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/v4/pkg/rpc"
s "github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/v4/pkg/serve"
v "github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/v4/version"
srpc "github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/v5/pkg/rpc"
s "github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/v5/pkg/serve"
v "github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/v5/version"
var ErrNoRpcEndpoints = errors.New("no rpc endpoints is available")
@ -46,9 +43,7 @@ var ErrNoRpcEndpoints = errors.New("no rpc endpoints is available")
var serveCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "serve",
Short: "serve chain data from PG-IPFS",
Long: `This command configures a VulcanizeDB ipld-eth-server.
Long: `This command configures a VulcanizeDB ipld-eth-server.`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
subCommand = cmd.CalledAs()
logWithCommand = *log.WithField("SubCommand", subCommand)
@ -57,25 +52,29 @@ var serveCmd = &cobra.Command{
func serve() {
logWithCommand.Infof("running ipld-eth-server version: %s", v.VersionWithMeta)
logWithCommand.Infof("ipld-eth-server version: %s", v.VersionWithMeta)
var forwardPayloadChan chan eth.ConvertedPayload
wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
logWithCommand.Debug("loading server configuration variables")
serverConfig, err := s.NewConfig()
if err != nil {
logWithCommand.Infof("server config: %+v", serverConfig)
logWithCommand.Debug("initializing new server service")
logWithCommand.Debug("server config: %+v", serverConfig)
server, err := s.NewServer(serverConfig)
if err != nil {
if serverConfig.ForwardEthCalls {
logWithCommand.Info("Fowarding eth_call")
if serverConfig.ForwardGetStorageAt {
logWithCommand.Info("Fowarding eth_getStorageAt")
if serverConfig.ProxyOnError {
logWithCommand.Info("Proxy on error is enabled")
logWithCommand.Info("starting up server servers")
forwardPayloadChan = make(chan eth.ConvertedPayload, s.PayloadChanBufferSize)
server.Serve(wg, forwardPayloadChan)
if err := startServers(server, serverConfig); err != nil {
@ -84,11 +83,6 @@ func serve() {
err = startIpldGraphQL(serverConfig)
if err != nil {
err = startGroupCacheService(serverConfig)
if err != nil {
@ -98,7 +92,7 @@ func serve() {
go startStateTrieValidator(serverConfig, server)
logWithCommand.Info("state validator enabled")
} else {
logWithCommand.Info("state validator disabled")
logWithCommand.Debug("state validator disabled")
shutdown := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
@ -113,33 +107,33 @@ func serve() {
func startServers(server s.Server, settings *s.Config) error {
if settings.IPCEnabled {
logWithCommand.Info("starting up IPC server")
logWithCommand.Debug("starting up IPC server")
_, _, err := srpc.StartIPCEndpoint(settings.IPCEndpoint, server.APIs())
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
logWithCommand.Info("IPC server is disabled")
logWithCommand.Debug("IPC server is disabled")
if settings.WSEnabled {
logWithCommand.Info("starting up WS server")
logWithCommand.Debug("starting up WS server")
_, _, err := srpc.StartWSEndpoint(settings.WSEndpoint, server.APIs(), []string{"vdb", "net"}, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
logWithCommand.Info("WS server is disabled")
logWithCommand.Debug("WS server is disabled")
if settings.HTTPEnabled {
logWithCommand.Info("starting up HTTP server")
logWithCommand.Debug("starting up HTTP server")
_, err := srpc.StartHTTPEndpoint(settings.HTTPEndpoint, server.APIs(), []string{"vdb", "eth", "debug", "net"}, nil, []string{"*"}, rpc.HTTPTimeouts{})
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
logWithCommand.Info("HTTP server is disabled")
logWithCommand.Debug("HTTP server is disabled")
return nil
@ -147,7 +141,7 @@ func startServers(server s.Server, settings *s.Config) error {
func startEthGraphQL(server s.Server, settings *s.Config) (graphQLServer *graphql.Service, err error) {
if settings.EthGraphqlEnabled {
logWithCommand.Info("starting up ETH GraphQL server")
logWithCommand.Debug("starting up ETH GraphQL server")
endPoint := settings.EthGraphqlEndpoint
if endPoint != "" {
graphQLServer, err = graphql.New(server.Backend(), endPoint, nil, []string{"*"}, rpc.HTTPTimeouts{})
@ -157,69 +151,17 @@ func startEthGraphQL(server s.Server, settings *s.Config) (graphQLServer *graphq
err = graphQLServer.Start(nil)
} else {
logWithCommand.Info("ETH GraphQL server is disabled")
logWithCommand.Debug("ETH GraphQL server is disabled")
func startIpldGraphQL(settings *s.Config) error {
if settings.IpldGraphqlEnabled {
logWithCommand.Info("starting up IPLD GraphQL server")
gqlIpldAddr, err := url.Parse(settings.IpldPostgraphileEndpoint)
if err != nil {
return err
gqlTracingAPIAddr, err := url.Parse(settings.TracingPostgraphileEndpoint)
if err != nil {
return err
ethClients, err := parseRpcAddresses(settings.EthHttpEndpoint)
if err != nil {
return err
var tracingClients []*rpc.Client
tracingEndpoint := viper.GetString("tracing.httpPath")
if tracingEndpoint != "" {
tracingClients, err = parseRpcAddresses(tracingEndpoint)
if err != nil {
return err
router, err := mux.NewServeMux(&mux.Options{
BasePath: "/",
EnableGraphiQL: true,
Postgraphile: mux.PostgraphileOptions{
Default: gqlIpldAddr,
TracingAPI: gqlTracingAPIAddr,
RPC: mux.RPCOptions{
DefaultClients: ethClients,
TracingClients: tracingClients,
if err != nil {
return err
go http.ListenAndServe(settings.IpldGraphqlEndpoint, router)
} else {
logWithCommand.Info("IPLD GraphQL server is disabled")
return nil
func startGroupCacheService(settings *s.Config) error {
gcc := settings.GroupCache
if gcc.Pool.Enabled {
logWithCommand.Info("starting up groupcache pool HTTTP server")
logWithCommand.Debug("starting up groupcache pool HTTTP server")
pool := groupcache.NewHTTPPoolOpts(gcc.Pool.HttpEndpoint, &groupcache.HTTPPoolOptions{})
@ -237,9 +179,9 @@ func startGroupCacheService(settings *s.Config) error {
// Start a HTTP server to listen for peer requests from the groupcache
go server.ListenAndServe()
logWithCommand.Infof("groupcache pool endpoint opened for url %s", httpURL)
logWithCommand.Infof("groupcache pool endpoint opened at %s", httpURL)
} else {
logWithCommand.Info("Groupcache pool is disabled")
logWithCommand.Debug("Groupcache pool is disabled")
return nil
@ -320,21 +262,14 @@ func init() {
// flags for all config variables
// eth graphql and json-rpc parameters
serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Bool("eth-server-graphql", false, "turn on the eth graphql server")
serveCmd.PersistentFlags().String("eth-server-graphql-path", "", "endpoint url for eth graphql server (host:port)")
serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Bool("eth-server-http", true, "turn on the eth http json-rpc server")
serveCmd.PersistentFlags().String("eth-server-http-path", "", "endpoint url for eth http json-rpc server (host:port)")
serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Bool("eth-server-ws", false, "turn on the eth websocket json-rpc server")
serveCmd.PersistentFlags().String("eth-server-ws-path", "", "endpoint url for eth websocket json-rpc server (host:port)")
serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Bool("eth-server-ipc", false, "turn on the eth ipc json-rpc server")
serveCmd.PersistentFlags().String("eth-server-ipc-path", "", "path for eth ipc json-rpc server")
// ipld and tracing graphql parameters
serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Bool("ipld-server-graphql", false, "turn on the ipld graphql server")
serveCmd.PersistentFlags().String("ipld-server-graphql-path", "", "endpoint url for ipld graphql server (host:port)")
serveCmd.PersistentFlags().String("ipld-postgraphile-path", "", "http url to postgraphile on top of ipld database")
serveCmd.PersistentFlags().String("tracing-http-path", "", "http url to tracing service")
serveCmd.PersistentFlags().String("tracing-postgraphile-path", "", "http url to postgraphile on top of tracing db")
serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Bool("server-graphql", false, "turn on the eth graphql server")
serveCmd.PersistentFlags().String("server-graphql-path", "", "endpoint url for eth graphql server (host:port)")
serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Bool("server-http", true, "turn on the eth http json-rpc server")
serveCmd.PersistentFlags().String("server-http-path", "", "endpoint url for eth http json-rpc server (host:port)")
serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Bool("server-ws", false, "turn on the eth websocket json-rpc server")
serveCmd.PersistentFlags().String("server-ws-path", "", "endpoint url for eth websocket json-rpc server (host:port)")
serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Bool("server-ipc", false, "turn on the eth ipc json-rpc server")
serveCmd.PersistentFlags().String("server-ipc-path", "", "path for eth ipc json-rpc server")
serveCmd.PersistentFlags().String("eth-http-path", "", "http url for ethereum node")
serveCmd.PersistentFlags().String("eth-node-id", "", "eth node id")
@ -363,27 +298,20 @@ func init() {
// and their bindings
// eth graphql server
viper.BindPFlag("eth.server.graphql", serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("eth-server-graphql"))
viper.BindPFlag("eth.server.graphqlPath", serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("eth-server-graphql-path"))
viper.BindPFlag("server.graphql", serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("server-graphql"))
viper.BindPFlag("server.graphqlPath", serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("server-graphql-path"))
// eth http json-rpc server
viper.BindPFlag("eth.server.http", serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("eth-server-http"))
viper.BindPFlag("eth.server.httpPath", serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("eth-server-http-path"))
viper.BindPFlag("server.http", serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("server-http"))
viper.BindPFlag("server.httpPath", serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("server-http-path"))
// eth websocket json-rpc server
viper.BindPFlag("eth.server.ws", serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("eth-server-ws"))
viper.BindPFlag("eth.server.wsPath", serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("eth-server-ws-path"))
viper.BindPFlag("server.ws", serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("server-ws"))
viper.BindPFlag("server.wsPath", serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("server-ws-path"))
// eth ipc json-rpc server
viper.BindPFlag("eth.server.ipc", serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("eth-server-ipc"))
viper.BindPFlag("eth.server.ipcPath", serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("eth-server-ipc-path"))
// ipld and tracing graphql parameters
viper.BindPFlag("ipld.server.graphql", serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("ipld-server-graphql"))
viper.BindPFlag("ipld.server.graphqlPath", serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("ipld-server-graphql-path"))
viper.BindPFlag("ipld.postgraphilePath", serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("ipld-postgraphile-path"))
viper.BindPFlag("tracing.httpPath", serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("tracing-http-path"))
viper.BindPFlag("tracing.postgraphilePath", serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("tracing-postgraphile-path"))
viper.BindPFlag("server.ipc", serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("server-ipc"))
viper.BindPFlag("server.ipcPath", serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("server-ipc-path"))
viper.BindPFlag("ethereum.httpPath", serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("eth-http-path"))
viper.BindPFlag("ethereum.nodeID", serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("eth-node-id"))
@ -391,7 +319,6 @@ func init() {
viper.BindPFlag("ethereum.genesisBlock", serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("eth-genesis-block"))
viper.BindPFlag("ethereum.networkID", serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("eth-network-id"))
viper.BindPFlag("ethereum.chainID", serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("eth-chain-id"))
viper.BindPFlag("ethereum.defaultSender", serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("eth-default-sender"))
viper.BindPFlag("ethereum.rpcGasCap", serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("eth-rpc-gas-cap"))
viper.BindPFlag("ethereum.chainConfig", serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("eth-chain-config"))
viper.BindPFlag("ethereum.supportsStateDiff", serveCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("eth-supports-state-diff"))

View File

@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
// Copyright © 2019 Vulcanize, Inc
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package cmd
import (
w "github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/v4/pkg/serve"
// subscribeCmd represents the subscribe command
var subscribeCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "subscribe",
Short: "This command is used to subscribe to the eth ipfs watcher data stream with the provided filters",
Long: `This command is for demo and testing purposes and is used to subscribe to the watcher with the provided subscription configuration parameters.
It does not do anything with the data streamed from the watcher other than unpack it and print it out for demonstration purposes.`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
subCommand = cmd.CalledAs()
logWithCommand = *log.WithField("SubCommand", subCommand)
func init() {
func subscribe() {
// Prep the subscription config/filters to be sent to the server
ethSubConfig, err := eth.NewEthSubscriptionConfig()
if err != nil {
// Create a new rpc client and a subscription streamer with that client
rpcClient, err := getRPCClient()
if err != nil {
subClient := client.NewClient(rpcClient)
// Buffered channel for reading subscription payloads
payloadChan := make(chan w.SubscriptionPayload, 20000)
// Subscribe to the watcher service with the given config/filter parameters
sub, err := subClient.Stream(payloadChan, *ethSubConfig)
if err != nil {
logWithCommand.Info("awaiting payloads")
// Receive response payloads and print out the results
for {
select {
case payload := <-payloadChan:
if payload.Err != "" {
var ethData eth.IPLDs
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(payload.Data, &ethData); err != nil {
var header types.Header
err = rlp.Decode(bytes.NewBuffer(ethData.Header.Data), &header)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Header number %d, hash %s\n", header.Number.Int64(), header.Hash().Hex())
fmt.Printf("header: %v\n", header)
for _, trxRlp := range ethData.Transactions {
var trx types.Transaction
buff := bytes.NewBuffer(trxRlp.Data)
stream := rlp.NewStream(buff, 0)
err := trx.DecodeRLP(stream)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Transaction with hash %s\n", trx.Hash().Hex())
fmt.Printf("trx: %v\n", trx)
for _, rctRlp := range ethData.Receipts {
var rct types.Receipt
buff := bytes.NewBuffer(rctRlp.Data)
stream := rlp.NewStream(buff, 0)
err = rct.DecodeRLP(stream)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Receipt with block hash %s, trx hash %s\n", rct.BlockHash.Hex(), rct.TxHash.Hex())
fmt.Printf("rct: %v\n", rct)
for _, l := range rct.Logs {
if len(l.Topics) < 1 {
logWithCommand.Error(fmt.Sprintf("log only has %d topics", len(l.Topics)))
fmt.Printf("Log for block hash %s, trx hash %s, address %s, and with topic0 %s\n",
l.BlockHash.Hex(), l.TxHash.Hex(), l.Address.Hex(), l.Topics[0].Hex())
fmt.Printf("log: %v\n", l)
// This assumes leafs only
for _, stateNode := range ethData.StateNodes {
var acct types.StateAccount
err = rlp.DecodeBytes(stateNode.IPLD.Data, &acct)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Account for key %s, and root %s, with balance %s\n",
stateNode.StateLeafKey.Hex(), acct.Root.Hex(), acct.Balance.String())
fmt.Printf("state account: %+v\n", acct)
for _, storageNode := range ethData.StorageNodes {
fmt.Printf("Storage for state key %s ", storageNode.StateLeafKey.Hex())
fmt.Printf("with storage key %s\n", storageNode.StorageLeafKey.Hex())
var i []interface{}
err := rlp.DecodeBytes(storageNode.IPLD.Data, &i)
if err != nil {
// if a value node
if len(i) == 1 {
valueBytes, ok := i[0].([]byte)
if !ok {
fmt.Printf("Storage leaf key: %s, and value hash: %s\n",
storageNode.StorageLeafKey.Hex(), common.BytesToHash(valueBytes).Hex())
case err = <-sub.Err():
func getRPCClient() (*rpc.Client, error) {
vulcPath := viper.GetString("watcher.ethSubscription.wsPath")
if vulcPath == "" {
vulcPath = "ws://" // default to and try the default ws url if no path is provided
return rpc.Dial(vulcPath)

View File

@ -18,14 +18,14 @@ package cmd
import (
validator "github.com/cerc-io/eth-ipfs-state-validator/v4/pkg"
ipfsethdb "github.com/cerc-io/ipfs-ethdb/v4/postgres"
validator "github.com/cerc-io/eth-ipfs-state-validator/v5/pkg"
ipfsethdb "github.com/cerc-io/ipfs-ethdb/v5/postgres/v0"
s "github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/v4/pkg/serve"
s "github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/v5/pkg/serve"
const GroupName = "statedb-validate"
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ const CacheSizeInMB = 16 // 16 MB
var validateCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "validate",
Short: "valdiate state",
Short: "validate state",
Long: `This command validates the trie for the given state root`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
subCommand = cmd.CalledAs()

View File

@ -16,19 +16,17 @@
package cmd
import (
v "github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/v4/version"
v "github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/v5/version"
// versionCmd represents the version command
var versionCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "version",
Short: "Prints the version of ipld-eth-server",
Long: `Use this command to fetch the version of ipld-eth-server
Usage: ./ipld-eth-server version`,
Long: `Use this command to fetch the version of ipld-eth-server`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
subCommand = cmd.CalledAs()
logWithCommand = *log.WithField("SubCommand", subCommand)

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
version: '3.2'
context: ./test/contract
ETH_ADDR: "http://go-ethereum:8545"
ETH_ADDR: "http://go-ethereum:8545"
- ""

View File

@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
version: '3.2'
restart: on-failure
- ipld-eth-db
image: git.vdb.to/cerc-io/ipld-eth-db/ipld-eth-db:v4.2.3-alpha
DATABASE_NAME: "vulcanize_testing"
DATABASE_HOSTNAME: "ipld-eth-db"
image: timescale/timescaledb:latest-pg14
restart: always
command: ["postgres", "-c", "log_statement=all"]
POSTGRES_DB: "vulcanize_testing"
- ""
restart: unless-stopped
- ipld-eth-db
context: ./
- alpine:latest
- golang:1.13-alpine
IPLD_POSTGRAPHILEPATH: http://graphql:5000
VDB_COMMAND: "serve"
ETH_CHAIN_CONFIG: "/tmp/chain.json"
DATABASE_NAME: "vulcanize_testing"
DATABASE_HOSTNAME: "ipld-eth-db"
- type: bind
source: ./chain.json
target: /tmp/chain.json
- ""

View File

@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ An example of how to subscribe to a real-time Ethereum data feed from ipld-eth-s
config, _ := eth.NewEthSubscriptionConfig()
@ -160,9 +160,9 @@ An example of how to subscribe to a real-time Bitcoin data feed from ipld-eth-se
config, _ := btc.NewBtcSubscriptionConfig()

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name = "vulcanize_public" # $DATABASE_NAME
name = "cerc_testing" # $DATABASE_NAME
hostname = "localhost" # $DATABASE_HOSTNAME
port = 5432 # $DATABASE_PORT
user = "postgres" # $DATABASE_USER
@ -9,16 +9,18 @@
level = "info" # $LOGRUS_LEVEL
ipc = false
ipcPath = "~/.vulcanize/vulcanize.ipc" # $SERVER_IPC_PATH
wsPath = "" # $SERVER_WS_PATH
httpPath = "" # $SERVER_HTTP_PATH
ws = true
wsPath = "" # $SERVER_WS_PATH
http = true
httpPath = "" # $SERVER_HTTP_PATH
graphql = true # $SERVER_GRAPHQL
graphqlEndpoint = "" # $SERVER_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT
graphqlPath = "" # $SERVER_GRAPHQL_PATH
chainConfig = "./chain.json" # ETH_CHAIN_CONFIG
chainID = "1" # $ETH_CHAIN_ID
defaultSender = "" # $ETH_DEFAULT_SENDER_ADDR
rpcGasCap = "1000000000000" # $ETH_RPC_GAS_CAP
httpPath = "" # $ETH_HTTP_PATH
supportsStateDiff = true # $ETH_SUPPORTS_STATEDIFF

View File

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
historicalData = false
historicalDataOnly = false
startingBlock = 0
endingBlock = 0
wsPath = "ws://"
off = false
uncles = false
off = false
src = []
dst = []
off = false
contracts = []
topic0s = []
topic1s = []
topic2s = []
topic3s = []
off = false
addresses = []
intermediateNodes = false
off = true
addresses = []
storageKeys = []
intermediateNodes = false

View File

@ -1,86 +1,86 @@
module github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/v4
module github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/v5
go 1.18
go 1.19
require (
github.com/cerc-io/eth-ipfs-state-validator/v4 v4.0.10-alpha
github.com/cerc-io/go-eth-state-node-iterator v1.1.9
github.com/cerc-io/ipfs-ethdb/v4 v4.0.10-alpha
github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum v1.10.26
github.com/cerc-io/eth-ipfs-state-validator/v5 v5.0.0-alpha
github.com/cerc-io/ipfs-ethdb/v5 v5.0.0-alpha
github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-statedb v0.0.5-alpha
github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum v1.11.5
github.com/google/uuid v1.3.0
github.com/graph-gophers/graphql-go v1.3.0
github.com/ipfs/go-block-format v0.0.3
github.com/ipfs/go-cid v0.2.0
github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs-blockstore v1.2.0
github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs-ds-help v1.1.0
github.com/ipfs/go-cid v0.3.2
github.com/jmoiron/sqlx v1.3.5
github.com/joho/godotenv v1.4.0
github.com/lib/pq v1.10.6
github.com/lib/pq v1.10.7
github.com/machinebox/graphql v0.2.2
github.com/mailgun/groupcache/v2 v2.3.0
github.com/multiformats/go-multihash v0.2.0
github.com/onsi/ginkgo v1.16.5
github.com/onsi/gomega v1.19.0
github.com/prometheus/client_golang v1.12.1
github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 v2.9.2
github.com/onsi/gomega v1.27.4
github.com/prometheus/client_golang v1.14.0
github.com/sirupsen/logrus v1.9.0
github.com/spf13/cobra v1.4.0
github.com/spf13/viper v1.11.0
github.com/vulcanize/gap-filler v0.4.2
gorm.io/driver/postgres v1.3.7
gorm.io/gorm v1.23.5
require (
bazil.org/fuse v0.0.0-20200117225306-7b5117fecadc // indirect
github.com/Stebalien/go-bitfield v0.0.1 // indirect
github.com/DataDog/zstd v1.5.2 // indirect
github.com/VictoriaMetrics/fastcache v1.6.0 // indirect
github.com/alecthomas/units v0.0.0-20210927113745-59d0afb8317a // indirect
github.com/benbjohnson/clock v1.3.0 // indirect
github.com/beorn7/perks v1.0.1 // indirect
github.com/blang/semver/v4 v4.0.0 // indirect
github.com/btcsuite/btcd v0.22.1 // indirect
github.com/btcsuite/btcd/btcec/v2 v2.2.0 // indirect
github.com/btcsuite/btcd/chaincfg/chainhash v1.0.1 // indirect
github.com/cenkalti/backoff v2.2.1+incompatible // indirect
github.com/cenkalti/backoff/v4 v4.1.3 // indirect
github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2 v2.1.2 // indirect
github.com/cheekybits/genny v1.0.0 // indirect
github.com/containerd/cgroups v1.0.3 // indirect
github.com/coreos/go-systemd/v22 v22.3.2 // indirect
github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2 v2.2.0 // indirect
github.com/cockroachdb/errors v1.9.1 // indirect
github.com/cockroachdb/logtags v0.0.0-20230118201751-21c54148d20b // indirect
github.com/cockroachdb/pebble v0.0.0-20230209160836-829675f94811 // indirect
github.com/cockroachdb/redact v1.1.3 // indirect
github.com/containerd/cgroups v1.0.4 // indirect
github.com/coreos/go-systemd/v22 v22.5.0 // indirect
github.com/cpuguy83/go-md2man/v2 v2.0.2 // indirect
github.com/crackcomm/go-gitignore v0.0.0-20170627025303-887ab5e44cc3 // indirect
github.com/cskr/pubsub v1.0.2 // indirect
github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1 // indirect
github.com/davidlazar/go-crypto v0.0.0-20200604182044-b73af7476f6c // indirect
github.com/deckarep/golang-set v1.8.0 // indirect
github.com/decred/dcrd/dcrec/secp256k1/v4 v4.0.1 // indirect
github.com/deckarep/golang-set/v2 v2.1.0 // indirect
github.com/decred/dcrd/dcrec/secp256k1/v4 v4.1.0 // indirect
github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen v1.8.2 // indirect
github.com/docker/go-units v0.4.0 // indirect
github.com/docker/go-units v0.5.0 // indirect
github.com/dustin/go-humanize v1.0.0 // indirect
github.com/edsrzf/mmap-go v1.0.0 // indirect
github.com/elastic/gosigar v0.14.2 // indirect
github.com/emirpasic/gods v1.18.1 // indirect
github.com/facebookgo/atomicfile v0.0.0-20151019160806-2de1f203e7d5 // indirect
github.com/fjl/memsize v0.0.0-20190710130421-bcb5799ab5e5 // indirect
github.com/flynn/noise v1.0.0 // indirect
github.com/francoispqt/gojay v1.2.13 // indirect
github.com/friendsofgo/graphiql v0.2.2 // indirect
github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify v1.5.4 // indirect
github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify v1.6.0 // indirect
github.com/gballet/go-libpcsclite v0.0.0-20190607065134-2772fd86a8ff // indirect
github.com/georgysavva/scany v0.2.9 // indirect
github.com/getsentry/sentry-go v0.18.0 // indirect
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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
package integration
import (
type ContractDeployed struct {
Address common.Address `json:"address"`
TransactionHash common.Hash `json:"txHash"`
BlockNumber int64 `json:"blockNumber"`
BlockHash common.Hash `json:"blockHash"`
type ContractDestroyed struct {
BlockNumber int64 `json:"blockNumber"`
type Tx struct {
From string `json:"from"`
To string `json:"to"`
Value *big.Int `json:"value"`
TransactionHash string `json:"txHash"`
BlockNumber int64 `json:"blockNumber"`
BlockHash string `json:"blockHash"`
type StorageKey struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
type CountIncremented struct {
BlockNumber *big.Int `json:"blockNumber"`
const ContractServerUrl = "http://localhost:3000"
// Factory which creates endpoint functions
func MakeGetAndDecodeFunc[R any](format string) func(...interface{}) (*R, error) {
return func(params ...interface{}) (*R, error) {
params = append([]interface{}{ContractServerUrl}, params...)
url := fmt.Sprintf(format, params...)
res, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer res.Body.Close()
if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", url, res.Status)
var data R
decoder := json.NewDecoder(res.Body)
return &data, decoder.Decode(&data)
var (
DeployContract = MakeGetAndDecodeFunc[ContractDeployed]("%s/v1/deployContract")
DestroyContract = MakeGetAndDecodeFunc[ContractDestroyed]("%s/v1/destroyContract?addr=%s")
DeploySLVContract = MakeGetAndDecodeFunc[ContractDeployed]("%s/v1/deploySLVContract")
DestroySLVContract = MakeGetAndDecodeFunc[ContractDestroyed]("%s/v1/destroySLVContract?addr=%s")
SendEth = MakeGetAndDecodeFunc[Tx]("%s/v1/sendEth?to=%s&value=%s")
GetStorageSlotKey = MakeGetAndDecodeFunc[StorageKey]("%s/v1/getStorageKey?contract=%s&label=%s")
IncrementCount = MakeGetAndDecodeFunc[CountIncremented]("%s/v1/incrementCount%s?addr=%s")
Create2Contract = MakeGetAndDecodeFunc[ContractDeployed]("%s/v1/create2Contract?contract=%s&salt=%s")
func ClearWatchedAddresses(gethRPCClient *rpc.Client) error {
gethMethod := "statediff_watchAddress"
args := []types.WatchAddressArg{}
// Clear watched addresses
return gethRPCClient.Call(nil, gethMethod, types.Clear, args)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
package integration_test
import (
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
var _ = Describe("Direct proxy integration test", Label("proxy"), func() {
ctx := context.Background()
var contract *integration.ContractDeployed
var tx *integration.Tx
var contractErr error
var txErr error
Describe("get Block", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
contract, contractErr = integration.DeployContract()
It("get not existing block by number", func() {
blockNum := contract.BlockNumber + 100
gethBlock, err := gethClient.BlockByNumber(ctx, big.NewInt(blockNum))
ipldBlock, err := ipldClient.BlockByNumber(ctx, big.NewInt(blockNum))
It("get not existing block by hash", func() {
gethBlock, err := gethClient.BlockByHash(ctx, nonExistingBlockHash)
ipldBlock, err := ipldClient.BlockByHash(ctx, nonExistingBlockHash)
It("get block by number", func() {
blockNum := contract.BlockNumber
_, err := gethClient.BlockByNumber(ctx, big.NewInt(blockNum))
_, err = ipldClient.BlockByNumber(ctx, big.NewInt(blockNum))
It("get block by hash", func() {
_, err := gethClient.BlockByHash(ctx, contract.BlockHash)
_, err = ipldClient.BlockByHash(ctx, contract.BlockHash)
Describe("Transaction", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
contract, contractErr = integration.DeployContract()
It("Get tx by hash", func() {
_, _, err := gethClient.TransactionByHash(ctx, contract.TransactionHash)
_, _, err = ipldClient.TransactionByHash(ctx, contract.TransactionHash)
Expect(err.Error()).To(ContainSubstring("not found"))
It("Get tx by block hash and index", func() {
_, err := gethClient.TransactionInBlock(ctx, contract.BlockHash, 0)
_, err = ipldClient.TransactionInBlock(ctx, contract.BlockHash, 0)
Expect(err.Error()).To(ContainSubstring("not found"))
Describe("Receipt", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
contract, contractErr = integration.DeployContract()
It("Get tx receipt", func() {
_, err := gethClient.TransactionReceipt(ctx, contract.TransactionHash)
_, err = ipldClient.TransactionReceipt(ctx, contract.TransactionHash)
Expect(err.Error()).To(ContainSubstring("not found"))
Describe("FilterLogs", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
contract, contractErr = integration.DeployContract()
It("with blockhash", func() {
blockHash := contract.BlockHash
filterQuery := ethereum.FilterQuery{
//Addresses: addresses,
BlockHash: &blockHash,
Topics: [][]common.Hash{},
gethLogs, err := gethClient.FilterLogs(ctx, filterQuery)
ipldLogs, err := ipldClient.FilterLogs(ctx, filterQuery)
// not empty list
// empty list
Describe("CodeAt", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
contract, contractErr = integration.DeployContract()
It("gets code of deployed contract with block number", func() {
_, err := gethClient.CodeAt(ctx, contract.Address, big.NewInt(contract.BlockNumber))
ipldCode, err := ipldClient.CodeAt(ctx, contract.Address, big.NewInt(contract.BlockNumber))
It("gets code of contract that doesn't exist at this height", func() {
gethCode, err := gethClient.CodeAt(ctx, contract.Address, big.NewInt(contract.BlockNumber-1))
ipldCode, err := ipldClient.CodeAt(ctx, contract.Address, big.NewInt(contract.BlockNumber-1))
It("gets code at non-existing address without block number", func() {
gethCode, err := gethClient.CodeAt(ctx, nonExistingAddress, nil)
ipldCode, err := ipldClient.CodeAt(ctx, nonExistingAddress, nil)
It("gets code of deployed contract without block number", func() {
_, err := gethClient.CodeAt(ctx, contract.Address, nil)
ipldCode, err := ipldClient.CodeAt(ctx, contract.Address, nil)
Describe("Get balance", func() {
var newAddress common.Address
BeforeEach(func() {
tx, txErr = integration.SendEth(newAddress, "0.01")
It("gets balance for an account with eth without block number", func() {
gethBalance, err := gethClient.BalanceAt(ctx, newAddress, nil)
ipldBalance, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, newAddress, nil)
It("gets balance for an account with eth with block number", func() {
_, err := gethClient.BalanceAt(ctx, newAddress, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber))
_, err = ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, newAddress, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber))
Expect(err).To(MatchError("header not found"))
It("gets historical balance for an account with eth with block number", func() {
_, err := gethClient.BalanceAt(ctx, newAddress, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber-1))
_, err = ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, newAddress, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber-1))
Expect(err).To(MatchError("header not found"))
It("gets balance for a non-existing account without block number", func() {
gethBalance, err := gethClient.BalanceAt(ctx, nonExistingAddress, nil)
ipldBalance, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, nonExistingAddress, nil)
It("gets balance for an non-existing block number", func() {
gethBalance, err := gethClient.BalanceAt(ctx, newAddress, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber+3))
Expect(err).To(MatchError("header not found"))
ipldBalance, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, nonExistingAddress, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber+3))
Expect(err).To(MatchError("header not found"))
Describe("Get Storage", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
contract, contractErr = integration.DeployContract()
It("gets ERC20 total supply (without block number)", func() {
gethStorage, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract.Address, ercTotalSupplyIndex, nil)
gethTotalSupply := new(big.Int).SetBytes(gethStorage)
ipldStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract.Address, ercTotalSupplyIndex, nil)
Expect(ipldStorage).To(Equal(make([]byte, 32)))
It("gets ERC20 total supply (with block number)", func() {
gethStorage, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract.Address, ercTotalSupplyIndex, big.NewInt(contract.BlockNumber))
gethTotalSupply := new(big.Int).SetBytes(gethStorage)
_, err = ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract.Address, ercTotalSupplyIndex, big.NewInt(contract.BlockNumber))
Expect(err).To(MatchError("header not found"))
It("gets storage for non-existing account", func() {
_, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, nonExistingAddress, ercTotalSupplyIndex, big.NewInt(contract.BlockNumber))
_, err = ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, nonExistingAddress, ercTotalSupplyIndex, big.NewInt(contract.BlockNumber))
Expect(err).To(MatchError("header not found"))
It("gets storage for non-existing contract slot", func() {
_, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract.Address, randomHash, big.NewInt(contract.BlockNumber))
_, err = ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract.Address, randomHash, big.NewInt(contract.BlockNumber))
Expect(err).To(MatchError("header not found"))
It("gets storage for non-existing contract", func() {
gethStorage, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract.Address, ercTotalSupplyIndex, big.NewInt(0))
ipldStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract.Address, ercTotalSupplyIndex, big.NewInt(0))
It("gets storage for non-existing block number", func() {
blockNum := contract.BlockNumber + 100
gethStorage, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract.Address, ercTotalSupplyIndex, big.NewInt(blockNum))
Expect(err).To(MatchError("header not found"))
ipldStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract.Address, ercTotalSupplyIndex, big.NewInt(blockNum))
Expect(err).To(MatchError("header not found"))
It("get storage after self destruct", func() {
tx, err := integration.DestroyContract(contract.Address)
gethStorage1, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract.Address, ercTotalSupplyIndex, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber-1))
gethStorage2, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract.Address, ercTotalSupplyIndex, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber))
_, err = ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract.Address, ercTotalSupplyIndex, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber-1))
Expect(err).To(MatchError("header not found"))
_, err = ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract.Address, ercTotalSupplyIndex, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber))
Expect(err).To(MatchError("header not found"))
// Query the current block
ipldStorage3, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract.Address, ercTotalSupplyIndex, nil)
Describe("eth call", func() {
var msg ethereum.CallMsg
BeforeEach(func() {
contract, contractErr = integration.DeployContract()
msg = ethereum.CallMsg{
To: &contract.Address,
Data: common.Hex2Bytes("18160ddd"), // totalSupply()
It("calls totalSupply() without block number", func() {
gethResult, err := gethClient.CallContract(ctx, msg, nil)
gethTotalSupply := new(big.Int).SetBytes(gethResult)
ipldResult, err := ipldClient.CallContract(ctx, msg, nil)
It("calls totalSupply() with block number", func() {
gethResult, err := gethClient.CallContract(ctx, msg, big.NewInt(contract.BlockNumber))
gethTotalSupply := new(big.Int).SetBytes(gethResult)
ipldResult, err := ipldClient.CallContract(ctx, msg, big.NewInt(contract.BlockNumber))
Describe("Chain ID", func() {
It("Check chain id", func() {
_, err := gethClient.ChainID(ctx)
_, err = ipldClient.ChainID(ctx)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
package integration_test
import (
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
func TestIntegration(t *testing.T) {
RunSpecs(t, "integration test suite")
var (
gethHttpPath = ""
ipldEthHttpPath = ""
gethClient *ethclient.Client
ipldClient *ethclient.Client
gethRPCClient *rpc.Client
ipldRPCClient *rpc.Client
testChainId int64 = 99
var _ = BeforeSuite(func() {
var err error
envChainID := os.Getenv("ETH_CHAIN_ID")
if len(envChainID) == 0 {
panic("ETH_CHAIN_ID must be set")
testChainId, err = strconv.ParseInt(envChainID, 10, 64)
if path := os.Getenv("ETH_HTTP_PATH"); len(path) != 0 {
gethHttpPath = "http://" + path
if path := os.Getenv("SERVER_HTTP_PATH"); len(path) != 0 {
ipldEthHttpPath = "http://" + path
gethClient, err = ethclient.Dial(gethHttpPath)
ipldClient, err = ethclient.Dial(ipldEthHttpPath)

View File

@ -3,97 +3,76 @@ package integration_test
import (
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
integration "github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/v4/test"
integration "github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/v5/integration"
const nonExistingBlockHash = "0x111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"
const nonExistingAddress = "0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111"
var (
randomAddr = common.HexToAddress("0x1C3ab14BBaD3D99F4203bd7a11aCB94882050E6f")
randomHash = crypto.Keccak256Hash(randomAddr.Bytes())
nonExistingBlockHash = common.HexToHash("0x111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111")
nonExistingAddress = common.HexToAddress("0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111")
randomAddr = common.HexToAddress("0x1C3ab14BBaD3D99F4203bd7a11aCB94882050E6f")
randomHash = crypto.Keccak256Hash(randomAddr.Bytes())
erc20TotalSupply, _ = new(big.Int).SetString("1000000000000000000000", 10)
ercTotalSupplyIndex = common.HexToHash("0x2")
var _ = Describe("Integration test", func() {
directProxyEthCalls, err := strconv.ParseBool(os.Getenv("ETH_FORWARD_ETH_CALLS"))
gethHttpPath := ""
gethClient, err := ethclient.Dial(gethHttpPath)
ipldEthHttpPath := ""
ipldClient, err := ethclient.Dial(ipldEthHttpPath)
var _ = Describe("Basic integration test", func() {
ctx := context.Background()
var contract *integration.ContractDeployed
var erc20TotalSupply *big.Int
var tx *integration.Tx
var bigIntResult bool
var contractErr error
var txErr error
sleepInterval := 2 * time.Second
BeforeEach(func() {
if directProxyEthCalls {
Skip("skipping no-direct-proxy-forwarding integration tests")
Describe("get Block", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
contract, contractErr = integration.DeployContract()
err := waitForBlock(ctx, ipldClient, contract.BlockNumber)
It("get not existing block by number", func() {
blockNum := big.NewInt(contract.BlockNumber + 100)
blockNum := contract.BlockNumber + 100
gethBlock, err := gethClient.BlockByNumber(ctx, big.NewInt(int64(blockNum)))
gethBlock, err := gethClient.BlockByNumber(ctx, blockNum)
ipldBlock, err := ipldClient.BlockByNumber(ctx, big.NewInt(int64(blockNum)))
ipldBlock, err := ipldClient.BlockByNumber(ctx, blockNum)
It("get not existing block by hash", func() {
gethBlock, err := gethClient.BlockByHash(ctx, common.HexToHash(nonExistingBlockHash))
gethBlock, err := gethClient.BlockByHash(ctx, nonExistingBlockHash)
ipldBlock, err := ipldClient.BlockByHash(ctx, common.HexToHash(nonExistingBlockHash))
ipldBlock, err := ipldClient.BlockByHash(ctx, nonExistingBlockHash)
It("get block by number", func() {
blockNum := big.NewInt(contract.BlockNumber)
blockNum := contract.BlockNumber
gethBlock, err := gethClient.BlockByNumber(ctx, big.NewInt(int64(blockNum)))
gethBlock, err := gethClient.BlockByNumber(ctx, blockNum)
ipldBlock, err := ipldClient.BlockByNumber(ctx, big.NewInt(int64(blockNum)))
ipldBlock, err := ipldClient.BlockByNumber(ctx, blockNum)
// check headers are equals
@ -107,10 +86,10 @@ var _ = Describe("Integration test", func() {
It("get block by hash", func() {
gethBlock, err := gethClient.BlockByHash(ctx, common.HexToHash(contract.BlockHash))
gethBlock, err := gethClient.BlockByHash(ctx, contract.BlockHash)
ipldBlock, err := ipldClient.BlockByHash(ctx, common.HexToHash(contract.BlockHash))
ipldBlock, err := ipldClient.BlockByHash(ctx, contract.BlockHash)
// check headers are equals
@ -127,16 +106,14 @@ var _ = Describe("Integration test", func() {
Describe("Transaction", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
contract, contractErr = integration.DeployContract()
It("Get tx by hash", func() {
gethTx, _, err := gethClient.TransactionByHash(ctx, common.HexToHash(contract.TransactionHash))
gethTx, _, err := gethClient.TransactionByHash(ctx, contract.TransactionHash)
ipldTx, _, err := ipldClient.TransactionByHash(ctx, common.HexToHash(contract.TransactionHash))
ipldTx, _, err := ipldClient.TransactionByHash(ctx, contract.TransactionHash)
compareTxs(gethTx, ipldTx)
@ -145,10 +122,10 @@ var _ = Describe("Integration test", func() {
It("Get tx by block hash and index", func() {
gethTx, err := gethClient.TransactionInBlock(ctx, common.HexToHash(contract.BlockHash), 0)
gethTx, err := gethClient.TransactionInBlock(ctx, contract.BlockHash, 0)
ipldTx, err := ipldClient.TransactionInBlock(ctx, common.HexToHash(contract.BlockHash), 0)
ipldTx, err := ipldClient.TransactionInBlock(ctx, contract.BlockHash, 0)
compareTxs(gethTx, ipldTx)
@ -158,16 +135,14 @@ var _ = Describe("Integration test", func() {
Describe("Receipt", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
contract, contractErr = integration.DeployContract()
It("Get tx receipt", func() {
gethReceipt, err := gethClient.TransactionReceipt(ctx, common.HexToHash(contract.TransactionHash))
gethReceipt, err := gethClient.TransactionReceipt(ctx, contract.TransactionHash)
ipldReceipt, err := ipldClient.TransactionReceipt(ctx, common.HexToHash(contract.TransactionHash))
ipldReceipt, err := ipldClient.TransactionReceipt(ctx, contract.TransactionHash)
@ -185,13 +160,11 @@ var _ = Describe("Integration test", func() {
Describe("FilterLogs", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
contract, contractErr = integration.DeployContract()
It("with blockhash", func() {
blockHash := common.HexToHash(contract.BlockHash)
blockHash := contract.BlockHash
filterQuery := ethereum.FilterQuery{
//Addresses: addresses,
BlockHash: &blockHash,
@ -215,42 +188,40 @@ var _ = Describe("Integration test", func() {
Describe("CodeAt", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
contract, contractErr = integration.DeployContract()
It("gets code at non-existing address without block number", func() {
gethCode, err := gethClient.CodeAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(nonExistingAddress), nil)
gethCode, err := gethClient.CodeAt(ctx, nonExistingAddress, nil)
ipldCode, err := ipldClient.CodeAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(nonExistingAddress), nil)
ipldCode, err := ipldClient.CodeAt(ctx, nonExistingAddress, nil)
It("gets code of deployed contract without block number", func() {
gethCode, err := gethClient.CodeAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), nil)
gethCode, err := gethClient.CodeAt(ctx, contract.Address, nil)
ipldCode, err := ipldClient.CodeAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), nil)
ipldCode, err := ipldClient.CodeAt(ctx, contract.Address, nil)
It("gets code of deployed contract with block number", func() {
gethCode, err := gethClient.CodeAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), big.NewInt(int64(contract.BlockNumber)))
gethCode, err := gethClient.CodeAt(ctx, contract.Address, big.NewInt(contract.BlockNumber))
ipldCode, err := ipldClient.CodeAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), big.NewInt(int64(contract.BlockNumber)))
ipldCode, err := ipldClient.CodeAt(ctx, contract.Address, big.NewInt(contract.BlockNumber))
It("gets code of contract that doesn't exist at this height", func() {
gethCode, err := gethClient.CodeAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), big.NewInt(int64(contract.BlockNumber-1)))
gethCode, err := gethClient.CodeAt(ctx, contract.Address, big.NewInt(contract.BlockNumber-1))
ipldCode, err := ipldClient.CodeAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), big.NewInt(int64(contract.BlockNumber-1)))
ipldCode, err := ipldClient.CodeAt(ctx, contract.Address, big.NewInt(contract.BlockNumber-1))
@ -259,63 +230,56 @@ var _ = Describe("Integration test", func() {
Describe("Get balance", func() {
address := "0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111112"
var newAddress common.Address
BeforeEach(func() {
tx, txErr = integration.SendEth(address, "0.01")
It("gets balance for an account with eth without block number", func() {
tx, txErr = integration.SendEth(newAddress, "0.01")
gethBalance, err := gethClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(address), nil)
ipldBalance, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(address), nil)
It("gets balance for an account with eth with block number", func() {
gethBalance, err := gethClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(address), big.NewInt(int64(tx.BlockNumber)))
gethBalance, err := gethClient.BalanceAt(ctx, newAddress, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber))
ipldBalance, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(address), big.NewInt(int64(tx.BlockNumber)))
ipldBalance, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, newAddress, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber))
It("gets historical balance for an account with eth with block number", func() {
gethBalance, err := gethClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(address), big.NewInt(int64(tx.BlockNumber-1)))
It("gets balance for an account with eth without block number", func() {
gethBalance, err := gethClient.BalanceAt(ctx, newAddress, nil)
ipldBalance, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(address), big.NewInt(int64(tx.BlockNumber-1)))
ipldBalance, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, newAddress, nil)
It("gets historical balance for an account with eth with block number", func() {
gethBalance, err := gethClient.BalanceAt(ctx, newAddress, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber-1))
ipldBalance, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, newAddress, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber-1))
It("gets balance for a non-existing account without block number", func() {
gethBalance, err := gethClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(nonExistingAddress), nil)
gethBalance, err := gethClient.BalanceAt(ctx, nonExistingAddress, nil)
ipldBalance, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(nonExistingAddress), nil)
ipldBalance, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, nonExistingAddress, nil)
It("gets balance for an non-existing block number", func() {
gethBalance, err := gethClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(address), big.NewInt(int64(tx.BlockNumber+3)))
gethBalance, err := gethClient.BalanceAt(ctx, newAddress, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber+3))
Expect(err).To(MatchError("header not found"))
ipldBalance, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(nonExistingAddress), big.NewInt(int64(tx.BlockNumber+3)))
ipldBalance, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, newAddress, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber+3))
Expect(err).To(MatchError("header not found"))
@ -323,126 +287,114 @@ var _ = Describe("Integration test", func() {
Describe("Get Storage", func() {
var slvContract *integration.ContractDeployed
var slvCountA *big.Int
contractSalt := "SLVContractSalt"
var contractSalt string
countAIndex := common.HexToHash("0x5")
BeforeEach(func() {
contract, contractErr = integration.DeployContract()
erc20TotalSupply, bigIntResult = new(big.Int).SetString("1000000000000000000000", 10)
It("gets ERC20 total supply (without block number)", func() {
totalSupplyIndex := "0x2"
contractSalt = common.Bytes2Hex(contract.BlockHash[:10])
gethStorage, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), common.HexToHash(totalSupplyIndex), nil)
err := waitForBlock(ctx, ipldClient, contract.BlockNumber)
gethTotalSupply := new(big.Int).SetBytes(gethStorage)
ipldStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), common.HexToHash(totalSupplyIndex), nil)
ipldTotalSupply := new(big.Int).SetBytes(ipldStorage)
It("gets ERC20 total supply (with block number)", func() {
totalSupplyIndex := "0x2"
gethStorage, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), common.HexToHash(totalSupplyIndex), big.NewInt(int64(contract.BlockNumber)))
gethStorage, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract.Address, ercTotalSupplyIndex, big.NewInt(contract.BlockNumber))
gethTotalSupply := new(big.Int).SetBytes(gethStorage)
ipldStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), common.HexToHash(totalSupplyIndex), big.NewInt(int64(contract.BlockNumber)))
ipldStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract.Address, ercTotalSupplyIndex, big.NewInt(contract.BlockNumber))
It("gets ERC20 total supply (without block number)", func() {
gethStorage, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract.Address, ercTotalSupplyIndex, nil)
gethTotalSupply := new(big.Int).SetBytes(gethStorage)
ipldStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract.Address, ercTotalSupplyIndex, nil)
It("gets storage for non-existing account", func() {
totalSupplyIndex := "0x2"
gethStorage, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(nonExistingAddress), common.HexToHash(totalSupplyIndex), big.NewInt(int64(contract.BlockNumber)))
gethStorage, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, nonExistingAddress, ercTotalSupplyIndex, big.NewInt(contract.BlockNumber))
ipldStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(nonExistingAddress), common.HexToHash(totalSupplyIndex), big.NewInt(int64(contract.BlockNumber)))
ipldStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, nonExistingAddress, ercTotalSupplyIndex, big.NewInt(contract.BlockNumber))
It("gets storage for non-existing contract slot", func() {
gethStorage, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), randomHash, big.NewInt(int64(contract.BlockNumber)))
gethStorage, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract.Address, randomHash, big.NewInt(contract.BlockNumber))
ipldStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), randomHash, big.NewInt(int64(contract.BlockNumber)))
ipldStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract.Address, randomHash, big.NewInt(contract.BlockNumber))
It("gets storage for non-existing contract", func() {
totalSupplyIndex := "0x2"
gethStorage, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), common.HexToHash(totalSupplyIndex), big.NewInt(0))
gethStorage, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract.Address, ercTotalSupplyIndex, big.NewInt(0))
ipldStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), common.HexToHash(totalSupplyIndex), big.NewInt(0))
ipldStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract.Address, ercTotalSupplyIndex, big.NewInt(0))
It("gets storage for non-existing block number", func() {
blockNum := contract.BlockNumber + 100
totalSupplyIndex := "0x2"
gethStorage, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), common.HexToHash(totalSupplyIndex), big.NewInt(int64(blockNum)))
gethStorage, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract.Address, ercTotalSupplyIndex, big.NewInt(blockNum))
Expect(err).To(MatchError("header not found"))
ipldStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), common.HexToHash(totalSupplyIndex), big.NewInt(int64(blockNum)))
ipldStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract.Address, ercTotalSupplyIndex, big.NewInt(blockNum))
Expect(err).To(MatchError("header not found"))
It("get storage for SLV countA after tx", func() {
slvContract, contractErr = integration.Create2Contract("SLVToken", contractSalt)
It("gets storage for SLV countA after tx", func() {
slvContract, contractErr := integration.Create2Contract("SLVToken", contractSalt)
countAIndex := "0x5"
gethStorage, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(slvContract.Address), common.HexToHash(countAIndex), nil)
gethStorage, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, slvContract.Address, countAIndex, big.NewInt(slvContract.BlockNumber))
gethCountA := new(big.Int).SetBytes(gethStorage)
slvCountA = gethCountA
slvCountA := new(big.Int).SetBytes(gethStorage)
ipldStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(slvContract.Address), common.HexToHash(countAIndex), nil)
err = waitForBlock(ctx, ipldClient, slvContract.BlockNumber)
ipldStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, slvContract.Address, countAIndex, big.NewInt(slvContract.BlockNumber))
ipldCountA := new(big.Int).SetBytes(ipldStorage)
_, txErr = integration.IncrementCount(slvContract.Address, "A")
inc, err := integration.IncrementCount("A", slvContract.Address)
slvCountA.Add(slvCountA, big.NewInt(1))
ipldStorage, err = ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(slvContract.Address), common.HexToHash(countAIndex), nil)
ipldStorage, err = ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, slvContract.Address, countAIndex, inc.BlockNumber)
ipldCountA = new(big.Int).SetBytes(ipldStorage)
It("get storage after self destruct", func() {
totalSupplyIndex := "0x2"
countAIndex := "0x5"
It("gets storage after destruction and redeploy", func() {
slvContract, contractErr := integration.Create2Contract("SLVToken", contractSalt)
tx, err := integration.DestroyContract(contract.Address)
@ -450,83 +402,68 @@ var _ = Describe("Integration test", func() {
slvTx, err := integration.DestroyContract(slvContract.Address)
gethStorage1, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), common.HexToHash(totalSupplyIndex), big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber-1))
gethStorage1, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract.Address, ercTotalSupplyIndex, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber-1))
gethStorage2, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), common.HexToHash(totalSupplyIndex), big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber))
gethStorage2, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract.Address, ercTotalSupplyIndex, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber))
ipldStorage1, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), common.HexToHash(totalSupplyIndex), big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber-1))
ipldStorage1, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract.Address, ercTotalSupplyIndex, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber-1))
ipldStorage2, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), common.HexToHash(totalSupplyIndex), big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber))
ipldStorage2, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract.Address, ercTotalSupplyIndex, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber))
// Query the current block
ipldStorage3, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), common.HexToHash(totalSupplyIndex), nil)
ipldStorage3, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract.Address, ercTotalSupplyIndex, nil)
// Check for SLV contract
gethStorage, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(slvContract.Address), common.HexToHash(countAIndex), big.NewInt(slvTx.BlockNumber))
gethStorage, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, slvContract.Address, countAIndex, big.NewInt(slvTx.BlockNumber))
ipldStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(slvContract.Address), common.HexToHash(countAIndex), big.NewInt(slvTx.BlockNumber))
ipldStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, slvContract.Address, countAIndex, big.NewInt(slvTx.BlockNumber))
It("get storage after redeploying", func() {
// Redeploy to same address
slvContract, contractErr = integration.Create2Contract("SLVToken", contractSalt)
countAIndex := "0x5"
gethStorage, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(slvContract.Address), common.HexToHash(countAIndex), nil)
gethStorage, err = gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, slvContract.Address, countAIndex, big.NewInt(slvContract.BlockNumber))
gethCountA := new(big.Int).SetBytes(gethStorage)
ipldStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(slvContract.Address), common.HexToHash(countAIndex), nil)
ipldStorage, err = ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, slvContract.Address, countAIndex, big.NewInt(slvContract.BlockNumber))
ipldCountA := new(big.Int).SetBytes(ipldStorage)
ipldCountA := new(big.Int).SetBytes(ipldStorage)
Describe("eth call", func() {
var msg ethereum.CallMsg
BeforeEach(func() {
contract, contractErr = integration.DeployContract()
erc20TotalSupply, bigIntResult = new(big.Int).SetString("1000000000000000000000", 10)
msg = ethereum.CallMsg{
To: &contract.Address,
Data: common.Hex2Bytes("18160ddd"), // totalSupply()
It("calls totalSupply() without block number", func() {
contractAddress := common.HexToAddress(contract.Address)
msg := ethereum.CallMsg{
To: &contractAddress,
Data: common.Hex2Bytes("18160ddd"), // totalSupply()
gethResult, err := gethClient.CallContract(ctx, msg, nil)
@ -540,19 +477,26 @@ var _ = Describe("Integration test", func() {
It("calls totalSupply() with block number", func() {
contractAddress := common.HexToAddress(contract.Address)
msg := ethereum.CallMsg{
To: &contractAddress,
Data: common.Hex2Bytes("18160ddd"), // totalSupply()
gethResult, err := gethClient.CallContract(ctx, msg, big.NewInt(int64(contract.BlockNumber)))
gethResult, err := gethClient.CallContract(ctx, msg, big.NewInt(contract.BlockNumber))
gethTotalSupply := new(big.Int).SetBytes(gethResult)
ipldResult, err := ipldClient.CallContract(ctx, msg, big.NewInt(int64(contract.BlockNumber)))
ipldResult, err := ipldClient.CallContract(ctx, msg, big.NewInt(contract.BlockNumber))
It("calls totalSupply() with block hash", func() {
gethResult, err := gethClient.CallContractAtHash(ctx, msg, contract.BlockHash)
gethTotalSupply := new(big.Int).SetBytes(gethResult)
ipldResult, err := ipldClient.CallContractAtHash(ctx, msg, contract.BlockHash)
@ -573,6 +517,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Integration test", func() {
func compareBlocks(block1 *types.Block, block2 *types.Block) {
@ -586,11 +531,12 @@ func compareBlocks(block1 *types.Block, block2 *types.Block) {
func compareTxs(tx1 *types.Transaction, tx2 *types.Transaction) {
signer := types.NewEIP155Signer(big.NewInt(99))
signer := types.NewLondonSigner(big.NewInt(testChainId))
gethSender, err := types.Sender(signer, tx1)

integration/util_test.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package integration_test
import (
func waitForBlock(ctx context.Context, client *ethclient.Client, target int64) error {
timeout := 10 * time.Second
for {
select {
case <-time.After(timeout):
return errors.New("timed out")
latest, err := client.BlockNumber(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
if uint64(target) <= latest {
return nil

View File

@ -3,41 +3,22 @@ package integration_test
import (
sdtypes "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/statediff/types"
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
integration "github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/v4/test"
integration "github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/v5/integration"
var (
gethMethod = "statediff_watchAddress"
ipldMethod = "vdb_watchAddress"
sleepInterval = 2 * time.Second
var _ = Describe("WatchAddress integration test", func() {
dbWrite, err := strconv.ParseBool(os.Getenv("DB_WRITE"))
gethHttpPath := ""
gethRPCClient, err := rpc.Dial(gethHttpPath)
ipldEthHttpPath := ""
ipldClient, err := ethclient.Dial(ipldEthHttpPath)
ipldRPCClient, err := rpc.Dial(ipldEthHttpPath)
var (
ctx = context.Background()
@ -45,11 +26,14 @@ var _ = Describe("WatchAddress integration test", func() {
contractErr error
incErr error
tx *integration.Tx
inc *integration.CountIncremented
contract1 *integration.ContractDeployed
contract2 *integration.ContractDeployed
contract3 *integration.ContractDeployed
countAIndex string
countAIndex common.Hash
prevBalance1 *big.Int
prevBalance2 *big.Int
@ -69,9 +53,13 @@ var _ = Describe("WatchAddress integration test", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
if !dbWrite {
Skip("skipping WatchAddress API integration tests")
var err error
gethRPCClient, err = rpc.Dial(gethHttpPath)
ipldRPCClient, err = rpc.Dial(ipldEthHttpPath)
It("test init", func() {
@ -88,7 +76,7 @@ var _ = Describe("WatchAddress integration test", func() {
// Get the storage slot key
storageSlotAKey, err := integration.GetStorageSlotKey("SLVToken", "countA")
countAIndex = storageSlotAKey.Key
countAIndex = common.HexToHash(storageSlotAKey.Key)
// Clear out watched addresses
err = integration.ClearWatchedAddresses(gethRPCClient)
@ -97,21 +85,21 @@ var _ = Describe("WatchAddress integration test", func() {
// Get initial balances for all the contracts
// Contract 1
actualBalance1 = big.NewInt(0)
initBalance1, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract1.Address), nil)
initBalance1, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, contract1.Address, big.NewInt(contract1.BlockNumber))
prevBalance1 = big.NewInt(0)
// Contract 2
actualBalance2 = big.NewInt(0)
initBalance2, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract2.Address), nil)
initBalance2, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, contract2.Address, big.NewInt(contract2.BlockNumber))
prevBalance2 = big.NewInt(0)
// Contract 3
actualBalance3 = big.NewInt(0)
initBalance3, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract3.Address), nil)
initBalance3, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, contract3.Address, big.NewInt(contract3.BlockNumber))
prevBalance3 = big.NewInt(0)
@ -119,7 +107,7 @@ var _ = Describe("WatchAddress integration test", func() {
// Get initial storage values for the contracts
// Contract 1, countA
actualCountA1 = big.NewInt(0)
ipldCountA1Storage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract1.Address), common.HexToHash(countAIndex), nil)
ipldCountA1Storage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract1.Address, countAIndex, big.NewInt(contract1.BlockNumber))
ipldCountA1 := new(big.Int).SetBytes(ipldCountA1Storage)
@ -127,18 +115,18 @@ var _ = Describe("WatchAddress integration test", func() {
// Contract 2, countA
actualCountA2 = big.NewInt(0)
ipldCountA2Storage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract2.Address), common.HexToHash(countAIndex), nil)
ipldCountA2Storage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract2.Address, countAIndex, big.NewInt(contract2.BlockNumber))
ipldCountA2 := new(big.Int).SetBytes(ipldCountA2Storage)
prevCountA2 = big.NewInt(0)
// Contract 3, countA
actualCountA3 = big.NewInt(0)
ipldCountA3Storage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract3.Address), common.HexToHash(countAIndex), nil)
ipldCountA3Storage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract3.Address, countAIndex, big.NewInt(contract3.BlockNumber))
ipldCountA3 := new(big.Int).SetBytes(ipldCountA3Storage)
prevCountA3 = big.NewInt(0)
@ -153,70 +141,64 @@ var _ = Describe("WatchAddress integration test", func() {
// WatchedAddresses = []
// Send eth to all three contract accounts
// Contract 1
_, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract1.Address, "0.01")
tx, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract1.Address, "0.01")
actualBalance1.Add(actualBalance1, big.NewInt(10000000000000000))
balance1AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract1.Address), nil)
balance1AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, contract1.Address, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber))
// Contract 2
_, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract2.Address, "0.01")
tx, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract2.Address, "0.01")
actualBalance2.Add(actualBalance2, big.NewInt(10000000000000000))
balance2AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract2.Address), nil)
balance2AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, contract2.Address, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber))
// Contract 3
_, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract3.Address, "0.01")
tx, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract3.Address, "0.01")
actualBalance3.Add(actualBalance3, big.NewInt(10000000000000000))
balance3AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract3.Address), nil)
balance3AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, contract3.Address, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber))
// Increment counts
// Contract 1, countA
_, incErr = integration.IncrementCount(contract1.Address, "A")
inc, incErr = integration.IncrementCount("A", contract1.Address)
actualCountA1.Add(actualCountA1, big.NewInt(1))
countA1AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract1.Address), common.HexToHash(countAIndex), nil)
countA1AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract1.Address, countAIndex, inc.BlockNumber)
countA1AfterIncrement := new(big.Int).SetBytes(countA1AfterIncrementStorage)
// Contract 2, countA
_, incErr = integration.IncrementCount(contract2.Address, "A")
inc, incErr = integration.IncrementCount("A", contract2.Address)
actualCountA2.Add(actualCountA2, big.NewInt(1))
countA2AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract2.Address), common.HexToHash(countAIndex), nil)
countA2AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract2.Address, countAIndex, inc.BlockNumber)
countA2AfterIncrement := new(big.Int).SetBytes(countA2AfterIncrementStorage)
// Contract 3, countA
_, incErr = integration.IncrementCount(contract3.Address, "A")
inc, incErr = integration.IncrementCount("A", contract3.Address)
actualCountA3.Add(actualCountA3, big.NewInt(1))
countA3AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract3.Address), common.HexToHash(countAIndex), nil)
countA3AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract3.Address, countAIndex, inc.BlockNumber)
countA3AfterIncrement := new(big.Int).SetBytes(countA3AfterIncrementStorage)
@ -229,7 +211,7 @@ var _ = Describe("WatchAddress integration test", func() {
operation := sdtypes.Add
args := []sdtypes.WatchAddressArg{
Address: contract1.Address,
Address: contract1.Address.String(),
CreatedAt: uint64(contract1.BlockNumber),
@ -239,67 +221,61 @@ var _ = Describe("WatchAddress integration test", func() {
// WatchedAddresses = [Contract1]
// Send eth to all three contract accounts
// Contract 1
_, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract1.Address, "0.01")
tx, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract1.Address, "0.01")
actualBalance1.Add(actualBalance1, big.NewInt(10000000000000000))
balance1AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract1.Address), nil)
balance1AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, contract1.Address, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber))
// Contract 2
_, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract2.Address, "0.01")
tx, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract2.Address, "0.01")
actualBalance2.Add(actualBalance2, big.NewInt(10000000000000000))
balance2AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract2.Address), nil)
balance2AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, contract2.Address, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber))
// Contract 3
_, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract3.Address, "0.01")
tx, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract3.Address, "0.01")
actualBalance3.Add(actualBalance3, big.NewInt(10000000000000000))
balance3AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract3.Address), nil)
balance3AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, contract3.Address, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber))
// Increment counts
// Contract 1, countA
_, incErr = integration.IncrementCount(contract1.Address, "A")
inc, incErr = integration.IncrementCount("A", contract1.Address)
actualCountA1.Add(actualCountA1, big.NewInt(1))
countA1AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract1.Address), common.HexToHash(countAIndex), nil)
countA1AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract1.Address, countAIndex, inc.BlockNumber)
countA1AfterIncrement := new(big.Int).SetBytes(countA1AfterIncrementStorage)
// Contract 2, countA
_, incErr = integration.IncrementCount(contract2.Address, "A")
inc, incErr = integration.IncrementCount("A", contract2.Address)
actualCountA2.Add(actualCountA2, big.NewInt(1))
countA2AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract2.Address), common.HexToHash(countAIndex), nil)
countA2AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract2.Address, countAIndex, inc.BlockNumber)
countA2AfterIncrement := new(big.Int).SetBytes(countA2AfterIncrementStorage)
// Contract 3, countA
_, incErr = integration.IncrementCount(contract3.Address, "A")
inc, incErr = integration.IncrementCount("A", contract3.Address)
actualCountA3.Add(actualCountA3, big.NewInt(1))
countA3AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract3.Address), common.HexToHash(countAIndex), nil)
countA3AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract3.Address, countAIndex, inc.BlockNumber)
countA3AfterIncrement := new(big.Int).SetBytes(countA3AfterIncrementStorage)
@ -311,7 +287,7 @@ var _ = Describe("WatchAddress integration test", func() {
operation := sdtypes.Add
args := []sdtypes.WatchAddressArg{
Address: contract2.Address,
Address: contract2.Address.String(),
CreatedAt: uint64(contract2.BlockNumber),
@ -321,69 +297,63 @@ var _ = Describe("WatchAddress integration test", func() {
// WatchedAddresses = [Contract1, Contract2]
// Send eth to all three contract accounts
// Contract 1
_, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract1.Address, "0.01")
tx, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract1.Address, "0.01")
actualBalance1.Add(actualBalance1, big.NewInt(10000000000000000))
balance1AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract1.Address), nil)
balance1AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, contract1.Address, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber))
// Contract 2
_, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract2.Address, "0.01")
tx, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract2.Address, "0.01")
actualBalance2.Add(actualBalance2, big.NewInt(10000000000000000))
balance2AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract2.Address), nil)
balance2AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, contract2.Address, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber))
// Contract 3
_, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract3.Address, "0.01")
tx, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract3.Address, "0.01")
actualBalance3.Add(actualBalance3, big.NewInt(10000000000000000))
balance3AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract3.Address), nil)
balance3AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, contract3.Address, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber))
// Increment counts
// Contract 1, countA
_, incErr = integration.IncrementCount(contract1.Address, "A")
inc, incErr = integration.IncrementCount("A", contract1.Address)
actualCountA1.Add(actualCountA1, big.NewInt(1))
countA1AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract1.Address), common.HexToHash(countAIndex), nil)
countA1AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract1.Address, countAIndex, inc.BlockNumber)
countA1AfterIncrement := new(big.Int).SetBytes(countA1AfterIncrementStorage)
// Contract 2, countA
_, incErr = integration.IncrementCount(contract2.Address, "A")
inc, incErr = integration.IncrementCount("A", contract2.Address)
actualCountA2.Add(actualCountA2, big.NewInt(1))
countA2AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract2.Address), common.HexToHash(countAIndex), nil)
countA2AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract2.Address, countAIndex, inc.BlockNumber)
countA2AfterIncrement := new(big.Int).SetBytes(countA2AfterIncrementStorage)
// Contract 3, countA
_, incErr = integration.IncrementCount(contract3.Address, "A")
inc, incErr = integration.IncrementCount("A", contract3.Address)
actualCountA3.Add(actualCountA3, big.NewInt(1))
countA3AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract3.Address), common.HexToHash(countAIndex), nil)
countA3AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract3.Address, countAIndex, inc.BlockNumber)
countA3AfterIncrement := new(big.Int).SetBytes(countA3AfterIncrementStorage)
@ -395,7 +365,7 @@ var _ = Describe("WatchAddress integration test", func() {
operation := sdtypes.Remove
args := []sdtypes.WatchAddressArg{
Address: contract1.Address,
Address: contract1.Address.String(),
CreatedAt: uint64(contract1.BlockNumber),
@ -405,67 +375,61 @@ var _ = Describe("WatchAddress integration test", func() {
// WatchedAddresses = [Contract2]
// Send eth to all three contract accounts
// Contract 1
_, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract1.Address, "0.01")
tx, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract1.Address, "0.01")
actualBalance1.Add(actualBalance1, big.NewInt(10000000000000000))
balance1AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract1.Address), nil)
balance1AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, contract1.Address, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber))
// Contract 2
_, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract2.Address, "0.01")
tx, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract2.Address, "0.01")
actualBalance2.Add(actualBalance2, big.NewInt(10000000000000000))
balance2AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract2.Address), nil)
balance2AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, contract2.Address, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber))
// Contract 3
_, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract3.Address, "0.01")
tx, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract3.Address, "0.01")
actualBalance3.Add(actualBalance3, big.NewInt(10000000000000000))
balance3AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract3.Address), nil)
balance3AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, contract3.Address, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber))
// Increment counts
// Contract 1, countA
_, incErr = integration.IncrementCount(contract1.Address, "A")
inc, incErr = integration.IncrementCount("A", contract1.Address)
actualCountA1.Add(actualCountA1, big.NewInt(1))
countA1AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract1.Address), common.HexToHash(countAIndex), nil)
countA1AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract1.Address, countAIndex, inc.BlockNumber)
countA1AfterIncrement := new(big.Int).SetBytes(countA1AfterIncrementStorage)
// Contract 2, countA
_, incErr = integration.IncrementCount(contract2.Address, "A")
inc, incErr = integration.IncrementCount("A", contract2.Address)
actualCountA2.Add(actualCountA2, big.NewInt(1))
countA2AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract2.Address), common.HexToHash(countAIndex), nil)
countA2AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract2.Address, countAIndex, inc.BlockNumber)
countA2AfterIncrement := new(big.Int).SetBytes(countA2AfterIncrementStorage)
// Contract 3, countA
_, incErr = integration.IncrementCount(contract3.Address, "A")
inc, incErr = integration.IncrementCount("A", contract3.Address)
actualCountA3.Add(actualCountA3, big.NewInt(1))
countA3AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract3.Address), common.HexToHash(countAIndex), nil)
countA3AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract3.Address, countAIndex, inc.BlockNumber)
countA3AfterIncrement := new(big.Int).SetBytes(countA3AfterIncrementStorage)
@ -477,11 +441,11 @@ var _ = Describe("WatchAddress integration test", func() {
operation := sdtypes.Set
args := []sdtypes.WatchAddressArg{
Address: contract1.Address,
Address: contract1.Address.String(),
CreatedAt: uint64(contract1.BlockNumber),
Address: contract3.Address,
Address: contract3.Address.String(),
CreatedAt: uint64(contract3.BlockNumber),
@ -491,68 +455,62 @@ var _ = Describe("WatchAddress integration test", func() {
// WatchedAddresses = [Contract1, Contract3]
// Send eth to all three contract accounts
// Contract 1
_, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract1.Address, "0.01")
tx, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract1.Address, "0.01")
actualBalance1.Add(actualBalance1, big.NewInt(10000000000000000))
balance1AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract1.Address), nil)
balance1AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, contract1.Address, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber))
// Contract 2
_, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract2.Address, "0.01")
tx, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract2.Address, "0.01")
actualBalance2.Add(actualBalance2, big.NewInt(10000000000000000))
balance2AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract2.Address), nil)
balance2AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, contract2.Address, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber))
// Contract 3
_, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract3.Address, "0.01")
tx, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract3.Address, "0.01")
actualBalance3.Add(actualBalance3, big.NewInt(10000000000000000))
balance3AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract3.Address), nil)
balance3AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, contract3.Address, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber))
// Increment counts
// Contract 1, countA
_, incErr = integration.IncrementCount(contract1.Address, "A")
inc, incErr = integration.IncrementCount("A", contract1.Address)
actualCountA1.Add(actualCountA1, big.NewInt(1))
countA1AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract1.Address), common.HexToHash(countAIndex), nil)
countA1AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract1.Address, countAIndex, inc.BlockNumber)
countA1AfterIncrement := new(big.Int).SetBytes(countA1AfterIncrementStorage)
// Contract 2, countA
_, incErr = integration.IncrementCount(contract2.Address, "A")
inc, incErr = integration.IncrementCount("A", contract2.Address)
actualCountA2.Add(actualCountA2, big.NewInt(1))
countA2AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract2.Address), common.HexToHash(countAIndex), nil)
countA2AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract2.Address, countAIndex, inc.BlockNumber)
countA2AfterIncrement := new(big.Int).SetBytes(countA2AfterIncrementStorage)
// Contract 3, countA
_, incErr = integration.IncrementCount(contract3.Address, "A")
inc, incErr = integration.IncrementCount("A", contract3.Address)
actualCountA3.Add(actualCountA3, big.NewInt(1))
countA3AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract3.Address), common.HexToHash(countAIndex), nil)
countA3AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract3.Address, countAIndex, inc.BlockNumber)
countA3AfterIncrement := new(big.Int).SetBytes(countA3AfterIncrementStorage)
@ -570,70 +528,64 @@ var _ = Describe("WatchAddress integration test", func() {
// WatchedAddresses = []
// Send eth to all three contract accounts
// Contract 1
_, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract1.Address, "0.01")
tx, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract1.Address, "0.01")
actualBalance1.Add(actualBalance1, big.NewInt(10000000000000000))
balance1AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract1.Address), nil)
balance1AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, contract1.Address, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber))
// Contract 2
_, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract2.Address, "0.01")
tx, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract2.Address, "0.01")
actualBalance2.Add(actualBalance2, big.NewInt(10000000000000000))
balance2AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract2.Address), nil)
balance2AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, contract2.Address, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber))
// Contract 3
_, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract3.Address, "0.01")
tx, txErr = integration.SendEth(contract3.Address, "0.01")
actualBalance3.Add(actualBalance3, big.NewInt(10000000000000000))
balance3AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract3.Address), nil)
balance3AfterTransfer, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, contract3.Address, big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber))
// Increment counts
// Contract 1, countA
_, incErr = integration.IncrementCount(contract1.Address, "A")
inc, incErr = integration.IncrementCount("A", contract1.Address)
actualCountA1.Add(actualCountA1, big.NewInt(1))
countA1AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract1.Address), common.HexToHash(countAIndex), nil)
countA1AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract1.Address, countAIndex, inc.BlockNumber)
countA1AfterIncrement := new(big.Int).SetBytes(countA1AfterIncrementStorage)
// Contract 2, countA
_, incErr = integration.IncrementCount(contract2.Address, "A")
inc, incErr = integration.IncrementCount("A", contract2.Address)
actualCountA2.Add(actualCountA2, big.NewInt(1))
countA2AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract2.Address), common.HexToHash(countAIndex), nil)
countA2AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract2.Address, countAIndex, inc.BlockNumber)
countA2AfterIncrement := new(big.Int).SetBytes(countA2AfterIncrementStorage)
// Contract 3, countA
_, incErr = integration.IncrementCount(contract3.Address, "A")
inc, incErr = integration.IncrementCount("A", contract3.Address)
actualCountA3.Add(actualCountA3, big.NewInt(1))
countA3AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract3.Address), common.HexToHash(countAIndex), nil)
countA3AfterIncrementStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, contract3.Address, countAIndex, inc.BlockNumber)
countA3AfterIncrement := new(big.Int).SetBytes(countA3AfterIncrementStorage)
@ -648,9 +600,11 @@ var _ = Describe("WatchAddress integration test", func() {
gethErr := gethRPCClient.Call(nil, gethMethod, operation, args)
Expect(gethErr.Error()).To(ContainSubstring("unexpected operation"))
ipldErr := ipldRPCClient.Call(nil, ipldMethod, operation, args)
Expect(ipldErr.Error()).To(ContainSubstring("unexpected operation"))
@ -661,9 +615,11 @@ var _ = Describe("WatchAddress integration test", func() {
gethErr := gethRPCClient.Call(nil, gethMethod, operation, args)
ipldErr := ipldRPCClient.Call(nil, ipldMethod, operation, args)

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
package main
import (
func main() {

pkg/.DS_Store vendored

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
// VulcanizeDB
// Copyright © 2019 Vulcanize
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// Client is used by watchers to stream chain IPLD data from a vulcanizedb ipld-eth-server
package client
import (
// Client is used to subscribe to the ipld-eth-server ipld data stream
type Client struct {
c *rpc.Client
// NewClient creates a new Client
func NewClient(c *rpc.Client) *Client {
return &Client{
c: c,
// Stream is the main loop for subscribing to iplds from an ipld-eth-server server
func (c *Client) Stream(payloadChan chan serve.SubscriptionPayload, params eth.SubscriptionSettings) (*rpc.ClientSubscription, error) {
return c.c.Subscribe(context.Background(), "vdb", payloadChan, "stream", params)

View File

@ -25,9 +25,8 @@ import (
var _ tracers.Backend = &Backend{}
@ -42,13 +41,11 @@ type Backend struct {
// StateAtBlock retrieves the state database associated with a certain block
func (b *Backend) StateAtBlock(ctx context.Context, block *types.Block, reexec uint64, base *state.StateDB, checkLive, preferDisk bool) (*state.StateDB, error) {
rpcBlockNumber := rpc.BlockNumber(block.NumberU64())
statedb, _, err := b.StateAndHeaderByNumberOrHash(ctx, rpc.BlockNumberOrHashWithNumber(rpcBlockNumber))
return statedb, err
func (b *Backend) StateAtBlock(ctx context.Context, block *types.Block, reexec uint64, base *state.StateDB, checkLive, preferDisk bool) (*state.StateDB, tracers.StateReleaseFunc, error) {
return nil, func() {}, errMethodNotSupported
// StateAtTransaction returns the execution environment of a certain transaction
func (b *Backend) StateAtTransaction(ctx context.Context, block *types.Block, txIndex int, reexec uint64) (core.Message, vm.BlockContext, *state.StateDB, error) {
return nil, vm.BlockContext{}, nil, errMethodNotSupported
func (b *Backend) StateAtTransaction(ctx context.Context, block *types.Block, txIndex int, reexec uint64) (*core.Message, vm.BlockContext, *state.StateDB, tracers.StateReleaseFunc, error) {
return nil, vm.BlockContext{}, nil, func() {}, errMethodNotSupported

View File

@ -27,14 +27,11 @@ import (
@ -43,7 +40,9 @@ import (
ipld_direct_state "github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-statedb/direct_by_leaf"
const (
@ -165,10 +164,10 @@ func (pea *PublicEthAPI) BlockNumber() hexutil.Uint64 {
// GetBlockByNumber returns the requested canonical block.
// * When blockNr is -1 the chain head is returned.
// * We cannot support pending block calls since we do not have an active miner
// * When fullTx is true all transactions in the block are returned, otherwise
// only the transaction hash is returned.
// - When blockNr is -1 the chain head is returned.
// - We cannot support pending block calls since we do not have an active miner
// - When fullTx is true all transactions in the block are returned, otherwise
// only the transaction hash is returned.
func (pea *PublicEthAPI) GetBlockByNumber(ctx context.Context, number rpc.BlockNumber, fullTx bool) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
block, err := pea.B.BlockByNumber(ctx, number)
if block != nil && err == nil {
@ -510,7 +509,7 @@ type feeHistoryResult struct {
// FeeHistory returns the fee market history.
func (pea *PublicEthAPI) FeeHistory(ctx context.Context, blockCount rpc.DecimalOrHex, lastBlock rpc.BlockNumber, rewardPercentiles []float64) (*feeHistoryResult, error) {
func (pea *PublicEthAPI) FeeHistory(ctx context.Context, blockCount int, lastBlock rpc.BlockNumber, rewardPercentiles []float64) (*feeHistoryResult, error) {
if pea.rpc != nil {
var res *feeHistoryResult
if err := pea.rpc.CallContext(ctx, &res, "eth_feeHistory", blockCount, lastBlock, rewardPercentiles); err != nil {
@ -596,7 +595,7 @@ func (pea *PublicEthAPI) localGetTransactionReceipt(ctx context.Context, hash co
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = receipts.DeriveFields(pea.B.Config.ChainConfig, blockHash, blockNumber, block.Transactions())
err = receipts.DeriveFields(pea.B.Config.ChainConfig, blockHash, blockNumber, block.BaseFee(), block.Transactions())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -612,6 +611,7 @@ func (pea *PublicEthAPI) localGetTransactionReceipt(ctx context.Context, hash co
from, _ := types.Sender(signer, tx)
fields := map[string]interface{}{
"type": hexutil.Uint64(receipt.Type),
"blockHash": blockHash,
"blockNumber": hexutil.Uint64(blockNumber),
"transactionHash": hash,
@ -623,6 +623,7 @@ func (pea *PublicEthAPI) localGetTransactionReceipt(ctx context.Context, hash co
"contractAddress": nil,
"logs": receipt.Logs,
"logsBloom": receipt.Bloom,
"effectiveGasPrice": (*hexutil.Big)(receipt.EffectiveGasPrice),
// Assign receipt status or post state.
@ -707,6 +708,7 @@ func (pea *PublicEthAPI) localGetLogs(crit filters.FilterCriteria) ([]*types.Log
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// we must avoid overshadowing `err` so that we update the value of the variable inside the defer
defer func() {
if p := recover(); p != nil {
@ -720,12 +722,15 @@ func (pea *PublicEthAPI) localGetLogs(crit filters.FilterCriteria) ([]*types.Log
// If we have a blockHash to filter on, fire off single retrieval query
if crit.BlockHash != nil {
filteredLogs, err := pea.B.Retriever.RetrieveFilteredLog(tx, filter, 0, crit.BlockHash)
var filteredLogs []LogResult
filteredLogs, err = pea.B.Retriever.RetrieveFilteredLogs(tx, filter, 0, crit.BlockHash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return decomposeLogs(filteredLogs)
var logs []*types.Log
logs, err = decomposeLogs(filteredLogs)
return logs, err
// Otherwise, create block range from criteria
@ -737,7 +742,8 @@ func (pea *PublicEthAPI) localGetLogs(crit filters.FilterCriteria) ([]*types.Log
if endingBlock == nil {
endingBlockInt, err := pea.B.Retriever.RetrieveLastBlockNumber()
var endingBlockInt int64
endingBlockInt, err = pea.B.Retriever.RetrieveLastBlockNumber()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -748,12 +754,14 @@ func (pea *PublicEthAPI) localGetLogs(crit filters.FilterCriteria) ([]*types.Log
end := endingBlock.Int64()
var logs []*types.Log
for i := start; i <= end; i++ {
filteredLogs, err := pea.B.Retriever.RetrieveFilteredLog(tx, filter, i, nil)
var filteredLogs []LogResult
filteredLogs, err = pea.B.Retriever.RetrieveFilteredLogs(tx, filter, i, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
logCIDs, err := decomposeLogs(filteredLogs)
var logCIDs []*types.Log
logCIDs, err = decomposeLogs(filteredLogs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -761,10 +769,6 @@ func (pea *PublicEthAPI) localGetLogs(crit filters.FilterCriteria) ([]*types.Log
logs = append(logs, logCIDs...)
if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return logs, err // need to return err variable so that we return the err = tx.Commit() assignment in the defer
@ -779,7 +783,9 @@ State and Storage
// block numbers are also allowed.
func (pea *PublicEthAPI) GetBalance(ctx context.Context, address common.Address, blockNrOrHash rpc.BlockNumberOrHash) (*hexutil.Big, error) {
bal, err := pea.localGetBalance(ctx, address, blockNrOrHash)
if bal != nil && err == nil {
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
return nil, err
} else if bal != nil {
return bal, nil
if pea.config.ProxyOnError {
@ -875,13 +881,17 @@ func (pea *PublicEthAPI) GetProof(ctx context.Context, address common.Address, s
return nil, err
// this continues to use ipfs-ethdb based geth StateDB as it requires trie access
func (pea *PublicEthAPI) localGetProof(ctx context.Context, address common.Address, storageKeys []string, blockNrOrHash rpc.BlockNumberOrHash) (*AccountResult, error) {
state, _, err := pea.B.StateAndHeaderByNumberOrHash(ctx, blockNrOrHash)
state, _, err := pea.B.IPLDTrieStateDBAndHeaderByNumberOrHash(ctx, blockNrOrHash)
if state == nil || err != nil {
return nil, err
storageTrie := state.StorageTrie(address)
storageTrie, err := state.StorageTrie(address)
if storageTrie == nil || err != nil {
return nil, err
storageHash := types.EmptyRootHash
codeHash := state.GetCodeHash(address)
storageProof := make([]StorageResult, len(storageKeys))
@ -977,7 +987,7 @@ type OverrideAccount struct {
type StateOverride map[common.Address]OverrideAccount
// Apply overrides the fields of specified accounts into the given state.
func (diff *StateOverride) Apply(state *state.StateDB) error {
func (diff *StateOverride) Apply(state *ipld_direct_state.StateDB) error {
if diff == nil {
return nil
@ -1054,7 +1064,7 @@ func DoCall(ctx context.Context, b *Backend, args CallArgs, blockNrOrHash rpc.Bl
log.Debugxf(ctx, "Executing EVM call finished %s runtime %s", time.Now().String(), time.Since(start).String())
state, header, err := b.StateAndHeaderByNumberOrHash(ctx, blockNrOrHash)
state, header, err := b.IPLDDirectStateDBAndHeaderByNumberOrHash(ctx, blockNrOrHash)
if state == nil || err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -1105,7 +1115,7 @@ func DoCall(ctx context.Context, b *Backend, args CallArgs, blockNrOrHash rpc.Bl
return nil, fmt.Errorf("execution aborted (timeout = %v)", timeout)
if err != nil {
return result, fmt.Errorf("err: %w (supplied gas %d)", err, msg.Gas())
return result, fmt.Errorf("err: %w (supplied gas %d)", err, msg.GasLimit)
return result, nil
@ -1144,12 +1154,10 @@ func (pea *PublicEthAPI) writeStateDiffAt(height int64) {
defer cancel()
var data json.RawMessage
params := statediff.Params{
IntermediateStateNodes: true,
IntermediateStorageNodes: true,
IncludeBlock: true,
IncludeReceipts: true,
IncludeTD: true,
IncludeCode: true,
IncludeBlock: true,
IncludeReceipts: true,
IncludeTD: true,
IncludeCode: true,
log.Debugf("Calling statediff_writeStateDiffAt(%d)", height)
if err := pea.rpc.CallContext(ctx, &data, "statediff_writeStateDiffAt", uint64(height), params); err != nil {
@ -1167,12 +1175,10 @@ func (pea *PublicEthAPI) writeStateDiffFor(blockHash common.Hash) {
defer cancel()
var data json.RawMessage
params := statediff.Params{
IntermediateStateNodes: true,
IntermediateStorageNodes: true,
IncludeBlock: true,
IncludeReceipts: true,
IncludeTD: true,
IncludeCode: true,
IncludeBlock: true,
IncludeReceipts: true,
IncludeTD: true,
IncludeCode: true,
log.Debugf("Calling statediff_writeStateDiffFor(%s)", blockHash.Hex())
if err := pea.rpc.CallContext(ctx, &data, "statediff_writeStateDiffFor", blockHash, params); err != nil {

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package eth_test
package eth_api_test
import (
@ -31,14 +31,15 @@ import (
sdtypes "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/statediff/types"
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
var (
@ -50,7 +51,8 @@ var (
blockHash = test_helpers.MockBlock.Header().Hash()
baseFee = test_helpers.MockLondonBlock.BaseFee()
ctx = context.Background()
expectedBlock = map[string]interface{}{
expectedBlock = map[string]interface{}{
"number": (*hexutil.Big)(test_helpers.MockBlock.Number()),
"hash": test_helpers.MockBlock.Hash(),
"parentHash": test_helpers.MockBlock.ParentHash(),
@ -150,6 +152,8 @@ var (
"logs": test_helpers.MockReceipts[0].Logs,
"logsBloom": test_helpers.MockReceipts[0].Bloom,
"status": hexutil.Uint(test_helpers.MockReceipts[0].Status),
"effectiveGasPrice": (*hexutil.Big)(big.NewInt(100)),
"type": hexutil.Uint64(types.LegacyTxType),
expectedReceipt2 = map[string]interface{}{
"blockHash": blockHash,
@ -164,6 +168,8 @@ var (
"logs": test_helpers.MockReceipts[1].Logs,
"logsBloom": test_helpers.MockReceipts[1].Bloom,
"root": hexutil.Bytes(test_helpers.MockReceipts[1].PostState),
"effectiveGasPrice": (*hexutil.Big)(big.NewInt(200)),
"type": hexutil.Uint64(types.LegacyTxType),
expectedReceipt3 = map[string]interface{}{
"blockHash": blockHash,
@ -178,80 +184,79 @@ var (
"logs": test_helpers.MockReceipts[2].Logs,
"logsBloom": test_helpers.MockReceipts[2].Bloom,
"root": hexutil.Bytes(test_helpers.MockReceipts[2].PostState),
"effectiveGasPrice": (*hexutil.Big)(big.NewInt(150)),
"type": hexutil.Uint64(types.LegacyTxType),
var (
db *sqlx.DB
api *eth.PublicEthAPI
chainConfig = params.TestChainConfig
var _ = BeforeSuite(func() {
var (
err error
tx interfaces.Batch
db = shared.SetupDB()
indexAndPublisher := shared.SetupTestStateDiffIndexer(ctx, chainConfig, test_helpers.Genesis.Hash())
backend, err := eth.NewEthBackend(db, &eth.Config{
ChainConfig: chainConfig,
VMConfig: vm.Config{},
RPCGasCap: big.NewInt(10000000000), // Max gas capacity for a rpc call.
GroupCacheConfig: &shared.GroupCacheConfig{
StateDB: shared.GroupConfig{
Name: "api_test",
CacheSizeInMB: 8,
CacheExpiryInMins: 60,
LogStatsIntervalInSecs: 0,
api, _ = eth.NewPublicEthAPI(backend, nil, eth.APIConfig{StateDiffTimeout: shared.DefaultStateDiffTimeout})
tx, err = indexAndPublisher.PushBlock(test_helpers.MockBlock, test_helpers.MockReceipts, test_helpers.MockBlock.Difficulty())
ipld := sdtypes.IPLD{
CID: ipld.Keccak256ToCid(ipld.RawBinary, test_helpers.CodeHash.Bytes()).String(),
Content: test_helpers.ContractCode,
err = indexAndPublisher.PushIPLD(tx, ipld)
for _, node := range test_helpers.MockStateNodes {
err = indexAndPublisher.PushStateNode(tx, node, test_helpers.MockBlock.Hash().String())
err = tx.Submit(err)
uncles := test_helpers.MockBlock.Uncles()
uncleHashes := make([]common.Hash, len(uncles))
for i, uncle := range uncles {
uncleHashes[i] = uncle.Hash()
expectedBlock["uncles"] = uncleHashes
// setting chain config to for london block
chainConfig.LondonBlock = big.NewInt(2)
indexAndPublisher = shared.SetupTestStateDiffIndexer(ctx, chainConfig, test_helpers.Genesis.Hash())
tx, err = indexAndPublisher.PushBlock(test_helpers.MockLondonBlock, test_helpers.MockLondonReceipts, test_helpers.MockLondonBlock.Difficulty())
err = tx.Submit(err)
var _ = AfterSuite(func() { shared.TearDownDB(db) })
var _ = Describe("API", func() {
var (
db *sqlx.DB
api *eth.PublicEthAPI
chainConfig = params.TestChainConfig
// Test db setup, rather than using BeforeEach we only need to setup once since the tests do not mutate the database
// Note: if you focus one of the tests be sure to focus this and the defered It()
It("test init", func() {
var (
err error
tx interfaces.Batch
db = shared.SetupDB()
indexAndPublisher := shared.SetupTestStateDiffIndexer(ctx, chainConfig, test_helpers.Genesis.Hash())
backend, err := eth.NewEthBackend(db, &eth.Config{
ChainConfig: chainConfig,
VMConfig: vm.Config{},
RPCGasCap: big.NewInt(10000000000), // Max gas capacity for a rpc call.
GroupCacheConfig: &shared.GroupCacheConfig{
StateDB: shared.GroupConfig{
Name: "api_test",
CacheSizeInMB: 8,
CacheExpiryInMins: 60,
LogStatsIntervalInSecs: 0,
api, _ = eth.NewPublicEthAPI(backend, nil, eth.APIConfig{false, false, false, false, shared.DefaultStateDiffTimeout})
tx, err = indexAndPublisher.PushBlock(test_helpers.MockBlock, test_helpers.MockReceipts, test_helpers.MockBlock.Difficulty())
ccHash := sdtypes.CodeAndCodeHash{
Hash: test_helpers.ContractCodeHash,
Code: test_helpers.ContractCode,
err = indexAndPublisher.PushCodeAndCodeHash(tx, ccHash)
for _, node := range test_helpers.MockStateNodes {
err = indexAndPublisher.PushStateNode(tx, node, test_helpers.MockBlock.Hash().String())
err = tx.Submit(err)
uncles := test_helpers.MockBlock.Uncles()
uncleHashes := make([]common.Hash, len(uncles))
for i, uncle := range uncles {
uncleHashes[i] = uncle.Hash()
expectedBlock["uncles"] = uncleHashes
// setting chain config to for london block
chainConfig.LondonBlock = big.NewInt(2)
indexAndPublisher = shared.SetupTestStateDiffIndexer(ctx, chainConfig, test_helpers.Genesis.Hash())
tx, err = indexAndPublisher.PushBlock(test_helpers.MockLondonBlock, test_helpers.MockLondonReceipts, test_helpers.MockLondonBlock.Difficulty())
err = tx.Submit(err)
// Single test db tear down at end of all tests
defer It("test teardown", func() { shared.TearDownDB(db) })
Headers and blocks
@ -326,12 +331,12 @@ var _ = Describe("API", func() {
It("Fetch BaseFee from london block by block number, returns `nil` for legacy block", func() {
block, err := api.GetBlockByNumber(ctx, number, false)
_, ok := block["baseFee"]
_, ok := block["baseFeePerGas"]
block, err = api.GetBlockByNumber(ctx, londonBlockNum, false)
It("Retrieves a block by number with uncles in correct order", func() {
block, err := api.GetBlockByNumber(ctx, londonBlockNum, false)
@ -380,11 +385,11 @@ var _ = Describe("API", func() {
It("Fetch BaseFee from london block by block hash, returns `nil` for legacy block", func() {
block, err := api.GetBlockByHash(ctx, test_helpers.MockBlock.Hash(), true)
_, ok := block["baseFee"]
_, ok := block["baseFeePerGas"]
block, err = api.GetBlockByHash(ctx, test_helpers.MockLondonBlock.Hash(), false)
It("Retrieves a block by hash with uncles in correct order", func() {
block, err := api.GetBlockByHash(ctx, test_helpers.MockLondonBlock.Hash(), false)

View File

@ -14,24 +14,16 @@
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package serve
package eth_api_test
import "github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/v4/pkg/log"
import (
func sendNonBlockingErr(sub Subscription, err error) {
select {
case sub.PayloadChan <- SubscriptionPayload{Data: nil, Err: err.Error(), Flag: EmptyFlag}:
log.Infof("unable to send error to subscription %s", sub.ID)
func sendNonBlockingQuit(sub Subscription) {
select {
case sub.QuitChan <- true:
log.Infof("closing subscription %s", sub.ID)
log.Infof("unable to close subscription %s; channel has no receiver", sub.ID)
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
func TestETHSuite(t *testing.T) {
RunSpecs(t, "ipld-eth-server/pkg/eth/api_test")

View File

@ -23,19 +23,14 @@ import (
validator "github.com/cerc-io/eth-ipfs-state-validator/v4/pkg"
ipfsethdb "github.com/cerc-io/ipfs-ethdb/v4/postgres"
@ -44,13 +39,17 @@ import (
ethServerShared "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/statediff/indexer/shared"
sdtrie "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/statediff/trie_helpers"
sdtypes "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/statediff/types"
validator "github.com/cerc-io/eth-ipfs-state-validator/v5/pkg"
ipfsethdb "github.com/cerc-io/ipfs-ethdb/v5/postgres/v0"
ipld_direct_state "github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-statedb/direct_by_leaf"
ipld_sql "github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-statedb/sql"
ipld_trie_state "github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-statedb/trie_by_cid/state"
var (
@ -61,61 +60,28 @@ var (
errMultipleHeadersForHash = errors.New("more than one headers for the given hash")
errTxHashNotFound = errors.New("transaction for hash not found")
errTxHashInMultipleBlocks = errors.New("transaction for hash found in more than one canonical block")
// errMissingSignature is returned if a block's extra-data section doesn't seem
// to contain a 65 byte secp256k1 signature.
const (
RetrieveCanonicalBlockHashByNumber = `SELECT block_hash
FROM canonical_header_hash($1) AS block_hash
WHERE block_hash IS NOT NULL`
RetrieveCanonicalHeaderByNumber = `SELECT cid, data FROM eth.header_cids
INNER JOIN public.blocks ON (
header_cids.mh_key = blocks.key
AND header_cids.block_number = blocks.block_number
WHERE block_hash = (SELECT canonical_header_hash($1))`
RetrieveTD = `SELECT CAST(td as Text) FROM eth.header_cids
WHERE header_cids.block_hash = $1`
RetrieveRPCTransaction = `SELECT blocks.data, header_id, transaction_cids.block_number, index
FROM public.blocks, eth.transaction_cids
WHERE blocks.key = transaction_cids.mh_key
AND blocks.block_number = transaction_cids.block_number
AND transaction_cids.tx_hash = $1
AND transaction_cids.header_id = (SELECT canonical_header_hash(transaction_cids.block_number))`
RetrieveCodeHashByLeafKeyAndBlockHash = `SELECT code_hash FROM eth.state_accounts, eth.state_cids, eth.header_cids
WHERE state_accounts.header_id = state_cids.header_id
AND state_accounts.state_path = state_cids.state_path
AND state_accounts.block_number = state_cids.block_number
AND state_cids.header_id = header_cids.block_hash
AND state_cids.block_number = header_cids.block_number
AND state_leaf_key = $1
AND header_cids.block_number <= (SELECT block_number
FROM eth.header_cids
WHERE block_hash = $2)
AND header_cids.block_hash = (SELECT canonical_header_hash(header_cids.block_number))
ORDER BY header_cids.block_number DESC
RetrieveCodeByMhKey = `SELECT data FROM public.blocks WHERE key = $1`
const (
StateDBGroupCacheName = "statedb"
// Backend handles all interactions with IPLD/SQL-backed Ethereum state.
// Note that this does not contain a geth state.StateDatabase, as it is not compatible with the
// IPFS v0 blockstore nor the leaf-key indexed SQL schema.
type Backend struct {
// underlying postgres db
DB *sqlx.DB
// postgres db interfaces
Retriever *CIDRetriever
Fetcher *IPLDFetcher
IPLDRetriever *IPLDRetriever
Retriever *Retriever
// ethereum interfaces
EthDB ethdb.Database
StateDatabase state.Database
EthDB ethdb.Database
// We use this state.Database for eth_call and any place we don't need trie access
IpldDirectStateDatabase ipld_direct_state.StateDatabase
// We use this where state must be accessed by trie
IpldTrieStateDatabase ipld_trie_state.Database
Config *Config
@ -123,7 +89,6 @@ type Backend struct {
type Config struct {
ChainConfig *params.ChainConfig
VMConfig vm.Config
DefaultSender *common.Address
RPCGasCap *big.Int
GroupCacheConfig *shared.GroupCacheConfig
@ -136,7 +101,7 @@ func NewEthBackend(db *sqlx.DB, c *Config) (*Backend, error) {
groupName = StateDBGroupCacheName
r := NewCIDRetriever(db)
r := NewRetriever(db)
ethDB := ipfsethdb.NewDatabase(db, ipfsethdb.CacheConfig{
Name: groupName,
Size: gcc.StateDB.CacheSizeInMB * 1024 * 1024,
@ -144,15 +109,14 @@ func NewEthBackend(db *sqlx.DB, c *Config) (*Backend, error) {
logStateDBStatsOnTimer(ethDB.(*ipfsethdb.Database), gcc)
driver := ipld_sql.NewSQLXDriverFromPool(context.Background(), db)
return &Backend{
DB: db,
Retriever: r,
Fetcher: NewIPLDFetcher(db),
IPLDRetriever: NewIPLDRetriever(db),
EthDB: ethDB,
StateDatabase: state.NewDatabase(ethDB),
Config: c,
DB: db,
Retriever: r,
EthDB: ethDB,
IpldDirectStateDatabase: ipld_direct_state.NewStateDatabase(driver),
IpldTrieStateDatabase: ipld_trie_state.NewDatabase(ethDB),
Config: c,
}, nil
@ -161,27 +125,35 @@ func (b *Backend) ChainDb() ethdb.Database {
return b.EthDB
// HeaderByNumber gets the canonical header for the provided block number
func (b *Backend) HeaderByNumber(ctx context.Context, blockNumber rpc.BlockNumber) (*types.Header, error) {
func (b *Backend) normalizeBlockNumber(blockNumber rpc.BlockNumber) (int64, error) {
var err error
number := blockNumber.Int64()
if blockNumber == rpc.LatestBlockNumber {
number, err = b.Retriever.RetrieveLastBlockNumber()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return 0, err
if blockNumber == rpc.EarliestBlockNumber {
number, err = b.Retriever.RetrieveFirstBlockNumber()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return 0, err
if blockNumber == rpc.PendingBlockNumber {
return nil, errPendingBlockNumber
return 0, errPendingBlockNumber
if number < 0 {
return nil, errNegativeBlockNumber
return 0, errNegativeBlockNumber
return number, nil
// HeaderByNumber gets the canonical header for the provided block number
func (b *Backend) HeaderByNumber(ctx context.Context, blockNumber rpc.BlockNumber) (*types.Header, error) {
number, err := b.normalizeBlockNumber(blockNumber)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, canonicalHeaderRLP, err := b.GetCanonicalHeader(uint64(number))
if err != nil {
@ -194,23 +166,7 @@ func (b *Backend) HeaderByNumber(ctx context.Context, blockNumber rpc.BlockNumbe
// HeaderByHash gets the header for the provided block hash
func (b *Backend) HeaderByHash(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash) (*types.Header, error) {
// Begin tx
tx, err := b.DB.Beginx()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
if p := recover(); p != nil {
} else if err != nil {
} else {
err = tx.Commit()
_, headerRLP, err := b.IPLDRetriever.RetrieveHeaderByHash(tx, hash)
_, headerRLP, err := b.Retriever.RetrieveHeaderByHash(hash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -229,14 +185,16 @@ func (b *Backend) HeaderByNumberOrHash(ctx context.Context, blockNrOrHash rpc.Bl
return nil, err
if header == nil {
return nil, errors.New("header for hash not found")
return nil, errHeaderHashNotFound
canonicalHash, err := b.GetCanonicalHash(header.Number.Uint64())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if blockNrOrHash.RequireCanonical && canonicalHash != hash {
return nil, errors.New("hash is not currently canonical")
if blockNrOrHash.RequireCanonical {
canonicalHash, err := b.GetCanonicalHash(header.Number.Uint64())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if canonicalHash != hash {
return nil, errors.New("hash is not currently canonical")
return header, nil
@ -283,14 +241,16 @@ func (b *Backend) BlockByNumberOrHash(ctx context.Context, blockNrOrHash rpc.Blo
return nil, err
if header == nil {
return nil, errors.New("header for hash not found")
return nil, errHeaderHashNotFound
canonicalHash, err := b.GetCanonicalHash(header.Number.Uint64())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if blockNrOrHash.RequireCanonical && canonicalHash != hash {
return nil, errors.New("hash is not currently canonical")
if blockNrOrHash.RequireCanonical {
canonicalHash, err := b.GetCanonicalHash(header.Number.Uint64())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if canonicalHash != hash {
return nil, errors.New("hash is not currently canonical")
block, err := b.BlockByHash(ctx, hash)
if err != nil {
@ -306,28 +266,10 @@ func (b *Backend) BlockByNumberOrHash(ctx context.Context, blockNrOrHash rpc.Blo
// BlockByNumber returns the requested canonical block
func (b *Backend) BlockByNumber(ctx context.Context, blockNumber rpc.BlockNumber) (*types.Block, error) {
var err error
number := blockNumber.Int64()
if blockNumber == rpc.LatestBlockNumber {
number, err = b.Retriever.RetrieveLastBlockNumber()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
number, err := b.normalizeBlockNumber(blockNumber)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if blockNumber == rpc.EarliestBlockNumber {
number, err = b.Retriever.RetrieveFirstBlockNumber()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if blockNumber == rpc.PendingBlockNumber {
return nil, errPendingBlockNumber
if number < 0 {
return nil, errNegativeBlockNumber
// Get the canonical hash
canonicalHash, err := b.GetCanonicalHash(uint64(number))
if err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
@ -346,6 +288,7 @@ func (b *Backend) BlockByHash(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash) (*types.Blo
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// we must avoid overshadowing `err` so that we update the value of the variable inside the defer
defer func() {
if p := recover(); p != nil {
@ -358,7 +301,8 @@ func (b *Backend) BlockByHash(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash) (*types.Blo
// Fetch header
header, err := b.GetHeaderByBlockHash(tx, hash)
var header *types.Header
header, err = b.GetHeaderByBlockHash(tx, hash)
if err != nil {
log.Error("error fetching header: ", err)
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
@ -370,50 +314,45 @@ func (b *Backend) BlockByHash(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash) (*types.Blo
blockNumber := header.Number.Uint64()
// Fetch uncles
uncles, err := b.GetUnclesByBlockHashAndNumber(tx, hash, blockNumber)
var uncles []*types.Header
uncles, err = b.GetUnclesByBlockHashAndNumber(tx, hash, blockNumber)
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
log.Error("error fetching uncles: ", err)
return nil, err
// When num. of uncles = 2,
// Check if calculated uncle hash matches the one in header
// If not, re-order the two uncles
// Assumption: Max num. of uncles in mainnet = 2
if len(uncles) == 2 {
uncleHash := types.CalcUncleHash(uncles)
if uncleHash != header.UncleHash {
uncles[0], uncles[1] = uncles[1], uncles[0]
uncleHash = types.CalcUncleHash(uncles)
// Check if uncle hash matches after re-ordering
if uncleHash != header.UncleHash {
log.Error("uncle hash mismatch for block hash: ", hash.Hex())
// We should not have any non-determinism in the ordering of the uncles returned to us now
uncleHash := types.CalcUncleHash(uncles)
// Check if uncle hash matches expected hash
if uncleHash != header.UncleHash {
log.Error("uncle hash mismatch for block hash: ", hash.Hex())
err = fmt.Errorf("uncle hash mismatch for block hash: %s", hash.Hex())
return nil, err
// Fetch transactions
transactions, err := b.GetTransactionsByBlockHashAndNumber(tx, hash, blockNumber)
var transactions types.Transactions
transactions, err = b.GetTransactionsByBlockHashAndNumber(tx, hash, blockNumber)
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
log.Error("error fetching transactions: ", err)
return nil, err
// Fetch receipts
receipts, err := b.GetReceiptsByBlockHashAndNumber(tx, hash, blockNumber)
var receipts types.Receipts
receipts, err = b.GetReceiptsByBlockHashAndNumber(tx, hash, blockNumber)
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
log.Error("error fetching receipts: ", err)
return nil, err
// Compose everything together into a complete block
return types.NewBlock(header, transactions, uncles, receipts, new(trie.Trie)), err
return types.NewBlock(header, transactions, uncles, receipts, trie.NewEmpty(nil)), err
// GetHeaderByBlockHash retrieves header for a provided block hash
func (b *Backend) GetHeaderByBlockHash(tx *sqlx.Tx, hash common.Hash) (*types.Header, error) {
_, headerRLP, err := b.IPLDRetriever.RetrieveHeaderByHash(tx, hash)
_, headerRLP, err := b.Retriever.RetrieveHeaderByHash2(tx, hash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -422,22 +361,40 @@ func (b *Backend) GetHeaderByBlockHash(tx *sqlx.Tx, hash common.Hash) (*types.He
return header, rlp.DecodeBytes(headerRLP, header)
// CurrentHeader returns the current block's header
func (b *Backend) CurrentHeader() *types.Header {
header, err := b.HeaderByNumber(context.Background(), rpc.LatestBlockNumber)
if err != nil {
return nil
return header
// GetBody returns the the body for the provided block hash and number
func (b *Backend) GetBody(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash, number rpc.BlockNumber) (*types.Body, error) {
if number < 0 || hash == (common.Hash{}) {
return nil, errors.New("invalid arguments; expect hash and no special block numbers")
block, err := b.BlockByHash(ctx, hash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if block != nil {
return block.Body(), nil
return nil, errors.New("block body not found")
// GetUnclesByBlockHash retrieves uncles for a provided block hash
func (b *Backend) GetUnclesByBlockHash(tx *sqlx.Tx, hash common.Hash) ([]*types.Header, error) {
_, uncleBytes, err := b.IPLDRetriever.RetrieveUnclesByBlockHash(tx, hash)
_, uncleBytes, err := b.Retriever.RetrieveUnclesByBlockHash(tx, hash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
uncles := make([]*types.Header, len(uncleBytes))
for i, bytes := range uncleBytes {
var uncle types.Header
err = rlp.DecodeBytes(bytes, &uncle)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
uncles[i] = &uncle
uncles := make([]*types.Header, 0)
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(uncleBytes, &uncles); err != nil {
return nil, err
return uncles, nil
@ -445,20 +402,14 @@ func (b *Backend) GetUnclesByBlockHash(tx *sqlx.Tx, hash common.Hash) ([]*types.
// GetUnclesByBlockHashAndNumber retrieves uncles for a provided block hash and number
func (b *Backend) GetUnclesByBlockHashAndNumber(tx *sqlx.Tx, hash common.Hash, number uint64) ([]*types.Header, error) {
_, uncleBytes, err := b.IPLDRetriever.RetrieveUncles(tx, hash, number)
_, uncleBytes, err := b.Retriever.RetrieveUncles(tx, hash, number)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
uncles := make([]*types.Header, len(uncleBytes))
for i, bytes := range uncleBytes {
var uncle types.Header
err = rlp.DecodeBytes(bytes, &uncle)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
uncles[i] = &uncle
uncles := make([]*types.Header, 0)
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(uncleBytes, &uncles); err != nil {
return nil, err
return uncles, nil
@ -466,7 +417,7 @@ func (b *Backend) GetUnclesByBlockHashAndNumber(tx *sqlx.Tx, hash common.Hash, n
// GetTransactionsByBlockHash retrieves transactions for a provided block hash
func (b *Backend) GetTransactionsByBlockHash(tx *sqlx.Tx, hash common.Hash) (types.Transactions, error) {
_, transactionBytes, err := b.IPLDRetriever.RetrieveTransactionsByBlockHash(tx, hash)
_, transactionBytes, err := b.Retriever.RetrieveTransactionsByBlockHash(tx, hash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -486,7 +437,7 @@ func (b *Backend) GetTransactionsByBlockHash(tx *sqlx.Tx, hash common.Hash) (typ
// GetTransactionsByBlockHashAndNumber retrieves transactions for a provided block hash and number
func (b *Backend) GetTransactionsByBlockHashAndNumber(tx *sqlx.Tx, hash common.Hash, number uint64) (types.Transactions, error) {
_, transactionBytes, err := b.IPLDRetriever.RetrieveTransactions(tx, hash, number)
_, transactionBytes, err := b.Retriever.RetrieveTransactions(tx, hash, number)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -506,7 +457,7 @@ func (b *Backend) GetTransactionsByBlockHashAndNumber(tx *sqlx.Tx, hash common.H
// GetReceiptsByBlockHash retrieves receipts for a provided block hash
func (b *Backend) GetReceiptsByBlockHash(tx *sqlx.Tx, hash common.Hash) (types.Receipts, error) {
_, receiptBytes, txs, err := b.IPLDRetriever.RetrieveReceiptsByBlockHash(tx, hash)
_, receiptBytes, txs, err := b.Retriever.RetrieveReceiptsByBlockHash(tx, hash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -524,7 +475,7 @@ func (b *Backend) GetReceiptsByBlockHash(tx *sqlx.Tx, hash common.Hash) (types.R
// GetReceiptsByBlockHashAndNumber retrieves receipts for a provided block hash and number
func (b *Backend) GetReceiptsByBlockHashAndNumber(tx *sqlx.Tx, hash common.Hash, number uint64) (types.Receipts, error) {
_, receiptBytes, txs, err := b.IPLDRetriever.RetrieveReceipts(tx, hash, number)
_, receiptBytes, txs, err := b.Retriever.RetrieveReceipts(tx, hash, number)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -576,6 +527,7 @@ func (b *Backend) GetReceipts(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash) (types.Rece
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// we must avoid overshadowing `err` so that we update the value of the variable inside the defer
defer func() {
if p := recover(); p != nil {
@ -587,13 +539,15 @@ func (b *Backend) GetReceipts(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash) (types.Rece
headerCID, err := b.Retriever.RetrieveHeaderCIDByHash(tx, hash)
var blockNumber uint64
blockNumber, err = b.Retriever.RetrieveBlockNumberByHash(tx, hash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
blockNumber, _ := strconv.ParseUint(string(headerCID.BlockNumber), 10, 64)
return b.GetReceiptsByBlockHashAndNumber(tx, hash, blockNumber)
var receipts types.Receipts
receipts, err = b.GetReceiptsByBlockHashAndNumber(tx, hash, blockNumber)
return receipts, err
// GetLogs returns all the logs for the given block hash
@ -603,6 +557,7 @@ func (b *Backend) GetLogs(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash, number uint64)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// we must avoid overshadowing `err` so that we update the value of the variable inside the defer
defer func() {
if p := recover(); p != nil {
@ -614,14 +569,16 @@ func (b *Backend) GetLogs(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash, number uint64)
_, receiptBytes, txs, err := b.IPLDRetriever.RetrieveReceipts(tx, hash, number)
var receiptBytes [][]byte
var txs []common.Hash
_, receiptBytes, txs, err = b.Retriever.RetrieveReceipts(tx, hash, number)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
logs := make([][]*types.Log, len(receiptBytes))
for i, rctBytes := range receiptBytes {
var rct types.Receipt
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(rctBytes, &rct); err != nil {
if err = rlp.DecodeBytes(rctBytes, &rct); err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -631,13 +588,27 @@ func (b *Backend) GetLogs(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash, number uint64)
logs[i] = rct.Logs
return logs, nil
return logs, err
// StateAndHeaderByNumberOrHash returns the statedb and header for the provided block number or hash
func (b *Backend) StateAndHeaderByNumberOrHash(ctx context.Context, blockNrOrHash rpc.BlockNumberOrHash) (*state.StateDB, *types.Header, error) {
if blockNr, ok := blockNrOrHash.Number(); ok {
return b.StateAndHeaderByNumber(ctx, blockNr)
// IPLDStateDBAndHeaderByNumberOrHash returns the statedb and header for the provided block number or hash
func (b *Backend) IPLDDirectStateDBAndHeaderByNumberOrHash(ctx context.Context, blockNrOrHash rpc.BlockNumberOrHash) (*ipld_direct_state.StateDB, *types.Header, error) {
if number, ok := blockNrOrHash.Number(); ok {
// Pending state is only known by the miner
if number == rpc.PendingBlockNumber {
return nil, nil, errPendingBlockNumber
// Otherwise resolve the block number and return its state
header, err := b.HeaderByNumber(ctx, number)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if header == nil {
return nil, nil, errHeaderNotFound
// TODO use GetCanonicalHeaderAndHash to avoid rehashing
statedb, err := ipld_direct_state.New(header.Hash(), b.IpldDirectStateDatabase)
return statedb, header, err
if hash, ok := blockNrOrHash.Hash(); ok {
header, err := b.HeaderByHash(ctx, hash)
@ -645,37 +616,66 @@ func (b *Backend) StateAndHeaderByNumberOrHash(ctx context.Context, blockNrOrHas
return nil, nil, err
if header == nil {
return nil, nil, errors.New("header for hash not found")
return nil, nil, errHeaderHashNotFound
canonicalHash, err := b.GetCanonicalHash(header.Number.Uint64())
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if blockNrOrHash.RequireCanonical {
canonicalHash, err := b.GetCanonicalHash(header.Number.Uint64())
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if canonicalHash != hash {
return nil, nil, errors.New("hash is not currently canonical")
if blockNrOrHash.RequireCanonical && canonicalHash != hash {
return nil, nil, errors.New("hash is not currently canonical")
stateDb, err := state.New(header.Root, b.StateDatabase, nil)
return stateDb, header, err
statedb, err := ipld_direct_state.New(header.Hash(), b.IpldDirectStateDatabase)
return statedb, header, err
return nil, nil, errors.New("invalid arguments; neither block nor hash specified")
// StateAndHeaderByNumber returns the statedb and header for a provided block number
func (b *Backend) StateAndHeaderByNumber(ctx context.Context, number rpc.BlockNumber) (*state.StateDB, *types.Header, error) {
// Pending state is only known by the miner
if number == rpc.PendingBlockNumber {
return nil, nil, errPendingBlockNumber
// IPLDStateDBAndHeaderByNumberOrHash returns the statedb and header for the provided block number or hash
func (b *Backend) IPLDTrieStateDBAndHeaderByNumberOrHash(ctx context.Context, blockNrOrHash rpc.BlockNumberOrHash) (*ipld_trie_state.StateDB, *types.Header, error) {
var header *types.Header
if number, ok := blockNrOrHash.Number(); ok {
// Pending state is only known by the miner
if number == rpc.PendingBlockNumber {
return nil, nil, errPendingBlockNumber
// Otherwise resolve the block number and return its state
blockHash, err := b.GetCanonicalHash(uint64(number))
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
header, err = b.HeaderByHash(ctx, blockHash)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if header == nil {
return nil, nil, errHeaderNotFound
} else if hash, ok := blockNrOrHash.Hash(); ok {
var err error
header, err = b.HeaderByHash(ctx, hash)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if header == nil {
return nil, nil, errHeaderHashNotFound
if blockNrOrHash.RequireCanonical {
canonicalHash, err := b.GetCanonicalHash(header.Number.Uint64())
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if canonicalHash != hash {
return nil, nil, errors.New("hash is not currently canonical")
} else {
return nil, nil, errors.New("invalid arguments; neither block nor hash specified")
// Otherwise resolve the block number and return its state
header, err := b.HeaderByNumber(ctx, number)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if header == nil {
return nil, nil, errors.New("header not found")
stateDb, err := state.New(header.Root, b.StateDatabase, nil)
return stateDb, header, err
statedb, err := ipld_trie_state.New(header.Root, b.IpldTrieStateDatabase, nil)
return statedb, header, err
// GetCanonicalHash gets the canonical hash for the provided number, if there is one
@ -687,23 +687,34 @@ func (b *Backend) GetCanonicalHash(number uint64) (common.Hash, error) {
return common.HexToHash(hashResult), nil
type rowResult struct {
CID string
Data []byte
// GetCanonicalHeader gets the canonical header for the provided number, if there is one
func (b *Backend) GetCanonicalHeader(number uint64) (string, []byte, error) {
type rowResult struct {
CID string
Data []byte
headerResult := new(rowResult)
return headerResult.CID, headerResult.Data, b.DB.QueryRowx(RetrieveCanonicalHeaderByNumber, number).StructScan(headerResult)
return headerResult.CID, headerResult.Data,
b.DB.QueryRowx(RetrieveCanonicalHeaderByNumber, number).StructScan(headerResult)
// GetCanonicalHeader gets the canonical hash and header for the provided number, if they exist
func (b *Backend) GetCanonicalHeaderAndHash(number uint64) (string, []byte, error) {
type rowResult struct {
Data []byte
BlockHash string
headerResult := new(rowResult)
return headerResult.BlockHash, headerResult.Data,
b.DB.QueryRowx(RetrieveCanonicalHeaderAndHashByNumber, number).StructScan(headerResult)
// GetEVM constructs and returns a vm.EVM
func (b *Backend) GetEVM(ctx context.Context, msg core.Message, state *state.StateDB, header *types.Header) (*vm.EVM, func() error, error) {
func (b *Backend) GetEVM(ctx context.Context, msg *core.Message, state vm.StateDB, header *types.Header) (*vm.EVM, func() error, error) {
vmError := func() error { return nil }
txContext := core.NewEVMTxContext(msg)
context := core.NewEVMBlockContext(header, b, nil)
return vm.NewEVM(context, txContext, state, b.Config.ChainConfig, b.Config.VMConfig), vmError, nil
evmCtx := core.NewEVMBlockContext(header, b, nil)
return vm.NewEVM(evmCtx, txContext, state, b.Config.ChainConfig, b.Config.VMConfig), vmError, nil
// GetAccountByNumberOrHash returns the account object for the provided address at the block corresponding to the provided number or hash
@ -755,13 +766,21 @@ func (b *Backend) GetAccountByHash(ctx context.Context, address common.Address,
return nil, err
_, accountRlp, err := b.IPLDRetriever.RetrieveAccountByAddressAndBlockHash(address, hash)
acctRecord, err := b.Retriever.RetrieveAccountByAddressAndBlockHash(address, hash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
acct := new(types.StateAccount)
return acct, rlp.DecodeBytes(accountRlp, acct)
balance, ok := new(big.Int).SetString(acctRecord.Balance, 10)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse balance %s", acctRecord.Balance)
return &types.StateAccount{
Nonce: acctRecord.Nonce,
Balance: balance,
Root: common.HexToHash(acctRecord.Root),
CodeHash: acctRecord.CodeHash,
}, nil
// GetCodeByNumberOrHash returns the byte code for the contract deployed at the provided address at the block with the provided hash or block number
@ -799,20 +818,20 @@ func (b *Backend) GetCodeByNumber(ctx context.Context, address common.Address, b
return nil, err
if hash == (common.Hash{}) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no canoncial block hash found for provided height (%d)", number)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no canonical block hash found for provided height (%d)", number)
return b.GetCodeByHash(ctx, address, hash)
// GetCodeByHash returns the byte code for the contract deployed at the provided address at the block with the provided hash
func (b *Backend) GetCodeByHash(ctx context.Context, address common.Address, hash common.Hash) ([]byte, error) {
codeHash := make([]byte, 0)
leafKey := crypto.Keccak256Hash(address.Bytes())
// Begin tx
tx, err := b.DB.Beginx()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// we must avoid overshadowing `err` so that we update the value of the variable inside the defer
defer func() {
if p := recover(); p != nil {
@ -823,17 +842,14 @@ func (b *Backend) GetCodeByHash(ctx context.Context, address common.Address, has
err = tx.Commit()
var codeHash string
err = tx.Get(&codeHash, RetrieveCodeHashByLeafKeyAndBlockHash, leafKey.Hex(), hash.Hex())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var mhKey string
mhKey, err = ethServerShared.MultihashKeyFromKeccak256(common.BytesToHash(codeHash))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
code := make([]byte, 0)
err = tx.Get(&code, RetrieveCodeByMhKey, mhKey)
cid := ipld.Keccak256ToCid(ipld.RawBinary, common.HexToHash(codeHash).Bytes())
var code []byte
err = tx.Get(&code, RetrieveCodeByKey, cid.String())
return code, err
@ -886,8 +902,7 @@ func (b *Backend) GetStorageByHash(ctx context.Context, address common.Address,
return nil, err
_, _, storageRlp, err := b.IPLDRetriever.RetrieveStorageAtByAddressAndStorageSlotAndBlockHash(address, key, hash)
return storageRlp, err
return b.Retriever.RetrieveStorageAtByAddressAndStorageSlotAndBlockHash(address, key, hash)
func (b *Backend) GetSlice(path string, depth int, root common.Hash, storage bool) (*GetSliceResponse, error) {
@ -898,14 +913,23 @@ func (b *Backend) GetSlice(path string, depth int, root common.Hash, storage boo
metaData := metaDataFields{}
startTime := makeTimestamp()
t, _ := b.StateDatabase.OpenTrie(root)
var t ipld_trie_state.Trie
var err error
if storage {
t, err = b.IpldTrieStateDatabase.OpenStorageTrie(common.Hash{}, common.Hash{}, root)
} else {
t, err = b.IpldTrieStateDatabase.OpenTrie(root)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
metaData.trieLoadingTime = makeTimestamp() - startTime
// Convert the head hex path to a decoded byte path
headPath := common.FromHex(path)
// Get Stem nodes
err := b.getSliceStem(headPath, t, response, &metaData, storage)
err = b.getSliceStem(headPath, t, response, &metaData, storage)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -929,16 +953,16 @@ func (b *Backend) GetSlice(path string, depth int, root common.Hash, storage boo
return response, nil
func (b *Backend) getSliceStem(headPath []byte, t state.Trie, response *GetSliceResponse, metaData *metaDataFields, storage bool) error {
func (b *Backend) getSliceStem(headPath []byte, t ipld_trie_state.Trie, response *GetSliceResponse, metaData *metaDataFields, storage bool) error {
leavesFetchTime := int64(0)
totalStemStartTime := makeTimestamp()
for i := 0; i < len(headPath); i++ {
// Create path for each node along the stem
nodePath := make([]byte, len(headPath[:i]))
copy(nodePath, headPath[:i])
// nodePath := make([]byte, len(headPath[:i]))
nodePath := headPath[:i]
rawNode, _, err := t.(*trie.StateTrie).TryGetNode(trie.HexToCompact(nodePath))
rawNode, _, err := t.TryGetNode(trie.HexToCompact(nodePath))
if err != nil {
return err
@ -948,12 +972,12 @@ func (b *Backend) getSliceStem(headPath []byte, t state.Trie, response *GetSlice
node, nodeElements, err := ResolveNode(nodePath, rawNode, b.StateDatabase.TrieDB())
node, nodeElements, err := ResolveNode(nodePath, rawNode, b.IpldTrieStateDatabase.TrieDB())
if err != nil {
return err
leafFetchTime, err := fillSliceNodeData(b.EthDB, response.TrieNodes.Stem, response.Leaves, node, nodeElements, storage)
leafFetchTime, err := fillSliceNodeData(b.IpldTrieStateDatabase, response.TrieNodes.Stem, response.Leaves, node, nodeElements, storage)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -963,7 +987,7 @@ func (b *Backend) getSliceStem(headPath []byte, t state.Trie, response *GetSlice
if depthReached > metaData.maxDepth {
metaData.maxDepth = depthReached
if node.NodeType == sdtypes.Leaf {
if node.NodeType == Leaf {
leavesFetchTime += leafFetchTime
@ -977,10 +1001,10 @@ func (b *Backend) getSliceStem(headPath []byte, t state.Trie, response *GetSlice
return nil
func (b *Backend) getSliceHead(headPath []byte, t state.Trie, response *GetSliceResponse, metaData *metaDataFields, storage bool) error {
func (b *Backend) getSliceHead(headPath []byte, t ipld_trie_state.Trie, response *GetSliceResponse, metaData *metaDataFields, storage bool) error {
totalHeadStartTime := makeTimestamp()
rawNode, _, err := t.(*trie.StateTrie).TryGetNode(trie.HexToCompact(headPath))
rawNode, _, err := t.TryGetNode(trie.HexToCompact(headPath))
if err != nil {
return err
@ -990,12 +1014,12 @@ func (b *Backend) getSliceHead(headPath []byte, t state.Trie, response *GetSlice
return nil
node, nodeElements, err := ResolveNode(headPath, rawNode, b.StateDatabase.TrieDB())
node, nodeElements, err := ResolveNode(headPath, rawNode, b.IpldTrieStateDatabase.TrieDB())
if err != nil {
return err
leafFetchTime, err := fillSliceNodeData(b.EthDB, response.TrieNodes.Head, response.Leaves, node, nodeElements, storage)
leafFetchTime, err := fillSliceNodeData(b.IpldTrieStateDatabase, response.TrieNodes.Head, response.Leaves, node, nodeElements, storage)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -1005,7 +1029,7 @@ func (b *Backend) getSliceHead(headPath []byte, t state.Trie, response *GetSlice
if depthReached > metaData.maxDepth {
metaData.maxDepth = depthReached
if node.NodeType == sdtypes.Leaf {
if node.NodeType == Leaf {
@ -1017,7 +1041,7 @@ func (b *Backend) getSliceHead(headPath []byte, t state.Trie, response *GetSlice
return nil
func (b *Backend) getSliceTrie(headPath []byte, t state.Trie, response *GetSliceResponse, metaData *metaDataFields, depth int, storage bool) error {
func (b *Backend) getSliceTrie(headPath []byte, t ipld_trie_state.Trie, response *GetSliceResponse, metaData *metaDataFields, depth int, storage bool) error {
it, timeTaken := getIteratorAtPath(t, headPath)
metaData.trieLoadingTime += timeTaken
@ -1047,12 +1071,16 @@ func (b *Backend) getSliceTrie(headPath []byte, t state.Trie, response *GetSlice
node, nodeElements, err := sdtrie.ResolveNode(it, b.StateDatabase.TrieDB())
blob, err := it.NodeBlob(), it.Error()
if err != nil {
return err
node, nodeElements, err := ResolveNode(it.Path(), blob, b.IpldTrieStateDatabase.TrieDB())
if err != nil {
return err
leafFetchTime, err := fillSliceNodeData(b.EthDB, response.TrieNodes.Slice, response.Leaves, node, nodeElements, storage)
leafFetchTime, err := fillSliceNodeData(b.IpldTrieStateDatabase, response.TrieNodes.Slice, response.Leaves, node, nodeElements, storage)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -1062,7 +1090,7 @@ func (b *Backend) getSliceTrie(headPath []byte, t state.Trie, response *GetSlice
if depthReached > metaData.maxDepth {
metaData.maxDepth = depthReached
if node.NodeType == sdtypes.Leaf {
if node.NodeType == Leaf {
leavesFetchTime += leafFetchTime
@ -1129,6 +1157,15 @@ func (b *Backend) ServiceFilter(ctx context.Context, session *bloombits.MatcherS
panic("implement me")
// Close closes the backing DB and EthDB instances
func (b *Backend) Close() error {
err := b.EthDB.Close()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error closing EthDB: %s", err)
return b.DB.Close()
func logStateDBStatsOnTimer(ethDB *ipfsethdb.Database, gcc *shared.GroupCacheConfig) {
// No stats logging if interval isn't a positive integer.
if gcc.StateDB.LogStatsIntervalInSecs <= 0 {
@ -1139,7 +1176,7 @@ func logStateDBStatsOnTimer(ethDB *ipfsethdb.Database, gcc *shared.GroupCacheCon
go func() {
for range ticker.C {
log.Infof("%s groupcache stats: %+v", StateDBGroupCacheName, ethDB.GetCacheStats())
log.Debugf("%s groupcache stats: %+v", StateDBGroupCacheName, ethDB.GetCacheStats())

View File

@ -23,21 +23,18 @@ import (
nodeiter "github.com/cerc-io/go-eth-state-node-iterator"
sdtrie "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/statediff/trie_helpers"
sdtypes "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/statediff/types"
nodeiter "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/trie/concurrent_iterator"
var nullHashBytes = common.Hex2Bytes("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")
@ -67,7 +64,7 @@ func RPCMarshalHeader(head *types.Header) map[string]interface{} {
if head.BaseFee != nil {
headerMap["baseFee"] = head.BaseFee
headerMap["baseFeePerGas"] = (*hexutil.Big)(head.BaseFee)
return headerMap
@ -331,10 +328,10 @@ func getIteratorAtPath(t state.Trie, startKey []byte) (trie.NodeIterator, int64)
func fillSliceNodeData(
ethDB ethdb.KeyValueReader,
sdb state.Database,
nodesMap map[string]string,
leavesMap map[string]GetSliceResponseAccount,
node sdtypes.StateNode,
node StateNode,
nodeElements []interface{},
storage bool,
) (int64, error) {
@ -344,8 +341,8 @@ func fillSliceNodeData(
// Extract account data if it's a Leaf node
leafStartTime := makeTimestamp()
if node.NodeType == sdtypes.Leaf && !storage {
stateLeafKey, storageRoot, code, err := extractContractAccountInfo(ethDB, node, nodeElements)
if node.NodeType == Leaf && !storage {
stateLeafKey, storageRoot, code, err := extractContractAccountInfo(sdb, node, nodeElements)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("GetSlice account lookup error: %s", err.Error())
@ -362,7 +359,7 @@ func fillSliceNodeData(
return makeTimestamp() - leafStartTime, nil
func extractContractAccountInfo(ethDB ethdb.KeyValueReader, node sdtypes.StateNode, nodeElements []interface{}) (string, string, []byte, error) {
func extractContractAccountInfo(sdb state.Database, node StateNode, nodeElements []interface{}) (string, string, []byte, error) {
var account types.StateAccount
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(nodeElements[1].([]byte), &account); err != nil {
return "", "", nil, fmt.Errorf("error decoding account for leaf node at path %x nerror: %v", node.Path, err)
@ -383,27 +380,32 @@ func extractContractAccountInfo(ethDB ethdb.KeyValueReader, node sdtypes.StateNo
// Extract codeHash and get code
codeHash := common.BytesToHash(account.CodeHash)
codeBytes := rawdb.ReadCode(ethDB, codeHash)
codeBytes, err := sdb.ContractCode(codeHash)
if err != nil {
return "", "", nil, err
return stateLeafKeyString, storageRootString, codeBytes, nil
func ResolveNode(path []byte, node []byte, trieDB *trie.Database) (sdtypes.StateNode, []interface{}, error) {
nodePath := make([]byte, len(path))
copy(nodePath, path)
var nodeElements []interface{}
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(node, &nodeElements); err != nil {
return sdtypes.StateNode{}, nil, err
// IsLeaf checks if the node we are at is a leaf
func IsLeaf(elements []interface{}) (bool, error) {
if len(elements) > 2 {
return false, nil
ty, err := sdtrie.CheckKeyType(nodeElements)
if err != nil {
return sdtypes.StateNode{}, nil, err
if len(elements) < 2 {
return false, fmt.Errorf("node cannot be less than two elements in length")
switch elements[0].([]byte)[0] / 16 {
case '\x00':
return false, nil
case '\x01':
return false, nil
case '\x02':
return true, nil
case '\x03':
return true, nil
return false, fmt.Errorf("unknown hex prefix")
return sdtypes.StateNode{
NodeType: ty,
Path: nodePath,
NodeValue: node,
}, nodeElements, nil

View File

@ -1,771 +0,0 @@
// VulcanizeDB
// Copyright © 2019 Vulcanize
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package eth
import (
// Retriever interface for substituting mocks in tests
type Retriever interface {
RetrieveFirstBlockNumber() (int64, error)
RetrieveLastBlockNumber() (int64, error)
Retrieve(filter SubscriptionSettings, blockNumber int64) ([]CIDWrapper, bool, error)
// CIDRetriever satisfies the CIDRetriever interface for ethereum
type CIDRetriever struct {
db *sqlx.DB
gormDB *gorm.DB
type IPLDModelRecord struct {
// TableName overrides the table name used by IPLD
func (IPLDModelRecord) TableName() string {
return "public.blocks"
type HeaderCIDRecord struct {
CID string `gorm:"column:cid"`
BlockHash string `gorm:"primaryKey"`
BlockNumber string `gorm:"primaryKey"`
ParentHash string
Timestamp uint64
StateRoot string
TotalDifficulty string `gorm:"column:td"`
TxRoot string
RctRoot string `gorm:"column:receipt_root"`
UncleRoot string
Bloom []byte
MhKey string
// gorm doesn't check if foreign key exists in database.
// It is required to eager load relations using preload.
TransactionCIDs []TransactionCIDRecord `gorm:"foreignKey:HeaderID,BlockNumber;references:BlockHash,BlockNumber"`
IPLD IPLDModelRecord `gorm:"foreignKey:MhKey,BlockNumber;references:Key,BlockNumber"`
// TableName overrides the table name used by HeaderCIDRecord
func (HeaderCIDRecord) TableName() string {
return "eth.header_cids"
type TransactionCIDRecord struct {
CID string `gorm:"column:cid"`
TxHash string `gorm:"primaryKey"`
BlockNumber string `gorm:"primaryKey"`
HeaderID string `gorm:"column:header_id"`
Index int64
Src string
Dst string
MhKey string
IPLD IPLDModelRecord `gorm:"foreignKey:MhKey,BlockNumber;references:Key,BlockNumber"`
// TableName overrides the table name used by TransactionCIDRecord
func (TransactionCIDRecord) TableName() string {
return "eth.transaction_cids"
// NewCIDRetriever returns a pointer to a new CIDRetriever which supports the CIDRetriever interface
func NewCIDRetriever(db *sqlx.DB) *CIDRetriever {
gormDB, err := gorm.Open(postgres.New(postgres.Config{
Conn: db,
}), &gorm.Config{})
if err != nil {
return nil
return &CIDRetriever{
db: db,
gormDB: gormDB,
// RetrieveFirstBlockNumber is used to retrieve the first block number in the db
func (ecr *CIDRetriever) RetrieveFirstBlockNumber() (int64, error) {
var blockNumber int64
err := ecr.db.Get(&blockNumber, "SELECT block_number FROM eth.header_cids ORDER BY block_number ASC LIMIT 1")
return blockNumber, err
// RetrieveLastBlockNumber is used to retrieve the latest block number in the db
func (ecr *CIDRetriever) RetrieveLastBlockNumber() (int64, error) {
var blockNumber int64
err := ecr.db.Get(&blockNumber, "SELECT block_number FROM eth.header_cids ORDER BY block_number DESC LIMIT 1")
return blockNumber, err
// Retrieve is used to retrieve all of the CIDs which conform to the passed StreamFilters
func (ecr *CIDRetriever) Retrieve(filter SubscriptionSettings, blockNumber int64) ([]CIDWrapper, bool, error) {
log.Debug("retrieving cids")
// Begin new db tx
tx, err := ecr.db.Beginx()
if err != nil {
return nil, true, err
defer func() {
if p := recover(); p != nil {
} else if err != nil {
} else {
err = tx.Commit()
// Retrieve cached header CIDs at this block height
var headers []models.HeaderModel
headers, err = ecr.RetrieveHeaderCIDs(tx, blockNumber)
if err != nil {
log.Error("header cid retrieval error", err)
return nil, true, err
cws := make([]CIDWrapper, len(headers))
empty := true
for i, header := range headers {
cw := new(CIDWrapper)
cw.BlockNumber = big.NewInt(blockNumber)
if !filter.HeaderFilter.Off {
cw.Header = header
empty = false
if filter.HeaderFilter.Uncles {
// Retrieve uncle cids for this header id
var uncleCIDs []models.UncleModel
uncleCIDs, err = ecr.RetrieveUncleCIDsByHeaderID(tx, header.BlockHash)
if err != nil {
log.Error("uncle cid retrieval error")
return nil, true, err
cw.Uncles = uncleCIDs
// Retrieve cached trx CIDs
if !filter.TxFilter.Off {
cw.Transactions, err = ecr.RetrieveTxCIDs(tx, filter.TxFilter, header.BlockHash)
if err != nil {
log.Error("transaction cid retrieval error")
return nil, true, err
if len(cw.Transactions) > 0 {
empty = false
trxHashes := make([]string, len(cw.Transactions))
for j, t := range cw.Transactions {
trxHashes[j] = t.TxHash
// Retrieve cached receipt CIDs
if !filter.ReceiptFilter.Off {
cw.Receipts, err = ecr.RetrieveRctCIDs(tx, filter.ReceiptFilter, 0, header.BlockHash, trxHashes)
if err != nil {
log.Error("receipt cid retrieval error")
return nil, true, err
if len(cw.Receipts) > 0 {
empty = false
// Retrieve cached state CIDs
if !filter.StateFilter.Off {
cw.StateNodes, err = ecr.RetrieveStateCIDs(tx, filter.StateFilter, header.BlockHash)
if err != nil {
log.Error("state cid retrieval error")
return nil, true, err
if len(cw.StateNodes) > 0 {
empty = false
// Retrieve cached storage CIDs
if !filter.StorageFilter.Off {
cw.StorageNodes, err = ecr.RetrieveStorageCIDs(tx, filter.StorageFilter, header.BlockHash)
if err != nil {
log.Error("storage cid retrieval error")
return nil, true, err
if len(cw.StorageNodes) > 0 {
empty = false
cws[i] = *cw
return cws, empty, err
// RetrieveHeaderCIDs retrieves and returns all of the header cids at the provided blockheight
func (ecr *CIDRetriever) RetrieveHeaderCIDs(tx *sqlx.Tx, blockNumber int64) ([]models.HeaderModel, error) {
log.Debug("retrieving header cids for block ", blockNumber)
headers := make([]models.HeaderModel, 0)
pgStr := `SELECT CAST(block_number as Text), block_hash, parent_hash, cid, mh_key, CAST(td as Text), node_id,
CAST(reward as Text), state_root, uncle_root,tx_root, receipt_root, bloom, timestamp, times_validated, coinbase
FROM eth.header_cids
WHERE block_number = $1`
return headers, tx.Select(&headers, pgStr, blockNumber)
// RetrieveUncleCIDsByHeaderID retrieves and returns all of the uncle cids for the provided header
func (ecr *CIDRetriever) RetrieveUncleCIDsByHeaderID(tx *sqlx.Tx, headerID string) ([]models.UncleModel, error) {
log.Debug("retrieving uncle cids for block id ", headerID)
headers := make([]models.UncleModel, 0)
pgStr := `SELECT CAST(block_number as Text), header_id, block_hash, parent_hash, cid, mh_key, CAST(reward as text)
FROM eth.uncle_cids
WHERE header_id = $1`
return headers, tx.Select(&headers, pgStr, headerID)
// RetrieveTxCIDs retrieves and returns all of the trx cids at the provided blockheight that conform to the provided filter parameters
// also returns the ids for the returned transaction cids
func (ecr *CIDRetriever) RetrieveTxCIDs(tx *sqlx.Tx, txFilter TxFilter, headerID string) ([]models.TxModel, error) {
log.Debug("retrieving transaction cids for header id ", headerID)
args := make([]interface{}, 0, 3)
results := make([]models.TxModel, 0)
id := 1
pgStr := fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT CAST(transaction_cids.block_number as Text), transaction_cids.tx_hash,
transaction_cids.header_id, transaction_cids.cid, transaction_cids.mh_key, transaction_cids.dst,
transaction_cids.src, transaction_cids.index, transaction_cids.tx_data, transaction_cids.tx_type
FROM eth.transaction_cids
INNER JOIN eth.header_cids ON (
transaction_cids.header_id = header_cids.block_hash
AND transaction_cids.block_number = header_cids.block_number
WHERE header_cids.block_hash = $%d`, id)
args = append(args, headerID)
if len(txFilter.Dst) > 0 {
pgStr += fmt.Sprintf(` AND transaction_cids.dst = ANY($%d::VARCHAR(66)[])`, id)
args = append(args, pq.Array(txFilter.Dst))
if len(txFilter.Src) > 0 {
pgStr += fmt.Sprintf(` AND transaction_cids.src = ANY($%d::VARCHAR(66)[])`, id)
args = append(args, pq.Array(txFilter.Src))
pgStr += ` ORDER BY transaction_cids.index`
return results, tx.Select(&results, pgStr, args...)
func topicFilterCondition(id *int, topics [][]string, args []interface{}, pgStr string, first bool) (string, []interface{}) {
for i, topicSet := range topics {
if len(topicSet) == 0 {
if !first {
pgStr += " AND"
} else {
first = false
pgStr += fmt.Sprintf(` eth.log_cids.topic%d = ANY ($%d)`, i, *id)
args = append(args, pq.Array(topicSet))
return pgStr, args
func logFilterCondition(id *int, pgStr string, args []interface{}, rctFilter ReceiptFilter) (string, []interface{}) {
if len(rctFilter.LogAddresses) > 0 {
pgStr += fmt.Sprintf(` AND eth.log_cids.address = ANY ($%d)`, *id)
args = append(args, pq.Array(rctFilter.LogAddresses))
// Filter on topics if there are any
if hasTopics(rctFilter.Topics) {
pgStr, args = topicFilterCondition(id, rctFilter.Topics, args, pgStr, false)
return pgStr, args
func receiptFilterConditions(id *int, pgStr string, args []interface{}, rctFilter ReceiptFilter, txHashes []string) (string, []interface{}) {
rctCond := " AND (receipt_cids.tx_id = ANY ( "
logQuery := "SELECT rct_id FROM eth.log_cids WHERE"
if len(rctFilter.LogAddresses) > 0 {
// Filter on log contract addresses if there are any
pgStr += fmt.Sprintf(`%s %s eth.log_cids.address = ANY ($%d)`, rctCond, logQuery, *id)
args = append(args, pq.Array(rctFilter.LogAddresses))
// Filter on topics if there are any
if hasTopics(rctFilter.Topics) {
pgStr, args = topicFilterCondition(id, rctFilter.Topics, args, pgStr, false)
pgStr += ")"
// Filter on txHashes if there are any, and we are matching txs
if rctFilter.MatchTxs && len(txHashes) > 0 {
pgStr += fmt.Sprintf(` OR receipt_cids.tx_id = ANY($%d)`, *id)
args = append(args, pq.Array(txHashes))
pgStr += ")"
} else { // If there are no contract addresses to filter on
// Filter on topics if there are any
if hasTopics(rctFilter.Topics) {
pgStr += rctCond + logQuery
pgStr, args = topicFilterCondition(id, rctFilter.Topics, args, pgStr, true)
pgStr += ")"
// Filter on txHashes if there are any, and we are matching txs
if rctFilter.MatchTxs && len(txHashes) > 0 {
pgStr += fmt.Sprintf(` OR receipt_cids.tx_id = ANY($%d)`, *id)
args = append(args, pq.Array(txHashes))
pgStr += ")"
} else if rctFilter.MatchTxs && len(txHashes) > 0 {
// If there are no contract addresses or topics to filter on,
// Filter on txHashes if there are any, and we are matching txs
pgStr += fmt.Sprintf(` AND receipt_cids.tx_id = ANY($%d)`, *id)
args = append(args, pq.Array(txHashes))
return pgStr, args
// RetrieveFilteredGQLLogs retrieves and returns all the log CIDs provided blockHash that conform to the provided
// filter parameters.
func (ecr *CIDRetriever) RetrieveFilteredGQLLogs(tx *sqlx.Tx, rctFilter ReceiptFilter, blockHash *common.Hash, blockNumber *big.Int) ([]LogResult, error) {
log.Debug("retrieving log cids for receipt ids with block hash", blockHash.String())
args := make([]interface{}, 0, 4)
id := 1
pgStr := `SELECT CAST(eth.log_cids.block_number as Text), eth.log_cids.header_id as block_hash,
eth.log_cids.leaf_cid, eth.log_cids.index, eth.log_cids.rct_id, eth.log_cids.address,
eth.log_cids.topic0, eth.log_cids.topic1, eth.log_cids.topic2, eth.log_cids.topic3, eth.log_cids.log_data,
data, eth.receipt_cids.leaf_cid as cid, eth.receipt_cids.post_status, eth.receipt_cids.tx_id AS tx_hash
FROM eth.log_cids, eth.receipt_cids, public.blocks
WHERE eth.log_cids.rct_id = receipt_cids.tx_id
AND eth.log_cids.header_id = receipt_cids.header_id
AND eth.log_cids.block_number = receipt_cids.block_number
AND log_cids.leaf_mh_key = blocks.key
AND log_cids.block_number = blocks.block_number
AND receipt_cids.header_id = $1`
args = append(args, blockHash.String())
if blockNumber != nil {
pgStr += ` AND receipt_cids.block_number = $2`
args = append(args, blockNumber.Int64())
pgStr, args = logFilterCondition(&id, pgStr, args, rctFilter)
pgStr += ` ORDER BY log_cids.index`
logCIDs := make([]LogResult, 0)
err := tx.Select(&logCIDs, pgStr, args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return logCIDs, nil
// RetrieveFilteredLog retrieves and returns all the log CIDs provided blockHeight or blockHash that conform to the provided
// filter parameters.
func (ecr *CIDRetriever) RetrieveFilteredLog(tx *sqlx.Tx, rctFilter ReceiptFilter, blockNumber int64, blockHash *common.Hash) ([]LogResult, error) {
log.Debug("retrieving log cids for receipt ids")
args := make([]interface{}, 0, 4)
pgStr := `SELECT CAST(eth.log_cids.block_number as Text), eth.log_cids.leaf_cid, eth.log_cids.index, eth.log_cids.rct_id,
eth.log_cids.address, eth.log_cids.topic0, eth.log_cids.topic1, eth.log_cids.topic2, eth.log_cids.topic3,
eth.log_cids.log_data, eth.transaction_cids.tx_hash, eth.transaction_cids.index as txn_index,
eth.receipt_cids.leaf_cid as cid, eth.receipt_cids.post_status, header_cids.block_hash
FROM eth.log_cids, eth.receipt_cids, eth.transaction_cids, eth.header_cids
WHERE eth.log_cids.rct_id = receipt_cids.tx_id
AND eth.log_cids.header_id = eth.receipt_cids.header_id
AND eth.log_cids.block_number = eth.receipt_cids.block_number
AND receipt_cids.tx_id = transaction_cids.tx_hash
AND receipt_cids.header_id = transaction_cids.header_id
AND receipt_cids.block_number = transaction_cids.block_number
AND transaction_cids.header_id = header_cids.block_hash
AND transaction_cids.block_number = header_cids.block_number`
id := 1
if blockNumber > 0 {
pgStr += fmt.Sprintf(` AND header_cids.block_number = $%d`, id)
args = append(args, blockNumber)
if blockHash != nil {
pgStr += fmt.Sprintf(` AND header_cids.block_hash = $%d`, id)
args = append(args, blockHash.String())
pgStr, args = logFilterCondition(&id, pgStr, args, rctFilter)
pgStr += ` ORDER BY log_cids.index`
logCIDs := make([]LogResult, 0)
err := tx.Select(&logCIDs, pgStr, args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return logCIDs, nil
// RetrieveRctCIDs retrieves and returns all of the rct cids at the provided blockheight or block hash that conform to the provided
// filter parameters and correspond to the provided tx ids
func (ecr *CIDRetriever) RetrieveRctCIDs(tx *sqlx.Tx, rctFilter ReceiptFilter, blockNumber int64, blockHash string, txHashes []string) ([]models.ReceiptModel, error) {
log.Debug("retrieving receipt cids for block ", blockNumber)
args := make([]interface{}, 0, 5)
pgStr := `SELECT CAST(receipt_cids.block_number as Text), receipt_cids.header_id, receipt_cids.tx_id,
receipt_cids.leaf_cid, receipt_cids.leaf_mh_key, receipt_cids.contract, receipt_cids.contract_hash
FROM eth.receipt_cids, eth.transaction_cids, eth.header_cids
WHERE receipt_cids.tx_id = transaction_cids.tx_hash
AND receipt_cids.header_id = transaction_cids.header_id
AND receipt_cids.block_number = transaction_cids.block_number
AND transaction_cids.header_id = header_cids.block_hash
AND transaction_cids.block_number = header_cids.block_number`
id := 1
if blockNumber > 0 {
pgStr += fmt.Sprintf(` AND header_cids.block_number = $%d`, id)
args = append(args, blockNumber)
if blockHash != "" {
pgStr += fmt.Sprintf(` AND header_cids.block_hash = $%d`, id)
args = append(args, blockHash)
pgStr, args = receiptFilterConditions(&id, pgStr, args, rctFilter, txHashes)
pgStr += ` ORDER BY transaction_cids.index`
receiptCIDs := make([]models.ReceiptModel, 0)
return receiptCIDs, tx.Select(&receiptCIDs, pgStr, args...)
func hasTopics(topics [][]string) bool {
for _, topicSet := range topics {
if len(topicSet) > 0 {
return true
return false
// RetrieveStateCIDs retrieves and returns all of the state node cids at the provided header ID that conform to the provided filter parameters
func (ecr *CIDRetriever) RetrieveStateCIDs(tx *sqlx.Tx, stateFilter StateFilter, headerID string) ([]models.StateNodeModel, error) {
log.Debug("retrieving state cids for header id ", headerID)
args := make([]interface{}, 0, 2)
pgStr := `SELECT CAST(state_cids.block_number as Text), state_cids.header_id,
state_cids.state_leaf_key, state_cids.node_type, state_cids.cid, state_cids.mh_key, state_cids.state_path
FROM eth.state_cids
INNER JOIN eth.header_cids ON (
state_cids.header_id = header_cids.block_hash
AND state_cids.block_number = header_cids.block_number
WHERE header_cids.block_hash = $1`
args = append(args, headerID)
addrLen := len(stateFilter.Addresses)
if addrLen > 0 {
keys := make([]string, addrLen)
for i, addr := range stateFilter.Addresses {
keys[i] = crypto.Keccak256Hash(common.HexToAddress(addr).Bytes()).String()
pgStr += ` AND state_cids.state_leaf_key = ANY($2::VARCHAR(66)[])`
args = append(args, pq.Array(keys))
if !stateFilter.IntermediateNodes {
pgStr += ` AND state_cids.node_type = 2`
stateNodeCIDs := make([]models.StateNodeModel, 0)
return stateNodeCIDs, tx.Select(&stateNodeCIDs, pgStr, args...)
// RetrieveStorageCIDs retrieves and returns all of the storage node cids at the provided header id that conform to the provided filter parameters
func (ecr *CIDRetriever) RetrieveStorageCIDs(tx *sqlx.Tx, storageFilter StorageFilter, headerID string) ([]models.StorageNodeWithStateKeyModel, error) {
log.Debug("retrieving storage cids for header id ", headerID)
args := make([]interface{}, 0, 3)
pgStr := `SELECT CAST(storage_cids.block_number as Text), storage_cids.header_id, storage_cids.storage_leaf_key,
storage_cids.node_type, storage_cids.cid, storage_cids.mh_key, storage_cids.storage_path, storage_cids.state_path,
FROM eth.storage_cids, eth.state_cids, eth.header_cids
WHERE storage_cids.header_id = state_cids.header_id
AND storage_cids.state_path = state_cids.state_path
AND storage_cids.block_number = state_cids.block_number
AND state_cids.header_id = header_cids.block_hash
AND state_cids.block_number = header_cids.block_number
AND header_cids.block_hash = $1`
args = append(args, headerID)
id := 2
addrLen := len(storageFilter.Addresses)
if addrLen > 0 {
keys := make([]string, addrLen)
for i, addr := range storageFilter.Addresses {
keys[i] = crypto.Keccak256Hash(common.HexToAddress(addr).Bytes()).String()
pgStr += fmt.Sprintf(` AND state_cids.state_leaf_key = ANY($%d::VARCHAR(66)[])`, id)
args = append(args, pq.Array(keys))
if len(storageFilter.StorageKeys) > 0 {
pgStr += fmt.Sprintf(` AND storage_cids.storage_leaf_key = ANY($%d::VARCHAR(66)[])`, id)
args = append(args, pq.Array(storageFilter.StorageKeys))
if !storageFilter.IntermediateNodes {
pgStr += ` AND storage_cids.node_type = 2`
storageNodeCIDs := make([]models.StorageNodeWithStateKeyModel, 0)
return storageNodeCIDs, tx.Select(&storageNodeCIDs, pgStr, args...)
// RetrieveBlockByHash returns all of the CIDs needed to compose an entire block, for a given block hash
func (ecr *CIDRetriever) RetrieveBlockByHash(blockHash common.Hash) (models.HeaderModel, []models.UncleModel, []models.TxModel, []models.ReceiptModel, error) {
log.Debug("retrieving block cids for block hash ", blockHash.String())
// Begin new db tx
tx, err := ecr.db.Beginx()
if err != nil {
return models.HeaderModel{}, nil, nil, nil, err
defer func() {
if p := recover(); p != nil {
} else if err != nil {
} else {
err = tx.Commit()
var headerCID models.HeaderModel
headerCID, err = ecr.RetrieveHeaderCIDByHash(tx, blockHash)
if err != nil {
log.Error("header cid retrieval error")
return models.HeaderModel{}, nil, nil, nil, err
blockNumber, err := strconv.ParseInt(headerCID.BlockNumber, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return models.HeaderModel{}, nil, nil, nil, err
var uncleCIDs []models.UncleModel
uncleCIDs, err = ecr.RetrieveUncleCIDsByHeaderID(tx, headerCID.BlockHash)
if err != nil {
log.Error("uncle cid retrieval error")
return models.HeaderModel{}, nil, nil, nil, err
var txCIDs []models.TxModel
txCIDs, err = ecr.RetrieveTxCIDsByHeaderID(tx, headerCID.BlockHash, blockNumber)
if err != nil {
log.Error("tx cid retrieval error")
return models.HeaderModel{}, nil, nil, nil, err
txHashes := make([]string, len(txCIDs))
for i, txCID := range txCIDs {
txHashes[i] = txCID.TxHash
var rctCIDs []models.ReceiptModel
rctCIDs, err = ecr.RetrieveReceiptCIDsByByHeaderIDAndTxIDs(tx, headerCID.BlockHash, txHashes, blockNumber)
if err != nil {
log.Error("rct cid retrieval error")
return headerCID, uncleCIDs, txCIDs, rctCIDs, err
// RetrieveBlockByNumber returns all of the CIDs needed to compose an entire block, for a given block number
func (ecr *CIDRetriever) RetrieveBlockByNumber(blockNumber int64) (models.HeaderModel, []models.UncleModel, []models.TxModel, []models.ReceiptModel, error) {
log.Debug("retrieving block cids for block number ", blockNumber)
// Begin new db tx
tx, err := ecr.db.Beginx()
if err != nil {
return models.HeaderModel{}, nil, nil, nil, err
defer func() {
if p := recover(); p != nil {
} else if err != nil {
} else {
err = tx.Commit()
var headerCID []models.HeaderModel
headerCID, err = ecr.RetrieveHeaderCIDs(tx, blockNumber)
if err != nil {
log.Error("header cid retrieval error")
return models.HeaderModel{}, nil, nil, nil, err
if len(headerCID) < 1 {
return models.HeaderModel{}, nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("header cid retrieval error, no header CIDs found at block %d", blockNumber)
var uncleCIDs []models.UncleModel
uncleCIDs, err = ecr.RetrieveUncleCIDsByHeaderID(tx, headerCID[0].BlockHash)
if err != nil {
log.Error("uncle cid retrieval error")
return models.HeaderModel{}, nil, nil, nil, err
var txCIDs []models.TxModel
txCIDs, err = ecr.RetrieveTxCIDsByHeaderID(tx, headerCID[0].BlockHash, blockNumber)
if err != nil {
log.Error("tx cid retrieval error")
return models.HeaderModel{}, nil, nil, nil, err
txHashes := make([]string, len(txCIDs))
for i, txCID := range txCIDs {
txHashes[i] = txCID.TxHash
var rctCIDs []models.ReceiptModel
rctCIDs, err = ecr.RetrieveReceiptCIDsByByHeaderIDAndTxIDs(tx, headerCID[0].BlockHash, txHashes, blockNumber)
if err != nil {
log.Error("rct cid retrieval error")
return headerCID[0], uncleCIDs, txCIDs, rctCIDs, err
// RetrieveHeaderCIDByHash returns the header for the given block hash
func (ecr *CIDRetriever) RetrieveHeaderCIDByHash(tx *sqlx.Tx, blockHash common.Hash) (models.HeaderModel, error) {
log.Debug("retrieving header cids for block hash ", blockHash.String())
pgStr := `SELECT block_hash, CAST(block_number as Text), parent_hash, cid, mh_key, CAST(td as Text),
state_root, uncle_root, tx_root, receipt_root, bloom, timestamp FROM eth.header_cids
WHERE block_hash = $1`
var headerCID models.HeaderModel
return headerCID, tx.Get(&headerCID, pgStr, blockHash.String())
// RetrieveTxCIDsByHeaderID retrieves all tx CIDs for the given header id
func (ecr *CIDRetriever) RetrieveTxCIDsByHeaderID(tx *sqlx.Tx, headerID string, blockNumber int64) ([]models.TxModel, error) {
log.Debug("retrieving tx cids for block id ", headerID)
pgStr := `SELECT CAST(block_number as Text), header_id, index, tx_hash, cid, mh_key,
dst, src, tx_data, tx_type, value
FROM eth.transaction_cids
WHERE header_id = $1 AND block_number = $2
ORDER BY index`
var txCIDs []models.TxModel
return txCIDs, tx.Select(&txCIDs, pgStr, headerID, blockNumber)
// RetrieveReceiptCIDsByByHeaderIDAndTxIDs retrieves receipt CIDs by their associated tx IDs for the given header id
func (ecr *CIDRetriever) RetrieveReceiptCIDsByByHeaderIDAndTxIDs(tx *sqlx.Tx, headerID string, txHashes []string, blockNumber int64) ([]models.ReceiptModel, error) {
log.Debugf("retrieving receipt cids for tx hashes %v", txHashes)
pgStr := `SELECT CAST(receipt_cids.block_number as Text), receipt_cids.header_id, receipt_cids.tx_id, receipt_cids.leaf_cid,
receipt_cids.leaf_mh_key, receipt_cids.contract, receipt_cids.contract_hash
FROM eth.receipt_cids, eth.transaction_cids
WHERE tx_id = ANY($2)
AND receipt_cids.tx_id = transaction_cids.tx_hash
AND receipt_cids.header_id = transaction_cids.header_id
AND receipt_cids.block_number = transaction_cids.block_number
AND transaction_cids.header_id = $1
AND transaction_cids.block_number = $3
ORDER BY transaction_cids.index`
var rctCIDs []models.ReceiptModel
return rctCIDs, tx.Select(&rctCIDs, pgStr, headerID, pq.Array(txHashes), blockNumber)
// RetrieveHeaderAndTxCIDsByBlockNumber retrieves header CIDs and their associated tx CIDs by block number
func (ecr *CIDRetriever) RetrieveHeaderAndTxCIDsByBlockNumber(blockNumber int64) ([]HeaderCIDRecord, error) {
log.Debug("retrieving header cids and tx cids for block number ", blockNumber)
var headerCIDs []HeaderCIDRecord
// https://github.com/go-gorm/gorm/issues/4083#issuecomment-778883283
// Will use join for TransactionCIDs once preload for 1:N is supported.
err := ecr.gormDB.Preload("TransactionCIDs", func(tx *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
return tx.Select("cid", "tx_hash", "index", "src", "dst", "header_id", "block_number")
}).Joins("IPLD").Find(&headerCIDs, "header_cids.block_number = ?", blockNumber).Error
if err != nil {
log.Error("header cid retrieval error")
return nil, err
return headerCIDs, nil
// RetrieveHeaderAndTxCIDsByBlockHash retrieves header CID and their associated tx CIDs by block hash (and optionally block number)
func (ecr *CIDRetriever) RetrieveHeaderAndTxCIDsByBlockHash(blockHash common.Hash, blockNumber *big.Int) (HeaderCIDRecord, error) {
log.Debug("retrieving header cid and tx cids for block hash ", blockHash.String())
var headerCIDs []HeaderCIDRecord
conditions := map[string]interface{}{"block_hash": blockHash.String()}
if blockNumber != nil {
conditions["header_cids.block_number"] = blockNumber.Int64()
// https://github.com/go-gorm/gorm/issues/4083#issuecomment-778883283
// Will use join for TransactionCIDs once preload for 1:N is supported.
err := ecr.gormDB.Preload("TransactionCIDs", func(tx *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
return tx.Select("cid", "tx_hash", "index", "src", "dst", "header_id", "block_number")
}).Joins("IPLD").Find(&headerCIDs, conditions).Error
if err != nil {
log.Error("header cid retrieval error")
return HeaderCIDRecord{}, err
if len(headerCIDs) == 0 {
return HeaderCIDRecord{}, errHeaderHashNotFound
} else if len(headerCIDs) > 1 {
return HeaderCIDRecord{}, errMultipleHeadersForHash
return headerCIDs[0], nil
// RetrieveTxCIDByHash returns the tx for the given tx hash (and optionally block number)
func (ecr *CIDRetriever) RetrieveTxCIDByHash(txHash string, blockNumber *big.Int) (TransactionCIDRecord, error) {
log.Debug("retrieving tx cid for tx hash ", txHash)
var txCIDs []TransactionCIDRecord
var err error
if blockNumber != nil {
err = ecr.gormDB.Joins("IPLD").Find(&txCIDs, "tx_hash = ? AND transaction_cids.header_id = (SELECT canonical_header_hash(transaction_cids.block_number)) AND transaction_cids.block_number = ?", txHash, blockNumber.Int64()).Error
} else {
err = ecr.gormDB.Joins("IPLD").Find(&txCIDs, "tx_hash = ? AND transaction_cids.header_id = (SELECT canonical_header_hash(transaction_cids.block_number))", txHash).Error
if err != nil {
log.Error("tx retrieval error")
return TransactionCIDRecord{}, err
if len(txCIDs) == 0 {
return TransactionCIDRecord{}, errTxHashNotFound
} else if len(txCIDs) > 1 {
// a transaction can be part of a only one canonical block
return TransactionCIDRecord{}, errTxHashInMultipleBlocks
return txCIDs[0], nil

View File

@ -1,539 +0,0 @@
// VulcanizeDB
// Copyright © 2019 Vulcanize
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package eth_test
import (
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
var (
openFilter = eth.SubscriptionSettings{
Start: big.NewInt(0),
End: big.NewInt(1),
HeaderFilter: eth.HeaderFilter{},
TxFilter: eth.TxFilter{},
ReceiptFilter: eth.ReceiptFilter{},
StateFilter: eth.StateFilter{},
StorageFilter: eth.StorageFilter{},
rctAddressFilter = eth.SubscriptionSettings{
Start: big.NewInt(0),
End: big.NewInt(1),
HeaderFilter: eth.HeaderFilter{
Off: true,
TxFilter: eth.TxFilter{
Off: true,
ReceiptFilter: eth.ReceiptFilter{
LogAddresses: []string{test_helpers.Address.String()},
StateFilter: eth.StateFilter{
Off: true,
StorageFilter: eth.StorageFilter{
Off: true,
rctTopicsFilter = eth.SubscriptionSettings{
Start: big.NewInt(0),
End: big.NewInt(1),
HeaderFilter: eth.HeaderFilter{
Off: true,
TxFilter: eth.TxFilter{
Off: true,
ReceiptFilter: eth.ReceiptFilter{
Topics: [][]string{{"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004"}},
StateFilter: eth.StateFilter{
Off: true,
StorageFilter: eth.StorageFilter{
Off: true,
rctTopicsAndAddressFilter = eth.SubscriptionSettings{
Start: big.NewInt(0),
End: big.NewInt(1),
HeaderFilter: eth.HeaderFilter{
Off: true,
TxFilter: eth.TxFilter{
Off: true,
ReceiptFilter: eth.ReceiptFilter{
Topics: [][]string{
LogAddresses: []string{test_helpers.Address.String()},
StateFilter: eth.StateFilter{
Off: true,
StorageFilter: eth.StorageFilter{
Off: true,
rctTopicsAndAddressFilterFail = eth.SubscriptionSettings{
Start: big.NewInt(0),
End: big.NewInt(1),
HeaderFilter: eth.HeaderFilter{
Off: true,
TxFilter: eth.TxFilter{
Off: true,
ReceiptFilter: eth.ReceiptFilter{
Topics: [][]string{
{"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007"}, // This topic won't match on the mocks.Address.String() contract receipt
LogAddresses: []string{test_helpers.Address.String()},
StateFilter: eth.StateFilter{
Off: true,
StorageFilter: eth.StorageFilter{
Off: true,
rctAddressesAndTopicFilter = eth.SubscriptionSettings{
Start: big.NewInt(0),
End: big.NewInt(1),
HeaderFilter: eth.HeaderFilter{
Off: true,
TxFilter: eth.TxFilter{
Off: true,
ReceiptFilter: eth.ReceiptFilter{
Topics: [][]string{{"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005"}},
LogAddresses: []string{test_helpers.Address.String(), test_helpers.AnotherAddress.String()},
StateFilter: eth.StateFilter{
Off: true,
StorageFilter: eth.StorageFilter{
Off: true,
rctsForAllCollectedTrxs = eth.SubscriptionSettings{
Start: big.NewInt(0),
End: big.NewInt(1),
HeaderFilter: eth.HeaderFilter{
Off: true,
TxFilter: eth.TxFilter{}, // Trx filter open so we will collect all trxs, therefore we will also collect all corresponding rcts despite rct filter
ReceiptFilter: eth.ReceiptFilter{
MatchTxs: true,
Topics: [][]string{{"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006"}}, // Topic0 isn't one of the topic0s we have
LogAddresses: []string{"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002"}, // Contract isn't one of the contracts we have
StateFilter: eth.StateFilter{
Off: true,
StorageFilter: eth.StorageFilter{
Off: true,
rctsForSelectCollectedTrxs = eth.SubscriptionSettings{
Start: big.NewInt(0),
End: big.NewInt(1),
HeaderFilter: eth.HeaderFilter{
Off: true,
TxFilter: eth.TxFilter{
Dst: []string{test_helpers.AnotherAddress.String()}, // We only filter for one of the trxs so we will only get the one corresponding receipt
ReceiptFilter: eth.ReceiptFilter{
MatchTxs: true,
Topics: [][]string{{"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006"}}, // Topic0 isn't one of the topic0s we have
LogAddresses: []string{"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002"}, // Contract isn't one of the contracts we have
StateFilter: eth.StateFilter{
Off: true,
StorageFilter: eth.StorageFilter{
Off: true,
stateFilter = eth.SubscriptionSettings{
Start: big.NewInt(0),
End: big.NewInt(1),
HeaderFilter: eth.HeaderFilter{
Off: true,
TxFilter: eth.TxFilter{
Off: true,
ReceiptFilter: eth.ReceiptFilter{
Off: true,
StateFilter: eth.StateFilter{
Addresses: []string{test_helpers.AccountAddresss.Hex()},
StorageFilter: eth.StorageFilter{
Off: true,
var _ = Describe("Retriever", func() {
var (
db *sqlx.DB
diffIndexer interfaces.StateDiffIndexer
retriever *eth.CIDRetriever
BeforeEach(func() {
db = shared.SetupDB()
diffIndexer = shared.SetupTestStateDiffIndexer(ctx, params.TestChainConfig, test_helpers.Genesis.Hash())
retriever = eth.NewCIDRetriever(db)
AfterEach(func() {
Describe("Retrieve", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
tx, err := diffIndexer.PushBlock(test_helpers.MockBlock, test_helpers.MockReceipts, test_helpers.MockBlock.Difficulty())
for _, node := range test_helpers.MockStateNodes {
err = diffIndexer.PushStateNode(tx, node, test_helpers.MockBlock.Hash().String())
err = tx.Submit(err)
It("Retrieves all CIDs for the given blocknumber when provided an open filter", func() {
type rctCIDAndMHKeyResult struct {
LeafCID string `db:"leaf_cid"`
LeafMhKey string `db:"leaf_mh_key"`
expectedRctCIDsAndLeafNodes := make([]rctCIDAndMHKeyResult, 0)
pgStr := `SELECT receipt_cids.leaf_cid, receipt_cids.leaf_mh_key FROM eth.receipt_cids, eth.transaction_cids, eth.header_cids
WHERE receipt_cids.tx_id = transaction_cids.tx_hash
AND transaction_cids.header_id = header_cids.block_hash
AND header_cids.block_number = $1
ORDER BY transaction_cids.index`
err := db.Select(&expectedRctCIDsAndLeafNodes, pgStr, test_helpers.BlockNumber.Uint64())
cids, empty, err := retriever.Retrieve(openFilter, 1)
expectedHeaderCID := test_helpers.MockCIDWrapper.Header
expectedHeaderCID.BlockHash = cids[0].Header.BlockHash
expectedHeaderCID.NodeID = cids[0].Header.NodeID
Expect(eth.TxModelsContainsCID(cids[0].Transactions, test_helpers.MockCIDWrapper.Transactions[0].CID)).To(BeTrue())
Expect(eth.TxModelsContainsCID(cids[0].Transactions, test_helpers.MockCIDWrapper.Transactions[1].CID)).To(BeTrue())
Expect(eth.TxModelsContainsCID(cids[0].Transactions, test_helpers.MockCIDWrapper.Transactions[2].CID)).To(BeTrue())
Expect(eth.ReceiptModelsContainsCID(cids[0].Receipts, expectedRctCIDsAndLeafNodes[0].LeafCID)).To(BeTrue())
Expect(eth.ReceiptModelsContainsCID(cids[0].Receipts, expectedRctCIDsAndLeafNodes[1].LeafCID)).To(BeTrue())
Expect(eth.ReceiptModelsContainsCID(cids[0].Receipts, expectedRctCIDsAndLeafNodes[2].LeafCID)).To(BeTrue())
for _, stateNode := range cids[0].StateNodes {
if stateNode.CID == test_helpers.State1CID.String() {
if stateNode.CID == test_helpers.State2CID.String() {
expectedStorageNodeCIDs := test_helpers.MockCIDWrapper.StorageNodes
expectedStorageNodeCIDs[0].HeaderID = cids[0].StorageNodes[0].HeaderID
expectedStorageNodeCIDs[0].StatePath = cids[0].StorageNodes[0].StatePath
It("Applies filters from the provided config.Subscription", func() {
type rctCIDAndMHKeyResult struct {
LeafCID string `db:"leaf_cid"`
LeafMhKey string `db:"leaf_mh_key"`
expectedRctCIDsAndLeafNodes := make([]rctCIDAndMHKeyResult, 0)
pgStr := `SELECT receipt_cids.leaf_cid, receipt_cids.leaf_mh_key FROM eth.receipt_cids, eth.transaction_cids, eth.header_cids
WHERE receipt_cids.tx_id = transaction_cids.tx_hash
AND transaction_cids.header_id = header_cids.block_hash
AND header_cids.block_number = $1
ORDER BY transaction_cids.index`
err := db.Select(&expectedRctCIDsAndLeafNodes, pgStr, test_helpers.BlockNumber.Uint64())
cids1, empty, err := retriever.Retrieve(rctAddressFilter, 1)
expectedReceiptCID := test_helpers.MockCIDWrapper.Receipts[0]
expectedReceiptCID.TxID = cids1[0].Receipts[0].TxID
expectedReceiptCID.LeafCID = expectedRctCIDsAndLeafNodes[0].LeafCID
expectedReceiptCID.LeafMhKey = expectedRctCIDsAndLeafNodes[0].LeafMhKey
cids2, empty, err := retriever.Retrieve(rctTopicsFilter, 1)
expectedReceiptCID = test_helpers.MockCIDWrapper.Receipts[0]
expectedReceiptCID.TxID = cids2[0].Receipts[0].TxID
expectedReceiptCID.LeafCID = expectedRctCIDsAndLeafNodes[0].LeafCID
expectedReceiptCID.LeafMhKey = expectedRctCIDsAndLeafNodes[0].LeafMhKey
cids3, empty, err := retriever.Retrieve(rctTopicsAndAddressFilter, 1)
expectedReceiptCID = test_helpers.MockCIDWrapper.Receipts[0]
expectedReceiptCID.TxID = cids3[0].Receipts[0].TxID
expectedReceiptCID.LeafCID = expectedRctCIDsAndLeafNodes[0].LeafCID
expectedReceiptCID.LeafMhKey = expectedRctCIDsAndLeafNodes[0].LeafMhKey
cids4, empty, err := retriever.Retrieve(rctAddressesAndTopicFilter, 1)
expectedReceiptCID = test_helpers.MockCIDWrapper.Receipts[1]
expectedReceiptCID.TxID = cids4[0].Receipts[0].TxID
expectedReceiptCID.LeafCID = expectedRctCIDsAndLeafNodes[1].LeafCID
expectedReceiptCID.LeafMhKey = expectedRctCIDsAndLeafNodes[1].LeafMhKey
cids5, empty, err := retriever.Retrieve(rctsForAllCollectedTrxs, 1)
Expect(eth.TxModelsContainsCID(cids5[0].Transactions, test_helpers.Trx1CID.String())).To(BeTrue())
Expect(eth.TxModelsContainsCID(cids5[0].Transactions, test_helpers.Trx2CID.String())).To(BeTrue())
Expect(eth.TxModelsContainsCID(cids5[0].Transactions, test_helpers.Trx3CID.String())).To(BeTrue())
Expect(eth.ReceiptModelsContainsCID(cids5[0].Receipts, expectedRctCIDsAndLeafNodes[0].LeafCID)).To(BeTrue())
Expect(eth.ReceiptModelsContainsCID(cids5[0].Receipts, expectedRctCIDsAndLeafNodes[1].LeafCID)).To(BeTrue())
Expect(eth.ReceiptModelsContainsCID(cids5[0].Receipts, expectedRctCIDsAndLeafNodes[2].LeafCID)).To(BeTrue())
cids6, empty, err := retriever.Retrieve(rctsForSelectCollectedTrxs, 1)
expectedTxCID := test_helpers.MockCIDWrapper.Transactions[1]
expectedTxCID.TxHash = cids6[0].Transactions[0].TxHash
expectedTxCID.HeaderID = cids6[0].Transactions[0].HeaderID
expectedReceiptCID = test_helpers.MockCIDWrapper.Receipts[1]
expectedReceiptCID.TxID = cids6[0].Receipts[0].TxID
expectedReceiptCID.LeafCID = expectedRctCIDsAndLeafNodes[1].LeafCID
expectedReceiptCID.LeafMhKey = expectedRctCIDsAndLeafNodes[1].LeafMhKey
cids7, empty, err := retriever.Retrieve(stateFilter, 1)
BlockNumber: "1",
HeaderID: cids7[0].StateNodes[0].HeaderID,
NodeType: 2,
StateKey: common.BytesToHash(test_helpers.AccountLeafKey).Hex(),
CID: test_helpers.State2CID.String(),
MhKey: test_helpers.State2MhKey,
Path: []byte{'\x0c'},
_, empty, err = retriever.Retrieve(rctTopicsAndAddressFilterFail, 1)
Describe("RetrieveFirstBlockNumber", func() {
It("Throws an error if there are no blocks in the database", func() {
_, err := retriever.RetrieveFirstBlockNumber()
It("Gets the number of the first block that has data in the database", func() {
tx, err := diffIndexer.PushBlock(test_helpers.MockBlock, test_helpers.MockReceipts, test_helpers.MockBlock.Difficulty())
err = tx.Submit(err)
num, err := retriever.RetrieveFirstBlockNumber()
It("Gets the number of the first block that has data in the database", func() {
payload := test_helpers.MockConvertedPayload
payload.Block = newMockBlock(1010101)
tx, err := diffIndexer.PushBlock(payload.Block, payload.Receipts, payload.Block.Difficulty())
err = tx.Submit(err)
num, err := retriever.RetrieveFirstBlockNumber()
It("Gets the number of the first block that has data in the database", func() {
payload1 := test_helpers.MockConvertedPayload
payload1.Block = newMockBlock(1010101)
payload2 := payload1
payload2.Block = newMockBlock(5)
tx, err := diffIndexer.PushBlock(payload1.Block, payload1.Receipts, payload1.Block.Difficulty())
err = tx.Submit(err)
tx, err = diffIndexer.PushBlock(payload2.Block, payload2.Receipts, payload2.Block.Difficulty())
err = tx.Submit(err)
num, err := retriever.RetrieveFirstBlockNumber()
Describe("RetrieveLastBlockNumber", func() {
It("Throws an error if there are no blocks in the database", func() {
_, err := retriever.RetrieveLastBlockNumber()
It("Gets the number of the latest block that has data in the database", func() {
tx, err := diffIndexer.PushBlock(test_helpers.MockBlock, test_helpers.MockReceipts, test_helpers.MockBlock.Difficulty())
err = tx.Submit(err)
num, err := retriever.RetrieveLastBlockNumber()
It("Gets the number of the latest block that has data in the database", func() {
payload := test_helpers.MockConvertedPayload
payload.Block = newMockBlock(1010101)
tx, err := diffIndexer.PushBlock(payload.Block, payload.Receipts, payload.Block.Difficulty())
err = tx.Submit(err)
num, err := retriever.RetrieveLastBlockNumber()
It("Gets the number of the latest block that has data in the database", func() {
payload1 := test_helpers.MockConvertedPayload
payload1.Block = newMockBlock(1010101)
payload2 := payload1
payload2.Block = newMockBlock(5)
tx, err := diffIndexer.PushBlock(payload1.Block, payload1.Receipts, payload1.Block.Difficulty())
err = tx.Submit(err)
tx, err = diffIndexer.PushBlock(payload2.Block, payload2.Receipts, payload2.Block.Difficulty())
err = tx.Submit(err)
num, err := retriever.RetrieveLastBlockNumber()
func newMockBlock(blockNumber uint64) *types.Block {
header := test_helpers.MockHeader
return types.NewBlock(&test_helpers.MockHeader, test_helpers.MockTransactions, nil, test_helpers.MockReceipts, new(trie.Trie))

View File

@ -17,19 +17,13 @@
package eth_test
import (
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
func TestETHSuite(t *testing.T) {
RunSpecs(t, "eth ipld server eth suite test")
RunSpecs(t, "ipld-eth-server/pkg/eth")
var _ = BeforeSuite(func() {

View File

@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
// VulcanizeDB
// Copyright © 2019 Vulcanize
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package eth
import (
sdtypes "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/statediff/types"
// Filterer interface for substituing mocks in tests
type Filterer interface {
Filter(filter SubscriptionSettings, payload ConvertedPayload) (*IPLDs, error)
// ResponseFilterer satisfies the ResponseFilterer interface for ethereum
type ResponseFilterer struct{}
// NewResponseFilterer creates a new Filterer satisfying the ResponseFilterer interface
func NewResponseFilterer() *ResponseFilterer {
return &ResponseFilterer{}
// Filter is used to filter through eth data to extract and package requested data into a Payload
func (s *ResponseFilterer) Filter(filter SubscriptionSettings, payload ConvertedPayload) (*IPLDs, error) {
if checkRange(filter.Start.Int64(), filter.End.Int64(), payload.Block.Number().Int64()) {
response := new(IPLDs)
response.TotalDifficulty = payload.TotalDifficulty
if err := s.filterHeaders(filter.HeaderFilter, response, payload); err != nil {
return nil, err
txHashes, err := s.filterTransactions(filter.TxFilter, response, payload)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var filterTxs []common.Hash
if filter.ReceiptFilter.MatchTxs {
filterTxs = txHashes
if err := s.filerReceipts(filter.ReceiptFilter, response, payload, filterTxs); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := s.filterStateAndStorage(filter.StateFilter, filter.StorageFilter, response, payload); err != nil {
return nil, err
response.BlockNumber = payload.Block.Number()
return response, nil
return nil, nil
func (s *ResponseFilterer) filterHeaders(headerFilter HeaderFilter, response *IPLDs, payload ConvertedPayload) error {
if !headerFilter.Off {
headerRLP, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(payload.Block.Header())
if err != nil {
return err
cid, err := ipld.RawdataToCid(ipld.MEthHeader, headerRLP, multihash.KECCAK_256)
if err != nil {
return err
response.Header = models.IPLDModel{
BlockNumber: payload.Block.Number().String(),
Data: headerRLP,
Key: cid.String(),
if headerFilter.Uncles {
response.Uncles = make([]models.IPLDModel, len(payload.Block.Body().Uncles))
for i, uncle := range payload.Block.Body().Uncles {
uncleRlp, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(uncle)
if err != nil {
return err
cid, err := ipld.RawdataToCid(ipld.MEthHeader, uncleRlp, multihash.KECCAK_256)
if err != nil {
return err
response.Uncles[i] = models.IPLDModel{
BlockNumber: uncle.Number.String(),
Data: uncleRlp,
Key: cid.String(),
return nil
func checkRange(start, end, actual int64) bool {
if (end <= 0 || end >= actual) && start <= actual {
return true
return false
func (s *ResponseFilterer) filterTransactions(trxFilter TxFilter, response *IPLDs, payload ConvertedPayload) ([]common.Hash, error) {
var trxHashes []common.Hash
if !trxFilter.Off {
trxLen := len(payload.Block.Body().Transactions)
trxHashes = make([]common.Hash, 0, trxLen)
response.Transactions = make([]models.IPLDModel, 0, trxLen)
for i, trx := range payload.Block.Body().Transactions {
// TODO: check if want corresponding receipt and if we do we must include this transaction
if checkTransactionAddrs(trxFilter.Src, trxFilter.Dst, payload.TxMetaData[i].Src, payload.TxMetaData[i].Dst) {
trxBuffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
if err := trx.EncodeRLP(trxBuffer); err != nil {
return nil, err
data := trxBuffer.Bytes()
cid, err := ipld.RawdataToCid(ipld.MEthTx, data, multihash.KECCAK_256)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
response.Transactions = append(response.Transactions, models.IPLDModel{
Data: data,
Key: cid.String(),
trxHashes = append(trxHashes, trx.Hash())
return trxHashes, nil
// checkTransactionAddrs returns true if either the transaction src and dst are one of the wanted src and dst addresses
func checkTransactionAddrs(wantedSrc, wantedDst []string, actualSrc, actualDst string) bool {
// If we aren't filtering for any addresses, every transaction is a go
if len(wantedDst) == 0 && len(wantedSrc) == 0 {
return true
for _, src := range wantedSrc {
if src == actualSrc {
return true
for _, dst := range wantedDst {
if dst == actualDst {
return true
return false
func (s *ResponseFilterer) filerReceipts(receiptFilter ReceiptFilter, response *IPLDs, payload ConvertedPayload, trxHashes []common.Hash) error {
if !receiptFilter.Off {
response.Receipts = make([]models.IPLDModel, 0, len(payload.Receipts))
rctLeafCID, rctIPLDData, err := GetRctLeafNodeData(payload.Receipts)
if err != nil {
return err
for idx, receipt := range payload.Receipts {
// topics is always length 4
topics := make([][]string, 4)
contracts := make([]string, len(receipt.Logs))
for _, l := range receipt.Logs {
contracts = append(contracts, l.Address.String())
for idx, t := range l.Topics {
topics[idx] = append(topics[idx], t.String())
// TODO: Verify this filter logic.
if checkReceipts(receipt, receiptFilter.Topics, topics, receiptFilter.LogAddresses, contracts, trxHashes) {
response.Receipts = append(response.Receipts, models.IPLDModel{
BlockNumber: payload.Block.Number().String(),
Data: rctIPLDData[idx],
Key: rctLeafCID[idx].String(),
return nil
func checkReceipts(rct *types.Receipt, wantedTopics, actualTopics [][]string, wantedAddresses []string, actualAddresses []string, wantedTrxHashes []common.Hash) bool {
// If we aren't filtering for any topics, contracts, or corresponding trxs then all receipts are a go
if len(wantedTopics) == 0 && len(wantedAddresses) == 0 && len(wantedTrxHashes) == 0 {
return true
// Keep receipts that are from watched txs
for _, wantedTrxHash := range wantedTrxHashes {
if bytes.Equal(wantedTrxHash.Bytes(), rct.TxHash.Bytes()) {
return true
// If there are no wanted contract addresses, we keep all receipts that match the topic filter
if len(wantedAddresses) == 0 {
if match := filterMatch(wantedTopics, actualTopics); match {
return true
// If there are wanted contract addresses to filter on
for _, wantedAddr := range wantedAddresses {
// and this is an address of interest
for _, actualAddr := range actualAddresses {
if wantedAddr == actualAddr {
// we keep the receipt if it matches on the topic filter
if match := filterMatch(wantedTopics, actualTopics); match {
return true
return false
// filterMatch returns true if the actualTopics conform to the wantedTopics filter
func filterMatch(wantedTopics, actualTopics [][]string) bool {
// actualTopics should always be length 4, but the members can be nil slices
matches := 0
for i, actualTopicSet := range actualTopics {
if i < len(wantedTopics) && len(wantedTopics[i]) > 0 {
// If we have topics in this filter slot, count as a match if one of the topics matches
matches += slicesShareString(actualTopicSet, wantedTopics[i])
} else {
// Filter slot is either empty or doesn't exist => not matching any topics at this slot => counts as a match
return matches == 4
// returns 1 if the two slices have a string in common, 0 if they do not
func slicesShareString(slice1, slice2 []string) int {
for _, str1 := range slice1 {
for _, str2 := range slice2 {
if str1 == str2 {
return 1
return 0
// filterStateAndStorage filters state and storage nodes into the response according to the provided filters
func (s *ResponseFilterer) filterStateAndStorage(stateFilter StateFilter, storageFilter StorageFilter, response *IPLDs, payload ConvertedPayload) error {
response.StateNodes = make([]StateNode, 0, len(payload.StateNodes))
response.StorageNodes = make([]StorageNode, 0)
stateAddressFilters := make([]common.Hash, len(stateFilter.Addresses))
for i, addr := range stateFilter.Addresses {
stateAddressFilters[i] = crypto.Keccak256Hash(common.HexToAddress(addr).Bytes())
storageAddressFilters := make([]common.Hash, len(storageFilter.Addresses))
for i, addr := range storageFilter.Addresses {
storageAddressFilters[i] = crypto.Keccak256Hash(common.HexToAddress(addr).Bytes())
storageKeyFilters := make([]common.Hash, len(storageFilter.StorageKeys))
for i, store := range storageFilter.StorageKeys {
storageKeyFilters[i] = common.HexToHash(store)
for _, stateNode := range payload.StateNodes {
if !stateFilter.Off && checkNodeKeys(stateAddressFilters, stateNode.LeafKey) {
if stateNode.NodeType == sdtypes.Leaf || stateFilter.IntermediateNodes {
cid, err := ipld.RawdataToCid(ipld.MEthStateTrie, stateNode.NodeValue, multihash.KECCAK_256)
if err != nil {
return err
response.StateNodes = append(response.StateNodes, StateNode{
StateLeafKey: common.BytesToHash(stateNode.LeafKey),
Path: stateNode.Path,
IPLD: models.IPLDModel{
BlockNumber: payload.Block.Number().String(),
Data: stateNode.NodeValue,
Key: cid.String(),
Type: stateNode.NodeType,
if !storageFilter.Off && checkNodeKeys(storageAddressFilters, stateNode.LeafKey) {
for _, storageNode := range payload.StorageNodes[common.Bytes2Hex(stateNode.Path)] {
if checkNodeKeys(storageKeyFilters, storageNode.LeafKey) {
cid, err := ipld.RawdataToCid(ipld.MEthStorageTrie, storageNode.NodeValue, multihash.KECCAK_256)
if err != nil {
return err
response.StorageNodes = append(response.StorageNodes, StorageNode{
StateLeafKey: common.BytesToHash(stateNode.LeafKey),
StorageLeafKey: common.BytesToHash(storageNode.LeafKey),
IPLD: models.IPLDModel{
BlockNumber: payload.Block.Number().String(),
Data: storageNode.NodeValue,
Key: cid.String(),
Type: storageNode.NodeType,
Path: storageNode.Path,
return nil
func checkNodeKeys(wantedKeys []common.Hash, actualKey []byte) bool {
// If we aren't filtering for any specific keys, all nodes are a go
if len(wantedKeys) == 0 {
return true
for _, key := range wantedKeys {
if bytes.Equal(key.Bytes(), actualKey) {
return true
return false
// GetRctLeafNodeData converts the receipts to receipt trie and returns the receipt leaf node IPLD data and
// corresponding CIDs
func GetRctLeafNodeData(rcts types.Receipts) ([]cid.Cid, [][]byte, error) {
receiptTrie := ipld.NewRctTrie()
for idx, rct := range rcts {
ethRct, err := ipld.NewReceipt(rct)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if err = receiptTrie.Add(idx, ethRct.RawData()); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
rctLeafNodes, keys, err := receiptTrie.GetLeafNodes()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
ethRctleafNodeCids := make([]cid.Cid, len(rctLeafNodes))
ethRctleafNodeData := make([][]byte, len(rctLeafNodes))
for i, rln := range rctLeafNodes {
var idx uint
r := bytes.NewReader(keys[i].TrieKey)
err = rlp.Decode(r, &idx)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
ethRctleafNodeCids[idx] = rln.Cid()
ethRctleafNodeData[idx] = rln.RawData()
return ethRctleafNodeCids, ethRctleafNodeData, nil

View File

@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
// VulcanizeDB
// Copyright © 2019 Vulcanize
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package eth_test
import (
sdtypes "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/statediff/types"
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
var (
filterer *eth.ResponseFilterer
var _ = Describe("Filterer", func() {
Describe("FilterResponse", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
filterer = eth.NewResponseFilterer()
It("Transcribes all the data from the IPLDPayload into the StreamPayload if given an open filter", func() {
iplds, err := filterer.Filter(openFilter, test_helpers.MockConvertedPayload)
var expectedEmptyUncles []models.IPLDModel
Expect(shared.IPLDsContainBytes(iplds.Transactions, test_helpers.Tx1)).To(BeTrue())
Expect(shared.IPLDsContainBytes(iplds.Transactions, test_helpers.Tx2)).To(BeTrue())
Expect(shared.IPLDsContainBytes(iplds.Transactions, test_helpers.Tx3)).To(BeTrue())
Expect(shared.IPLDsContainBytes(iplds.Receipts, test_helpers.Rct1IPLD)).To(BeTrue())
Expect(shared.IPLDsContainBytes(iplds.Receipts, test_helpers.Rct2IPLD)).To(BeTrue())
Expect(shared.IPLDsContainBytes(iplds.Receipts, test_helpers.Rct3IPLD)).To(BeTrue())
for _, stateNode := range iplds.StateNodes {
if bytes.Equal(stateNode.StateLeafKey.Bytes(), test_helpers.AccountLeafKey) {
BlockNumber: test_helpers.BlockNumber.String(),
Data: test_helpers.State2IPLD.RawData(),
Key: test_helpers.State2IPLD.Cid().String(),
if bytes.Equal(stateNode.StateLeafKey.Bytes(), test_helpers.ContractLeafKey) {
BlockNumber: test_helpers.BlockNumber.String(),
Data: test_helpers.State1IPLD.RawData(),
Key: test_helpers.State1IPLD.Cid().String(),
It("Applies filters from the provided config.Subscription", func() {
iplds1, err := filterer.Filter(rctAddressFilter, test_helpers.MockConvertedPayload)
BlockNumber: test_helpers.BlockNumber.String(),
Data: test_helpers.Rct1IPLD,
Key: test_helpers.Rct1CID.String(),
iplds2, err := filterer.Filter(rctTopicsFilter, test_helpers.MockConvertedPayload)
BlockNumber: test_helpers.BlockNumber.String(),
Data: test_helpers.Rct1IPLD,
Key: test_helpers.Rct1CID.String(),
iplds3, err := filterer.Filter(rctTopicsAndAddressFilter, test_helpers.MockConvertedPayload)
BlockNumber: test_helpers.BlockNumber.String(),
Data: test_helpers.Rct1IPLD,
Key: test_helpers.Rct1CID.String(),
iplds4, err := filterer.Filter(rctAddressesAndTopicFilter, test_helpers.MockConvertedPayload)
BlockNumber: test_helpers.BlockNumber.String(),
Data: test_helpers.Rct2IPLD,
Key: test_helpers.Rct2CID.String(),
iplds5, err := filterer.Filter(rctsForAllCollectedTrxs, test_helpers.MockConvertedPayload)
Expect(shared.IPLDsContainBytes(iplds5.Transactions, test_helpers.Tx1)).To(BeTrue())
Expect(shared.IPLDsContainBytes(iplds5.Transactions, test_helpers.Tx2)).To(BeTrue())
Expect(shared.IPLDsContainBytes(iplds5.Transactions, test_helpers.Tx3)).To(BeTrue())
Expect(shared.IPLDsContainBytes(iplds5.Receipts, test_helpers.Rct1IPLD)).To(BeTrue())
Expect(shared.IPLDsContainBytes(iplds5.Receipts, test_helpers.Rct2IPLD)).To(BeTrue())
Expect(shared.IPLDsContainBytes(iplds5.Receipts, test_helpers.Rct3IPLD)).To(BeTrue())
iplds6, err := filterer.Filter(rctsForSelectCollectedTrxs, test_helpers.MockConvertedPayload)
Expect(shared.IPLDsContainBytes(iplds5.Transactions, test_helpers.Tx2)).To(BeTrue())
BlockNumber: test_helpers.BlockNumber.String(),
Data: test_helpers.Rct2IPLD,
Key: test_helpers.Rct2CID.String(),
iplds7, err := filterer.Filter(stateFilter, test_helpers.MockConvertedPayload)
BlockNumber: test_helpers.BlockNumber.String(),
Data: test_helpers.State2IPLD.RawData(),
Key: test_helpers.State2IPLD.Cid().String(),
iplds8, err := filterer.Filter(rctTopicsAndAddressFilterFail, test_helpers.MockConvertedPayload)

View File

@ -18,25 +18,8 @@ package eth
import (
sdtypes "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/statediff/types"
func ResolveToNodeType(nodeType int) sdtypes.NodeType {
switch nodeType {
case 0:
return sdtypes.Branch
case 1:
return sdtypes.Extension
case 2:
return sdtypes.Leaf
case 3:
return sdtypes.Removed
return sdtypes.Unknown
// Timestamp in milliseconds
func makeTimestamp() int64 {
return time.Now().UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond)

View File

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
// VulcanizeDB
// Copyright © 2019 Vulcanize
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package eth
import (
// FilterBackend is the geth interface we need to satisfy to use their filters
type FilterBackend interface {
ChainDb() ethdb.Database
HeaderByNumber(ctx context.Context, blockNr rpc.BlockNumber) (*types.Header, error)
HeaderByHash(ctx context.Context, blockHash common.Hash) (*types.Header, error)
GetReceipts(ctx context.Context, blockHash common.Hash) (types.Receipts, error)
GetLogs(ctx context.Context, blockHash common.Hash) ([][]*types.Log, error)
SubscribeNewTxsEvent(chan<- core.NewTxsEvent) event.Subscription
SubscribeChainEvent(ch chan<- core.ChainEvent) event.Subscription
SubscribeRemovedLogsEvent(ch chan<- core.RemovedLogsEvent) event.Subscription
SubscribeLogsEvent(ch chan<- []*types.Log) event.Subscription
SubscribePendingLogsEvent(ch chan<- []*types.Log) event.Subscription
BloomStatus() (uint64, uint64)
ServiceFilter(ctx context.Context, session *bloombits.MatcherSession)

View File

@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
// VulcanizeDB
// Copyright © 2019 Vulcanize
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package eth
import (
// Fetcher interface for substituting mocks in tests
type Fetcher interface {
Fetch(cids CIDWrapper) (*IPLDs, error)
// IPLDFetcher satisfies the IPLDFetcher interface for ethereum
// It interfaces directly with PG-IPFS
type IPLDFetcher struct {
db *sqlx.DB
// NewIPLDFetcher creates a pointer to a new IPLDFetcher
func NewIPLDFetcher(db *sqlx.DB) *IPLDFetcher {
return &IPLDFetcher{
db: db,
// Fetch is the exported method for fetching and returning all the IPLDS specified in the CIDWrapper
func (f *IPLDFetcher) Fetch(cids CIDWrapper) (*IPLDs, error) {
log.Debug("fetching iplds")
iplds := new(IPLDs)
var ok bool
iplds.TotalDifficulty, ok = new(big.Int).SetString(cids.Header.TotalDifficulty, 10)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("eth fetcher: unable to set total difficulty")
iplds.BlockNumber = cids.BlockNumber
tx, err := f.db.Beginx()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
if p := recover(); p != nil {
} else if err != nil {
} else {
err = tx.Commit()
iplds.Header, err = f.FetchHeader(tx, cids.Header)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("eth pg fetcher: header fetching error: %s", err.Error())
iplds.Uncles, err = f.FetchUncles(tx, cids.Uncles)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("eth pg fetcher: uncle fetching error: %s", err.Error())
iplds.Transactions, err = f.FetchTrxs(tx, cids.Transactions)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("eth pg fetcher: transaction fetching error: %s", err.Error())
iplds.Receipts, err = f.FetchRcts(tx, cids.Receipts)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("eth pg fetcher: receipt fetching error: %s", err.Error())
iplds.StateNodes, err = f.FetchState(tx, cids.StateNodes)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("eth pg fetcher: state fetching error: %s", err.Error())
iplds.StorageNodes, err = f.FetchStorage(tx, cids.StorageNodes)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("eth pg fetcher: storage fetching error: %s", err.Error())
return iplds, err
// FetchHeader fetches header
func (f *IPLDFetcher) FetchHeader(tx *sqlx.Tx, c models.HeaderModel) (models.IPLDModel, error) {
log.Debug("fetching header ipld")
blockNumber, err := strconv.ParseUint(c.BlockNumber, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return models.IPLDModel{}, err
headerBytes, err := shared.FetchIPLDByMhKeyAndBlockNumber(tx, c.MhKey, blockNumber)
if err != nil {
return models.IPLDModel{}, err
return models.IPLDModel{
BlockNumber: c.BlockNumber,
Data: headerBytes,
Key: c.CID,
}, nil
// FetchUncles fetches uncles
func (f *IPLDFetcher) FetchUncles(tx *sqlx.Tx, cids []models.UncleModel) ([]models.IPLDModel, error) {
log.Debug("fetching uncle iplds")
uncleIPLDs := make([]models.IPLDModel, len(cids))
for i, c := range cids {
blockNumber, err := strconv.ParseUint(c.BlockNumber, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
uncleBytes, err := shared.FetchIPLDByMhKeyAndBlockNumber(tx, c.MhKey, blockNumber)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
uncleIPLDs[i] = models.IPLDModel{
BlockNumber: c.BlockNumber,
Data: uncleBytes,
Key: c.CID,
return uncleIPLDs, nil
// FetchTrxs fetches transactions
func (f *IPLDFetcher) FetchTrxs(tx *sqlx.Tx, cids []models.TxModel) ([]models.IPLDModel, error) {
log.Debug("fetching transaction iplds")
trxIPLDs := make([]models.IPLDModel, len(cids))
for i, c := range cids {
blockNumber, err := strconv.ParseUint(c.BlockNumber, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
txBytes, err := shared.FetchIPLDByMhKeyAndBlockNumber(tx, c.MhKey, blockNumber)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
trxIPLDs[i] = models.IPLDModel{
BlockNumber: c.BlockNumber,
Data: txBytes,
Key: c.CID,
return trxIPLDs, nil
// FetchRcts fetches receipts
func (f *IPLDFetcher) FetchRcts(tx *sqlx.Tx, cids []models.ReceiptModel) ([]models.IPLDModel, error) {
log.Debug("fetching receipt iplds")
rctIPLDs := make([]models.IPLDModel, len(cids))
for i, c := range cids {
blockNumber, err := strconv.ParseUint(c.BlockNumber, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rctBytes, err := shared.FetchIPLDByMhKeyAndBlockNumber(tx, c.LeafMhKey, blockNumber)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
//nodeVal, err := DecodeLeafNode(rctBytes)
rctIPLDs[i] = models.IPLDModel{
BlockNumber: c.BlockNumber,
Data: rctBytes,
Key: c.LeafCID,
return rctIPLDs, nil
// FetchState fetches state nodes
func (f *IPLDFetcher) FetchState(tx *sqlx.Tx, cids []models.StateNodeModel) ([]StateNode, error) {
log.Debug("fetching state iplds")
stateNodes := make([]StateNode, 0, len(cids))
for _, stateNode := range cids {
if stateNode.CID == "" {
blockNumber, err := strconv.ParseUint(stateNode.BlockNumber, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
stateBytes, err := shared.FetchIPLDByMhKeyAndBlockNumber(tx, stateNode.MhKey, blockNumber)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
stateNodes = append(stateNodes, StateNode{
IPLD: models.IPLDModel{
BlockNumber: stateNode.BlockNumber,
Data: stateBytes,
Key: stateNode.CID,
StateLeafKey: common.HexToHash(stateNode.StateKey),
Type: ResolveToNodeType(stateNode.NodeType),
Path: stateNode.Path,
return stateNodes, nil
// FetchStorage fetches storage nodes
func (f *IPLDFetcher) FetchStorage(tx *sqlx.Tx, cids []models.StorageNodeWithStateKeyModel) ([]StorageNode, error) {
log.Debug("fetching storage iplds")
storageNodes := make([]StorageNode, 0, len(cids))
for _, storageNode := range cids {
if storageNode.CID == "" || storageNode.StateKey == "" {
blockNumber, err := strconv.ParseUint(storageNode.BlockNumber, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
storageBytes, err := shared.FetchIPLDByMhKeyAndBlockNumber(tx, storageNode.MhKey, blockNumber)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
storageNodes = append(storageNodes, StorageNode{
IPLD: models.IPLDModel{
BlockNumber: storageNode.BlockNumber,
Data: storageBytes,
Key: storageNode.CID,
StateLeafKey: common.HexToHash(storageNode.StateKey),
StorageLeafKey: common.HexToHash(storageNode.StorageKey),
Type: ResolveToNodeType(storageNode.NodeType),
Path: storageNode.Path,
return storageNodes, nil

View File

@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
// VulcanizeDB
// Copyright © 2019 Vulcanize
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package eth_test
import (
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
var _ = Describe("IPLDFetcher", func() {
var (
db *sqlx.DB
pubAndIndexer interfaces.StateDiffIndexer
fetcher *eth.IPLDFetcher
Describe("Fetch", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
var (
err error
tx interfaces.Batch
db = shared.SetupDB()
pubAndIndexer = shared.SetupTestStateDiffIndexer(ctx, params.TestChainConfig, test_helpers.Genesis.Hash())
tx, err = pubAndIndexer.PushBlock(test_helpers.MockBlock, test_helpers.MockReceipts, test_helpers.MockBlock.Difficulty())
for _, node := range test_helpers.MockStateNodes {
err = pubAndIndexer.PushStateNode(tx, node, test_helpers.MockBlock.Hash().String())
err = tx.Submit(err)
fetcher = eth.NewIPLDFetcher(db)
AfterEach(func() {
It("Fetches and returns IPLDs for the CIDs provided in the CIDWrapper", func() {
iplds, err := fetcher.Fetch(*test_helpers.MockCIDWrapper)

View File

@ -1,721 +0,0 @@
// VulcanizeDB
// Copyright © 2019 Vulcanize
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package eth
import (
sdtypes "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/statediff/types"
const (
RetrieveHeadersByHashesPgStr = `SELECT cid, data
FROM eth.header_cids
INNER JOIN public.blocks ON (
header_cids.mh_key = blocks.key
AND header_cids.block_number = blocks.block_number
WHERE block_hash = ANY($1::VARCHAR(66)[])`
RetrieveHeadersByBlockNumberPgStr = `SELECT cid, data
FROM eth.header_cids
INNER JOIN public.blocks ON (
header_cids.mh_key = blocks.key
AND header_cids.block_number = blocks.block_number
WHERE header_cids.block_number = $1`
RetrieveHeaderByHashPgStr = `SELECT cid, data
FROM eth.header_cids
INNER JOIN public.blocks ON (
header_cids.mh_key = blocks.key
AND header_cids.block_number = blocks.block_number
WHERE block_hash = $1`
RetrieveUnclesByHashesPgStr = `SELECT cid, data
FROM eth.uncle_cids
INNER JOIN public.blocks ON (
uncle_cids.mh_key = blocks.key
AND uncle_cids.block_number = blocks.block_number
WHERE block_hash = ANY($1::VARCHAR(66)[])`
RetrieveUnclesPgStr = `SELECT uncle_cids.cid, data
FROM eth.uncle_cids
INNER JOIN eth.header_cids ON (
uncle_cids.header_id = header_cids.block_hash
AND uncle_cids.block_number = header_cids.block_number
INNER JOIN public.blocks ON (
uncle_cids.mh_key = blocks.key
AND uncle_cids.block_number = blocks.block_number
WHERE header_cids.block_hash = $1
AND header_cids.block_number = $2
ORDER BY uncle_cids.parent_hash`
RetrieveUnclesByBlockHashPgStr = `SELECT uncle_cids.cid, data
FROM eth.uncle_cids
INNER JOIN eth.header_cids ON (
uncle_cids.header_id = header_cids.block_hash
AND uncle_cids.block_number = header_cids.block_number
INNER JOIN public.blocks ON (
uncle_cids.mh_key = blocks.key
AND uncle_cids.block_number = blocks.block_number
WHERE header_cids.block_hash = $1
ORDER BY uncle_cids.parent_hash`
RetrieveUnclesByBlockNumberPgStr = `SELECT uncle_cids.cid, data
FROM eth.uncle_cids
INNER JOIN eth.header_cids ON (
uncle_cids.header_id = header_cids.block_hash
AND uncle_cids.block_number = header_cids.block_number
INNER JOIN public.blocks ON (
uncle_cids.mh_key = blocks.key
AND uncle_cids.block_number = blocks.block_number
WHERE header_cids.block_number = $1`
RetrieveUncleByHashPgStr = `SELECT cid, data
FROM eth.uncle_cids
INNER JOIN public.blocks ON (
uncle_cids.mh_key = blocks.key
AND uncle_cids.block_number = blocks.block_number
WHERE block_hash = $1`
RetrieveTransactionsByHashesPgStr = `SELECT DISTINCT ON (tx_hash) cid, data
FROM eth.transaction_cids
INNER JOIN public.blocks ON (
transaction_cids.mh_key = blocks.key
AND transaction_cids.block_number = blocks.block_number
WHERE tx_hash = ANY($1::VARCHAR(66)[])`
RetrieveTransactionsPgStr = `SELECT transaction_cids.cid, data
FROM eth.transaction_cids
INNER JOIN eth.header_cids ON (
transaction_cids.header_id = header_cids.block_hash
AND transaction_cids.block_number = header_cids.block_number
INNER JOIN public.blocks ON (
transaction_cids.mh_key = blocks.key
AND transaction_cids.block_number = blocks.block_number
WHERE block_hash = $1
AND header_cids.block_number = $2
ORDER BY eth.transaction_cids.index ASC`
RetrieveTransactionsByBlockHashPgStr = `SELECT transaction_cids.cid, data
FROM eth.transaction_cids
INNER JOIN eth.header_cids ON (
transaction_cids.header_id = header_cids.block_hash
AND transaction_cids.block_number = header_cids.block_number
INNER JOIN public.blocks ON (
transaction_cids.mh_key = blocks.key
AND transaction_cids.block_number = blocks.block_number
WHERE block_hash = $1
ORDER BY eth.transaction_cids.index ASC`
RetrieveTransactionsByBlockNumberPgStr = `SELECT transaction_cids.cid, data
FROM eth.transaction_cids
INNER JOIN eth.header_cids ON (
transaction_cids.header_id = header_cids.block_hash
AND transaction_cids.block_number = header_cids.block_number
INNER JOIN public.blocks ON (
transaction_cids.mh_key = blocks.key
AND transaction_cids.block_number = blocks.block_number
WHERE header_cids.block_number = $1
AND block_hash = (SELECT canonical_header_hash(header_cids.block_number))
ORDER BY eth.transaction_cids.index ASC`
RetrieveTransactionByHashPgStr = `SELECT DISTINCT ON (tx_hash) cid, data
FROM eth.transaction_cids
INNER JOIN public.blocks ON (
transaction_cids.mh_key = blocks.key
AND transaction_cids.block_number = blocks.block_number
WHERE tx_hash = $1`
RetrieveReceiptsByTxHashesPgStr = `SELECT receipt_cids.leaf_cid, data
FROM eth.receipt_cids
INNER JOIN eth.transaction_cids ON (
receipt_cids.tx_id = transaction_cids.tx_hash
AND receipt_cids.header_id = transaction_cids.header_id
AND receipt_cids.block_number = transaction_cids.block_number
INNER JOIN public.blocks ON (
receipt_cids.leaf_mh_key = blocks.key
AND receipt_cids.block_number = blocks.block_number
WHERE tx_hash = ANY($1::VARCHAR(66)[])
AND transaction_cids.header_id = (SELECT canonical_header_hash(transaction_cids.block_number))`
RetrieveReceiptsPgStr = `SELECT receipt_cids.leaf_cid, data, eth.transaction_cids.tx_hash
FROM eth.receipt_cids
INNER JOIN eth.transaction_cids ON (
receipt_cids.tx_id = transaction_cids.tx_hash
AND receipt_cids.header_id = transaction_cids.header_id
AND receipt_cids.block_number = transaction_cids.block_number
INNER JOIN eth.header_cids ON (
transaction_cids.header_id = header_cids.block_hash
AND transaction_cids.block_number = header_cids.block_number
INNER JOIN public.blocks ON (
receipt_cids.leaf_mh_key = blocks.key
AND receipt_cids.block_number = blocks.block_number
WHERE block_hash = $1
AND header_cids.block_number = $2
ORDER BY eth.transaction_cids.index ASC`
RetrieveReceiptsByBlockHashPgStr = `SELECT receipt_cids.leaf_cid, data, eth.transaction_cids.tx_hash
FROM eth.receipt_cids
INNER JOIN eth.transaction_cids ON (
receipt_cids.tx_id = transaction_cids.tx_hash
AND receipt_cids.header_id = transaction_cids.header_id
AND receipt_cids.block_number = transaction_cids.block_number
INNER JOIN eth.header_cids ON (
transaction_cids.header_id = header_cids.block_hash
AND transaction_cids.block_number = header_cids.block_number
INNER JOIN public.blocks ON (
receipt_cids.leaf_mh_key = blocks.key
AND receipt_cids.block_number = blocks.block_number
WHERE block_hash = $1
ORDER BY eth.transaction_cids.index ASC`
RetrieveReceiptsByBlockNumberPgStr = `SELECT receipt_cids.leaf_cid, data
FROM eth.receipt_cids
INNER JOIN eth.transaction_cids ON (
receipt_cids.tx_id = transaction_cids.tx_hash
AND receipt_cids.header_id = transaction_cids.header_id
AND receipt_cids.block_number = transaction_cids.block_number
INNER JOIN eth.header_cids ON (
transaction_cids.header_id = header_cids.block_hash
AND transaction_cids.block_number = header_cids.block_number
INNER JOIN public.blocks ON (
receipt_cids.leaf_mh_key = blocks.key
AND receipt_cids.block_number = blocks.block_number
WHERE header_cids.block_number = $1
AND block_hash = (SELECT canonical_header_hash(header_cids.block_number))
ORDER BY eth.transaction_cids.index ASC`
RetrieveReceiptByTxHashPgStr = `SELECT receipt_cids.leaf_cid, data
FROM eth.receipt_cids
INNER JOIN eth.transaction_cids ON (
receipt_cids.tx_id = transaction_cids.tx_hash
AND receipt_cids.header_id = transaction_cids.header_id
AND receipt_cids.block_number = transaction_cids.block_number
INNER JOIN public.blocks ON (
receipt_cids.leaf_mh_key = blocks.key
AND receipt_cids.block_number = blocks.block_number
WHERE tx_hash = $1
AND transaction_cids.header_id = (SELECT canonical_header_hash(transaction_cids.block_number))`
RetrieveAccountByLeafKeyAndBlockHashPgStr = `SELECT state_cids.cid, state_cids.mh_key, state_cids.block_number, state_cids.node_type
FROM eth.state_cids
INNER JOIN eth.header_cids ON (
state_cids.header_id = header_cids.block_hash
AND state_cids.block_number = header_cids.block_number
WHERE state_leaf_key = $1
AND header_cids.block_number <= (SELECT block_number
FROM eth.header_cids
WHERE block_hash = $2)
AND header_cids.block_hash = (SELECT canonical_header_hash(header_cids.block_number))
ORDER BY header_cids.block_number DESC
RetrieveAccountByLeafKeyAndBlockNumberPgStr = `SELECT state_cids.cid, state_cids.mh_key, state_cids.node_type
FROM eth.state_cids
INNER JOIN eth.header_cids ON (
state_cids.header_id = header_cids.block_hash
AND state_cids.block_number = header_cids.block_number
WHERE state_leaf_key = $1
AND header_cids.block_number <= $2
ORDER BY header_cids.block_number DESC
RetrieveStorageLeafByAddressHashAndLeafKeyAndBlockNumberPgStr = `SELECT cid, mh_key, block_number, node_type, state_leaf_removed FROM get_storage_at_by_number($1, $2, $3)`
RetrieveStorageLeafByAddressHashAndLeafKeyAndBlockHashPgStr = `SELECT cid, mh_key, block_number, node_type, state_leaf_removed FROM get_storage_at_by_hash($1, $2, $3)`
var EmptyNodeValue = make([]byte, common.HashLength)
type rctIpldResult struct {
LeafCID string `db:"leaf_cid"`
Data []byte `db:"data"`
TxHash string `db:"tx_hash"`
type ipldResult struct {
CID string `db:"cid"`
Data []byte `db:"data"`
TxHash string `db:"tx_hash"`
type IPLDRetriever struct {
db *sqlx.DB
func NewIPLDRetriever(db *sqlx.DB) *IPLDRetriever {
return &IPLDRetriever{
db: db,
// RetrieveHeadersByHashes returns the cids and rlp bytes for the headers corresponding to the provided block hashes
func (r *IPLDRetriever) RetrieveHeadersByHashes(hashes []common.Hash) ([]string, [][]byte, error) {
headerResults := make([]ipldResult, 0)
hashStrs := make([]string, len(hashes))
for i, hash := range hashes {
hashStrs[i] = hash.Hex()
if err := r.db.Select(&headerResults, RetrieveHeadersByHashesPgStr, pq.Array(hashStrs)); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
cids := make([]string, len(headerResults))
headers := make([][]byte, len(headerResults))
for i, res := range headerResults {
cids[i] = res.CID
headers[i] = res.Data
return cids, headers, nil
// RetrieveHeadersByBlockNumber returns the cids and rlp bytes for the headers corresponding to the provided block number
// This can return more than one result since there can be more than one header (non-canonical headers)
func (r *IPLDRetriever) RetrieveHeadersByBlockNumber(number uint64) ([]string, [][]byte, error) {
headerResults := make([]ipldResult, 0)
if err := r.db.Select(&headerResults, RetrieveHeadersByBlockNumberPgStr, number); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
cids := make([]string, len(headerResults))
headers := make([][]byte, len(headerResults))
for i, res := range headerResults {
cids[i] = res.CID
headers[i] = res.Data
return cids, headers, nil
// RetrieveHeaderByHash returns the cid and rlp bytes for the header corresponding to the provided block hash
func (r *IPLDRetriever) RetrieveHeaderByHash(tx *sqlx.Tx, hash common.Hash) (string, []byte, error) {
headerResult := new(ipldResult)
return headerResult.CID, headerResult.Data, tx.Get(headerResult, RetrieveHeaderByHashPgStr, hash.Hex())
// RetrieveUnclesByHashes returns the cids and rlp bytes for the uncles corresponding to the provided uncle hashes
func (r *IPLDRetriever) RetrieveUnclesByHashes(hashes []common.Hash) ([]string, [][]byte, error) {
uncleResults := make([]ipldResult, 0)
hashStrs := make([]string, len(hashes))
for i, hash := range hashes {
hashStrs[i] = hash.Hex()
if err := r.db.Select(&uncleResults, RetrieveUnclesByHashesPgStr, pq.Array(hashStrs)); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
cids := make([]string, len(uncleResults))
uncles := make([][]byte, len(uncleResults))
for i, res := range uncleResults {
cids[i] = res.CID
uncles[i] = res.Data
return cids, uncles, nil
// RetrieveUncles returns the cids and rlp bytes for the uncles corresponding to the provided block hash, number (of non-omner root block)
func (r *IPLDRetriever) RetrieveUncles(tx *sqlx.Tx, hash common.Hash, number uint64) ([]string, [][]byte, error) {
uncleResults := make([]ipldResult, 0)
if err := tx.Select(&uncleResults, RetrieveUnclesPgStr, hash.Hex(), number); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
cids := make([]string, len(uncleResults))
uncles := make([][]byte, len(uncleResults))
for i, res := range uncleResults {
cids[i] = res.CID
uncles[i] = res.Data
return cids, uncles, nil
// RetrieveUnclesByBlockHash returns the cids and rlp bytes for the uncles corresponding to the provided block hash (of non-omner root block)
func (r *IPLDRetriever) RetrieveUnclesByBlockHash(tx *sqlx.Tx, hash common.Hash) ([]string, [][]byte, error) {
uncleResults := make([]ipldResult, 0)
if err := tx.Select(&uncleResults, RetrieveUnclesByBlockHashPgStr, hash.Hex()); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
cids := make([]string, len(uncleResults))
uncles := make([][]byte, len(uncleResults))
for i, res := range uncleResults {
cids[i] = res.CID
uncles[i] = res.Data
return cids, uncles, nil
// RetrieveUnclesByBlockNumber returns the cids and rlp bytes for the uncles corresponding to the provided block number (of non-omner root block)
func (r *IPLDRetriever) RetrieveUnclesByBlockNumber(number uint64) ([]string, [][]byte, error) {
uncleResults := make([]ipldResult, 0)
if err := r.db.Select(&uncleResults, RetrieveUnclesByBlockNumberPgStr, number); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
cids := make([]string, len(uncleResults))
uncles := make([][]byte, len(uncleResults))
for i, res := range uncleResults {
cids[i] = res.CID
uncles[i] = res.Data
return cids, uncles, nil
// RetrieveUncleByHash returns the cid and rlp bytes for the uncle corresponding to the provided uncle hash
func (r *IPLDRetriever) RetrieveUncleByHash(hash common.Hash) (string, []byte, error) {
uncleResult := new(ipldResult)
return uncleResult.CID, uncleResult.Data, r.db.Get(uncleResult, RetrieveUncleByHashPgStr, hash.Hex())
// RetrieveTransactionsByHashes returns the cids and rlp bytes for the transactions corresponding to the provided tx hashes
func (r *IPLDRetriever) RetrieveTransactionsByHashes(hashes []common.Hash) ([]string, [][]byte, error) {
txResults := make([]ipldResult, 0)
hashStrs := make([]string, len(hashes))
for i, hash := range hashes {
hashStrs[i] = hash.Hex()
if err := r.db.Select(&txResults, RetrieveTransactionsByHashesPgStr, pq.Array(hashStrs)); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
cids := make([]string, len(txResults))
txs := make([][]byte, len(txResults))
for i, res := range txResults {
cids[i] = res.CID
txs[i] = res.Data
return cids, txs, nil
// RetrieveTransactions returns the cids and rlp bytes for the transactions corresponding to the provided block hash, number
func (r *IPLDRetriever) RetrieveTransactions(tx *sqlx.Tx, hash common.Hash, number uint64) ([]string, [][]byte, error) {
txResults := make([]ipldResult, 0)
if err := tx.Select(&txResults, RetrieveTransactionsPgStr, hash.Hex(), number); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
cids := make([]string, len(txResults))
txs := make([][]byte, len(txResults))
for i, res := range txResults {
cids[i] = res.CID
txs[i] = res.Data
return cids, txs, nil
// RetrieveTransactionsByBlockHash returns the cids and rlp bytes for the transactions corresponding to the provided block hash
func (r *IPLDRetriever) RetrieveTransactionsByBlockHash(tx *sqlx.Tx, hash common.Hash) ([]string, [][]byte, error) {
txResults := make([]ipldResult, 0)
if err := tx.Select(&txResults, RetrieveTransactionsByBlockHashPgStr, hash.Hex()); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
cids := make([]string, len(txResults))
txs := make([][]byte, len(txResults))
for i, res := range txResults {
cids[i] = res.CID
txs[i] = res.Data
return cids, txs, nil
// RetrieveTransactionsByBlockNumber returns the cids and rlp bytes for the transactions corresponding to the provided block number
func (r *IPLDRetriever) RetrieveTransactionsByBlockNumber(number uint64) ([]string, [][]byte, error) {
txResults := make([]ipldResult, 0)
if err := r.db.Select(&txResults, RetrieveTransactionsByBlockNumberPgStr, number); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
cids := make([]string, len(txResults))
txs := make([][]byte, len(txResults))
for i, res := range txResults {
cids[i] = res.CID
txs[i] = res.Data
return cids, txs, nil
// RetrieveTransactionByTxHash returns the cid and rlp bytes for the transaction corresponding to the provided tx hash
func (r *IPLDRetriever) RetrieveTransactionByTxHash(hash common.Hash) (string, []byte, error) {
txResult := new(ipldResult)
return txResult.CID, txResult.Data, r.db.Get(txResult, RetrieveTransactionByHashPgStr, hash.Hex())
// DecodeLeafNode decodes the leaf node data
func DecodeLeafNode(node []byte) ([]byte, error) {
var nodeElements []interface{}
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(node, &nodeElements); err != nil {
return nil, err
ty, err := trie_helpers.CheckKeyType(nodeElements)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if ty != sdtypes.Leaf {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected leaf node but found %s", ty)
return nodeElements[1].([]byte), nil
// RetrieveReceiptsByTxHashes returns the cids and rlp bytes for the receipts corresponding to the provided tx hashes
func (r *IPLDRetriever) RetrieveReceiptsByTxHashes(hashes []common.Hash) ([]string, [][]byte, error) {
rctResults := make([]rctIpldResult, 0)
hashStrs := make([]string, len(hashes))
for i, hash := range hashes {
hashStrs[i] = hash.Hex()
if err := r.db.Select(&rctResults, RetrieveReceiptsByTxHashesPgStr, pq.Array(hashStrs)); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
cids := make([]string, len(rctResults))
rcts := make([][]byte, len(rctResults))
for i, res := range rctResults {
cids[i] = res.LeafCID
nodeVal, err := DecodeLeafNode(res.Data)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
rcts[i] = nodeVal
return cids, rcts, nil
// RetrieveReceipts returns the cids and rlp bytes for the receipts corresponding to the provided block hash, number.
// cid returned corresponds to the leaf node data which contains the receipt.
func (r *IPLDRetriever) RetrieveReceipts(tx *sqlx.Tx, hash common.Hash, number uint64) ([]string, [][]byte, []common.Hash, error) {
rctResults := make([]rctIpldResult, 0)
if err := tx.Select(&rctResults, RetrieveReceiptsPgStr, hash.Hex(), number); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
cids := make([]string, len(rctResults))
rcts := make([][]byte, len(rctResults))
txs := make([]common.Hash, len(rctResults))
for i, res := range rctResults {
cids[i] = res.LeafCID
nodeVal, err := DecodeLeafNode(res.Data)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
rcts[i] = nodeVal
txs[i] = common.HexToHash(res.TxHash)
return cids, rcts, txs, nil
// RetrieveReceiptsByBlockHash returns the cids and rlp bytes for the receipts corresponding to the provided block hash.
// cid returned corresponds to the leaf node data which contains the receipt.
func (r *IPLDRetriever) RetrieveReceiptsByBlockHash(tx *sqlx.Tx, hash common.Hash) ([]string, [][]byte, []common.Hash, error) {
rctResults := make([]rctIpldResult, 0)
if err := tx.Select(&rctResults, RetrieveReceiptsByBlockHashPgStr, hash.Hex()); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
cids := make([]string, len(rctResults))
rcts := make([][]byte, len(rctResults))
txs := make([]common.Hash, len(rctResults))
for i, res := range rctResults {
cids[i] = res.LeafCID
nodeVal, err := DecodeLeafNode(res.Data)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
rcts[i] = nodeVal
txs[i] = common.HexToHash(res.TxHash)
return cids, rcts, txs, nil
// RetrieveReceiptsByBlockNumber returns the cids and rlp bytes for the receipts corresponding to the provided block hash.
// cid returned corresponds to the leaf node data which contains the receipt.
func (r *IPLDRetriever) RetrieveReceiptsByBlockNumber(number uint64) ([]string, [][]byte, error) {
rctResults := make([]rctIpldResult, 0)
if err := r.db.Select(&rctResults, RetrieveReceiptsByBlockNumberPgStr, number); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
cids := make([]string, len(rctResults))
rcts := make([][]byte, len(rctResults))
for i, res := range rctResults {
cids[i] = res.LeafCID
nodeVal, err := DecodeLeafNode(res.Data)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
rcts[i] = nodeVal
return cids, rcts, nil
// RetrieveReceiptByHash returns the cid and rlp bytes for the receipt corresponding to the provided tx hash.
// cid returned corresponds to the leaf node data which contains the receipt.
func (r *IPLDRetriever) RetrieveReceiptByHash(hash common.Hash) (string, []byte, error) {
rctResult := new(rctIpldResult)
if err := r.db.Select(&rctResult, RetrieveReceiptByTxHashPgStr, hash.Hex()); err != nil {
return "", nil, err
nodeVal, err := DecodeLeafNode(rctResult.Data)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
return rctResult.LeafCID, nodeVal, nil
type nodeInfo struct {
CID string `db:"cid"`
MhKey string `db:"mh_key"`
BlockNumber string `db:"block_number"`
Data []byte `db:"data"`
NodeType int `db:"node_type"`
StateLeafRemoved bool `db:"state_leaf_removed"`
// RetrieveAccountByAddressAndBlockHash returns the cid and rlp bytes for the account corresponding to the provided address and block hash
// TODO: ensure this handles deleted accounts appropriately
func (r *IPLDRetriever) RetrieveAccountByAddressAndBlockHash(address common.Address, hash common.Hash) (string, []byte, error) {
accountResult := new(nodeInfo)
leafKey := crypto.Keccak256Hash(address.Bytes())
if err := r.db.Get(accountResult, RetrieveAccountByLeafKeyAndBlockHashPgStr, leafKey.Hex(), hash.Hex()); err != nil {
return "", nil, err
if accountResult.NodeType == sdtypes.Removed.Int() {
return "", EmptyNodeValue, nil
blockNumber, err := strconv.ParseUint(accountResult.BlockNumber, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
accountResult.Data, err = shared.FetchIPLD(r.db, accountResult.MhKey, blockNumber)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
var i []interface{}
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(accountResult.Data, &i); err != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("error decoding state leaf node rlp: %s", err.Error())
if len(i) != 2 {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("eth IPLDRetriever expected state leaf node rlp to decode into two elements")
return accountResult.CID, i[1].([]byte), nil
// RetrieveAccountByAddressAndBlockNumber returns the cid and rlp bytes for the account corresponding to the provided address and block number
// This can return a non-canonical account
func (r *IPLDRetriever) RetrieveAccountByAddressAndBlockNumber(address common.Address, number uint64) (string, []byte, error) {
accountResult := new(nodeInfo)
leafKey := crypto.Keccak256Hash(address.Bytes())
if err := r.db.Get(accountResult, RetrieveAccountByLeafKeyAndBlockNumberPgStr, leafKey.Hex(), number); err != nil {
return "", nil, err
if accountResult.NodeType == sdtypes.Removed.Int() {
return "", EmptyNodeValue, nil
var err error
accountResult.Data, err = shared.FetchIPLD(r.db, accountResult.MhKey, number)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
var i []interface{}
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(accountResult.Data, &i); err != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("error decoding state leaf node rlp: %s", err.Error())
if len(i) != 2 {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("eth IPLDRetriever expected state leaf node rlp to decode into two elements")
return accountResult.CID, i[1].([]byte), nil
// RetrieveStorageAtByAddressAndStorageSlotAndBlockHash returns the cid and rlp bytes for the storage value corresponding to the provided address, storage slot, and block hash
func (r *IPLDRetriever) RetrieveStorageAtByAddressAndStorageSlotAndBlockHash(address common.Address, key, hash common.Hash) (string, []byte, []byte, error) {
storageResult := new(nodeInfo)
stateLeafKey := crypto.Keccak256Hash(address.Bytes())
storageHash := crypto.Keccak256Hash(key.Bytes())
if err := r.db.Get(storageResult, RetrieveStorageLeafByAddressHashAndLeafKeyAndBlockHashPgStr, stateLeafKey.Hex(), storageHash.Hex(), hash.Hex()); err != nil {
return "", nil, nil, err
if storageResult.StateLeafRemoved || storageResult.NodeType == sdtypes.Removed.Int() {
return "", EmptyNodeValue, EmptyNodeValue, nil
blockNumber, err := strconv.ParseUint(storageResult.BlockNumber, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, nil, err
storageResult.Data, err = shared.FetchIPLD(r.db, storageResult.MhKey, blockNumber)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, nil, err
var i []interface{}
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(storageResult.Data, &i); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("error decoding storage leaf node rlp: %s", err.Error())
return "", nil, nil, err
if len(i) != 2 {
return "", nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("eth IPLDRetriever expected storage leaf node rlp to decode into two elements")
return storageResult.CID, storageResult.Data, i[1].([]byte), nil
// RetrieveStorageAtByAddressAndStorageKeyAndBlockNumber returns the cid and rlp bytes for the storage value corresponding to the provided address, storage key, and block number
// This can retrun a non-canonical value
func (r *IPLDRetriever) RetrieveStorageAtByAddressAndStorageKeyAndBlockNumber(address common.Address, storageLeafKey common.Hash, number uint64) (string, []byte, error) {
storageResult := new(nodeInfo)
stateLeafKey := crypto.Keccak256Hash(address.Bytes())
if err := r.db.Get(storageResult, RetrieveStorageLeafByAddressHashAndLeafKeyAndBlockNumberPgStr, stateLeafKey.Hex(), storageLeafKey.Hex(), number); err != nil {
return "", nil, err
if storageResult.StateLeafRemoved || storageResult.NodeType == sdtypes.Removed.Int() {
return "", EmptyNodeValue, nil
var err error
storageResult.Data, err = shared.FetchIPLD(r.db, storageResult.MhKey, number)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
var i []interface{}
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(storageResult.Data, &i); err != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("error decoding storage leaf node rlp: %s", err.Error())
if len(i) != 2 {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("eth IPLDRetriever expected storage leaf node rlp to decode into two elements")
return storageResult.CID, i[1].([]byte), nil

pkg/eth/node_types.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
package eth
import (
// NodeType for explicitly setting type of node
type NodeType string
const (
Unknown NodeType = "Unknown"
Branch NodeType = "Branch"
Extension NodeType = "Extension"
Leaf NodeType = "Leaf"
Removed NodeType = "Removed" // used to represent paths which have been emptied
func (n NodeType) Int() int {
switch n {
case Branch:
return 0
case Extension:
return 1
case Leaf:
return 2
case Removed:
return 3
return -1
// CheckKeyType checks what type of key we have
func CheckKeyType(elements []interface{}) (NodeType, error) {
if len(elements) > 2 {
return Branch, nil
if len(elements) < 2 {
return Unknown, fmt.Errorf("node cannot be less than two elements in length")
switch elements[0].([]byte)[0] / 16 {
case '\x00':
return Extension, nil
case '\x01':
return Extension, nil
case '\x02':
return Leaf, nil
case '\x03':
return Leaf, nil
return Unknown, fmt.Errorf("unknown hex prefix")
// StateNode holds the data for a single state diff node
type StateNode struct {
NodeType NodeType `json:"nodeType" gencodec:"required"`
Path []byte `json:"path" gencodec:"required"`
NodeValue []byte `json:"value" gencodec:"required"`
StorageNodes []StorageNode `json:"storage"`
LeafKey []byte `json:"leafKey"`
// StorageNode holds the data for a single storage diff node
type StorageNode struct {
NodeType NodeType `json:"nodeType" gencodec:"required"`
Path []byte `json:"path" gencodec:"required"`
NodeValue []byte `json:"value" gencodec:"required"`
LeafKey []byte `json:"leafKey"`
func ResolveNode(path []byte, node []byte, trieDB *trie.Database) (StateNode, []interface{}, error) {
var nodeElements []interface{}
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(node, &nodeElements); err != nil {
return StateNode{}, nil, err
ty, err := CheckKeyType(nodeElements)
if err != nil {
return StateNode{}, nil, err
nodePath := make([]byte, len(path))
copy(nodePath, path)
return StateNode{
NodeType: ty,
Path: nodePath,
NodeValue: node,
}, nodeElements, nil
// ResolveNodeIt return the state diff node pointed by the iterator.
func ResolveNodeIt(it trie.NodeIterator, trieDB *trie.Database) (StateNode, []interface{}, error) {
node, err := it.NodeBlob(), it.Error()
if err != nil {
return StateNode{}, nil, err
return ResolveNode(it.Path(), node, trieDB)

pkg/eth/retriever.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
// VulcanizeDB
// Copyright © 2019 Vulcanize
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package eth
import (
// Retriever is used for fetching
type Retriever struct {
db *sqlx.DB
gormDB *gorm.DB
type IPLDModelRecord struct {
// TableName overrides the table name used by IPLD
func (IPLDModelRecord) TableName() string {
return "ipld.blocks"
type HeaderCIDRecord struct {
CID string `gorm:"column:cid"`
BlockHash string `gorm:"primaryKey"`
BlockNumber string `gorm:"primaryKey"`
ParentHash string
Timestamp uint64
StateRoot string
TotalDifficulty string `gorm:"column:td"`
TxRoot string
RctRoot string `gorm:"column:receipt_root"`
UnclesHash string
Bloom []byte
// gorm doesn't check if foreign key exists in database.
// It is required to eager load relations using preload.
TransactionCIDs []TransactionCIDRecord `gorm:"foreignKey:HeaderID,BlockNumber;references:BlockHash,BlockNumber"`
IPLD IPLDModelRecord `gorm:"foreignKey:CID,BlockNumber;references:Key,BlockNumber"`
// TableName overrides the table name used by HeaderCIDRecord
func (HeaderCIDRecord) TableName() string {
return "eth.header_cids"
type TransactionCIDRecord struct {
CID string `gorm:"column:cid"`
TxHash string `gorm:"primaryKey"`
BlockNumber string `gorm:"primaryKey"`
HeaderID string `gorm:"column:header_id"`
Index int64
Src string
Dst string
IPLD IPLDModelRecord `gorm:"foreignKey:CID,BlockNumber;references:Key,BlockNumber"`
type StateAccountRecord struct {
Nonce uint64 `db:"nonce"`
Balance string `db:"balance"`
Root string `db:"storage_root"`
CodeHash []byte `db:"code_hash"`
Removed bool `db:"removed"`
// TableName overrides the table name used by TransactionCIDRecord
func (TransactionCIDRecord) TableName() string {
return "eth.transaction_cids"
// NewRetriever returns a pointer to a new Retriever which supports the Retriever interface
func NewRetriever(db *sqlx.DB) *Retriever {
gormDB, err := gorm.Open(postgres.New(postgres.Config{
Conn: db,
}), &gorm.Config{})
if err != nil {
return nil
return &Retriever{
db: db,
gormDB: gormDB,
// RetrieveFirstBlockNumber is used to retrieve the first block number in the db
func (r *Retriever) RetrieveFirstBlockNumber() (int64, error) {
var blockNumber int64
err := r.db.Get(&blockNumber, "SELECT block_number FROM ipld.blocks ORDER BY block_number ASC LIMIT 1")
return blockNumber, err
// RetrieveLastBlockNumber is used to retrieve the latest block number in the db
func (r *Retriever) RetrieveLastBlockNumber() (int64, error) {
var blockNumber int64
err := r.db.Get(&blockNumber, "SELECT block_number FROM ipld.blocks ORDER BY block_number DESC LIMIT 1")
return blockNumber, err
func topicFilterCondition(id *int, topics [][]string, args []interface{}, pgStr string, first bool) (string, []interface{}) {
for i, topicSet := range topics {
if len(topicSet) == 0 {
if !first {
pgStr += " AND"
} else {
first = false
pgStr += fmt.Sprintf(` eth.log_cids.topic%d = ANY ($%d)`, i, *id)
args = append(args, pq.Array(topicSet))
return pgStr, args
func logFilterCondition(id *int, pgStr string, args []interface{}, rctFilter ReceiptFilter) (string, []interface{}) {
if len(rctFilter.LogAddresses) > 0 {
pgStr += fmt.Sprintf(` AND eth.log_cids.address = ANY ($%d)`, *id)
args = append(args, pq.Array(rctFilter.LogAddresses))
// Filter on topics if there are any
if hasTopics(rctFilter.Topics) {
pgStr, args = topicFilterCondition(id, rctFilter.Topics, args, pgStr, false)
return pgStr, args
func receiptFilterConditions(id *int, pgStr string, args []interface{}, rctFilter ReceiptFilter, txHashes []string) (string, []interface{}) {
rctCond := " AND (receipt_cids.tx_id = ANY ( "
logQuery := "SELECT rct_id FROM eth.log_cids WHERE"
if len(rctFilter.LogAddresses) > 0 {
// Filter on log contract addresses if there are any
pgStr += fmt.Sprintf(`%s %s eth.log_cids.address = ANY ($%d)`, rctCond, logQuery, *id)
args = append(args, pq.Array(rctFilter.LogAddresses))
// Filter on topics if there are any
if hasTopics(rctFilter.Topics) {
pgStr, args = topicFilterCondition(id, rctFilter.Topics, args, pgStr, false)
pgStr += ")"
// Filter on txHashes if there are any, and we are matching txs
if rctFilter.MatchTxs && len(txHashes) > 0 {
pgStr += fmt.Sprintf(` OR receipt_cids.tx_id = ANY($%d)`, *id)
args = append(args, pq.Array(txHashes))
pgStr += ")"
} else { // If there are no contract addresses to filter on
// Filter on topics if there are any
if hasTopics(rctFilter.Topics) {
pgStr += rctCond + logQuery
pgStr, args = topicFilterCondition(id, rctFilter.Topics, args, pgStr, true)
pgStr += ")"
// Filter on txHashes if there are any, and we are matching txs
if rctFilter.MatchTxs && len(txHashes) > 0 {
pgStr += fmt.Sprintf(` OR receipt_cids.tx_id = ANY($%d)`, *id)
args = append(args, pq.Array(txHashes))
pgStr += ")"
} else if rctFilter.MatchTxs && len(txHashes) > 0 {
// If there are no contract addresses or topics to filter on,
// Filter on txHashes if there are any, and we are matching txs
pgStr += fmt.Sprintf(` AND receipt_cids.tx_id = ANY($%d)`, *id)
args = append(args, pq.Array(txHashes))
return pgStr, args
// RetrieveFilteredGQLLogs retrieves and returns all the log CIDs provided blockHash that conform to the provided
// filter parameters.
func (r *Retriever) RetrieveFilteredGQLLogs(tx *sqlx.Tx, rctFilter ReceiptFilter, blockHash *common.Hash, blockNumber *big.Int) ([]LogResult, error) {
log.Debug("retrieving log cids for receipt ids with block hash", blockHash.String())
args := make([]interface{}, 0, 4)
id := 1
pgStr := RetrieveFilteredGQLLogs
args = append(args, blockHash.String())
if blockNumber != nil {
pgStr += ` AND receipt_cids.block_number = $2`
args = append(args, blockNumber.Int64())
pgStr, args = logFilterCondition(&id, pgStr, args, rctFilter)
pgStr += ` ORDER BY log_cids.index`
logs := make([]LogResult, 0)
err := tx.Select(&logs, pgStr, args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return logs, nil
// RetrieveFilteredLogs retrieves and returns all the log CIDs provided blockHeight or blockHash that conform to the provided
// filter parameters.
func (r *Retriever) RetrieveFilteredLogs(tx *sqlx.Tx, rctFilter ReceiptFilter, blockNumber int64, blockHash *common.Hash) ([]LogResult, error) {
log.Debug("retrieving log cids for receipt ids")
args := make([]interface{}, 0, 4)
pgStr := RetrieveFilteredLogs
id := 1
if blockNumber > 0 {
pgStr += fmt.Sprintf(` AND header_cids.block_number = $%d`, id)
args = append(args, blockNumber)
if blockHash != nil {
pgStr += fmt.Sprintf(` AND header_cids.block_hash = $%d`, id)
args = append(args, blockHash.String())
pgStr, args = logFilterCondition(&id, pgStr, args, rctFilter)
pgStr += ` ORDER BY log_cids.index`
logs := make([]LogResult, 0)
err := tx.Select(&logs, pgStr, args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// decode logs and extract original contract Data
for i, log := range logs {
var buf []interface{}
r := bytes.NewReader(log.LogLeafData)
if err := rlp.Decode(r, &buf); err != nil {
return nil, err
logs[i].Data = buf[2].([]byte)
return logs, nil
func hasTopics(topics [][]string) bool {
for _, topicSet := range topics {
if len(topicSet) > 0 {
return true
return false
// RetrieveBlockNumberByHash returns the block number for the given block hash
func (r *Retriever) RetrieveBlockNumberByHash(tx *sqlx.Tx, blockHash common.Hash) (uint64, error) {
log.Debug("retrieving block number for block hash ", blockHash.String())
pgStr := `SELECT CAST(block_number as TEXT) FROM eth.header_cids WHERE block_hash = $1`
var blockNumberStr string
if err := tx.Get(&blockNumberStr, pgStr, blockHash.String()); err != nil {
return 0, err
return strconv.ParseUint(blockNumberStr, 10, 64)
// RetrieveHeaderAndTxCIDsByBlockNumber retrieves header CIDs and their associated tx CIDs by block number
func (r *Retriever) RetrieveHeaderAndTxCIDsByBlockNumber(blockNumber int64) ([]HeaderCIDRecord, error) {
log.Debug("retrieving header cids and tx cids for block number ", blockNumber)
var headerCIDs []HeaderCIDRecord
// https://github.com/go-gorm/gorm/issues/4083#issuecomment-778883283
// Will use join for TransactionCIDs once preload for 1:N is supported.
err := r.gormDB.Preload("TransactionCIDs", func(tx *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
return tx.Select("cid", "tx_hash", "index", "src", "dst", "header_id", "block_number")
}).Joins("IPLD").Find(&headerCIDs, "header_cids.block_number = ?", blockNumber).Error
if err != nil {
log.Error("header cid retrieval error")
return nil, err
return headerCIDs, nil
// RetrieveHeaderAndTxCIDsByBlockHash retrieves header CID and their associated tx CIDs by block hash (and optionally block number)
func (r *Retriever) RetrieveHeaderAndTxCIDsByBlockHash(blockHash common.Hash, blockNumber *big.Int) (HeaderCIDRecord, error) {
log.Debug("retrieving header cid and tx cids for block hash ", blockHash.String())
var headerCIDs []HeaderCIDRecord
conditions := map[string]interface{}{"block_hash": blockHash.String()}
if blockNumber != nil {
conditions["header_cids.block_number"] = blockNumber.Int64()
// https://github.com/go-gorm/gorm/issues/4083#issuecomment-778883283
// Will use join for TransactionCIDs once preload for 1:N is supported.
err := r.gormDB.Preload("TransactionCIDs", func(tx *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
return tx.Select("cid", "tx_hash", "index", "src", "dst", "header_id", "block_number")
}).Joins("IPLD").Find(&headerCIDs, conditions).Error
if err != nil {
log.Error("header cid retrieval error")
return HeaderCIDRecord{}, err
if len(headerCIDs) == 0 {
return HeaderCIDRecord{}, errHeaderHashNotFound
} else if len(headerCIDs) > 1 {
return HeaderCIDRecord{}, errMultipleHeadersForHash
return headerCIDs[0], nil
// RetrieveTxCIDByHash returns the tx for the given tx hash (and optionally block number)
func (r *Retriever) RetrieveTxCIDByHash(txHash string, blockNumber *big.Int) (TransactionCIDRecord, error) {
log.Debug("retrieving tx cid for tx hash ", txHash)
var txCIDs []TransactionCIDRecord
var err error
if blockNumber != nil {
err = r.gormDB.Joins("IPLD").Find(&txCIDs, "tx_hash = ? AND transaction_cids.header_id = (SELECT canonical_header_hash(transaction_cids.block_number)) AND transaction_cids.block_number = ?", txHash, blockNumber.Int64()).Error
} else {
err = r.gormDB.Joins("IPLD").Find(&txCIDs, "tx_hash = ? AND transaction_cids.header_id = (SELECT canonical_header_hash(transaction_cids.block_number))", txHash).Error
if err != nil {
log.Error("tx retrieval error")
return TransactionCIDRecord{}, err
if len(txCIDs) == 0 {
return TransactionCIDRecord{}, errTxHashNotFound
} else if len(txCIDs) > 1 {
// a transaction can be part of a only one canonical block
return TransactionCIDRecord{}, errTxHashInMultipleBlocks
return txCIDs[0], nil
var EmptyNodeValue = make([]byte, common.HashLength)
// RetrieveHeaderByHash returns the cid and rlp bytes for the header corresponding to the provided block hash
func (r *Retriever) RetrieveHeaderByHash(hash common.Hash) (string, []byte, error) {
headerResult := new(ipldResult)
return headerResult.CID, headerResult.Data, r.db.Get(headerResult, RetrieveHeaderByHashPgStr, hash.Hex())
// RetrieveHeaderByHash2 returns the cid and rlp bytes for the header corresponding to the provided block hash
// using a sqlx.Tx
func (r *Retriever) RetrieveHeaderByHash2(tx *sqlx.Tx, hash common.Hash) (string, []byte, error) {
headerResult := new(ipldResult)
return headerResult.CID, headerResult.Data, tx.Get(headerResult, RetrieveHeaderByHashPgStr, hash.Hex())
// RetrieveUncles returns the cid and rlp bytes for the uncle list corresponding to the provided block hash, number (of non-omner root block)
func (r *Retriever) RetrieveUncles(tx *sqlx.Tx, hash common.Hash, number uint64) (string, []byte, error) {
uncleResult := new(ipldResult)
if err := tx.Get(uncleResult, RetrieveUnclesPgStr, hash.Hex(), number); err != nil {
return "", nil, err
return uncleResult.CID, uncleResult.Data, nil
// RetrieveUnclesByBlockHash returns the cid and rlp bytes for the uncle list corresponding to the provided block hash (of non-omner root block)
func (r *Retriever) RetrieveUnclesByBlockHash(tx *sqlx.Tx, hash common.Hash) (string, []byte, error) {
uncleResult := new(ipldResult)
if err := tx.Get(uncleResult, RetrieveUnclesByBlockHashPgStr, hash.Hex()); err != nil {
return "", nil, err
return uncleResult.CID, uncleResult.Data, nil
// RetrieveTransactions returns the cids and rlp bytes for the transactions corresponding to the provided block hash, number
func (r *Retriever) RetrieveTransactions(tx *sqlx.Tx, hash common.Hash, number uint64) ([]string, [][]byte, error) {
txResults := make([]ipldResult, 0)
if err := tx.Select(&txResults, RetrieveTransactionsPgStr, hash.Hex(), number); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
cids := make([]string, len(txResults))
txs := make([][]byte, len(txResults))
for i, res := range txResults {
cids[i] = res.CID
txs[i] = res.Data
return cids, txs, nil
// RetrieveTransactionsByBlockHash returns the cids and rlp bytes for the transactions corresponding to the provided block hash
func (r *Retriever) RetrieveTransactionsByBlockHash(tx *sqlx.Tx, hash common.Hash) ([]string, [][]byte, error) {
txResults := make([]ipldResult, 0)
if err := tx.Select(&txResults, RetrieveTransactionsByBlockHashPgStr, hash.Hex()); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
cids := make([]string, len(txResults))
txs := make([][]byte, len(txResults))
for i, res := range txResults {
cids[i] = res.CID
txs[i] = res.Data
return cids, txs, nil
// DecodeLeafNode decodes the leaf node data
func DecodeLeafNode(node []byte) ([]byte, error) {
var nodeElements []interface{}
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(node, &nodeElements); err != nil {
return nil, err
ok, err := IsLeaf(nodeElements)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected leaf node but found %v", nodeElements)
return nodeElements[1].([]byte), nil
// RetrieveReceipts returns the cids and rlp bytes for the receipts corresponding to the provided block hash, number.
// cid returned corresponds to the leaf node data which contains the receipt.
func (r *Retriever) RetrieveReceipts(tx *sqlx.Tx, hash common.Hash, number uint64) ([]string, [][]byte, []common.Hash, error) {
rctResults := make([]ipldResult, 0)
if err := tx.Select(&rctResults, RetrieveReceiptsPgStr, hash.Hex(), number); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
cids := make([]string, len(rctResults))
rcts := make([][]byte, len(rctResults))
txs := make([]common.Hash, len(rctResults))
for i, res := range rctResults {
cids[i] = res.CID
rcts[i] = res.Data
txs[i] = common.HexToHash(res.TxHash)
return cids, rcts, txs, nil
// RetrieveReceiptsByBlockHash returns the cids and rlp bytes for the receipts corresponding to the provided block hash.
// cid returned corresponds to the leaf node data which contains the receipt.
func (r *Retriever) RetrieveReceiptsByBlockHash(tx *sqlx.Tx, hash common.Hash) ([]string, [][]byte, []common.Hash, error) {
rctResults := make([]ipldResult, 0)
if err := tx.Select(&rctResults, RetrieveReceiptsByBlockHashPgStr, hash.Hex()); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
cids := make([]string, len(rctResults))
rcts := make([][]byte, len(rctResults))
txs := make([]common.Hash, len(rctResults))
for i, res := range rctResults {
cids[i] = res.CID
nodeVal, err := DecodeLeafNode(res.Data)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
rcts[i] = nodeVal
txs[i] = common.HexToHash(res.TxHash)
return cids, rcts, txs, nil
// RetrieveAccountByAddressAndBlockHash returns the cid and rlp bytes for the account corresponding to the provided address and block hash
// TODO: ensure this handles deleted accounts appropriately
func (r *Retriever) RetrieveAccountByAddressAndBlockHash(address common.Address, hash common.Hash) (StateAccountRecord, error) {
var accountResult StateAccountRecord
leafKey := crypto.Keccak256Hash(address.Bytes())
if err := r.db.Get(&accountResult, RetrieveAccountByLeafKeyAndBlockHashPgStr, leafKey.Hex(), hash.Hex()); err != nil {
return StateAccountRecord{}, err
if accountResult.Removed {
return StateAccountRecord{}, nil
return accountResult, nil
// RetrieveStorageAtByAddressAndStorageSlotAndBlockHash returns the cid and rlp bytes for the storage value corresponding to the provided address, storage slot, and block hash
func (r *Retriever) RetrieveStorageAtByAddressAndStorageSlotAndBlockHash(address common.Address, key, hash common.Hash) ([]byte, error) {
var storageResult nodeInfo
stateLeafKey := crypto.Keccak256Hash(address.Bytes())
storageHash := crypto.Keccak256Hash(key.Bytes())
if err := r.db.Get(&storageResult,
stateLeafKey.Hex(), storageHash.Hex(), hash.Hex()); err != nil {
return nil, err
if storageResult.StateLeafRemoved || storageResult.Removed {
return EmptyNodeValue, nil
return storageResult.Value, nil
// RetrieveStorageAndRLP returns the cid and rlp bytes for the storage value corresponding to the
// provided address, storage slot, and block hash
func (r *Retriever) RetrieveStorageAndRLP(address common.Address, key, hash common.Hash) (string, []byte, error) {
var storageResult nodeInfo
stateLeafKey := crypto.Keccak256Hash(address.Bytes())
storageHash := crypto.Keccak256Hash(key.Bytes())
if err := r.db.Get(&storageResult,
stateLeafKey.Hex(), storageHash.Hex(), hash.Hex()); err != nil {
return "", nil, err
if storageResult.StateLeafRemoved || storageResult.Removed {
return "", EmptyNodeValue, nil
return storageResult.CID, storageResult.Data, nil

pkg/eth/retriever_test.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
// VulcanizeDB
// Copyright © 2019 Vulcanize
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package eth_test
import (
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
var _ = Describe("Retriever", func() {
var (
db *sqlx.DB
diffIndexer interfaces.StateDiffIndexer
retriever *eth.Retriever
ctx = context.Background()
BeforeEach(func() {
db = shared.SetupDB()
diffIndexer = shared.SetupTestStateDiffIndexer(ctx, params.TestChainConfig, test_helpers.Genesis.Hash())
retriever = eth.NewRetriever(db)
AfterEach(func() {
It("Retrieve", func() {
tx, err := diffIndexer.PushBlock(test_helpers.MockBlock, test_helpers.MockReceipts, test_helpers.MockBlock.Difficulty())
for _, node := range test_helpers.MockStateNodes {
err = diffIndexer.PushStateNode(tx, node, test_helpers.MockBlock.Hash().String())
err = tx.Submit(err)
Describe("RetrieveFirstBlockNumber", func() {
It("Throws an error if there are no blocks in the database", func() {
_, err := retriever.RetrieveFirstBlockNumber()
It("Gets the number of the first block that has data in the database", func() {
tx, err := diffIndexer.PushBlock(test_helpers.MockBlock, test_helpers.MockReceipts, test_helpers.MockBlock.Difficulty())
err = tx.Submit(err)
num, err := retriever.RetrieveFirstBlockNumber()
It("Gets the number of the first block that has data in the database", func() {
payload := test_helpers.MockConvertedPayload
payload.Block = newMockBlock(1010101)
tx, err := diffIndexer.PushBlock(payload.Block, payload.Receipts, payload.Block.Difficulty())
err = tx.Submit(err)
num, err := retriever.RetrieveFirstBlockNumber()
It("Gets the number of the first block that has data in the database", func() {
payload1 := test_helpers.MockConvertedPayload
payload1.Block = newMockBlock(1010101)
payload2 := payload1
payload2.Block = newMockBlock(5)
tx, err := diffIndexer.PushBlock(payload1.Block, payload1.Receipts, payload1.Block.Difficulty())
err = tx.Submit(err)
tx, err = diffIndexer.PushBlock(payload2.Block, payload2.Receipts, payload2.Block.Difficulty())
err = tx.Submit(err)
num, err := retriever.RetrieveFirstBlockNumber()
Describe("RetrieveLastBlockNumber", func() {
It("Throws an error if there are no blocks in the database", func() {
_, err := retriever.RetrieveLastBlockNumber()
It("Gets the number of the latest block that has data in the database", func() {
tx, err := diffIndexer.PushBlock(test_helpers.MockBlock, test_helpers.MockReceipts, test_helpers.MockBlock.Difficulty())
err = tx.Submit(err)
num, err := retriever.RetrieveLastBlockNumber()
It("Gets the number of the latest block that has data in the database", func() {
payload := test_helpers.MockConvertedPayload
payload.Block = newMockBlock(1010101)
tx, err := diffIndexer.PushBlock(payload.Block, payload.Receipts, payload.Block.Difficulty())
err = tx.Submit(err)
num, err := retriever.RetrieveLastBlockNumber()
It("Gets the number of the latest block that has data in the database", func() {
payload1 := test_helpers.MockConvertedPayload
payload1.Block = newMockBlock(1010101)
payload2 := payload1
payload2.Block = newMockBlock(5)
tx, err := diffIndexer.PushBlock(payload1.Block, payload1.Receipts, payload1.Block.Difficulty())
err = tx.Submit(err)
tx, err = diffIndexer.PushBlock(payload2.Block, payload2.Receipts, payload2.Block.Difficulty())
err = tx.Submit(err)
num, err := retriever.RetrieveLastBlockNumber()
func newMockBlock(blockNumber uint64) *types.Block {
header := test_helpers.MockHeader
return types.NewBlock(&test_helpers.MockHeader, test_helpers.MockTransactions, nil, test_helpers.MockReceipts, trie.NewEmpty(nil))

pkg/eth/sql.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
package eth
const (
RetrieveHeaderByHashPgStr = `SELECT cid, data
FROM eth.header_cids
INNER JOIN ipld.blocks ON (
header_cids.cid = blocks.key
AND header_cids.block_number = blocks.block_number
WHERE block_hash = $1`
RetrieveUnclesPgStr = `SELECT uncle_cids.cid, data
FROM eth.uncle_cids
INNER JOIN eth.header_cids ON (
uncle_cids.header_id = header_cids.block_hash
AND uncle_cids.block_number = header_cids.block_number
INNER JOIN ipld.blocks ON (
uncle_cids.cid = blocks.key
AND uncle_cids.block_number = blocks.block_number
WHERE header_cids.block_hash = $1
AND header_cids.block_number = $2
ORDER BY uncle_cids.parent_hash
RetrieveUnclesByBlockHashPgStr = `SELECT uncle_cids.cid, data
FROM eth.uncle_cids
INNER JOIN eth.header_cids ON (
uncle_cids.header_id = header_cids.block_hash
AND uncle_cids.block_number = header_cids.block_number
INNER JOIN ipld.blocks ON (
uncle_cids.cid = blocks.key
AND uncle_cids.block_number = blocks.block_number
WHERE header_cids.block_hash = $1
ORDER BY uncle_cids.parent_hash
RetrieveTransactionsPgStr = `SELECT transaction_cids.cid, data
FROM eth.transaction_cids
INNER JOIN eth.header_cids ON (
transaction_cids.header_id = header_cids.block_hash
AND transaction_cids.block_number = header_cids.block_number
INNER JOIN ipld.blocks ON (
transaction_cids.cid = blocks.key
AND transaction_cids.block_number = blocks.block_number
WHERE block_hash = $1
AND header_cids.block_number = $2
ORDER BY eth.transaction_cids.index ASC`
RetrieveTransactionsByBlockHashPgStr = `SELECT transaction_cids.cid, data
FROM eth.transaction_cids
INNER JOIN eth.header_cids ON (
transaction_cids.header_id = header_cids.block_hash
AND transaction_cids.block_number = header_cids.block_number
INNER JOIN ipld.blocks ON (
transaction_cids.cid = blocks.key
AND transaction_cids.block_number = blocks.block_number
WHERE block_hash = $1
ORDER BY eth.transaction_cids.index ASC`
RetrieveReceiptsPgStr = `SELECT receipt_cids.cid, data, eth.transaction_cids.tx_hash
FROM eth.receipt_cids
INNER JOIN eth.transaction_cids ON (
receipt_cids.tx_id = transaction_cids.tx_hash
AND receipt_cids.header_id = transaction_cids.header_id
AND receipt_cids.block_number = transaction_cids.block_number
INNER JOIN eth.header_cids ON (
transaction_cids.header_id = header_cids.block_hash
AND transaction_cids.block_number = header_cids.block_number
INNER JOIN ipld.blocks ON (
receipt_cids.cid = blocks.key
AND receipt_cids.block_number = blocks.block_number
WHERE block_hash = $1
AND header_cids.block_number = $2
ORDER BY eth.transaction_cids.index ASC`
RetrieveReceiptsByBlockHashPgStr = `SELECT receipt_cids.cid, data, eth.transaction_cids.tx_hash
FROM eth.receipt_cids
INNER JOIN eth.transaction_cids ON (
receipt_cids.tx_id = transaction_cids.tx_hash
AND receipt_cids.header_id = transaction_cids.header_id
AND receipt_cids.block_number = transaction_cids.block_number
INNER JOIN eth.header_cids ON (
transaction_cids.header_id = header_cids.block_hash
AND transaction_cids.block_number = header_cids.block_number
INNER JOIN ipld.blocks ON (
receipt_cids.cid = blocks.key
AND receipt_cids.block_number = blocks.block_number
WHERE block_hash = $1
ORDER BY eth.transaction_cids.index ASC`
RetrieveAccountByLeafKeyAndBlockHashPgStr = `SELECT state_cids.nonce, state_cids.balance, state_cids.storage_root, state_cids.code_hash, state_cids.removed
FROM eth.state_cids
INNER JOIN eth.header_cids ON (
state_cids.header_id = header_cids.block_hash
AND state_cids.block_number = header_cids.block_number
WHERE state_leaf_key = $1
AND header_cids.block_number <= (SELECT block_number
FROM eth.header_cids
WHERE block_hash = $2)
AND header_cids.block_hash = (SELECT canonical_header_hash(header_cids.block_number))
ORDER BY header_cids.block_number DESC
RetrieveFilteredGQLLogs = `SELECT CAST(eth.log_cids.block_number as TEXT), eth.log_cids.header_id as block_hash,
eth.log_cids.cid, eth.log_cids.index, eth.log_cids.rct_id, eth.log_cids.address,
eth.log_cids.topic0, eth.log_cids.topic1, eth.log_cids.topic2, eth.log_cids.topic3,
data, eth.receipt_cids.cid AS rct_cid, eth.receipt_cids.post_status, eth.receipt_cids.tx_id AS tx_hash
FROM eth.log_cids, eth.receipt_cids, ipld.blocks
WHERE eth.log_cids.rct_id = receipt_cids.tx_id
AND eth.log_cids.header_id = receipt_cids.header_id
AND eth.log_cids.block_number = receipt_cids.block_number
AND log_cids.cid = blocks.key
AND log_cids.block_number = blocks.block_number
AND receipt_cids.header_id = $1`
RetrieveFilteredLogs = `SELECT CAST(eth.log_cids.block_number as TEXT), eth.log_cids.cid, eth.log_cids.index, eth.log_cids.rct_id,
eth.log_cids.address, eth.log_cids.topic0, eth.log_cids.topic1, eth.log_cids.topic2, eth.log_cids.topic3,
eth.transaction_cids.tx_hash, eth.transaction_cids.index as txn_index,
blocks.data, eth.receipt_cids.cid AS rct_cid, eth.receipt_cids.post_status, header_cids.block_hash
FROM eth.log_cids, eth.receipt_cids, eth.transaction_cids, eth.header_cids, ipld.blocks
WHERE eth.log_cids.rct_id = receipt_cids.tx_id
AND eth.log_cids.header_id = eth.receipt_cids.header_id
AND eth.log_cids.block_number = eth.receipt_cids.block_number
AND log_cids.cid = blocks.key
AND log_cids.block_number = blocks.block_number
AND receipt_cids.tx_id = transaction_cids.tx_hash
AND receipt_cids.header_id = transaction_cids.header_id
AND receipt_cids.block_number = transaction_cids.block_number
AND transaction_cids.header_id = header_cids.block_hash
AND transaction_cids.block_number = header_cids.block_number`
RetrieveStorageLeafByAddressHashAndLeafKeyAndBlockHashPgStr = `SELECT cid, val, block_number, removed, state_leaf_removed FROM get_storage_at_by_hash($1, $2, $3)`
RetrieveStorageAndRLPByAddressHashAndLeafKeyAndBlockHashPgStr = `
SELECT cid, val, storage.block_number, removed, state_leaf_removed, data
FROM get_storage_at_by_hash($1, $2, $3) AS storage
INNER JOIN ipld.blocks ON (
storage.cid = blocks.key
AND storage.block_number = blocks.block_number
RetrieveCanonicalBlockHashByNumber = `SELECT block_hash
FROM canonical_header_hash($1) AS block_hash
WHERE block_hash IS NOT NULL`
RetrieveCanonicalHeaderByNumber = `SELECT cid, data FROM eth.header_cids
INNER JOIN ipld.blocks ON (
header_cids.cid = blocks.key
AND header_cids.block_number = blocks.block_number
WHERE block_hash = (SELECT canonical_header_hash($1))`
RetrieveCanonicalHeaderAndHashByNumber = `SELECT data, block_hash FROM eth.header_cids
INNER JOIN ipld.blocks ON (
header_cids.cid = blocks.key
AND header_cids.block_number = blocks.block_number
WHERE block_hash = (SELECT canonical_header_hash($1))`
RetrieveTD = `SELECT CAST(td as TEXT) FROM eth.header_cids
WHERE header_cids.block_hash = $1`
RetrieveRPCTransaction = `SELECT blocks.data, header_id, transaction_cids.block_number, index
FROM ipld.blocks, eth.transaction_cids
WHERE blocks.key = transaction_cids.cid
AND blocks.block_number = transaction_cids.block_number
AND transaction_cids.tx_hash = $1
AND transaction_cids.header_id = (SELECT canonical_header_hash(transaction_cids.block_number))`
RetrieveCodeHashByLeafKeyAndBlockHash = `SELECT code_hash FROM eth.state_cids, eth.header_cids
WHERE state_cids.header_id = header_cids.block_hash
AND state_cids.block_number = header_cids.block_number
AND state_leaf_key = $1
AND header_cids.block_number <= (SELECT block_number
FROM eth.header_cids
WHERE block_hash = $2)
AND header_cids.block_hash = (SELECT canonical_header_hash(header_cids.block_number))
ORDER BY header_cids.block_number DESC
RetrieveCodeByKey = `SELECT data FROM ipld.blocks WHERE key = $1`
type ipldResult struct {
CID string `db:"cid"`
Data []byte `db:"data"`
TxHash string `db:"tx_hash"`
type nodeInfo struct {
CID string `db:"cid"`
Value []byte `db:"val"`
BlockNumber string `db:"block_number"`
Data []byte `db:"data"`
Removed bool `db:"removed"`
StateLeafRemoved bool `db:"state_leaf_removed"`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
// VulcanizeDB
// Copyright © 2019 Vulcanize
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package eth_state_test
import (
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
func TestETHSuite(t *testing.T) {
RunSpecs(t, "ipld-eth-server/pkg/eth/state_test")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
package eth_state_test
import (
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
func CheckGetSliceResponse(sliceResponse eth.GetSliceResponse, expectedResponse eth.GetSliceResponse) {

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package eth_test
package eth_state_test
import (
@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import (
@ -30,21 +29,26 @@ import (
sdtypes "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/statediff/types"
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
// "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/statediff/test_helpers"
var (
parsedABI abi.ABI
parsedABI abi.ABI
randomAddress = common.HexToAddress("0x9F4203bd7a11aCB94882050E6f1C3ab14BBaD3D9")
randomHash = crypto.Keccak256Hash(randomAddress.Bytes())
number = rpc.BlockNumber(test_helpers.BlockNumber.Int64())
block1StateRoot = common.HexToHash("0xa1f614839ebdd58677df2c9d66a3e0acc9462acc49fad6006d0b6e5d2b98ed21")
rootDataHashBlock1 = "a1f614839ebdd58677df2c9d66a3e0acc9462acc49fad6006d0b6e5d2b98ed21"
@ -83,7 +87,7 @@ var (
func init() {
// load abi
abiBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile("./test_helpers/abi.json")
abiBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile("../test_helpers/abi.json")
if err != nil {
@ -93,132 +97,133 @@ func init() {
var _ = Describe("eth state reading tests", func() {
const chainLength = 5
var (
blocks []*types.Block
receipts []types.Receipts
chain *core.BlockChain
db *sqlx.DB
api *eth.PublicEthAPI
backend *eth.Backend
chainConfig = params.TestChainConfig
mockTD = big.NewInt(1337)
expectedCanonicalHeader map[string]interface{}
It("test init", func() {
// db and type initializations
var err error
db = shared.SetupDB()
transformer := shared.SetupTestStateDiffIndexer(ctx, chainConfig, test_helpers.Genesis.Hash())
const chainLength = 5
backend, err = eth.NewEthBackend(db, &eth.Config{
ChainConfig: chainConfig,
VMConfig: vm.Config{},
RPCGasCap: big.NewInt(10000000000), // Max gas capacity for a rpc call.
GroupCacheConfig: &shared.GroupCacheConfig{
StateDB: shared.GroupConfig{
Name: "eth_state_test",
CacheSizeInMB: 8,
CacheExpiryInMins: 60,
LogStatsIntervalInSecs: 0,
var (
blocks []*types.Block
receipts []types.Receipts
chain *core.BlockChain
db *sqlx.DB
api *eth.PublicEthAPI
backend *eth.Backend
chainConfig = &*params.TestChainConfig
mockTD = big.NewInt(1337)
expectedCanonicalHeader map[string]interface{}
ctx = context.Background()
var _ = BeforeSuite(func() {
chainConfig.LondonBlock = big.NewInt(100)
// db and type initializations
var err error
db = shared.SetupDB()
backend, err = eth.NewEthBackend(db, &eth.Config{
ChainConfig: chainConfig,
VMConfig: vm.Config{},
RPCGasCap: big.NewInt(10000000000), // Max gas capacity for a rpc call.
GroupCacheConfig: &shared.GroupCacheConfig{
StateDB: shared.GroupConfig{
Name: "eth_state_test",
CacheSizeInMB: 8,
CacheExpiryInMins: 60,
LogStatsIntervalInSecs: 0,
api, _ = eth.NewPublicEthAPI(backend, nil, eth.APIConfig{false, false, false, false, shared.DefaultStateDiffTimeout})
api, _ = eth.NewPublicEthAPI(backend, nil, eth.APIConfig{StateDiffTimeout: shared.DefaultStateDiffTimeout})
// make the test blockchain (and state)
blocks, receipts, chain = test_helpers.MakeChain(chainLength, test_helpers.Genesis, test_helpers.TestChainGen)
params := statediff.Params{
IntermediateStateNodes: true,
IntermediateStorageNodes: true,
canonicalHeader := blocks[1].Header()
expectedCanonicalHeader = map[string]interface{}{
"number": (*hexutil.Big)(canonicalHeader.Number),
"hash": canonicalHeader.Hash(),
"parentHash": canonicalHeader.ParentHash,
"nonce": canonicalHeader.Nonce,
"mixHash": canonicalHeader.MixDigest,
"sha3Uncles": canonicalHeader.UncleHash,
"logsBloom": canonicalHeader.Bloom,
"stateRoot": canonicalHeader.Root,
"miner": canonicalHeader.Coinbase,
"difficulty": (*hexutil.Big)(canonicalHeader.Difficulty),
"extraData": hexutil.Bytes([]byte{}),
"size": hexutil.Uint64(canonicalHeader.Size()),
"gasLimit": hexutil.Uint64(canonicalHeader.GasLimit),
"gasUsed": hexutil.Uint64(canonicalHeader.GasUsed),
"timestamp": hexutil.Uint64(canonicalHeader.Time),
"transactionsRoot": canonicalHeader.TxHash,
"receiptsRoot": canonicalHeader.ReceiptHash,
"totalDifficulty": (*hexutil.Big)(mockTD),
// iterate over the blocks, generating statediff payloads, and transforming the data into Postgres
builder := statediff.NewBuilder(chain.StateCache())
for i, block := range blocks {
var args statediff.Args
var rcts types.Receipts
if i == 0 {
args = statediff.Args{
OldStateRoot: common.Hash{},
NewStateRoot: block.Root(),
BlockNumber: block.Number(),
BlockHash: block.Hash(),
} else {
args = statediff.Args{
OldStateRoot: blocks[i-1].Root(),
NewStateRoot: block.Root(),
BlockNumber: block.Number(),
BlockHash: block.Hash(),
rcts = receipts[i-1]
// make the test blockchain (and state)
blocks, receipts, chain = test_helpers.MakeChain(chainLength, test_helpers.Genesis, test_helpers.TestChainGen, chainConfig)
transformer := shared.SetupTestStateDiffIndexer(ctx, chainConfig, test_helpers.Genesis.Hash())
params := statediff.Params{}
canonicalHeader := blocks[1].Header()
expectedCanonicalHeader = map[string]interface{}{
"number": (*hexutil.Big)(canonicalHeader.Number),
"hash": canonicalHeader.Hash(),
"parentHash": canonicalHeader.ParentHash,
"nonce": canonicalHeader.Nonce,
"mixHash": canonicalHeader.MixDigest,
"sha3Uncles": canonicalHeader.UncleHash,
"logsBloom": canonicalHeader.Bloom,
"stateRoot": canonicalHeader.Root,
"miner": canonicalHeader.Coinbase,
"difficulty": (*hexutil.Big)(canonicalHeader.Difficulty),
"extraData": hexutil.Bytes([]byte{}),
"size": hexutil.Uint64(canonicalHeader.Size()),
"gasLimit": hexutil.Uint64(canonicalHeader.GasLimit),
"gasUsed": hexutil.Uint64(canonicalHeader.GasUsed),
"timestamp": hexutil.Uint64(canonicalHeader.Time),
"transactionsRoot": canonicalHeader.TxHash,
"receiptsRoot": canonicalHeader.ReceiptHash,
"totalDifficulty": (*hexutil.Big)(mockTD),
// iterate over the blocks, generating statediff payloads, and transforming the data into Postgres
builder := statediff.NewBuilder(chain.StateCache())
for i, block := range blocks {
var args statediff.Args
var rcts types.Receipts
if i == 0 {
args = statediff.Args{
OldStateRoot: common.Hash{},
NewStateRoot: block.Root(),
BlockNumber: block.Number(),
BlockHash: block.Hash(),
diff, err := builder.BuildStateDiffObject(args, params)
tx, err := transformer.PushBlock(block, rcts, mockTD)
for _, node := range diff.Nodes {
err = transformer.PushStateNode(tx, node, block.Hash().String())
} else {
args = statediff.Args{
OldStateRoot: blocks[i-1].Root(),
NewStateRoot: block.Root(),
BlockNumber: block.Number(),
BlockHash: block.Hash(),
err = tx.Submit(err)
rcts = receipts[i-1]
diff, err := builder.BuildStateDiffObject(args, params)
tx, err := transformer.PushBlock(block, rcts, mockTD)
for _, node := range diff.Nodes {
err = transformer.PushStateNode(tx, node, block.Hash().String())
// Insert some non-canonical data into the database so that we test our ability to discern canonicity
indexAndPublisher := shared.SetupTestStateDiffIndexer(ctx, chainConfig, test_helpers.Genesis.Hash())
tx, err := indexAndPublisher.PushBlock(test_helpers.MockBlock, test_helpers.MockReceipts, test_helpers.MockBlock.Difficulty())
for _, ipld := range diff.IPLDs {
err = transformer.PushIPLD(tx, ipld)
err = tx.Submit(err)
// The non-canonical header has a child
tx, err = indexAndPublisher.PushBlock(test_helpers.MockChild, test_helpers.MockReceipts, test_helpers.MockChild.Difficulty())
// Insert some non-canonical data into the database so that we test our ability to discern canonicity
indexAndPublisher := shared.SetupTestStateDiffIndexer(ctx, chainConfig, test_helpers.Genesis.Hash())
hash := sdtypes.CodeAndCodeHash{
Hash: test_helpers.CodeHash,
Code: test_helpers.ContractCode,
tx, err := indexAndPublisher.PushBlock(test_helpers.MockBlock, test_helpers.MockReceipts, test_helpers.MockBlock.Difficulty())
err = indexAndPublisher.PushCodeAndCodeHash(tx, hash)
err = tx.Submit(err)
// wait for tx batch process to complete.
time.Sleep(10000 * time.Millisecond)
err = tx.Submit(err)
defer It("test teardown", func() {
// The non-canonical header has a child
tx, err = indexAndPublisher.PushBlock(test_helpers.MockChild, test_helpers.MockReceipts, test_helpers.MockChild.Difficulty())
err = tx.Submit(err)
var _ = AfterSuite(func() {
var _ = Describe("eth state reading tests", func() {
Describe("eth_call", func() {
It("Applies call args (tx data) on top of state, returning the result (e.g. a Getter method call)", func() {
@ -229,6 +234,7 @@ var _ = Describe("eth state reading tests", func() {
To: &test_helpers.ContractAddr,
Data: &bdata,
// Before contract deployment, returns nil
res, err := api.Call(context.Background(), callArgs, rpc.BlockNumberOrHashWithNumber(0), nil)
@ -261,25 +267,25 @@ var _ = Describe("eth state reading tests", func() {
var (
expectedContractBalance = (*hexutil.Big)(common.Big0)
expectedBankBalanceBlock0 = (*hexutil.Big)(test_helpers.TestBankFunds)
expectedAcct1BalanceBlock1 = (*hexutil.Big)(big.NewInt(10000))
expectedBankBalanceBlock1 = (*hexutil.Big)(new(big.Int).Sub(test_helpers.TestBankFunds, big.NewInt(10000)))
expectedAcct2BalanceBlock2 = (*hexutil.Big)(big.NewInt(1000))
expectedBankBalanceBlock2 = (*hexutil.Big)(new(big.Int).Sub(expectedBankBalanceBlock1.ToInt(), big.NewInt(1000)))
expectedAcct2BalanceBlock3 = (*hexutil.Big)(new(big.Int).Add(expectedAcct2BalanceBlock2.ToInt(), test_helpers.MiningReward))
expectedAcct2BalanceBlock4 = (*hexutil.Big)(new(big.Int).Add(expectedAcct2BalanceBlock3.ToInt(), test_helpers.MiningReward))
expectedAcct1BalanceBlock5 = (*hexutil.Big)(new(big.Int).Add(expectedAcct1BalanceBlock1.ToInt(), test_helpers.MiningReward))
Describe("eth_getBalance", func() {
It("Retrieves the eth balance for the provided account address at the block with the provided number", func() {
var (
expectedContractBalance = (*hexutil.Big)(common.Big0)
expectedBankBalanceBlock0 = (*hexutil.Big)(test_helpers.TestBankFunds)
expectedAcct1BalanceBlock1 = (*hexutil.Big)(big.NewInt(10000))
expectedBankBalanceBlock1 = (*hexutil.Big)(new(big.Int).Sub(test_helpers.TestBankFunds, big.NewInt(10000)))
expectedAcct2BalanceBlock2 = (*hexutil.Big)(big.NewInt(1000))
expectedBankBalanceBlock2 = (*hexutil.Big)(new(big.Int).Sub(expectedBankBalanceBlock1.ToInt(), big.NewInt(1000)))
expectedAcct2BalanceBlock3 = (*hexutil.Big)(new(big.Int).Add(expectedAcct2BalanceBlock2.ToInt(), test_helpers.MiningReward))
expectedAcct2BalanceBlock4 = (*hexutil.Big)(new(big.Int).Add(expectedAcct2BalanceBlock3.ToInt(), test_helpers.MiningReward))
expectedAcct1BalanceBlock5 = (*hexutil.Big)(new(big.Int).Add(expectedAcct1BalanceBlock1.ToInt(), test_helpers.MiningReward))
It("Retrieves account balance by block number", func() {
bal, err := api.GetBalance(ctx, test_helpers.TestBankAddress, rpc.BlockNumberOrHashWithNumber(0))
@ -364,7 +370,7 @@ var _ = Describe("eth state reading tests", func() {
It("Retrieves the eth balance for the provided account address at the block with the provided hash", func() {
It("Retrieves account balance by block hash", func() {
bal, err := api.GetBalance(ctx, test_helpers.TestBankAddress, rpc.BlockNumberOrHashWithHash(blocks[0].Hash(), true))
@ -449,7 +455,7 @@ var _ = Describe("eth state reading tests", func() {
It("Returns `0` for an account it cannot find the balance for an account at the provided block number", func() {
It("Returns 0 if account balance not found by block number", func() {
bal, err := api.GetBalance(ctx, test_helpers.Account1Addr, rpc.BlockNumberOrHashWithNumber(0))
@ -462,7 +468,7 @@ var _ = Describe("eth state reading tests", func() {
It("Returns `0` for an error for an account it cannot find the balance for an account at the provided block hash", func() {
It("Returns 0 if account balance not found by block hash", func() {
bal, err := api.GetBalance(ctx, test_helpers.Account1Addr, rpc.BlockNumberOrHashWithHash(blocks[0].Hash(), true))
@ -474,7 +480,6 @@ var _ = Describe("eth state reading tests", func() {
bal, err = api.GetBalance(ctx, test_helpers.ContractAddr, rpc.BlockNumberOrHashWithHash(blocks[0].Hash(), true))
@ -498,7 +503,7 @@ var _ = Describe("eth state reading tests", func() {
It("Returns `nil` for an account it cannot find the code for", func() {
code, err := api.GetCode(ctx, randomAddr, rpc.BlockNumberOrHashWithHash(blocks[3].Hash(), true))
code, err := api.GetCode(ctx, randomAddress, rpc.BlockNumberOrHashWithHash(blocks[3].Hash(), true))
@ -604,7 +609,7 @@ var _ = Describe("eth state reading tests", func() {
eth.CheckGetSliceResponse(*sliceResponse, expectedResponse)
CheckGetSliceResponse(*sliceResponse, expectedResponse)
It("Retrieves the state slice for root path with 0 depth", func() {
path := "0x"
@ -633,7 +638,7 @@ var _ = Describe("eth state reading tests", func() {
Leaves: map[string]eth.GetSliceResponseAccount{},
eth.CheckGetSliceResponse(*sliceResponse, expectedResponse)
CheckGetSliceResponse(*sliceResponse, expectedResponse)
It("Retrieves the state slice for a path to an account", func() {
path := "0x06"
@ -669,7 +674,7 @@ var _ = Describe("eth state reading tests", func() {
eth.CheckGetSliceResponse(*sliceResponse, expectedResponse)
CheckGetSliceResponse(*sliceResponse, expectedResponse)
It("Retrieves the state slice for a path to a non-existing account", func() {
path := "0x06"
@ -698,7 +703,7 @@ var _ = Describe("eth state reading tests", func() {
Leaves: map[string]eth.GetSliceResponseAccount{},
eth.CheckGetSliceResponse(*sliceResponse, expectedResponse)
CheckGetSliceResponse(*sliceResponse, expectedResponse)
It("Retrieves the storage slice for root path", func() {
@ -731,7 +736,7 @@ var _ = Describe("eth state reading tests", func() {
Leaves: map[string]eth.GetSliceResponseAccount{},
eth.CheckGetSliceResponse(*sliceResponse, expectedResponse)
CheckGetSliceResponse(*sliceResponse, expectedResponse)
It("Retrieves the storage slice for root path with 0 depth", func() {
path := "0x"
@ -760,7 +765,7 @@ var _ = Describe("eth state reading tests", func() {
Leaves: map[string]eth.GetSliceResponseAccount{},
eth.CheckGetSliceResponse(*sliceResponse, expectedResponse)
CheckGetSliceResponse(*sliceResponse, expectedResponse)
It("Retrieves the storage slice for root path with deleted nodes", func() {
path := "0x"
@ -789,7 +794,7 @@ var _ = Describe("eth state reading tests", func() {
Leaves: map[string]eth.GetSliceResponseAccount{},
eth.CheckGetSliceResponse(*sliceResponse, expectedResponse)
CheckGetSliceResponse(*sliceResponse, expectedResponse)
It("Retrieves the storage slice for a path to a storage node", func() {
path := "0x0b"
@ -820,7 +825,7 @@ var _ = Describe("eth state reading tests", func() {
Leaves: map[string]eth.GetSliceResponseAccount{},
eth.CheckGetSliceResponse(*sliceResponse, expectedResponse)
CheckGetSliceResponse(*sliceResponse, expectedResponse)

View File

@ -16,38 +16,6 @@
package eth
import (
// SubscriptionSettings config is used by a subscriber to specify what eth data to stream from the watcher
type SubscriptionSettings struct {
BackFill bool
BackFillOnly bool
Start *big.Int
End *big.Int // set to 0 or a negative value to have no ending block
HeaderFilter HeaderFilter
TxFilter TxFilter
ReceiptFilter ReceiptFilter
StateFilter StateFilter
StorageFilter StorageFilter
// HeaderFilter contains filter settings for headers
type HeaderFilter struct {
Off bool
Uncles bool
// TxFilter contains filter settings for txs
type TxFilter struct {
Off bool
Src []string
Dst []string
// ReceiptFilter contains filter settings for receipts
type ReceiptFilter struct {
Off bool
@ -56,70 +24,3 @@ type ReceiptFilter struct {
LogAddresses []string // receipt contains logs from the provided addresses
Topics [][]string
// StateFilter contains filter settings for state
type StateFilter struct {
Off bool
Addresses []string // is converted to state key by taking its keccak256 hash
IntermediateNodes bool
// StorageFilter contains filter settings for storage
type StorageFilter struct {
Off bool
Addresses []string
StorageKeys []string // need to be the hashs key themselves not slot position
IntermediateNodes bool
// Init is used to initialize a EthSubscription struct with env variables
func NewEthSubscriptionConfig() (*SubscriptionSettings, error) {
sc := new(SubscriptionSettings)
// Below default to false, which means we do not backfill by default
sc.BackFill = viper.GetBool("watcher.ethSubscription.historicalData")
sc.BackFillOnly = viper.GetBool("watcher.ethSubscription.historicalDataOnly")
// Below default to 0
// 0 start means we start at the beginning and 0 end means we continue indefinitely
sc.Start = big.NewInt(viper.GetInt64("watcher.ethSubscription.startingBlock"))
sc.End = big.NewInt(viper.GetInt64("watcher.ethSubscription.endingBlock"))
// Below default to false, which means we get all headers and no uncles by default
sc.HeaderFilter = HeaderFilter{
Off: viper.GetBool("watcher.ethSubscription.headerFilter.off"),
Uncles: viper.GetBool("watcher.ethSubscription.headerFilter.uncles"),
// Below defaults to false and two slices of length 0
// Which means we get all transactions by default
sc.TxFilter = TxFilter{
Off: viper.GetBool("watcher.ethSubscription.txFilter.off"),
Src: viper.GetStringSlice("watcher.ethSubscription.txFilter.src"),
Dst: viper.GetStringSlice("watcher.ethSubscription.txFilter.dst"),
// By default all of the topic slices will be empty => match on any/all topics
topics := make([][]string, 4)
topics[0] = viper.GetStringSlice("watcher.ethSubscription.receiptFilter.topic0s")
topics[1] = viper.GetStringSlice("watcher.ethSubscription.receiptFilter.topic1s")
topics[2] = viper.GetStringSlice("watcher.ethSubscription.receiptFilter.topic2s")
topics[3] = viper.GetStringSlice("watcher.ethSubscription.receiptFilter.topic3s")
sc.ReceiptFilter = ReceiptFilter{
Off: viper.GetBool("watcher.ethSubscription.receiptFilter.off"),
MatchTxs: viper.GetBool("watcher.ethSubscription.receiptFilter.matchTxs"),
LogAddresses: viper.GetStringSlice("watcher.ethSubscription.receiptFilter.contracts"),
Topics: topics,
// Below defaults to two false, and a slice of length 0
// Which means we get all state leafs by default, but no intermediate nodes
sc.StateFilter = StateFilter{
Off: viper.GetBool("watcher.ethSubscription.stateFilter.off"),
IntermediateNodes: viper.GetBool("watcher.ethSubscription.stateFilter.intermediateNodes"),
Addresses: viper.GetStringSlice("watcher.ethSubscription.stateFilter.addresses"),
// Below defaults to two false, and two slices of length 0
// Which means we get all storage leafs by default, but no intermediate nodes
sc.StorageFilter = StorageFilter{
Off: viper.GetBool("watcher.ethSubscription.storageFilter.off"),
IntermediateNodes: viper.GetBool("watcher.ethSubscription.storageFilter.intermediateNodes"),
Addresses: viper.GetStringSlice("watcher.ethSubscription.storageFilter.addresses"),
StorageKeys: viper.GetStringSlice("watcher.ethSubscription.storageFilter.storageKeys"),
return sc, nil

View File

@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
// VulcanizeDB
// Copyright © 2019 Vulcanize
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package eth
import (
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
// TxModelsContainsCID used to check if a list of TxModels contains a specific cid string
func TxModelsContainsCID(txs []models.TxModel, cid string) bool {
for _, tx := range txs {
if tx.CID == cid {
return true
return false
// ReceiptModelsContainsCID used to check if a list of ReceiptModel contains a specific cid string
func ReceiptModelsContainsCID(rcts []models.ReceiptModel, cid string) bool {
for _, rct := range rcts {
if rct.LeafCID == cid {
return true
return false
func CheckGetSliceResponse(sliceResponse GetSliceResponse, expectedResponse GetSliceResponse) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
package test_helpers
import (
type IndexChainParams struct {
Blocks []*types.Block
Receipts []types.Receipts
StateCache state.Database
ChainConfig *params.ChainConfig
StateDiffParams statediff.Params
TotalDifficulty *big.Int
// Whether to skip indexing state nodes (state_cids, storage_cids)
SkipStateNodes bool
// Whether to skip indexing IPLD blocks
SkipIPLDs bool
func IndexChain(params IndexChainParams) error {
indexer := shared.SetupTestStateDiffIndexer(context.Background(), params.ChainConfig, Genesis.Hash())
builder := statediff.NewBuilder(params.StateCache)
// iterate over the blocks, generating statediff payloads, and transforming the data into Postgres
for i, block := range params.Blocks {
var args statediff.Args
var rcts types.Receipts
if i == 0 {
args = statediff.Args{
OldStateRoot: common.Hash{},
NewStateRoot: block.Root(),
BlockNumber: block.Number(),
BlockHash: block.Hash(),
} else {
args = statediff.Args{
OldStateRoot: params.Blocks[i-1].Root(),
NewStateRoot: block.Root(),
BlockNumber: block.Number(),
BlockHash: block.Hash(),
rcts = params.Receipts[i-1]
diff, err := builder.BuildStateDiffObject(args, params.StateDiffParams)
if err != nil {
return err
tx, err := indexer.PushBlock(block, rcts, params.TotalDifficulty)
if err != nil {
return err
if !params.SkipStateNodes {
for _, node := range diff.Nodes {
if err = indexer.PushStateNode(tx, node, block.Hash().String()); err != nil {
return err
if !params.SkipIPLDs {
for _, ipld := range diff.IPLDs {
if err := indexer.PushIPLD(tx, ipld); err != nil {
return err
if err = tx.Submit(err); err != nil {
return err
return nil

View File

@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ var (
TestBankKey, _ = crypto.HexToECDSA("b71c71a67e1177ad4e901695e1b4b9ee17ae16c6668d313eac2f96dbcda3f291")
TestBankAddress = crypto.PubkeyToAddress(TestBankKey.PublicKey) //0x71562b71999873DB5b286dF957af199Ec94617F7
TestBankFunds = big.NewInt(100000000)
Genesis = test_helpers.GenesisBlockForTesting(Testdb, TestBankAddress, TestBankFunds)
Genesis = test_helpers.GenesisBlockForTesting(Testdb, TestBankAddress, TestBankFunds, big.NewInt(params.InitialBaseFee), params.MaxGasLimit)
Account1Key, _ = crypto.HexToECDSA("8a1f9a8f95be41cd7ccb6168179afb4504aefe388d1e14474d32c45c72ce7b7a")
Account2Key, _ = crypto.HexToECDSA("49a7b37aa6f6645917e7b807e9d1c00d4fa71f18343b0d4122a4d2df64dd6fee")
@ -61,11 +62,12 @@ data function sig: 73d4a13a
// MakeChain creates a chain of n blocks starting at and including parent.
// the returned hash chain is ordered head->parent.
func MakeChain(n int, parent *types.Block, chainGen func(int, *core.BlockGen)) ([]*types.Block, []types.Receipts, *core.BlockChain) {
config := params.TestChainConfig
config.LondonBlock = big.NewInt(100)
func MakeChain(n int, parent *types.Block, chainGen func(int, *core.BlockGen), config *params.ChainConfig) ([]*types.Block, []types.Receipts, *core.BlockChain) {
blocks, receipts := core.GenerateChain(config, parent, ethash.NewFaker(), Testdb, n, chainGen)
chain, _ := core.NewBlockChain(Testdb, nil, params.TestChainConfig, ethash.NewFaker(), vm.Config{}, nil, nil)
chain, err := core.NewBlockChain(Testdb, nil, nil, nil, ethash.NewFaker(), vm.Config{}, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return append([]*types.Block{parent}, blocks...), receipts, chain

View File

@ -17,13 +17,11 @@
package test_helpers
import (
@ -31,14 +29,12 @@ import (
testhelpers "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/statediff/test_helpers"
sdtypes "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/statediff/types"
blocks "github.com/ipfs/go-block-format"
// Test variables
@ -64,6 +60,7 @@ var (
ReceiptHash: common.HexToHash("0x1"),
Difficulty: big.NewInt(500001),
Extra: []byte{},
ParentHash: Genesis.Hash(),
Time: 2,
@ -73,12 +70,11 @@ var (
ReceiptHash: common.HexToHash("0x2"),
Difficulty: big.NewInt(500002),
Extra: []byte{},
ParentHash: Genesis.Hash(),
ReceiptsRlp, _ = rlp.EncodeToBytes(MockReceipts)
MockBlock = createNewBlock(&MockHeader, MockTransactions, MockUncles, MockReceipts, new(trie.Trie))
MockHeaderRlp, _ = rlp.EncodeToBytes(MockBlock.Header())
MockChildHeader = types.Header{
MockBlock = createNewBlock(&MockHeader, MockTransactions, MockUncles, MockReceipts, trie.NewEmpty(nil))
MockChildHeader = types.Header{
Time: 0,
Number: new(big.Int).Add(BlockNumber, common.Big1),
Root: common.HexToHash("0x0"),
@ -88,26 +84,23 @@ var (
Extra: []byte{},
ParentHash: MockBlock.Header().Hash(),
MockChild = types.NewBlock(&MockChildHeader, MockTransactions, MockUncles, MockReceipts, new(trie.Trie))
MockChildRlp, _ = rlp.EncodeToBytes(MockChild.Header())
Address = common.HexToAddress("0xaE9BEa628c4Ce503DcFD7E305CaB4e29E7476592")
AnotherAddress = common.HexToAddress("0xaE9BEa628c4Ce503DcFD7E305CaB4e29E7476593")
AnotherAddress1 = common.HexToAddress("0xaE9BEa628c4Ce503DcFD7E305CaB4e29E7476594")
AnotherAddress2 = common.HexToAddress("0xaE9BEa628c4Ce503DcFD7E305CaB4e29E7476596")
ContractAddress = crypto.CreateAddress(SenderAddr, MockTransactions[2].Nonce())
ContractHash = crypto.Keccak256Hash(ContractAddress.Bytes()).String()
MockContractByteCode = []byte{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
mockTopic11 = common.HexToHash("0x04")
mockTopic12 = common.HexToHash("0x06")
mockTopic21 = common.HexToHash("0x05")
mockTopic22 = common.HexToHash("0x07")
mockTopic31 = common.HexToHash("0x08")
mockTopic41 = common.HexToHash("0x09")
mockTopic42 = common.HexToHash("0x0a")
mockTopic43 = common.HexToHash("0x0b")
mockTopic51 = common.HexToHash("0x0c")
mockTopic61 = common.HexToHash("0x0d")
MockLog1 = &types.Log{
MockChild = types.NewBlock(&MockChildHeader, MockTransactions, MockUncles, MockReceipts, trie.NewEmpty(nil))
Address = common.HexToAddress("0xaE9BEa628c4Ce503DcFD7E305CaB4e29E7476592")
AnotherAddress = common.HexToAddress("0xaE9BEa628c4Ce503DcFD7E305CaB4e29E7476593")
AnotherAddress1 = common.HexToAddress("0xaE9BEa628c4Ce503DcFD7E305CaB4e29E7476594")
AnotherAddress2 = common.HexToAddress("0xaE9BEa628c4Ce503DcFD7E305CaB4e29E7476596")
ContractAddress = crypto.CreateAddress(SenderAddr, MockTransactions[2].Nonce())
mockTopic11 = common.HexToHash("0x04")
mockTopic12 = common.HexToHash("0x06")
mockTopic21 = common.HexToHash("0x05")
mockTopic22 = common.HexToHash("0x07")
mockTopic31 = common.HexToHash("0x08")
mockTopic41 = common.HexToHash("0x09")
mockTopic42 = common.HexToHash("0x0a")
mockTopic43 = common.HexToHash("0x0b")
mockTopic51 = common.HexToHash("0x0c")
mockTopic61 = common.HexToHash("0x0d")
MockLog1 = &types.Log{
Address: Address,
Topics: []common.Hash{mockTopic11, mockTopic12},
Data: []byte{},
@ -157,179 +150,55 @@ var (
Index: 5,
Tx1 = GetTxnRlp(0, MockTransactions)
Tx2 = GetTxnRlp(1, MockTransactions)
Tx3 = GetTxnRlp(2, MockTransactions)
Tx4 = GetTxnRlp(3, MockTransactions)
rctCIDs, rctIPLDData, _ = eth.GetRctLeafNodeData(MockReceipts)
HeaderCID, _ = ipld.RawdataToCid(ipld.MEthHeader, MockHeaderRlp, multihash.KECCAK_256)
HeaderMhKey = shared.MultihashKeyFromCID(HeaderCID)
Trx1CID, _ = ipld.RawdataToCid(ipld.MEthTx, Tx1, multihash.KECCAK_256)
Trx1MhKey = shared.MultihashKeyFromCID(Trx1CID)
Trx2CID, _ = ipld.RawdataToCid(ipld.MEthTx, Tx2, multihash.KECCAK_256)
Trx2MhKey = shared.MultihashKeyFromCID(Trx2CID)
Trx3CID, _ = ipld.RawdataToCid(ipld.MEthTx, Tx3, multihash.KECCAK_256)
Trx3MhKey = shared.MultihashKeyFromCID(Trx3CID)
Trx4CID, _ = ipld.RawdataToCid(ipld.MEthTx, Tx4, multihash.KECCAK_256)
Trx4MhKey = shared.MultihashKeyFromCID(Trx4CID)
Rct1CID = rctCIDs[0]
Rct1MhKey = shared.MultihashKeyFromCID(Rct1CID)
Rct2CID = rctCIDs[1]
Rct2MhKey = shared.MultihashKeyFromCID(Rct2CID)
Rct3CID = rctCIDs[2]
Rct3MhKey = shared.MultihashKeyFromCID(Rct3CID)
Rct4CID = rctCIDs[3]
Rct4MhKey = shared.MultihashKeyFromCID(Rct4CID)
State1CID, _ = ipld.RawdataToCid(ipld.MEthStateTrie, ContractLeafNode, multihash.KECCAK_256)
State1MhKey = shared.MultihashKeyFromCID(State1CID)
State2CID, _ = ipld.RawdataToCid(ipld.MEthStateTrie, AccountLeafNode, multihash.KECCAK_256)
State2MhKey = shared.MultihashKeyFromCID(State2CID)
StorageCID, _ = ipld.RawdataToCid(ipld.MEthStorageTrie, StorageLeafNode, multihash.KECCAK_256)
StorageMhKey = shared.MultihashKeyFromCID(StorageCID)
Rct1IPLD = rctIPLDData[0]
Rct2IPLD = rctIPLDData[1]
Rct3IPLD = rctIPLDData[2]
Rct4IPLD = rctIPLDData[3]
MockTrxMeta = []models.TxModel{
rctCIDs, _ = getReceiptCIDs(MockReceipts)
Rct1CID = rctCIDs[0]
Rct4CID = rctCIDs[3]
MockTrxMeta = []models.TxModel{
CID: "", // This is empty until we go to publish to ipfs
MhKey: "",
Src: SenderAddr.Hex(),
Dst: Address.String(),
Index: 0,
TxHash: MockTransactions[0].Hash().String(),
Data: []byte{},
CID: "",
MhKey: "",
Src: SenderAddr.Hex(),
Dst: AnotherAddress.String(),
Index: 1,
TxHash: MockTransactions[1].Hash().String(),
Data: []byte{},
CID: "",
MhKey: "",
Src: SenderAddr.Hex(),
Dst: "",
Index: 2,
TxHash: MockTransactions[2].Hash().String(),
Data: MockContractByteCode,
CID: "",
MhKey: "",
Src: SenderAddr.Hex(),
Dst: "",
Index: 3,
TxHash: MockTransactions[3].Hash().String(),
Data: []byte{},
MockTrxMetaPostPublsh = []models.TxModel{
BlockNumber: "1",
CID: Trx1CID.String(), // This is empty until we go to publish to ipfs
MhKey: Trx1MhKey,
Src: SenderAddr.Hex(),
Dst: Address.String(),
Index: 0,
TxHash: MockTransactions[0].Hash().String(),
Data: []byte{},
BlockNumber: "1",
CID: Trx2CID.String(),
MhKey: Trx2MhKey,
Src: SenderAddr.Hex(),
Dst: AnotherAddress.String(),
Index: 1,
TxHash: MockTransactions[1].Hash().String(),
Data: []byte{},
BlockNumber: "1",
CID: Trx3CID.String(),
MhKey: Trx3MhKey,
Src: SenderAddr.Hex(),
Dst: "",
Index: 2,
TxHash: MockTransactions[2].Hash().String(),
Data: MockContractByteCode,
BlockNumber: "1",
CID: Trx4CID.String(),
MhKey: Trx4MhKey,
Src: SenderAddr.Hex(),
Dst: AnotherAddress1.String(),
Index: 3,
TxHash: MockTransactions[3].Hash().String(),
Data: []byte{},
MockRctMeta = []models.ReceiptModel{
LeafCID: "",
LeafMhKey: "",
Contract: "",
ContractHash: "",
CID: "",
Contract: "",
LeafCID: "",
LeafMhKey: "",
Contract: "",
ContractHash: "",
CID: "",
Contract: "",
LeafCID: "",
LeafMhKey: "",
Contract: ContractAddress.String(),
ContractHash: ContractHash,
CID: "",
Contract: ContractAddress.String(),
LeafCID: "",
LeafMhKey: "",
Contract: "",
ContractHash: "",
MockRctMetaPostPublish = []models.ReceiptModel{
BlockNumber: "1",
HeaderID: MockBlock.Hash().String(),
LeafCID: Rct1CID.String(),
LeafMhKey: Rct1MhKey,
Contract: "",
ContractHash: "",
BlockNumber: "1",
HeaderID: MockBlock.Hash().String(),
LeafCID: Rct2CID.String(),
LeafMhKey: Rct2MhKey,
Contract: "",
ContractHash: "",
BlockNumber: "1",
HeaderID: MockBlock.Hash().String(),
LeafCID: Rct3CID.String(),
LeafMhKey: Rct3MhKey,
Contract: ContractAddress.String(),
ContractHash: ContractHash,
BlockNumber: "1",
HeaderID: MockBlock.Hash().String(),
LeafCID: Rct4CID.String(),
LeafMhKey: Rct4MhKey,
Contract: "",
ContractHash: "",
CID: "",
Contract: "",
@ -343,21 +212,20 @@ var (
nonce1 = uint64(1)
ContractRoot = "0x821e2556a290c86405f8160a2d662042a431ba456b9db265c79bb837c04be5f0"
ContractCodeHash = crypto.Keccak256Hash(MockContractByteCode)
contractPath = common.Bytes2Hex([]byte{'\x06'})
ContractLeafKey = testhelpers.AddressToLeafKey(ContractAddress)
ContractAccount, _ = rlp.EncodeToBytes(&types.StateAccount{
Nonce: nonce1,
ContractRoot = "0x821e2556a290c86405f8160a2d662042a431ba456b9db265c79bb837c04be5f0"
contractPath = common.Bytes2Hex([]byte{'\x06'})
ContractLeafKey = crypto.Keccak256(ContractAddress[:])
ContractAccount = types.StateAccount{
Nonce: uint64(1),
Balance: big.NewInt(0),
CodeHash: ContractCodeHash.Bytes(),
CodeHash: CodeHash.Bytes(),
Root: common.HexToHash(ContractRoot),
ContractPartialPath = common.Hex2Bytes("3114658a74d9cc9f7acf2c5cd696c3494d7c344d78bfec3add0d91ec4e8d1c45")
ContractLeafNode, _ = rlp.EncodeToBytes(&[]interface{}{
ContractAccountRLP, _ = rlp.EncodeToBytes(&ContractAccount)
ContractPartialPath = common.Hex2Bytes("3114658a74d9cc9f7acf2c5cd696c3494d7c344d78bfec3add0d91ec4e8d1c45")
ContractLeafNode, _ = rlp.EncodeToBytes(&[]interface{}{
nonce0 = uint64(0)
@ -365,67 +233,49 @@ var (
AccountRoot = "0x56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421"
AccountCodeHash = common.HexToHash("0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470")
AccountAddresss = common.HexToAddress("0x0D3ab14BBaD3D99F4203bd7a11aCB94882050E7e")
AccountLeafKey = testhelpers.Account2LeafKey
Account, _ = rlp.EncodeToBytes(&types.StateAccount{
AccountLeafKey = crypto.Keccak256(AccountAddresss[:])
Account = types.StateAccount{
Nonce: nonce0,
Balance: AccountBalance,
CodeHash: AccountCodeHash.Bytes(),
Root: common.HexToHash(AccountRoot),
AccountRLP, _ = rlp.EncodeToBytes(&Account)
AccountPartialPath = common.Hex2Bytes("3957f3e2f04a0764c3a0491b175f69926da61efbcc8f61fa1455fd2d2b4cdd45")
AccountLeafNode, _ = rlp.EncodeToBytes(&[]interface{}{
MockStateNodes = []sdtypes.StateNode{
MockStateNodes = []sdtypes.StateLeafNode{
LeafKey: ContractLeafKey,
Path: []byte{'\x06'},
NodeValue: ContractLeafNode,
NodeType: sdtypes.Leaf,
StorageNodes: []sdtypes.StorageNode{
AccountWrapper: sdtypes.AccountWrapper{
Account: &ContractAccount,
LeafKey: ContractLeafKey,
CID: ipld.Keccak256ToCid(ipld.MEthStateTrie, crypto.Keccak256(ContractLeafNode)).String(),
StorageDiff: []sdtypes.StorageLeafNode{
Path: []byte{},
NodeType: sdtypes.Leaf,
LeafKey: StorageLeafKey,
NodeValue: StorageLeafNode,
LeafKey: StorageLeafKey,
Value: StorageValue,
CID: ipld.Keccak256ToCid(ipld.MEthStorageTrie, crypto.Keccak256(StorageLeafNode)).String(),
LeafKey: AccountLeafKey,
Path: []byte{'\x0c'},
NodeValue: AccountLeafNode,
NodeType: sdtypes.Leaf,
StorageNodes: []sdtypes.StorageNode{},
AccountWrapper: sdtypes.AccountWrapper{
Account: &Account,
LeafKey: AccountLeafKey,
CID: ipld.Keccak256ToCid(ipld.MEthStateTrie, crypto.Keccak256(AccountLeafNode)).String(),
MockStateMetaPostPublish = []models.StateNodeModel{
BlockNumber: "1",
CID: State1CID.String(),
MhKey: State1MhKey,
Path: []byte{'\x06'},
NodeType: 2,
StateKey: common.BytesToHash(ContractLeafKey).Hex(),
BlockNumber: "1",
CID: State2CID.String(),
MhKey: State2MhKey,
Path: []byte{'\x0c'},
NodeType: 2,
StateKey: common.BytesToHash(AccountLeafKey).Hex(),
MockStorageNodes = map[string][]sdtypes.StorageNode{
MockStorageNodes = map[string][]sdtypes.StorageLeafNode{
contractPath: {
LeafKey: StorageLeafKey,
NodeValue: StorageLeafNode,
NodeType: sdtypes.Leaf,
Path: []byte{},
LeafKey: StorageLeafKey,
Value: StorageValue,
CID: ipld.Keccak256ToCid(ipld.MEthStorageTrie, crypto.Keccak256(StorageLeafNode)).String(),
@ -439,149 +289,6 @@ var (
StorageNodes: MockStorageNodes,
StateNodes: MockStateNodes,
MockConvertedPayloadForChild = eth.ConvertedPayload{
TotalDifficulty: MockChild.Difficulty(),
Block: MockChild,
Receipts: MockReceipts,
TxMetaData: MockTrxMeta,
ReceiptMetaData: MockRctMeta,
StorageNodes: MockStorageNodes,
StateNodes: MockStateNodes,
Reward = shared.CalcEthBlockReward(MockBlock.Header(), MockBlock.Uncles(), MockBlock.Transactions(), MockReceipts)
MockCIDWrapper = &eth.CIDWrapper{
BlockNumber: new(big.Int).Set(BlockNumber),
Header: models.HeaderModel{
BlockNumber: "1",
BlockHash: MockBlock.Hash().String(),
ParentHash: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
CID: HeaderCID.String(),
MhKey: HeaderMhKey,
TotalDifficulty: MockBlock.Difficulty().String(),
Reward: Reward.String(),
StateRoot: MockBlock.Root().String(),
RctRoot: MockBlock.ReceiptHash().String(),
TxRoot: MockBlock.TxHash().String(),
UncleRoot: MockBlock.UncleHash().String(),
Bloom: MockBlock.Bloom().Bytes(),
Timestamp: MockBlock.Time(),
TimesValidated: 1,
Coinbase: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
Transactions: MockTrxMetaPostPublsh,
Receipts: MockRctMetaPostPublish,
Uncles: []models.UncleModel{},
StateNodes: MockStateMetaPostPublish,
StorageNodes: []models.StorageNodeWithStateKeyModel{
BlockNumber: "1",
Path: []byte{},
CID: StorageCID.String(),
MhKey: StorageMhKey,
NodeType: 2,
StateKey: common.BytesToHash(ContractLeafKey).Hex(),
StorageKey: common.BytesToHash(StorageLeafKey).Hex(),
HeaderIPLD, _ = blocks.NewBlockWithCid(MockHeaderRlp, HeaderCID)
Trx1IPLD, _ = blocks.NewBlockWithCid(Tx1, Trx1CID)
Trx2IPLD, _ = blocks.NewBlockWithCid(Tx2, Trx2CID)
Trx3IPLD, _ = blocks.NewBlockWithCid(Tx3, Trx3CID)
Trx4IPLD, _ = blocks.NewBlockWithCid(Tx4, Trx4CID)
State1IPLD, _ = blocks.NewBlockWithCid(ContractLeafNode, State1CID)
State2IPLD, _ = blocks.NewBlockWithCid(AccountLeafNode, State2CID)
StorageIPLD, _ = blocks.NewBlockWithCid(StorageLeafNode, StorageCID)
MockIPLDs = eth.IPLDs{
BlockNumber: new(big.Int).Set(BlockNumber),
Header: models.IPLDModel{
BlockNumber: BlockNumber.String(),
Data: HeaderIPLD.RawData(),
Key: HeaderIPLD.Cid().String(),
Transactions: []models.IPLDModel{
BlockNumber: BlockNumber.String(),
Data: Trx1IPLD.RawData(),
Key: Trx1IPLD.Cid().String(),
BlockNumber: BlockNumber.String(),
Data: Trx2IPLD.RawData(),
Key: Trx2IPLD.Cid().String(),
BlockNumber: BlockNumber.String(),
Data: Trx3IPLD.RawData(),
Key: Trx3IPLD.Cid().String(),
BlockNumber: BlockNumber.String(),
Data: Trx4IPLD.RawData(),
Key: Trx4IPLD.Cid().String(),
Receipts: []models.IPLDModel{
BlockNumber: BlockNumber.String(),
Data: Rct1IPLD,
Key: Rct1CID.String(),
BlockNumber: BlockNumber.String(),
Data: Rct2IPLD,
Key: Rct2CID.String(),
BlockNumber: BlockNumber.String(),
Data: Rct3IPLD,
Key: Rct3CID.String(),
BlockNumber: BlockNumber.String(),
Data: Rct4IPLD,
Key: Rct4CID.String(),
StateNodes: []eth.StateNode{
StateLeafKey: common.BytesToHash(ContractLeafKey),
Type: sdtypes.Leaf,
IPLD: models.IPLDModel{
BlockNumber: BlockNumber.String(),
Data: State1IPLD.RawData(),
Key: State1IPLD.Cid().String(),
Path: []byte{'\x06'},
StateLeafKey: common.BytesToHash(AccountLeafKey),
Type: sdtypes.Leaf,
IPLD: models.IPLDModel{
BlockNumber: BlockNumber.String(),
Data: State2IPLD.RawData(),
Key: State2IPLD.Cid().String(),
Path: []byte{'\x0c'},
StorageNodes: []eth.StorageNode{
StateLeafKey: common.BytesToHash(ContractLeafKey),
StorageLeafKey: common.BytesToHash(StorageLeafKey),
Type: sdtypes.Leaf,
IPLD: models.IPLDModel{
BlockNumber: BlockNumber.String(),
Data: StorageIPLD.RawData(),
Key: StorageIPLD.Cid().String(),
Path: []byte{},
LondonBlockNum = new(big.Int).Add(BlockNumber, big.NewInt(2))
MockLondonHeader = types.Header{
@ -616,7 +323,7 @@ var (
Extra: []byte{},
MockLondonBlock = createNewBlock(&MockLondonHeader, MockLondonTransactions, MockLondonUncles, MockLondonReceipts, new(trie.Trie))
MockLondonBlock = createNewBlock(&MockLondonHeader, MockLondonTransactions, MockLondonUncles, MockLondonReceipts, trie.NewEmpty(nil))
func createNewBlock(header *types.Header, txs []*types.Transaction, uncles []*types.Header, receipts []*types.Receipt, hasher types.TrieHasher) *types.Block {
@ -633,7 +340,7 @@ func createNewBlock(header *types.Header, txs []*types.Transaction, uncles []*ty
// createDynamicTransactionsAndReceipts is a helper function to generate signed mock transactions and mock receipts with mock logs
func createDynamicTransactionsAndReceipts(blockNumber *big.Int) (types.Transactions, types.Receipts, common.Address) {
// make transactions
config := params.TestChainConfig
config := *params.TestChainConfig
config.LondonBlock = blockNumber
trx1 := types.NewTx(&types.DynamicFeeTx{
ChainID: config.ChainID,
@ -646,7 +353,7 @@ func createDynamicTransactionsAndReceipts(blockNumber *big.Int) (types.Transacti
Data: []byte{},
transactionSigner := types.MakeSigner(config, blockNumber)
transactionSigner := types.MakeSigner(&config, blockNumber)
mockCurve := elliptic.P256()
mockPrvKey, err := ecdsa.GenerateKey(mockCurve, rand.Reader)
if err != nil {
@ -682,7 +389,7 @@ func createLegacyTransactionsAndReceipts() (types.Transactions, types.Receipts,
// make transactions
trx1 := types.NewTransaction(0, Address, big.NewInt(1000), 50, big.NewInt(100), []byte{})
trx2 := types.NewTransaction(1, AnotherAddress, big.NewInt(2000), 100, big.NewInt(200), []byte{})
trx3 := types.NewContractCreation(2, big.NewInt(1500), 75, big.NewInt(150), MockContractByteCode)
trx3 := types.NewContractCreation(2, big.NewInt(1500), 75, big.NewInt(150), ContractCode)
trx4 := types.NewTransaction(3, AnotherAddress1, big.NewInt(2000), 100, big.NewInt(200), []byte{})
transactionSigner := types.MakeSigner(params.MainnetChainConfig, new(big.Int).Set(BlockNumber))
mockCurve := elliptic.P256()
@ -742,20 +449,14 @@ func createLegacyTransactionsAndReceipts() (types.Transactions, types.Receipts,
return types.Transactions{signedTrx1, signedTrx2, signedTrx3, signedTrx4}, types.Receipts{mockReceipt1, mockReceipt2, mockReceipt3, mockReceipt4}, SenderAddr
func GetTxnRlp(num int, txs types.Transactions) []byte {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
txs.EncodeIndex(num, buf)
tx := make([]byte, buf.Len())
copy(tx, buf.Bytes())
return tx
func GetRctRlp(num int, rcts types.Receipts) []byte {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
rcts.EncodeIndex(num, buf)
rct := make([]byte, buf.Len())
copy(rct, buf.Bytes())
return rct
func getReceiptCIDs(rcts []*types.Receipt) ([]cid.Cid, error) {
cids := make([]cid.Cid, len(rcts))
for i, rct := range rcts {
ethRct, err := ipld.NewReceipt(rct)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cids[i] = ethRct.Cid()
return cids, nil

View File

@ -22,10 +22,11 @@ import (
sdtypes "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/statediff/types"
@ -125,10 +126,10 @@ func (arg *CallArgs) data() []byte {
// ToMessage converts the transaction arguments to the Message type used by the
// core evm. This method is used in calls and traces that do not require a real
// live transaction.
func (arg *CallArgs) ToMessage(globalGasCap uint64, baseFee *big.Int) (types.Message, error) {
func (arg *CallArgs) ToMessage(globalGasCap uint64, baseFee *big.Int) (*core.Message, error) {
// Reject invalid combinations of pre- and post-1559 fee styles
if arg.GasPrice != nil && (arg.MaxFeePerGas != nil || arg.MaxPriorityFeePerGas != nil) {
return types.Message{}, errors.New("both gasPrice and (maxFeePerGas or maxPriorityFeePerGas) specified")
return nil, errors.New("both gasPrice and (maxFeePerGas or maxPriorityFeePerGas) specified")
// Set sender address or use zero address if none specified.
addr := arg.from()
@ -189,51 +190,22 @@ func (arg *CallArgs) ToMessage(globalGasCap uint64, baseFee *big.Int) (types.Mes
if arg.AccessList != nil {
accessList = *arg.AccessList
msg := types.NewMessage(addr, arg.To, 0, value, gas, gasPrice, gasFeeCap, gasTipCap, data, accessList, true)
msg := &core.Message{
Nonce: 0,
GasLimit: gas,
GasPrice: gasPrice,
GasFeeCap: gasFeeCap,
GasTipCap: gasTipCap,
To: arg.To,
Value: value,
Data: data,
AccessList: accessList,
SkipAccountChecks: true,
From: addr,
return msg, nil
// IPLDs is used to package raw IPLD block data fetched from IPFS and returned by the server
// Returned by IPLDFetcher and ResponseFilterer
type IPLDs struct {
BlockNumber *big.Int
TotalDifficulty *big.Int
Header models.IPLDModel
Uncles []models.IPLDModel
Transactions []models.IPLDModel
Receipts []models.IPLDModel
StateNodes []StateNode
StorageNodes []StorageNode
type StateNode struct {
Type sdtypes.NodeType
StateLeafKey common.Hash
Path []byte
IPLD models.IPLDModel
type StorageNode struct {
Type sdtypes.NodeType
StateLeafKey common.Hash
StorageLeafKey common.Hash
Path []byte
IPLD models.IPLDModel
// CIDWrapper is used to direct fetching of IPLDs from IPFS
// Returned by CIDRetriever
// Passed to IPLDFetcher
type CIDWrapper struct {
BlockNumber *big.Int
Header models.HeaderModel
Uncles []models.UncleModel
Transactions []models.TxModel
Receipts []models.ReceiptModel
StateNodes []models.StateNodeModel
StorageNodes []models.StorageNodeWithStateKeyModel
// ConvertedPayload is a custom type which packages raw ETH data for publishing to IPFS and filtering to subscribers
// Returned by PayloadConverter
// Passed to IPLDPublisher and ResponseFilterer
@ -243,13 +215,13 @@ type ConvertedPayload struct {
TxMetaData []models.TxModel
Receipts types.Receipts
ReceiptMetaData []models.ReceiptModel
StateNodes []sdtypes.StateNode
StorageNodes map[string][]sdtypes.StorageNode
StateNodes []sdtypes.StateLeafNode
StorageNodes map[string][]sdtypes.StorageLeafNode
// LogResult represent a log.
type LogResult struct {
LeafCID string `db:"leaf_cid"`
LeafCID string `db:"cid"`
ReceiptID string `db:"rct_id"`
Address string `db:"address"`
Index int64 `db:"index"`
@ -259,7 +231,7 @@ type LogResult struct {
Topic2 string `db:"topic2"`
Topic3 string `db:"topic3"`
LogLeafData []byte `db:"data"`
RctCID string `db:"cid"`
RctCID string `db:"rct_cid"`
RctStatus uint64 `db:"post_status"`
BlockNumber string `db:"block_number"`
BlockHash string `db:"block_hash"`

View File

@ -43,12 +43,12 @@ type IPFSBlockResponse struct {
type EthTransactionCIDResponse struct {
CID string `json:"cid"`
TxHash string `json:"txHash"`
Index int32 `json:"index"`
Src string `json:"src"`
Dst string `json:"dst"`
BlockByMhKey IPFSBlockResponse `json:"blockByMhKey"`
CID string `json:"cid"`
TxHash string `json:"txHash"`
Index int32 `json:"index"`
Src string `json:"src"`
Dst string `json:"dst"`
BlockByCid IPFSBlockResponse `json:"blockByCid"`
type EthTransactionCIDByTxHash struct {
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ type EthHeaderCIDResponse struct {
UncleRoot string `json:"uncleRoot"`
Bloom string `json:"bloom"`
EthTransactionCIDsByHeaderId EthTransactionCIDsByHeaderIdResponse `json:"ethTransactionCidsByHeaderId"`
BlockByMhKey IPFSBlockResponse `json:"blockByMhKey"`
BlockByCid IPFSBlockResponse `json:"blockByCid"`
type AllEthHeaderCIDsResponse struct {
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ func (c *Client) AllEthHeaderCIDs(ctx context.Context, condition EthHeaderCIDCon
blockByMhKey {
blockByCid {
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ func (c *Client) EthTransactionCIDByTxHash(ctx context.Context, txHash string) (
blockByMhKey {
blockByCid {

View File

@ -29,14 +29,13 @@ import (
state "github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-statedb/direct_by_leaf"
var (
@ -52,7 +51,7 @@ type Account struct {
// getState fetches the StateDB object for an account.
func (a *Account) getState(ctx context.Context) (*state.StateDB, error) {
state, _, err := a.backend.StateAndHeaderByNumberOrHash(ctx, a.blockNrOrHash)
state, _, err := a.backend.IPLDDirectStateDBAndHeaderByNumberOrHash(ctx, a.blockNrOrHash)
return state, err
@ -1009,30 +1008,27 @@ func (r *Resolver) GetStorageAt(ctx context.Context, args struct {
Contract common.Address
Slot common.Hash
}) (*StorageResult, error) {
cid, ipldBlock, rlpValue, err := r.backend.IPLDRetriever.RetrieveStorageAtByAddressAndStorageSlotAndBlockHash(args.Contract, args.Slot, args.BlockHash)
cid, nodeRLP, err := r.backend.Retriever.RetrieveStorageAndRLP(args.Contract, args.Slot, args.BlockHash)
if err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
ret := StorageResult{value: []byte{}, cid: "", ipldBlock: []byte{}}
return &ret, nil
return &StorageResult{value: []byte{}, cid: "", ipldBlock: []byte{}}, nil
return nil, err
if bytes.Equal(rlpValue, eth.EmptyNodeValue) {
return &StorageResult{value: eth.EmptyNodeValue, cid: cid, ipldBlock: ipldBlock}, nil
valueRLP, err := eth.DecodeLeafNode(nodeRLP)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if bytes.Equal(valueRLP, eth.EmptyNodeValue) {
return &StorageResult{value: eth.EmptyNodeValue, cid: cid, ipldBlock: nodeRLP}, nil
var value interface{}
err = rlp.DecodeBytes(rlpValue, &value)
err = rlp.DecodeBytes(valueRLP, &value)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := StorageResult{value: value.([]byte), cid: cid, ipldBlock: ipldBlock}
return &ret, nil
return &StorageResult{value: value.([]byte), cid: cid, ipldBlock: nodeRLP}, nil
func (r *Resolver) GetLogs(ctx context.Context, args struct {
@ -1160,7 +1156,7 @@ func (t EthTransactionCID) Dst(ctx context.Context) string {
return t.dst
func (t EthTransactionCID) BlockByMhKey(ctx context.Context) IPFSBlock {
func (t EthTransactionCID) BlockByCid(ctx context.Context) IPFSBlock {
return t.ipfsBlock
@ -1249,7 +1245,7 @@ func (h EthHeaderCID) EthTransactionCidsByHeaderId(ctx context.Context) EthTrans
return EthTransactionCIDsConnection{nodes: h.transactions}
func (h EthHeaderCID) BlockByMhKey(ctx context.Context) IPFSBlock {
func (h EthHeaderCID) BlockByCid(ctx context.Context) IPFSBlock {
return h.ipfsBlock
@ -1289,22 +1285,6 @@ func (r *Resolver) AllEthHeaderCids(ctx context.Context, args struct {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("provide block number or block hash")
// Begin tx
tx, err := r.backend.DB.Beginx()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
if p := recover(); p != nil {
} else if err != nil {
} else {
err = tx.Commit()
var resultNodes []*EthHeaderCID
for _, headerCID := range headerCIDs {
var blockNumber BigInt
@ -1326,7 +1306,7 @@ func (r *Resolver) AllEthHeaderCids(ctx context.Context, args struct {
td: td,
txRoot: headerCID.TxRoot,
receiptRoot: headerCID.RctRoot,
uncleRoot: headerCID.UncleRoot,
uncleRoot: headerCID.UnclesHash,
bloom: Bytes(headerCID.Bloom).String(),
ipfsBlock: IPFSBlock{
key: headerCID.IPLD.Key,

View File

@ -17,11 +17,9 @@
package graphql_test
import (
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
@ -29,7 +27,3 @@ func TestGraphQL(t *testing.T) {
RunSpecs(t, "graphql test suite")
var _ = BeforeSuite(func() {

View File

@ -30,151 +30,113 @@ import (
sdtypes "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/statediff/types"
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
ethServerShared "github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/v4/pkg/shared"
var _ = Describe("GraphQL", func() {
const (
gqlEndPoint = ""
var (
randomAddr = common.HexToAddress("0x1C3ab14BBaD3D99F4203bd7a11aCB94882050E6f")
randomHash = crypto.Keccak256Hash(randomAddr.Bytes())
blocks []*types.Block
receipts []types.Receipts
chain *core.BlockChain
db *sqlx.DB
blockHashes []common.Hash
backend *eth.Backend
graphQLServer *graphql.Service
chainConfig = params.TestChainConfig
mockTD = big.NewInt(1337)
client = graphql.NewClient(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/graphql", gqlEndPoint))
ctx = context.Background()
blockHash common.Hash
contractAddress common.Address
const (
gqlEndPoint = ""
It("test init", func() {
var err error
db = shared.SetupDB()
transformer := shared.SetupTestStateDiffIndexer(ctx, chainConfig, test_helpers.Genesis.Hash())
var (
randomAddr = common.HexToAddress("0x1C3ab14BBaD3D99F4203bd7a11aCB94882050E6f")
randomHash = crypto.Keccak256Hash(randomAddr.Bytes())
blocks []*types.Block
receipts []types.Receipts
chain *core.BlockChain
db *sqlx.DB
backend *eth.Backend
graphQLServer *graphql.Service
chainConfig = &*params.TestChainConfig
client = graphql.NewClient(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/graphql", gqlEndPoint))
mockTD = big.NewInt(1337)
ctx = context.Background()
nonCanonBlockHash common.Hash
nonCanonContractAddress common.Address
backend, err = eth.NewEthBackend(db, &eth.Config{
ChainConfig: chainConfig,
VMConfig: vm.Config{},
RPCGasCap: big.NewInt(10000000000),
GroupCacheConfig: &ethServerShared.GroupCacheConfig{
StateDB: ethServerShared.GroupConfig{
Name: "graphql_test",
CacheSizeInMB: 8,
CacheExpiryInMins: 60,
LogStatsIntervalInSecs: 0,
var _ = BeforeSuite(func() {
var err error
db = shared.SetupDB()
backend, err = eth.NewEthBackend(db, &eth.Config{
ChainConfig: chainConfig,
VMConfig: vm.Config{},
RPCGasCap: big.NewInt(10000000000),
GroupCacheConfig: &shared.GroupCacheConfig{
StateDB: shared.GroupConfig{
Name: "graphql_test",
CacheSizeInMB: 8,
CacheExpiryInMins: 60,
LogStatsIntervalInSecs: 0,
// make the test blockchain (and state)
blocks, receipts, chain = test_helpers.MakeChain(5, test_helpers.Genesis, test_helpers.TestChainGen)
params := statediff.Params{
IntermediateStateNodes: true,
IntermediateStorageNodes: true,
// iterate over the blocks, generating statediff payloads, and transforming the data into Postgres
builder := statediff.NewBuilder(chain.StateCache())
for i, block := range blocks {
blockHashes = append(blockHashes, block.Hash())
var args statediff.Args
var rcts types.Receipts
if i == 0 {
args = statediff.Args{
OldStateRoot: common.Hash{},
NewStateRoot: block.Root(),
BlockNumber: block.Number(),
BlockHash: block.Hash(),
} else {
args = statediff.Args{
OldStateRoot: blocks[i-1].Root(),
NewStateRoot: block.Root(),
BlockNumber: block.Number(),
BlockHash: block.Hash(),
rcts = receipts[i-1]
var diff sdtypes.StateObject
diff, err = builder.BuildStateDiffObject(args, params)
tx, err := transformer.PushBlock(block, rcts, mockTD)
for _, node := range diff.Nodes {
err = transformer.PushStateNode(tx, node, block.Hash().String())
err = tx.Submit(err)
// Insert some non-canonical data into the database so that we test our ability to discern canonicity
indexAndPublisher := shared.SetupTestStateDiffIndexer(ctx, chainConfig, test_helpers.Genesis.Hash())
blockHash = test_helpers.MockBlock.Hash()
contractAddress = test_helpers.ContractAddr
tx, err := indexAndPublisher.PushBlock(test_helpers.MockBlock, test_helpers.MockReceipts, test_helpers.MockBlock.Difficulty())
err = tx.Submit(err)
// The non-canonical header has a child
tx, err = indexAndPublisher.PushBlock(test_helpers.MockChild, test_helpers.MockReceipts, test_helpers.MockChild.Difficulty())
ccHash := sdtypes.CodeAndCodeHash{
Hash: test_helpers.CodeHash,
Code: test_helpers.ContractCode,
err = indexAndPublisher.PushCodeAndCodeHash(tx, ccHash)
err = tx.Submit(err)
graphQLServer, err = graphql.New(backend, gqlEndPoint, nil, []string{"*"}, rpc.HTTPTimeouts{})
err = graphQLServer.Start(nil)
// make the test blockchain (and state)
chainConfig.LondonBlock = big.NewInt(100)
blocks, receipts, chain = test_helpers.MakeChain(5, test_helpers.Genesis, test_helpers.TestChainGen, chainConfig)
StateCache: chain.StateCache(),
ChainConfig: chainConfig,
Blocks: blocks,
Receipts: receipts,
TotalDifficulty: mockTD,
defer It("test teardown", func() {
err := graphQLServer.Stop()
// Insert some non-canonical data into the database so that we test our ability to discern canonicity
indexAndPublisher := shared.SetupTestStateDiffIndexer(ctx, chainConfig, test_helpers.Genesis.Hash())
nonCanonBlockHash = test_helpers.MockBlock.Hash()
nonCanonContractAddress = test_helpers.ContractAddr
tx, err := indexAndPublisher.PushBlock(test_helpers.MockBlock, test_helpers.MockReceipts, test_helpers.MockBlock.Difficulty())
err = tx.Submit(err)
// The non-canonical header has a child
tx, err = indexAndPublisher.PushBlock(test_helpers.MockChild, test_helpers.MockReceipts, test_helpers.MockChild.Difficulty())
ipld := sdtypes.IPLD{
CID: ipld.Keccak256ToCid(ipld.RawBinary, test_helpers.CodeHash.Bytes()).String(),
Content: test_helpers.ContractCode,
err = indexAndPublisher.PushIPLD(tx, ipld)
err = tx.Submit(err)
graphQLServer, err = graphql.New(backend, gqlEndPoint, nil, []string{"*"}, rpc.HTTPTimeouts{})
err = graphQLServer.Start(nil)
var _ = AfterSuite(func() {
err := graphQLServer.Stop()
var _ = Describe("GraphQL", func() {
Describe("eth_getLogs", func() {
It("Retrieves logs that matches the provided blockHash and contract address", func() {
logs, err := client.GetLogs(ctx, blockHash, []common.Address{contractAddress})
logs, err := client.GetLogs(ctx, nonCanonBlockHash, []common.Address{nonCanonContractAddress})
expectedLogs := []graphql.LogResponse{
@ -191,7 +153,7 @@ var _ = Describe("GraphQL", func() {
It("Retrieves logs for the failed receipt status that matches the provided blockHash and another contract address", func() {
logs, err := client.GetLogs(ctx, blockHash, []common.Address{test_helpers.AnotherAddress2})
logs, err := client.GetLogs(ctx, nonCanonBlockHash, []common.Address{test_helpers.AnotherAddress2})
expectedLogs := []graphql.LogResponse{
@ -208,7 +170,7 @@ var _ = Describe("GraphQL", func() {
It("Retrieves logs that matches the provided blockHash and multiple contract addresses", func() {
logs, err := client.GetLogs(ctx, blockHash, []common.Address{contractAddress, test_helpers.AnotherAddress2})
logs, err := client.GetLogs(ctx, nonCanonBlockHash, []common.Address{nonCanonContractAddress, test_helpers.AnotherAddress2})
expectedLogs := []graphql.LogResponse{
@ -232,13 +194,13 @@ var _ = Describe("GraphQL", func() {
It("Retrieves all the logs for the receipt that matches the provided blockHash and nil contract address", func() {
logs, err := client.GetLogs(ctx, blockHash, nil)
logs, err := client.GetLogs(ctx, nonCanonBlockHash, nil)
It("Retrieves logs with random hash", func() {
logs, err := client.GetLogs(ctx, randomHash, []common.Address{contractAddress})
logs, err := client.GetLogs(ctx, randomHash, []common.Address{nonCanonContractAddress})
@ -246,31 +208,31 @@ var _ = Describe("GraphQL", func() {
Describe("eth_getStorageAt", func() {
It("Retrieves the storage value at the provided contract address and storage leaf key at the block with the provided hash", func() {
storageRes, err := client.GetStorageAt(ctx, blockHashes[2], contractAddress, test_helpers.IndexOne)
storageRes, err := client.GetStorageAt(ctx, blocks[2].Hash(), nonCanonContractAddress, test_helpers.IndexOne)
storageRes, err = client.GetStorageAt(ctx, blockHashes[3], contractAddress, test_helpers.IndexOne)
storageRes, err = client.GetStorageAt(ctx, blocks[3].Hash(), nonCanonContractAddress, test_helpers.IndexOne)
storageRes, err = client.GetStorageAt(ctx, blockHashes[4], contractAddress, test_helpers.IndexOne)
storageRes, err = client.GetStorageAt(ctx, blocks[4].Hash(), nonCanonContractAddress, test_helpers.IndexOne)
It("Retrieves empty data if it tries to access a contract at a blockHash which does not exist", func() {
storageRes, err := client.GetStorageAt(ctx, blockHashes[0], contractAddress, test_helpers.IndexOne)
storageRes, err := client.GetStorageAt(ctx, blocks[0].Hash(), nonCanonContractAddress, test_helpers.IndexOne)
storageRes, err = client.GetStorageAt(ctx, blockHashes[1], contractAddress, test_helpers.IndexOne)
storageRes, err = client.GetStorageAt(ctx, blocks[1].Hash(), nonCanonContractAddress, test_helpers.IndexOne)
It("Retrieves empty data if it tries to access a contract slot which does not exist", func() {
storageRes, err := client.GetStorageAt(ctx, blockHashes[3], contractAddress, randomHash.Hex())
storageRes, err := client.GetStorageAt(ctx, blocks[3].Hash(), nonCanonContractAddress, randomHash.Hex())
@ -316,7 +278,7 @@ var _ = Describe("GraphQL", func() {
compareEthTxCID(*ethTransactionCIDResp, txCID)
@ -337,7 +299,7 @@ func compareEthHeaderCID(ethHeaderCID graphql.EthHeaderCIDResponse, headerCID et
for tIdx, txCID := range headerCID.TransactionCIDs {
@ -345,8 +307,8 @@ func compareEthHeaderCID(ethHeaderCID graphql.EthHeaderCIDResponse, headerCID et
compareEthTxCID(ethTxCID, txCID)
func compareEthTxCID(ethTxCID graphql.EthTransactionCIDResponse, txCID eth.TransactionCIDRecord) {

View File

@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ const schema string = `
index: Int!
src: String!
dst: String!
blockByMhKey: IPFSBlock!
blockByCid: IPFSBlock!
type EthTransactionCidsConnection {
@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ const schema string = `
uncleRoot: String!
bloom: String!
ethTransactionCidsByHeaderId: EthTransactionCidsConnection!
blockByMhKey: IPFSBlock!
blockByCid: IPFSBlock!
type EthHeaderCidsConnection {

View File

@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ import (
// Service encapsulates a GraphQL service.
@ -76,12 +76,12 @@ func (s *Service) Start(server *p2p.Server) error {
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Could not start RPC api: %v", err)
extapiURL := fmt.Sprintf("http://%v/", addr)
log.Infof("graphQL endpoint opened for url %s", extapiURL)
extapiURL := fmt.Sprintf("http://%v", addr)
log.Infof("GraphQL endpoint opened at %s", extapiURL)
return nil
// newHandler returns a new `http.Handler` that will answer GraphQL queries.
// NewHandler returns a new `http.Handler` that will answer GraphQL queries.
// It additionally exports an interactive query browser on the / endpoint.
func NewHandler(backend *eth.Backend) (http.Handler, error) {
q := Resolver{backend}

View File

@ -188,8 +188,7 @@ func WithField(field string, value interface{}) *Entry {
func Init() error {
// Set the output.
viper.BindEnv("logrus.file", "LOGRUS_FILE")
logFile := viper.GetString("logrus.file")
logFile := viper.GetString("log.file")
if logFile != "" {
file, err := os.OpenFile(logFile,
os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, 0640)
@ -205,8 +204,7 @@ func Init() error {
// Set the level.
viper.BindEnv("logrus.level", "LOGRUS_LEVEL")
lvl, err := logrus.ParseLevel(viper.GetString("logrus.level"))
lvl, err := logrus.ParseLevel(viper.GetString("log.level"))
if err != nil {
return err
@ -230,7 +228,7 @@ func Init() error {
for next, again := frames.Next(); again; next, again = frames.Next() {
if !strings.Contains(next.File, "sirupsen/logrus.us") &&
!strings.HasPrefix(next.Function, "runtime.") &&
!strings.Contains(next.File, "ipld-eth-server/pkg/logrus") {
!strings.Contains(next.File, "ipld-eth-server/pkg/log") {
return next.Function, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", next.File, next.Line)

View File

@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
package net_test
import (
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
var _ = Describe("API", func() {

View File

@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ import (
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import (

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import (

View File

@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ package rpc
import (
// StartHTTPEndpoint starts the HTTP RPC endpoint, configured with cors/vhosts/modules.
@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ func StartHTTPEndpoint(endpoint string, apis []rpc.API, modules []string, cors [
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Could not start RPC api: %v", err)
extapiURL := fmt.Sprintf("http://%v/", addr)
log.Infof("HTTP endpoint opened %s", extapiURL)
extapiURL := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s", addr)
log.Infof("HTTP endpoint opened at %s", extapiURL)
return srv, err

View File

@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ import (
var (

View File

@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ import (
// StartWSEndpoint starts a websocket endpoint.
@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ func StartWSEndpoint(endpoint string, apis []rpc.API, modules []string, wsOrigin
wsServer := NewWSServer(wsOrigins, handler)
wsServer.Handler = prom.WSMiddleware(wsServer.Handler)
go wsServer.Serve(listener)
log.Infof("WS endpoint opened at ws://%s", endpoint)
return listener, handler, err

View File

@ -17,13 +17,8 @@
package serve
import (
// APIName is the namespace used for the state diffing service API
@ -46,45 +41,6 @@ func NewPublicServerAPI(w Server, client *rpc.Client) *PublicServerAPI {
// Stream is the public method to setup a subscription that fires off IPLD payloads as they are processed
func (api *PublicServerAPI) Stream(ctx context.Context, params eth.SubscriptionSettings) (*rpc.Subscription, error) {
// ensure that the RPC connection supports subscriptions
notifier, supported := rpc.NotifierFromContext(ctx)
if !supported {
return nil, rpc.ErrNotificationsUnsupported
// create subscription and start waiting for stream events
rpcSub := notifier.CreateSubscription()
go func() {
// subscribe to events from the SyncPublishScreenAndServe service
payloadChannel := make(chan SubscriptionPayload, PayloadChanBufferSize)
quitChan := make(chan bool, 1)
go api.w.Subscribe(rpcSub.ID, payloadChannel, quitChan, params)
// loop and await payloads and relay them to the subscriber using notifier
for {
select {
case packet := <-payloadChannel:
if err := notifier.Notify(rpcSub.ID, packet); err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to send watcher data packet", "err", err)
case <-rpcSub.Err():
case <-quitChan:
// don't need to unsubscribe from the watcher, the service does so before sending the quit signal this way
return rpcSub, nil
// WatchAddress makes a geth WatchAddress API call with the given operation and args
func (api *PublicServerAPI) WatchAddress(operation types.OperationType, args []types.WatchAddressArg) error {
err := api.rpc.Call(nil, "statediff_watchAddress", operation, args)

View File

@ -29,18 +29,20 @@ import (
ethServerShared "github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/v4/pkg/shared"
ethServerShared "github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/v5/pkg/shared"
// Env variables
const (
@ -57,6 +59,25 @@ const (
// Config struct
@ -76,12 +97,6 @@ type Config struct {
EthGraphqlEnabled bool
EthGraphqlEndpoint string
IpldGraphqlEnabled bool
IpldGraphqlEndpoint string
IpldPostgraphileEndpoint string
TracingHttpEndpoint string
TracingPostgraphileEndpoint string
ChainConfig *params.ChainConfig
DefaultSender *common.Address
RPCGasCap *big.Int
@ -106,8 +121,12 @@ type Config struct {
func NewConfig() (*Config, error) {
c := new(Config)
viper.BindEnv("server.httpPath", SERVER_HTTP_PATH)
viper.BindEnv("server.wsPath", SERVER_WS_PATH)
viper.BindEnv("server.ipcPath", SERVER_IPC_PATH)
viper.BindEnv("server.graphqlPath", SERVER_GRAPHQL_PATH)
viper.BindEnv("ethereum.httpPath", ETH_HTTP_PATH)
viper.BindEnv("ethereum.defaultSender", ETH_DEFAULT_SENDER_ADDR)
viper.BindEnv("ethereum.rpcGasCap", ETH_RPC_GAS_CAP)
viper.BindEnv("ethereum.chainConfig", ETH_CHAIN_CONFIG)
viper.BindEnv("ethereum.supportsStateDiff", ETH_SUPPORTS_STATEDIFF)
@ -115,6 +134,8 @@ func NewConfig() (*Config, error) {
viper.BindEnv("ethereum.forwardEthCalls", ETH_FORWARD_ETH_CALLS)
viper.BindEnv("ethereum.forwardGetStorageAt", ETH_FORWARD_GET_STORAGE_AT)
viper.BindEnv("ethereum.proxyOnError", ETH_PROXY_ON_ERROR)
viper.BindEnv("log.file", "LOG_FILE")
viper.BindEnv("log.level", "LOG_LEVEL")
ethHTTP := viper.GetString("ethereum.httpPath")
@ -132,9 +153,9 @@ func NewConfig() (*Config, error) {
c.EthHttpEndpoint = ethHTTPEndpoint
// websocket server
wsEnabled := viper.GetBool("eth.server.ws")
wsEnabled := viper.GetBool("server.ws")
if wsEnabled {
wsPath := viper.GetString("eth.server.wsPath")
wsPath := viper.GetString("server.wsPath")
if wsPath == "" {
wsPath = ""
@ -143,9 +164,9 @@ func NewConfig() (*Config, error) {
c.WSEnabled = wsEnabled
// ipc server
ipcEnabled := viper.GetBool("eth.server.ipc")
ipcEnabled := viper.GetBool("server.ipc")
if ipcEnabled {
ipcPath := viper.GetString("eth.server.ipcPath")
ipcPath := viper.GetString("server.ipcPath")
if ipcPath == "" {
home, err := os.UserHomeDir()
if err != nil {
@ -158,9 +179,9 @@ func NewConfig() (*Config, error) {
c.IPCEnabled = ipcEnabled
// http server
httpEnabled := viper.GetBool("eth.server.http")
httpEnabled := viper.GetBool("server.http")
if httpEnabled {
httpPath := viper.GetString("eth.server.httpPath")
httpPath := viper.GetString("server.httpPath")
if httpPath == "" {
httpPath = ""
@ -169,9 +190,9 @@ func NewConfig() (*Config, error) {
c.HTTPEnabled = httpEnabled
// eth graphql endpoint
ethGraphqlEnabled := viper.GetBool("eth.server.graphql")
ethGraphqlEnabled := viper.GetBool("server.graphql")
if ethGraphqlEnabled {
ethGraphqlPath := viper.GetString("eth.server.graphqlPath")
ethGraphqlPath := viper.GetString("server.graphqlPath")
if ethGraphqlPath == "" {
ethGraphqlPath = ""
@ -179,34 +200,6 @@ func NewConfig() (*Config, error) {
c.EthGraphqlEnabled = ethGraphqlEnabled
// ipld graphql endpoint
ipldGraphqlEnabled := viper.GetBool("ipld.server.graphql")
if ipldGraphqlEnabled {
ipldGraphqlPath := viper.GetString("ipld.server.graphqlPath")
if ipldGraphqlPath == "" {
ipldGraphqlPath = ""
c.IpldGraphqlEndpoint = ipldGraphqlPath
ipldPostgraphilePath := viper.GetString("ipld.postgraphilePath")
if ipldPostgraphilePath == "" {
return nil, errors.New("ipld-postgraphile-path parameter is empty")
c.IpldPostgraphileEndpoint = ipldPostgraphilePath
tracingHttpEndpoint := viper.GetString("tracing.httpPath")
tracingPostgraphilePath := viper.GetString("tracing.postgraphilePath")
// these two parameters either can be both empty or both set
if (tracingHttpEndpoint == "" && tracingPostgraphilePath != "") || (tracingHttpEndpoint != "" && tracingPostgraphilePath == "") {
return nil, errors.New("tracing.httpPath and tracing.postgraphilePath parameters either can be both empty or both set")
c.TracingHttpEndpoint = tracingHttpEndpoint
c.TracingPostgraphileEndpoint = tracingPostgraphilePath
c.IpldGraphqlEnabled = ipldGraphqlEnabled
serveDB, err := ethServerShared.NewDB(c.DBConfig.DbConnectionString(), c.DBConfig)
if err != nil {
@ -216,11 +209,6 @@ func NewConfig() (*Config, error) {
prom.RegisterDBCollector(c.DBConfig.DatabaseName, serveDB)
c.DB = serveDB
defaultSenderStr := viper.GetString("ethereum.defaultSender")
if defaultSenderStr != "" {
sender := common.HexToAddress(defaultSenderStr)
c.DefaultSender = &sender
rpcGasCapStr := viper.GetString("ethereum.rpcGasCap")
if rpcGasCapStr != "" {
if rpcGasCap, ok := new(big.Int).SetString(rpcGasCapStr, 10); ok {
@ -313,3 +301,24 @@ func (c *Config) loadValidatorConfig() {
c.StateValidationEnabled = viper.GetBool("validator.enabled")
c.StateValidationEveryNthBlock = viper.GetUint64("validator.everyNthBlock")
// GetEthNodeAndClient returns eth node info and client from path url
func getEthNodeAndClient(path string) (node.Info, *rpc.Client, error) {
viper.BindEnv("ethereum.nodeID", ETH_NODE_ID)
viper.BindEnv("ethereum.clientName", ETH_CLIENT_NAME)
viper.BindEnv("ethereum.genesisBlock", ETH_GENESIS_BLOCK)
viper.BindEnv("ethereum.networkID", ETH_NETWORK_ID)
viper.BindEnv("ethereum.chainID", ETH_CHAIN_ID)
rpcClient, err := rpc.Dial(path)
if err != nil {
return node.Info{}, nil, err
return node.Info{
ID: viper.GetString("ethereum.nodeID"),
ClientName: viper.GetString("ethereum.clientName"),
GenesisBlock: viper.GetString("ethereum.genesisBlock"),
NetworkID: viper.GetString("ethereum.networkID"),
ChainID: viper.GetUint64("ethereum.chainID"),
}, rpcClient, nil

View File

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
package serve
import (
// Env variables
const (
// GetEthNodeAndClient returns eth node info and client from path url
func getEthNodeAndClient(path string) (node.Info, *rpc.Client, error) {
viper.BindEnv("ethereum.nodeID", ETH_NODE_ID)
viper.BindEnv("ethereum.clientName", ETH_CLIENT_NAME)
viper.BindEnv("ethereum.genesisBlock", ETH_GENESIS_BLOCK)
viper.BindEnv("ethereum.networkID", ETH_NETWORK_ID)
viper.BindEnv("ethereum.chainID", ETH_CHAIN_ID)
rpcClient, err := rpc.Dial(path)
if err != nil {
return node.Info{}, nil, err
return node.Info{
ID: viper.GetString("ethereum.nodeID"),
ClientName: viper.GetString("ethereum.clientName"),
GenesisBlock: viper.GetString("ethereum.genesisBlock"),
NetworkID: viper.GetString("ethereum.networkID"),
ChainID: viper.GetUint64("ethereum.chainID"),
}, rpcClient, nil

View File

@ -17,25 +17,21 @@
package serve
import (
ethnode "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/node"
const (
@ -51,11 +47,7 @@ type Server interface {
APIs() []rpc.API
Protocols() []p2p.Protocol
// Pub-Sub handling event loop
Serve(wg *sync.WaitGroup, screenAndServePayload <-chan eth.ConvertedPayload)
// Method to subscribe to the service
Subscribe(id rpc.ID, sub chan<- SubscriptionPayload, quitChan chan<- bool, params eth.SubscriptionSettings)
// Method to unsubscribe from the service
Unsubscribe(id rpc.ID)
Serve(wg *sync.WaitGroup)
// Backend exposes the server's backend
Backend() *eth.Backend
@ -64,22 +56,10 @@ type Server interface {
type Service struct {
// Used to sync access to the Subscriptions
// Interface for filtering and serving data according to subscribed clients according to their specification
Filterer eth.Filterer
// Interface for fetching IPLD objects from IPFS
IPLDFetcher eth.Fetcher
// Interface for searching and retrieving CIDs from Postgres index
Retriever eth.Retriever
// Used to signal shutdown of the service
QuitChan chan bool
// A mapping of rpc.IDs to their subscription channels, mapped to their subscription type (hash of the StreamFilters)
Subscriptions map[common.Hash]map[rpc.ID]Subscription
// A mapping of subscription params hash to the corresponding subscription params
SubscriptionTypes map[common.Hash]eth.SubscriptionSettings
// Underlying db
// Underlying db connection pool
db *sqlx.DB
// wg for syncing serve processes
serveWg *sync.WaitGroup
// rpc client for forwarding cache misses
client *rpc.Client
// whether the proxied client supports state diffing
@ -101,13 +81,8 @@ type Service struct {
// NewServer creates a new Server using an underlying Service struct
func NewServer(settings *Config) (Server, error) {
sap := new(Service)
sap.Retriever = eth.NewCIDRetriever(settings.DB)
sap.IPLDFetcher = eth.NewIPLDFetcher(settings.DB)
sap.Filterer = eth.NewResponseFilterer()
sap.db = settings.DB
sap.QuitChan = make(chan bool)
sap.Subscriptions = make(map[common.Hash]map[rpc.ID]Subscription)
sap.SubscriptionTypes = make(map[common.Hash]eth.SubscriptionSettings)
sap.client = settings.Client
sap.supportsStateDiffing = settings.SupportStateDiff
sap.stateDiffTimeout = settings.StateDiffTimeout
@ -119,7 +94,6 @@ func NewServer(settings *Config) (Server, error) {
sap.backend, err = eth.NewEthBackend(sap.db, &eth.Config{
ChainConfig: settings.ChainConfig,
VMConfig: vm.Config{NoBaseFee: true},
DefaultSender: settings.DefaultSender,
RPCGasCap: settings.RPCGasCap,
GroupCacheConfig: settings.GroupCache,
@ -177,191 +151,14 @@ func (sap *Service) APIs() []rpc.API {
// It filters and sends this data to any subscribers to the service
// This process can also be stood up alone, without an screenAndServePayload attached to a Sync process
// and it will hang on the WaitGroup indefinitely, allowing the Service to serve historical data requests only
func (sap *Service) Serve(wg *sync.WaitGroup, screenAndServePayload <-chan eth.ConvertedPayload) {
sap.serveWg = wg
func (sap *Service) Serve(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for {
select {
case payload := <-screenAndServePayload:
case <-sap.QuitChan:
log.Info("quiting eth ipld server process")
log.Info("quiting eth ipld server process")
log.Info("eth ipld server process successfully spun up")
// filterAndServe filters the payload according to each subscription type and sends to the subscriptions
func (sap *Service) filterAndServe(payload eth.ConvertedPayload) {
log.Debug("sending eth ipld payload to subscriptions")
defer sap.Unlock()
defer sap.serveWg.Done()
for ty, subs := range sap.Subscriptions {
// Retrieve the subscription parameters for this subscription type
subConfig, ok := sap.SubscriptionTypes[ty]
if !ok {
log.Errorf("eth ipld server subscription configuration for subscription type %s not available", ty.Hex())
if subConfig.End.Int64() > 0 && subConfig.End.Int64() < payload.Block.Number().Int64() {
// We are not out of range for this subscription type
// close it, and continue to the next
response, err := sap.Filterer.Filter(subConfig, payload)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("eth ipld server filtering error: %v", err)
responseRLP, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(response)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("eth ipld server rlp encoding error: %v", err)
for id, sub := range subs {
select {
case sub.PayloadChan <- SubscriptionPayload{Data: responseRLP, Err: "", Flag: EmptyFlag, Height: response.BlockNumber.Int64()}:
log.Debugf("sending eth ipld server payload to subscription %s", id)
log.Infof("unable to send eth ipld payload to subscription %s; channel has no receiver", id)
// Subscribe is used by the API to remotely subscribe to the service loop
// The params must be rlp serializable and satisfy the SubscriptionSettings() interface
func (sap *Service) Subscribe(id rpc.ID, sub chan<- SubscriptionPayload, quitChan chan<- bool, params eth.SubscriptionSettings) {
defer sap.serveWg.Done()
log.Infof("new eth ipld subscription %s", id)
subscription := Subscription{
ID: id,
PayloadChan: sub,
QuitChan: quitChan,
// Subscription type is defined as the hash of the rlp-serialized subscription settings
by, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(params)
if err != nil {
sendNonBlockingErr(subscription, err)
subscriptionType := crypto.Keccak256Hash(by)
if !params.BackFillOnly {
// Add subscriber
if sap.Subscriptions[subscriptionType] == nil {
sap.Subscriptions[subscriptionType] = make(map[rpc.ID]Subscription)
sap.Subscriptions[subscriptionType][id] = subscription
sap.SubscriptionTypes[subscriptionType] = params
// If the subscription requests a backfill, use the Postgres index to lookup and retrieve historical data
// Otherwise we only filter new data as it is streamed in from the state diffing geth node
if params.BackFill || params.BackFillOnly {
if err := sap.sendHistoricalData(subscription, id, params); err != nil {
sendNonBlockingErr(subscription, fmt.Errorf("eth ipld server subscription backfill error: %v", err))
// sendHistoricalData sends historical data to the requesting subscription
func (sap *Service) sendHistoricalData(sub Subscription, id rpc.ID, params eth.SubscriptionSettings) error {
log.Infof("sending eth ipld historical data to subscription %s", id)
// Retrieve cached CIDs relevant to this subscriber
var endingBlock int64
var startingBlock int64
var err error
startingBlock, err = sap.Retriever.RetrieveFirstBlockNumber()
if err != nil {
return err
if startingBlock < params.Start.Int64() {
startingBlock = params.Start.Int64()
endingBlock, err = sap.Retriever.RetrieveLastBlockNumber()
if err != nil {
return err
if endingBlock > params.End.Int64() && params.End.Int64() > 0 && params.End.Int64() > startingBlock {
endingBlock = params.End.Int64()
log.Debugf("eth ipld historical data starting block: %d", params.Start.Int64())
log.Debugf("eth ipld historical data ending block: %d", endingBlock)
go func() {
defer sap.serveWg.Done()
for i := startingBlock; i <= endingBlock; i++ {
select {
case <-sap.QuitChan:
log.Infof("ethereum historical data feed to subscription %s closed", id)
cidWrappers, empty, err := sap.Retriever.Retrieve(params, i)
if err != nil {
sendNonBlockingErr(sub, fmt.Errorf("eth ipld server cid retrieval error at block %d\r%s", i, err.Error()))
if empty {
for _, cids := range cidWrappers {
response, err := sap.IPLDFetcher.Fetch(cids)
if err != nil {
sendNonBlockingErr(sub, fmt.Errorf("eth ipld server ipld fetching error at block %d\r%s", i, err.Error()))
responseRLP, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(response)
if err != nil {
select {
case sub.PayloadChan <- SubscriptionPayload{Data: responseRLP, Err: "", Flag: EmptyFlag, Height: response.BlockNumber.Int64()}:
log.Debugf("eth ipld server sending historical data payload to subscription %s", id)
log.Infof("eth ipld server unable to send backFill payload to subscription %s; channel has no receiver", id)
// when we are done backfilling send an empty payload signifying so in the msg
select {
case sub.PayloadChan <- SubscriptionPayload{Data: nil, Err: "", Flag: BackFillCompleteFlag}:
log.Debugf("eth ipld server sending backFill completion notice to subscription %s", id)
log.Infof("eth ipld server unable to send backFill completion notice to subscription %s", id)
return nil
// Unsubscribe is used by the API to remotely unsubscribe to the StateDiffingService loop
func (sap *Service) Unsubscribe(id rpc.ID) {
log.Infof("unsubscribing %s from the eth ipld server", id)
for ty := range sap.Subscriptions {
delete(sap.Subscriptions[ty], id)
if len(sap.Subscriptions[ty]) == 0 {
// If we removed the last subscription of this type, remove the subscription type outright
delete(sap.Subscriptions, ty)
delete(sap.SubscriptionTypes, ty)
log.Debug("eth ipld server process successfully spun up")
// Start is used to begin the service
@ -369,18 +166,16 @@ func (sap *Service) Unsubscribe(id rpc.ID) {
func (sap *Service) Start() error {
log.Info("starting eth ipld server")
wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
payloadChan := make(chan eth.ConvertedPayload, PayloadChanBufferSize)
sap.Serve(wg, payloadChan)
return nil
// Stop is used to close down the service
// This is mostly just to satisfy the node.Service interface
func (sap *Service) Stop() error {
log.Infof("stopping eth ipld server")
log.Info("stopping eth ipld server")
return nil
@ -389,28 +184,3 @@ func (sap *Service) Stop() error {
func (sap *Service) Backend() *eth.Backend {
return sap.backend
// close is used to close all listening subscriptions
// close needs to be called with subscription access locked
func (sap *Service) close() {
log.Infof("closing all eth ipld server subscriptions")
for subType, subs := range sap.Subscriptions {
for _, sub := range subs {
delete(sap.Subscriptions, subType)
delete(sap.SubscriptionTypes, subType)
// closeType is used to close all subscriptions of given type
// closeType needs to be called with subscription access locked
func (sap *Service) closeType(subType common.Hash) {
log.Infof("closing all eth ipld server subscriptions of type %s", subType.String())
subs := sap.Subscriptions[subType]
for _, sub := range subs {
delete(sap.Subscriptions, subType)
delete(sap.SubscriptionTypes, subType)

View File

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
// VulcanizeDB
// Copyright © 2019 Vulcanize
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package serve
import (
type Flag int32
const (
EmptyFlag Flag = iota
// Subscription holds the information for an individual client subscription to the watcher
type Subscription struct {
ID rpc.ID
PayloadChan chan<- SubscriptionPayload
QuitChan chan<- bool
// SubscriptionPayload is the struct for a watcher data subscription payload
// It carries data of a type specific to the chain being supported/queried and an error message
type SubscriptionPayload struct {
Data []byte `json:"data"` // e.g. for Ethereum rlp serialized eth.StreamPayload
Height int64 `json:"height"`
Err string `json:"err"` // field for error
Flag Flag `json:"flag"` // field for message
func (sp SubscriptionPayload) Error() error {
if sp.Err == "" {
return nil
return errors.New(sp.Err)
func (sp SubscriptionPayload) BackFillComplete() bool {
if sp.Flag == BackFillCompleteFlag {
return true
return false

View File

@ -17,11 +17,8 @@
package shared
import (
blockstore "github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs-blockstore"
dshelp "github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs-ds-help"
@ -47,33 +44,3 @@ func Rollback(tx *sqlx.Tx) {
// FetchIPLDByMhKeyAndBlockNumber is used to retrieve an ipld from Postgres blockstore with the provided tx, mhkey string and blockNumber
func FetchIPLDByMhKeyAndBlockNumber(tx *sqlx.Tx, mhKey string, blockNumber uint64) ([]byte, error) {
pgStr := `SELECT data FROM public.blocks WHERE key = $1 AND block_number = $2`
var block []byte
return block, tx.Get(&block, pgStr, mhKey, blockNumber)
// FetchIPLD is used to retrieve an IPLD from Postgres mhkey and blockNumber
func FetchIPLD(db *sqlx.DB, mhKey string, blockNumber uint64) ([]byte, error) {
pgStr := `SELECT data FROM public.blocks WHERE key = $1 AND block_number = $2`
var block []byte
return block, db.Get(&block, pgStr, mhKey, blockNumber)
// MultihashKeyFromCID converts a cid into a blockstore-prefixed multihash db key string
func MultihashKeyFromCID(c cid.Cid) string {
dbKey := dshelp.MultihashToDsKey(c.Hash())
return blockstore.BlockPrefix.String() + dbKey.String()
// MultihashKeyFromCIDString converts a cid string into a blockstore-prefixed multihash db key string
func MultihashKeyFromCIDString(c string) (string, error) {
dc, err := cid.Decode(c)
if err != nil {
return "", err
dbKey := dshelp.MultihashToDsKey(dc.Hash())
return blockstore.BlockPrefix.String() + dbKey.String(), nil

View File

@ -19,8 +19,6 @@ package shared
import (
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
@ -46,7 +44,8 @@ func IPLDsContainBytes(iplds []models.IPLDModel, b []byte) bool {
// SetupDB is use to setup a db for watcher tests
func SetupDB() *sqlx.DB {
config := getTestDBConfig()
config, err := postgres.TestConfig.WithEnv()
db, err := NewDB(config.DbConnectionString(), config)
@ -60,6 +59,8 @@ func TearDownDB(db *sqlx.DB) {
_, err = tx.Exec(`DELETE FROM nodes`)
_, err = tx.Exec(`DELETE FROM ipld.blocks`)
_, err = tx.Exec(`DELETE FROM eth.header_cids`)
_, err = tx.Exec(`DELETE FROM eth.uncle_cids`)
@ -72,12 +73,6 @@ func TearDownDB(db *sqlx.DB) {
_, err = tx.Exec(`DELETE FROM eth.storage_cids`)
_, err = tx.Exec(`DELETE FROM eth.state_accounts`)
_, err = tx.Exec(`DELETE FROM eth.access_list_elements`)
_, err = tx.Exec(`DELETE FROM blocks`)
_, err = tx.Exec(`DELETE FROM eth.log_cids`)
_, err = tx.Exec(`DELETE FROM eth_meta.watched_addresses`)
@ -96,20 +91,10 @@ func SetupTestStateDiffIndexer(ctx context.Context, chainConfig *params.ChainCon
ChainID: params.TestChainConfig.ChainID.Uint64(),
_, stateDiffIndexer, err := indexer.NewStateDiffIndexer(ctx, chainConfig, testInfo, getTestDBConfig())
dbconfig, err := postgres.TestConfig.WithEnv()
_, stateDiffIndexer, err := indexer.NewStateDiffIndexer(ctx, chainConfig, testInfo, dbconfig)
return stateDiffIndexer
func getTestDBConfig() postgres.Config {
port, _ := strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv("DATABASE_PORT"))
return postgres.Config{
Hostname: os.Getenv("DATABASE_HOSTNAME"),
DatabaseName: os.Getenv("DATABASE_NAME"),
Username: os.Getenv("DATABASE_USER"),
Password: os.Getenv("DATABASE_PASSWORD"),
Port: port,
Driver: postgres.SQLX,

View File

@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import errno
from typing import List, Dict
Resolves dependency conflicts between a plugin repository's and the core repository's go.mods
Usage: python3 gomoderator.py {path_to_core_repository} {path_to_plugin_repository}
def is_pathname_valid(pathname: str) -> bool:
`True` if the passed pathname is a valid pathname for the current OS;
`False` otherwise.
if not isinstance(pathname, str) or not pathname:
return False
_, pathname = os.path.splitdrive(pathname)
root_dirname = os.environ.get('HOMEDRIVE', 'C:') \
if sys.platform == 'win32' else os.path.sep
assert os.path.isdir(root_dirname) # ...Murphy and her ironclad Law
root_dirname = root_dirname.rstrip(os.path.sep) + os.path.sep
for pathname_part in pathname.split(os.path.sep):
os.lstat(root_dirname + pathname_part)
except OSError as exc:
if hasattr(exc, 'winerror'):
if exc.winerror == ERROR_INVALID_NAME:
return False
elif exc.errno in {errno.ENAMETOOLONG, errno.ERANGE}:
return False
except TypeError as exc:
return False
return True
def map_deps_to_version(deps_arr: List[str]) -> Dict[str, str]:
mapping = {}
for d in deps_arr:
if d.find(' => ') != -1:
ds = d.split(' => ')
d = ds[1]
d = d.replace(" v", "[>v") # might be able to just split on the empty space not _v and skip this :: insertion
d_and_v = d.split("[>")
mapping[d_and_v[0]] = d_and_v[1]
return mapping
# argument checks
assert len(sys.argv) == 3, "need core repository and plugin repository path arguments"
core_repository_path = sys.argv[1]
plugin_repository_path = sys.argv[2]
assert is_pathname_valid(core_repository_path), "core repository path argument is not valid"
assert is_pathname_valid(plugin_repository_path), "plugin repository path argument is not valid"
# collect `go list -m all` output from both repositories; remain in the plugin repository
core_deps_b = subprocess.check_output(["go", "list", "-m", "all"])
plugin_deps_b = subprocess.check_output(["go", "list", "-m", "all"])
core_deps = core_deps_b.decode("utf-8")
core_deps_arr = core_deps.splitlines()
del core_deps_arr[0] # first line is the project repo itself
plugin_deps = plugin_deps_b.decode("utf-8")
plugin_deps_arr = plugin_deps.splitlines()
del plugin_deps_arr[0]
core_deps_mapping = map_deps_to_version(core_deps_arr)
plugin_deps_mapping = map_deps_to_version(plugin_deps_arr)
# iterate over dependency maps for both repos and find version conflicts
# attempt to resolve conflicts by adding adding a `require` for the core version to the plugin's go.mod file
none = True
for dep, core_version in core_deps_mapping.items():
if dep in plugin_deps_mapping.keys():
plugin_version = plugin_deps_mapping[dep]
if core_version != plugin_version:
print(f'{dep} has a conflict: core is using version {core_version} '
f'but the plugin is using version {plugin_version}')
fixed_dep = f'{dep}@{core_version}'
print(f'attempting fix by `go mod edit -require={fixed_dep}')
subprocess.check_call(["go", "mod", "edit", f'-require={fixed_dep}'])
none = False
if none:
print("no conflicts to resolve")
# the above process does not work for all dep conflicts e.g. golang.org/x/text v0.3.0 will not stick this way
# so we will try the `go get {dep}` route for any remaining conflicts
updated_plugin_deps_b = subprocess.check_output(["go", "list", "-m", "all"])
updated_plugin_deps = updated_plugin_deps_b.decode("utf-8")
updated_plugin_deps_arr = updated_plugin_deps.splitlines()
del updated_plugin_deps_arr[0]
updated_plugin_deps_mapping = map_deps_to_version(updated_plugin_deps_arr)
none = True
for dep, core_version in core_deps_mapping.items():
if dep in updated_plugin_deps_mapping.keys():
updated_plugin_version = updated_plugin_deps_mapping[dep]
if core_version != updated_plugin_version:
print(f'{dep} still has a conflict: core is using version {core_version} '
f'but the plugin is using version {updated_plugin_version}')
fixed_dep = f'{dep}@{core_version}'
print(f'attempting fix by `go get {fixed_dep}')
subprocess.check_call(["go", "get", fixed_dep])
none = False
if none:
print("all conflicts have been resolved")
# iterate over plugins `go list -m all` output one more time and inform whether or not the above has worked
final_plugin_deps_b = subprocess.check_output(["go", "list", "-m", "all"])
final_plugin_deps = final_plugin_deps_b.decode("utf-8")
final_plugin_deps_arr = final_plugin_deps.splitlines()
del final_plugin_deps_arr[0]
final_plugin_deps_mapping = map_deps_to_version(final_plugin_deps_arr)
none = True
for dep, core_version in core_deps_mapping.items():
if dep in final_plugin_deps_mapping.keys():
final_plugin_version = final_plugin_deps_mapping[dep]
if core_version != final_plugin_version:
print(f'{dep} STILL has a conflict: core is using version {core_version} '
f'but the plugin is using version {final_plugin_version}')
none = False
if none:
print("all conflicts have been resolved")
print("failed to resolve all conflicts")

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -ex
echo "Installing Postgres 11"
sudo service postgresql stop
sudo apt-get remove -q 'postgresql-*'
sudo apt-get update -q
sudo apt-get install -q postgresql-11 postgresql-client-11
sudo cp /etc/postgresql/{9.6,11}/main/pg_hba.conf
echo "Restarting Postgres 11"
sudo service postgresql restart
sudo psql -c 'CREATE ROLE travis SUPERUSER LOGIN CREATEDB;' -U postgres

scripts/integration-setup.sh Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
set -e
# Prevent conflicting tty output
CONFIG_DIR=$(readlink -f "${CONFIG_DIR:-$(mktemp -d)}")
# By default assume we are running in the project root
# v5 migrations only go up to version 18
# Pass this in so we can run eth_call forwarding tests, which expect no IPLD DB
laconic_so="${LACONIC_SO:-laconic-so} --stack fixturenet-eth-loaded --quiet"
set -x
# Build and deploy a cluster with only what we need from the stack
$laconic_so setup-repositories \
--exclude github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server,github.com/cerc-io/tx-spammer \
--branches-file ./test/stack-refs.txt
$laconic_so build-containers \
--exclude cerc/ipld-eth-server,cerc/keycloak,cerc/tx-spammer
$laconic_so deploy \
--include fixturenet-eth,ipld-eth-db \
--env-file $CONFIG_DIR/stack.env \
--cluster test up
set +x
# Get IPv4 endpoint of geth file server
bootnode_endpoint=$(docker port test-fixturenet-eth-bootnode-geth-1 9898 | head -1)
# Extract the chain config and ID from genesis file
curl -s $bootnode_endpoint/geth.json | jq '.config' > $CONFIG_DIR/chain.json
# Output vars if we are running on Github
if [[ -n "$GITHUB_ENV" ]]; then
echo ETH_CHAIN_ID="$(jq '.chainId' $CONFIG_DIR/chain.json)" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
echo ETH_HTTP_PATH=$(docker port test-fixturenet-eth-geth-1-1 8545 | head -1) >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
# Read a private key so we can send from a funded account
echo DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY=$(curl -s $bootnode_endpoint/accounts.csv | head -1 | cut -d',' -f3) >> "$GITHUB_ENV"

View File

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Provide me with a postgres database name, and I will:
# - Drop the database
# - Recreate the database
# - Run the vulcanizedb migration
if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
echo "Provide a database name to reset"
exit 1
dir=$(basename "$(pwd)")
if [ $dir != "ipld-eth-server" ]
echo "Run me from the ipld-eth-server root dir"
exit 1
psql -c "DROP DATABASE $db" postgres
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
psql -c "CREATE DATABASE $db WITH OWNER $user" postgres
make migrate HOST_NAME=localhost NAME=$db PORT=5432
echo "Couldnt drop the database. Are you connected? Does it exist?"

View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
set -e
set -o xtrace
export DB_WRITE=true
export ETH_PROXY_ON_ERROR=false
export PGPASSWORD=password
export DATABASE_USER=vdbm
export DATABASE_PORT=8077
export DATABASE_PASSWORD=password
# Wait for containers to be up and execute the integration test.
while [ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w ''%{http_code}'' localhost:8081)" != "200" ]; do echo "waiting for ipld-eth-server..." && sleep 5; done && \
while [ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w ''%{http_code}'' localhost:8545)" != "200" ]; do echo "waiting for geth-statediff..." && sleep 5; done && \
make integrationtest

View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
set -e
set -o xtrace
export DB_WRITE=false
export ETH_PROXY_ON_ERROR=false
export PGPASSWORD=password
export DATABASE_USER=vdbm
export DATABASE_PORT=8077
export DATABASE_PASSWORD=password
# Wait for containers to be up and execute the integration test.
while [ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w ''%{http_code}'' localhost:8081)" != "200" ]; do echo "waiting for ipld-eth-server..." && sleep 5; done && \
while [ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w ''%{http_code}'' localhost:8545)" != "200" ]; do echo "waiting for geth-statediff..." && sleep 5; done && \
make integrationtest

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
# Remove any existing containers / volumes
docker-compose down --remove-orphans --volumes
# Spin up DB and run migrations
docker-compose up -d migrations ipld-eth-db
sleep 30
# Run unit tests
go clean -testcache
# Clean up
docker-compose down --remove-orphans --volumes
rm -rf out/

View File

@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
# Test Insructions
## Setup
- Clone [stack-orchestrator](https://github.com/vulcanize/stack-orchestrator), [ipld-eth-db](https://github.com/vulcanize/ipld-eth-db) [go-ethereum](https://github.com/vulcanize/go-ethereum) repositories.
- Checkout [v4 release](https://github.com/vulcanize/ipld-eth-db/releases/tag/v4.2.1-alpha) in ipld-eth-db repo.
# In ipld-eth-db repo.
git checkout v4.2.1-alpha
- Checkout [v4 release](https://github.com/vulcanize/go-ethereum/releases/tag/v1.10.23-statediff-4.2.0-alpha) in go-ethereum repo.
# In go-ethereum repo.
git checkout v1.10.23-statediff-4.2.0-alpha
- Checkout working commit in stack-orchestrator repo.
# In stack-orchestrator repo.
git checkout f2fd766f5400fcb9eb47b50675d2e3b1f2753702
## Run
- Run unit tests:
# In ipld-eth-server root directory.
- Run integration tests:
- In stack-orchestrator repo, create config file:
cd helper-scripts
A `config.sh` will be created in the root directory.
- Update/Edit the generated config file with:
# Path to ipld-eth-server repo.
# Path to go-ethereum repo.
# Path to ipld-eth-server repo.
# Path to test contract.
- Run stack-orchestrator:
# In stack-orchestrator root directory.
cd helper-scripts
./wrapper.sh \
-e docker \
-d ../docker/local/docker-compose-db-sharding.yml \
-d ../docker/local/docker-compose-go-ethereum.yml \
-d ../docker/local/docker-compose-ipld-eth-server.yml \
-d ../docker/local/docker-compose-contract.yml \
-v remove \
-p ../config.sh
- Run test:
# In ipld-eth-server root directory.
- Update stack-orchestrator `config.sh` file:
# Path to go-ethereum repo.
# Path to ipld-eth-server repo.
# Path to test contract.
- Stop the stack-orchestrator and start again using the same command
- Run integration tests for direct proxy fall-through of eth_calls:

test/compose-db.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# Containers to run a DB instance for tests
restart: on-failure
- ipld-eth-db
image: git.vdb.to/cerc-io/ipld-eth-db/ipld-eth-db:v5.0.2-alpha
DATABASE_NAME: "cerc_testing"
DATABASE_HOSTNAME: "ipld-eth-db"
container_name: test-ipld-eth-db
image: timescale/timescaledb:latest-pg14
restart: always
command: ["postgres", "-c", "log_statement=all"]
POSTGRES_DB: "cerc_testing"

test/compose-server.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
# Runs the IPLD server and contract deployment server
restart: unless-stopped
image: cerc/ipld-eth-server
build: ..
- test_default
DATABASE_NAME: "cerc_testing"
DATABASE_HOSTNAME: "ipld-eth-db"
ETH_HTTP_PATH: fixturenet-eth-geth-1:8545
ETH_CHAIN_CONFIG: "/tmp/chain.json"
- type: bind
source: "${ETH_CHAIN_CONFIG:-./test/chain.json}"
target: /tmp/chain.json
restart: on-failure
image: cerc/contract-deployer
build: ./contract
- test_default
ETH_ADDR: "http://fixturenet-eth-geth-1:8545"
external: true

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
FROM node:14
# Downgrade from 18.16, see https://github.com/NomicFoundation/hardhat/issues/3877
FROM node:18.15-slim
@ -11,4 +12,4 @@ RUN npm run compile && ls -lah
ENTRYPOINT ["npm", "start"]
ENTRYPOINT ["node", "src/index.js"]

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
contract GLDToken is ERC20 {
constructor() ERC20("Gold", "GLD") {
_mint(msg.sender, 1000000000000000000000);

View File

@ -16,6 +16,16 @@ task("accounts", "Prints the list of accounts", async () => {
* @type import('hardhat/config').HardhatUserConfig
const localNetwork = {
url: process.env.ETH_ADDR || "",
chainId: Number(process.env.ETH_CHAIN_ID) || 99,
if (process.env.DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY) {
localNetwork["accounts"] = [process.env.DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY];
module.exports = {
solidity: {
version: "0.8.0",
@ -30,14 +40,7 @@ module.exports = {
networks: {
local: {
url: '',
chainId: 99
docker: {
url: process.env.ETH_ADDR,
chainId: 99
local: localNetwork
defaultNetwork: "local"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -4,23 +4,21 @@
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"compile": "npx hardhat compile",
"start": "HARDHAT_NETWORK=docker node src/index.js",
"start:local": "ETH_ADDR= npm run start",
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"start": "node src/index.js"
"keywords": [],
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"description": "",
"description": "Solidity contract deployment server for integration testing",
"dependencies": {
"@openzeppelin/contracts": "^4.0.0",
"fastify": "^3.14.2",
"hardhat": "^2.2.0",
"fastify": "^4.0.0",
"hardhat": "^2.14.0",
"solidity-create2-deployer": "^0.4.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers": "^2.0.2",
"@nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle": "^2.0.1",
"@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers": "^2.2.3",
"@nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle": "^2.0.4",
"chai": "^4.3.4",
"ethereum-waffle": "^3.3.0",
"ethers": "^5.1.0"

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
const hre = require("hardhat");
async function main() {
// await hre.run('compile');
// We get the contract to deploy
const GLDToken = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("GLDToken");
const token = await GLDToken.deploy();
await token.deployed();
console.log("GLDToken deployed to:", token.address, token.deployTransaction.hash);
// We recommend this pattern to be able to use async/await everywhere
// and properly handle errors.
.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch(error => {

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
// We require the Hardhat Runtime Environment explicitly here. This is optional
// but useful for running the script in a standalone fashion through `node <script>`.
// When running the script with `hardhat run <script>` you'll find the Hardhat
// Runtime Environment's members available in the global scope.
const hre = require("hardhat");
async function main() {
// Hardhat always runs the compile task when running scripts with its command
// line interface.
// If this script is run directly using `node` you may want to call compile
// manually to make sure everything is compiled
// await hre.run('compile');
// We get the contract to deploy
const Greeter = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("Greeter");
const greeter = await Greeter.deploy("Hello, Hardhat!");
await greeter.deployed();
console.log("Greeter deployed to:", greeter.address, "; tx hash: ", greeter.deployTransaction.hash);
const result = await greeter.setGreeting("Hello 123!");
console.log("Greeter updated", "; tx hash: ", result.hash, "; block hash: ", result.blockHash);
// We recommend this pattern to be able to use async/await everywhere
// and properly handle errors.
.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch(error => {

View File

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ const fastify = require('fastify')({ logger: true });
const hre = require("hardhat");
const {
} = require("solidity-create2-deployer");
const { getStorageSlotKey, deployCreate2Factory } = require('./utils');
@ -12,175 +12,147 @@ const CREATE2_FACTORY_ADDRESS = '0x4a27c059FD7E383854Ea7DE6Be9c390a795f6eE3'
// readiness check
fastify.get('/v1/healthz', async (req, reply) => {
.header('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
.send({ success: true })
.header('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
.send({ success: true })
fastify.get('/v1/deployContract', async (req, reply) => {
const GLDToken = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("GLDToken");
const token = await GLDToken.deploy();
await token.deployed();
return {
address: token.address,
txHash: token.deployTransaction.hash,
blockNumber: token.deployTransaction.blockNumber,
blockHash: token.deployTransaction.blockHash,
fastify.get('/v1/destroyContract', async (req, reply) => {
const addr = req.query.addr;
const Token = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("GLDToken");
const token = await Token.attach(addr);
await token.destroy();
const blockNum = await hre.ethers.provider.getBlockNumber()
return {
blockNumber: blockNum,
fastify.get('/v1/sendEth', async (req, reply) => {
const to = req.query.to;
const value = req.query.value;
const to = req.query.to;
const value = hre.ethers.utils.parseEther(req.query.value);
const [owner] = await hre.ethers.getSigners();
const tx = await owner.sendTransaction({
value: hre.ethers.utils.parseEther(value)
await tx.wait(1)
const owner = await hre.ethers.getSigner();
const tx = await owner.sendTransaction({to, value}).then(tx => tx.wait());
// console.log(tx);
// const coinbaseBalance = await hre.ethers.provider.getBalance(owner.address);
// const receiverBalance = await hre.ethers.provider.getBalance(to);
// console.log(coinbaseBalance.toString(), receiverBalance.toString());
return {
from: tx.from,
to: tx.to,
//value: tx.value.toString(),
txHash: tx.hash,
blockNumber: tx.blockNumber,
blockHash: tx.blockHash,
return {
from: tx.from,
to: tx.to,
txHash: tx.hash,
blockNumber: tx.blockNumber,
blockHash: tx.blockHash,
fastify.get('/v1/deploySLVContract', async (req, reply) => {
const SLVToken = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("SLVToken");
const token = await SLVToken.deploy();
const receipt = await token.deployTransaction.wait();
function contractCreator(name) {
return async (req, reply) => {
const contract = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory(name);
const instance = await contract.deploy();
const rct = await instance.deployTransaction.wait();
return {
address: token.address,
txHash: token.deployTransaction.hash,
blockNumber: receipt.blockNumber,
blockHash: receipt.blockHash,
address: instance.address,
txHash: rct.transactionHash,
blockNumber: rct.blockNumber,
blockHash: rct.blockHash,
fastify.get('/v1/destroySLVContract', async (req, reply) => {
function contractDestroyer(name) {
return async (req, reply) => {
const addr = req.query.addr;
const SLVToken = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("SLVToken");
const token = SLVToken.attach(addr);
const tx = await token.destroy();
const receipt = await tx.wait();
const contract = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory(name);
const instance = contract.attach(addr);
const rct = await instance.destroy().then(tx => tx.wait());
return {
blockNumber: receipt.blockNumber,
blockNumber: rct.blockNumber,
fastify.get('/v1/deployContract', contractCreator("GLDToken"));
fastify.get('/v1/destroyContract', contractDestroyer("GLDToken"));
fastify.get('/v1/deploySLVContract', contractCreator("SLVToken"));
fastify.get('/v1/destroySLVContract', contractDestroyer("SLVToken"));
fastify.get('/v1/incrementCountA', async (req, reply) => {
const addr = req.query.addr;
const addr = req.query.addr;
const SLVToken = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("SLVToken");
const token = await SLVToken.attach(addr);
const SLVToken = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("SLVToken");
const token = await SLVToken.attach(addr);
const tx = await token.incrementCountA();
const receipt = await tx.wait();
const tx = await token.incrementCountA();
const receipt = await tx.wait();
return {
blockNumber: receipt.blockNumber,
return {
blockNumber: receipt.blockNumber,
fastify.get('/v1/incrementCountB', async (req, reply) => {
const addr = req.query.addr;
const addr = req.query.addr;
const SLVToken = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("SLVToken");
const token = await SLVToken.attach(addr);
const SLVToken = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("SLVToken");
const token = await SLVToken.attach(addr);
const tx = await token.incrementCountB();
const receipt = await tx.wait();
const tx = await token.incrementCountB();
const receipt = await tx.wait();
return {
blockNumber: receipt.blockNumber,
return {
blockNumber: receipt.blockNumber,
fastify.get('/v1/getStorageKey', async (req, reply) => {
const contract = req.query.contract;
const label = req.query.label;
const contract = req.query.contract;
const label = req.query.label;
const key = await getStorageSlotKey(contract, label)
const key = await getStorageSlotKey(contract, label)
return {
return {
fastify.get('/v1/create2Contract', async (req, reply) => {
const contract = req.query.contract;
const salt = req.query.salt;
const contract = req.query.contract;
const salt = req.query.salt;
const provider = hre.ethers.provider;
const signer = await hre.ethers.getSigner();
const isFactoryDeployed = await isDeployed(CREATE2_FACTORY_ADDRESS, provider);
const provider = hre.ethers.provider;
const signer = await hre.ethers.getSigner();
const isFactoryDeployed = await isDeployed(CREATE2_FACTORY_ADDRESS, provider);
if (!isFactoryDeployed) {
await deployCreate2Factory(provider, signer)
const contractFactory = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory(contract);
const bytecode = contractFactory.bytecode;
const constructorTypes = [];
const constructorArgs = [];
const { txHash, address, receipt } = await deployContract({
contractBytecode: bytecode,
constructorTypes: constructorTypes,
constructorArgs: constructorArgs,
const success = await isDeployed(address, provider);
if (success) {
return {
blockNumber: receipt.blockNumber,
blockHash: receipt.blockHash,
if (!isFactoryDeployed) {
await deployCreate2Factory(provider, signer);
const contractFactory = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory(contract);
const bytecode = contractFactory.bytecode;
const constructorTypes = [];
const constructorArgs = [];
const createArgs = {
contractBytecode: bytecode,
constructorTypes: constructorTypes,
constructorArgs: constructorArgs,
const { txHash, address, receipt } = await deployContract(createArgs);
const success = await isDeployed(address, provider);
if (success) {
return {
blockNumber: receipt.blockNumber,
blockHash: receipt.blockHash,
async function main() {
try {
await fastify.listen(3000, '');
} catch (err) {
try {
await fastify.listen({ port: 3000, host: '' });
} catch (err) {
process.on('SIGINT', () => fastify.close().then(() => process.exit(1)));

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
const { artifacts } = require("hardhat")
const { utils, BigNumber } = require("ethers")
const { deployFactory } = require("solidity-create2-deployer");
const { deployFactory, isDeployed } = require("solidity-create2-deployer");
// Hardcoded account which solidity-create2-deployer uses to deploy its factory
const CREATE2_FACTORY_ACCOUNT = '0x2287Fa6efdEc6d8c3E0f4612ce551dEcf89A357A';
async function getStorageLayout(contractName) {
@ -38,17 +39,17 @@ async function getStorageSlotKey(contractName, variableName) {
async function deployCreate2Factory(provider, signer) {
// Send eth to account as required to deploy create2 factory contract.
// Fund hardcoded account before deploying factory
let tx = {
value: utils.parseEther('0.01')
await signer.sendTransaction(tx).then(tx => tx.wait());
const txResponse = await signer.sendTransaction(tx);
await txResponse.wait()
// Deploy create2 factory contract.
await deployFactory(provider)
const address = await deployFactory(provider);
// solidity-create2-deployer doesn't await the deploy tx
while (!await isDeployed(address, provider));
return address;
module.exports = { getStorageSlotKey, deployCreate2Factory }

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
const { expect } = require("chai");
describe("Greeter", function() {
it("Should return the new greeting once it's changed", async function() {
const Greeter = await ethers.getContractFactory("Greeter");
const greeter = await Greeter.deploy("Hello, world!");
await greeter.deployed();
expect(await greeter.greet()).to.equal("Hello, world!");
await greeter.setGreeting("Hola, mundo!");
expect(await greeter.greet()).to.equal("Hola, mundo!");

View File

@ -1,437 +0,0 @@
package integration_test
import (
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
integration "github.com/cerc-io/ipld-eth-server/v4/test"
var _ = Describe("Integration test", func() {
directProxyEthCalls, err := strconv.ParseBool(os.Getenv("ETH_FORWARD_ETH_CALLS"))
gethHttpPath := ""
gethClient, err := ethclient.Dial(gethHttpPath)
ipldEthHttpPath := ""
ipldClient, err := ethclient.Dial(ipldEthHttpPath)
ctx := context.Background()
var contract *integration.ContractDeployed
var erc20TotalSupply *big.Int
var tx *integration.Tx
var bigIntResult bool
var contractErr error
var txErr error
sleepInterval := 2 * time.Second
BeforeEach(func() {
if !directProxyEthCalls {
Skip("skipping direct-proxy-forwarding integration tests")
Describe("get Block", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
contract, contractErr = integration.DeployContract()
It("get not existing block by number", func() {
blockNum := contract.BlockNumber + 100
gethBlock, err := gethClient.BlockByNumber(ctx, big.NewInt(int64(blockNum)))
ipldBlock, err := ipldClient.BlockByNumber(ctx, big.NewInt(int64(blockNum)))
It("get not existing block by hash", func() {
gethBlock, err := gethClient.BlockByHash(ctx, common.HexToHash(nonExistingBlockHash))
ipldBlock, err := ipldClient.BlockByHash(ctx, common.HexToHash(nonExistingBlockHash))
It("get block by number", func() {
blockNum := contract.BlockNumber
_, err := gethClient.BlockByNumber(ctx, big.NewInt(int64(blockNum)))
_, err = ipldClient.BlockByNumber(ctx, big.NewInt(int64(blockNum)))
It("get block by hash", func() {
_, err := gethClient.BlockByHash(ctx, common.HexToHash(contract.BlockHash))
_, err = ipldClient.BlockByHash(ctx, common.HexToHash(contract.BlockHash))
Describe("Transaction", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
contract, contractErr = integration.DeployContract()
It("Get tx by hash", func() {
_, _, err := gethClient.TransactionByHash(ctx, common.HexToHash(contract.TransactionHash))
_, _, err = ipldClient.TransactionByHash(ctx, common.HexToHash(contract.TransactionHash))
It("Get tx by block hash and index", func() {
_, err := gethClient.TransactionInBlock(ctx, common.HexToHash(contract.BlockHash), 0)
_, err = ipldClient.TransactionInBlock(ctx, common.HexToHash(contract.BlockHash), 0)
Describe("Receipt", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
contract, contractErr = integration.DeployContract()
It("Get tx receipt", func() {
_, err := gethClient.TransactionReceipt(ctx, common.HexToHash(contract.TransactionHash))
_, err = ipldClient.TransactionReceipt(ctx, common.HexToHash(contract.TransactionHash))
Describe("FilterLogs", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
contract, contractErr = integration.DeployContract()
It("with blockhash", func() {
blockHash := common.HexToHash(contract.BlockHash)
filterQuery := ethereum.FilterQuery{
//Addresses: addresses,
BlockHash: &blockHash,
Topics: [][]common.Hash{},
gethLogs, err := gethClient.FilterLogs(ctx, filterQuery)
ipldLogs, err := ipldClient.FilterLogs(ctx, filterQuery)
// not empty list
// empty list
Describe("CodeAt", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
contract, contractErr = integration.DeployContract()
It("gets code at non-existing address without block number", func() {
gethCode, err := gethClient.CodeAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(nonExistingAddress), nil)
ipldCode, err := ipldClient.CodeAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(nonExistingAddress), nil)
It("gets code of deployed contract without block number", func() {
_, err := gethClient.CodeAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), nil)
ipldCode, err := ipldClient.CodeAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), nil)
It("gets code of deployed contract with block number", func() {
_, err := gethClient.CodeAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), big.NewInt(int64(contract.BlockNumber)))
ipldCode, err := ipldClient.CodeAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), big.NewInt(int64(contract.BlockNumber)))
It("gets code of contract that doesn't exist at this height", func() {
gethCode, err := gethClient.CodeAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), big.NewInt(int64(contract.BlockNumber-1)))
ipldCode, err := ipldClient.CodeAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), big.NewInt(int64(contract.BlockNumber-1)))
Describe("Get balance", func() {
address := "0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111112"
BeforeEach(func() {
tx, txErr = integration.SendEth(address, "0.01")
It("gets balance for an account with eth without block number", func() {
gethBalance, err := gethClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(address), nil)
ipldBalance, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(address), nil)
It("gets balance for an account with eth with block number", func() {
_, err := gethClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(address), big.NewInt(int64(tx.BlockNumber)))
_, err = ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(address), big.NewInt(int64(tx.BlockNumber)))
It("gets historical balance for an account with eth with block number", func() {
_, err := gethClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(address), big.NewInt(int64(tx.BlockNumber-1)))
_, err = ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(address), big.NewInt(int64(tx.BlockNumber-1)))
It("gets balance for a non-existing account without block number", func() {
gethBalance, err := gethClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(nonExistingAddress), nil)
ipldBalance, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(nonExistingAddress), nil)
It("gets balance for an non-existing block number", func() {
gethBalance, err := gethClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(address), big.NewInt(int64(tx.BlockNumber+3)))
Expect(err).To(MatchError("header not found"))
ipldBalance, err := ipldClient.BalanceAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(nonExistingAddress), big.NewInt(int64(tx.BlockNumber+3)))
Expect(err).To(MatchError("header not found"))
Describe("Get Storage", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
contract, contractErr = integration.DeployContract()
erc20TotalSupply, bigIntResult = new(big.Int).SetString("1000000000000000000000", 10)
It("gets ERC20 total supply (without block number)", func() {
totalSupplyIndex := "0x2"
gethStorage, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), common.HexToHash(totalSupplyIndex), nil)
gethTotalSupply := new(big.Int).SetBytes(gethStorage)
ipldStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), common.HexToHash(totalSupplyIndex), nil)
Expect(ipldStorage).To(Equal(make([]byte, 32)))
It("gets ERC20 total supply (with block number)", func() {
totalSupplyIndex := "0x2"
gethStorage, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), common.HexToHash(totalSupplyIndex), big.NewInt(int64(contract.BlockNumber)))
gethTotalSupply := new(big.Int).SetBytes(gethStorage)
_, err = ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), common.HexToHash(totalSupplyIndex), big.NewInt(int64(contract.BlockNumber)))
It("gets storage for non-existing account", func() {
totalSupplyIndex := "0x2"
_, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(nonExistingAddress), common.HexToHash(totalSupplyIndex), big.NewInt(int64(contract.BlockNumber)))
_, err = ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(nonExistingAddress), common.HexToHash(totalSupplyIndex), big.NewInt(int64(contract.BlockNumber)))
Expect(err).To(MatchError("header not found"))
It("gets storage for non-existing contract slot", func() {
_, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), randomHash, big.NewInt(int64(contract.BlockNumber)))
_, err = ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), randomHash, big.NewInt(int64(contract.BlockNumber)))
Expect(err).To(MatchError("header not found"))
It("gets storage for non-existing contract", func() {
totalSupplyIndex := "0x2"
gethStorage, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), common.HexToHash(totalSupplyIndex), big.NewInt(0))
ipldStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), common.HexToHash(totalSupplyIndex), big.NewInt(0))
It("gets storage for non-existing block number", func() {
blockNum := contract.BlockNumber + 100
totalSupplyIndex := "0x2"
gethStorage, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), common.HexToHash(totalSupplyIndex), big.NewInt(int64(blockNum)))
Expect(err).To(MatchError("header not found"))
ipldStorage, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), common.HexToHash(totalSupplyIndex), big.NewInt(int64(blockNum)))
Expect(err).To(MatchError("header not found"))
It("get storage after self destruct", func() {
totalSupplyIndex := "0x2"
tx, err := integration.DestroyContract(contract.Address)
gethStorage1, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), common.HexToHash(totalSupplyIndex), big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber-1))
gethStorage2, err := gethClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), common.HexToHash(totalSupplyIndex), big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber))
_, err = ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), common.HexToHash(totalSupplyIndex), big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber-1))
_, err = ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), common.HexToHash(totalSupplyIndex), big.NewInt(tx.BlockNumber))
Expect(err).To(MatchError("header not found"))
// Query the current block
ipldStorage3, err := ipldClient.StorageAt(ctx, common.HexToAddress(contract.Address), common.HexToHash(totalSupplyIndex), nil)
Describe("eth call", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
contract, contractErr = integration.DeployContract()
erc20TotalSupply, bigIntResult = new(big.Int).SetString("1000000000000000000000", 10)
It("calls totalSupply() without block number", func() {
contractAddress := common.HexToAddress(contract.Address)
msg := ethereum.CallMsg{
To: &contractAddress,
Data: common.Hex2Bytes("18160ddd"), // totalSupply()
gethResult, err := gethClient.CallContract(ctx, msg, nil)
gethTotalSupply := new(big.Int).SetBytes(gethResult)
ipldResult, err := ipldClient.CallContract(ctx, msg, nil)
It("calls totalSupply() with block number", func() {
contractAddress := common.HexToAddress(contract.Address)
msg := ethereum.CallMsg{
To: &contractAddress,
Data: common.Hex2Bytes("18160ddd"), // totalSupply()
gethResult, err := gethClient.CallContract(ctx, msg, big.NewInt(int64(contract.BlockNumber)))
gethTotalSupply := new(big.Int).SetBytes(gethResult)
ipldResult, err := ipldClient.CallContract(ctx, msg, big.NewInt(int64(contract.BlockNumber)))
Describe("Chain ID", func() {
It("Check chain id", func() {
_, err := gethClient.ChainID(ctx)
_, err = ipldClient.ChainID(ctx)

View File

@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
package integration
import (
type ContractDeployed struct {
Address string `json:"address"`
TransactionHash string `json:"txHash"`
BlockNumber int `json:"blockNumber"`
BlockHash string `json:"blockHash"`
type ContractDestroyed struct {
BlockNumber int64 `json:"blockNumber"`
type Tx struct {
From string `json:"from"`
To string `json:"to"`
Value *big.Int `json:"value"`
TransactionHash string `json:"txHash"`
BlockNumber int `json:"blockNumber"`
BlockHash string `json:"blockHash"`
type StorageKey struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
type CountIncremented struct {
BlockNumber int64 `json:"blockNumber"`
const srvUrl = "http://localhost:3000"
func DeployContract() (*ContractDeployed, error) {
res, err := http.Get(fmt.Sprintf("%s/v1/deployContract", srvUrl))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer res.Body.Close()
var contract ContractDeployed
decoder := json.NewDecoder(res.Body)
err = decoder.Decode(&contract)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &contract, nil
func DestroyContract(addr string) (*ContractDestroyed, error) {
res, err := http.Get(fmt.Sprintf("%s/v1/destroyContract?addr=%s", srvUrl, addr))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer res.Body.Close()
var data ContractDestroyed
decoder := json.NewDecoder(res.Body)
return &data, decoder.Decode(&data)
func SendEth(to string, value string) (*Tx, error) {
res, err := http.Get(fmt.Sprintf("%s/v1/sendEth?to=%s&value=%s", srvUrl, to, value))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer res.Body.Close()
var tx Tx
decoder := json.NewDecoder(res.Body)
err = decoder.Decode(&tx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &tx, nil
func DeploySLVContract() (*ContractDeployed, error) {
res, err := http.Get(fmt.Sprintf("%s/v1/deploySLVContract", srvUrl))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer res.Body.Close()
var contract ContractDeployed
decoder := json.NewDecoder(res.Body)
err = decoder.Decode(&contract)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &contract, nil
func DestroySLVContract(addr string) (*ContractDestroyed, error) {
res, err := http.Get(fmt.Sprintf("%s/v1/destroySLVContract?addr=%s", srvUrl, addr))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer res.Body.Close()
var data ContractDestroyed
decoder := json.NewDecoder(res.Body)
return &data, decoder.Decode(&data)
func IncrementCount(addr string, count string) (*CountIncremented, error) {
res, err := http.Get(fmt.Sprintf("%s/v1/incrementCount%s?addr=%s", srvUrl, count, addr))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var blockNumber CountIncremented
decoder := json.NewDecoder(res.Body)
err = decoder.Decode(&blockNumber)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &blockNumber, nil
func GetStorageSlotKey(contract string, label string) (*StorageKey, error) {
res, err := http.Get(fmt.Sprintf("%s/v1/getStorageKey?contract=%s&label=%s", srvUrl, contract, label))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer res.Body.Close()
var key StorageKey
decoder := json.NewDecoder(res.Body)
err = decoder.Decode(&key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &key, nil
func ClearWatchedAddresses(gethRPCClient *rpc.Client) error {
gethMethod := "statediff_watchAddress"
args := []types.WatchAddressArg{}
// Clear watched addresses
gethErr := gethRPCClient.Call(nil, gethMethod, types.Clear, args)
if gethErr != nil {
return gethErr
return nil
func Create2Contract(contractName string, salt string) (*ContractDeployed, error) {
res, err := http.Get(fmt.Sprintf("%s/v1/create2Contract?contract=%s&salt=%s", srvUrl, contractName, salt))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer res.Body.Close()
var contract ContractDeployed
decoder := json.NewDecoder(res.Body)
err = decoder.Decode(&contract)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &contract, nil

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
package integration_test
import (
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
func TestIntegration(t *testing.T) {
RunSpecs(t, "integration test suite")
var _ = BeforeSuite(func() {

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