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As a trading platform user I want to see all possible information about market. IMPORTANT: Available entries may vary depending on market specifics (e.g. oracle related). Separate ACs may be created for more detailed information.
Market details
When I am on trading platform I Must see following market details summary on the top of trading page: Depending on the market data, tooltips may be available for some records when hovered on.
- Market name (6002-MDET-001)
- Expiry (6002-MDET-002)
- Price (6002-MDET-003)
- Change (24h) (6002-MDET-004)
- Volume (24h) (6002-MDET-005)
- Trading mode (6002-MDET-006)
- Status (6002-MDET-007)
- Settlement asset (6002-MDET-008)
- Liquidity supplied (6002-MDET-009)
Market data
When I look into market info I Must see following data:
- Current fees: (6002-MDET-101)
- Maker Fee
- Infrastracture Fee
- Liquidity Fee
- Total Fees
- Market price: (6002-MDET-102)
- Mark Price
- Best Bid Price
- Best Offer Price
- Quote Unit
- Market volume: (6002-MDET-103)
- 24 Hour Volume
- Open Interest
- Best Bid Volume
- Best Offer Volume
- Best Static Bid Volume
- Best Static Offer Volume
- Insurance pool: (6002-MDET-104)
- Balance
Market specification
When I look into market info I Must see following specification:
- Key details: (6002-MDET-201)
- Name
- Market ID
- Trading Mode
- Market Decimal Places
- Position Decimal Places
- Settlement Asset Decimal Places
- Instrument: (6002-MDET-202)
- Market Name
- Code
- Product Type
- Quote Name
- Oracle: (6002-MDET-203)
- content may vary
- Settlement oracle: (6002-MDET-204)
- content may vary
- Termination oracle: (6002-MDET-205)
- optional. only for futures. content may vary
- Settlement schedule oracle: (6002-MDET-206)
- optional. only for perpetuals. content may vary
- Settlement asset: (6002-MDET-207)
- ID
- Type
- Name
- Symbol
- Decimals
- Quantum
- Status
- Contract address (link)
- Withdrawal threshold
- Lifetime limit
- Infrastracture fee account balance
- Global reward pool account balance
- Metadata: (6002-MDET-208)
- Expiry Date
- Base
- Quote
- Class
- Sector
- Enactment
- Settlement
- Risk model: (6002-MDET-209)
- Tau
- Risk Aversion Parameter
- R
- Sigma
- Margin scaling factors (6002-MDET-210)
- Linear Slippage Factor
- Quadratic Slippage Factor
- Search Level
- Initial Margin
- Collateral Release
- Risk factors: (6002-MDET-211)
- Long
- Short
- Max Leverage Long
- Max Leverage Short
- Max Initial Leverage Long
- Max Initial Leverage Short
- Price monitoring bounds (multiple bounds possible): (6002-MDET-212)
- Highest Price
- Lowest Price
- Liquidity monitoring parameters: (6002-MDET-213)
- Triggering Ratio
- Time Window
- Scaling Factor
- Liquidity: (6002-MDET-214)
- Target Stake
- Supplied Stake
- link to liquidity provision table
- Liquidity price range: (6002-MDET-215)
- Liquidity Price Range
- Lowest Price
- Highest Price
Market governance
When I look into market info I Must see following governance information:
Proposal: (6002-MDET-301)
- link to governance proposal
- link to propose a change to market
Succession line: (6002-MDET-302): a list consisting of an origin market and all of its successors one-by-one. The list Should contain:
- Market Code which links to the corresponding governance proposal
- Market Name
- Market ID
When I look at the succession line list I Should easily distinguish which market is the currently viewed market so I can see the ancestor-descendant relations between the current and other markets on the list.
Market successor & warning for termination
When I'm tranding on the market, I Must see there are:
- Market successor: (6002-MDET-401)
- link to the successor market
- 24 h volume of the successor market
- Remaining time until parent market expires
- Proposal for the market successor : (6002-MDET-402)
- link to governance proposal
- name of the proposed market
- Enacted proposal for the market termination: (6002-MDET-403)
- I should be informed immediately when a close market proposal for a market I have a position in is successful
- I can tell how much time remains before the market will close and/or the exact time of closure
- I can tell what the final price will be at the time of closing
- The notification is showed regardless of market type