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# ipld-eth-db
Schemas and utils for IPLD ETH Postgres database
## Database UML
## Run
* Remove any existing containers / volumes:
docker-compose down -v --remove-orphans
* Spin up an access node and three data nodes using [docker-compose.test.yml](./docker-compose.test.yml):
docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml up timescale-test-db pg_data_node_1 pg_data_node_2 pg_data_node_3
Following final output should be seen on all the nodes:
LOG: TimescaleDB background worker launcher connected to shared catalogs
* Edit [startup_script.sh](./scripts/startup_script.sh) to change the number of migrations to be run:
./goose -dir migrations/vulcanizedb postgres "$VDB_PG_CONNECT" up-to 22
* In another `ipld-eth-db` terminal window, build an image `migrations-test` using [Dockerfile](./db/Dockerfile):
docker build -t migrations-test -f ./db/Dockerfile .
* After the access and data nodes have spun up, start a container using `migrations-test` image to run the db migrations:
# Here, we are running the container using host network.
# So connect to access node on
docker run --rm --network host -e DATABASE_USER=postgres -e DATABASE_PASSWORD=password -e DATABASE_HOSTNAME= -e DATABASE_PORT=8066 -e DATABASE_NAME=vulcanize_testing_v4 migrations-test