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Ledger entries

Ledger entries tab in portfolio

When I enter on ledger entries tab in portfolio page

  • Must see a form for download report file (7007-LEEN-001)
  • in the form Must see a dropdown for select an asset, in which reports will be downloaded (7007-LEEN-002)
  • in the form Must see inputs for select time period, in which reports will be downloaded (7007-LEEN-003)
  • default preselected period Must be the last 7 days (7007-LEEN-004)
  • Must see a note about time in file are in UTC and timezone of the user relative to UTC (7007-LEEN-006)
  • As a user, I must see a message saying that this can take several minutes (7007-LEEN-007)
  • After half a minute, the message is updated to say something like 'Still in progress' (7007-LEEN-008)
  • A toast is shown when the download is complete (7007-LEEN-009)
  • The download button should never be disabled
    • If user tries to download file which is already in download: (7007-LEEN-010)
      • if notification stayed open, nothing happens
      • If notification was closed, will be open, no any new request will be fired
      • If something has changed in the form (asset, dates, new download will start.
  • The state of the download form should be in sync with the download itself if you navigate away from the page or reload (7007-LEEN-011)