
1.2 KiB


This application will capture all the BeaconState's and SignedBeaconBlock's from the consensus chain on Ethereum.

Running the Application

To run the application, utilize the following command, and update the values as needed.

go run main.go capture head --db.address localhost \
  --db.password password \
  --db.port 8077 \
  --db.username username \
  --lh.address localhost \
  --lh.port 5052


If you want to contribute please make sure you do the following:

  • Create a Github issue before starting your work.
  • Follow the branching structure.
  • Delete your branch once it has been merged.
    • Do not delete the develop branch. We can add branch protection once we make the branch public.

Branching Structure

The branching structure is as follows: main <-- develop <-- your-branch.

It is adviced that your-branch follows the following structure: {type}/{issue-number}-{description}.

  • type - This can be anything identifying the reason for this PR, for example: bug, feature, release.
  • issue-number - This is the issue number of the GitHub issue. It will help users easily find a full description of the issue you are trying to solve.
  • description - A few words to identify your issue.