const sodium = require('./') const native = require('sodium-native') const { crypto_scalarmult_ed25519, crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_base, crypto_scalarmult_curve25519, crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_1, crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_base } = require('./crypto_scalarmult_ed25519') const { crypto_sign, crypto_sign_open, crypto_sign_verify_detached } = require('./crypto_sign_ed25519') const sign = require('./crypto_sign') const ed = require('./ed25519') const ec = require('./fe25519_25') console.log(crypto_scalarmult_ed25519) let sm = Buffer.alloc(1024 + sodium.crypto_sign_BYTES) let sm1 = Buffer.alloc(1024 + sodium.crypto_sign_BYTES) let skpk = Buffer.alloc(sodium.crypto_sign_SECRETKEYBYTES) let pk = Buffer.alloc(sodium.crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES) let sk = Buffer.alloc(sodium.crypto_sign_SECRETKEYBYTES) let smlen let smlen1 let i let test // sig.fill(0) var an = Buffer.from([ 0x77, 0x07, 0x6d, 0x0a, 0x73, 0x18, 0xa5, 0x7d, 0x3c, 0x16, 0xc1, 0x72, 0x51, 0xb2, 0x66, 0x45, 0xdf, 0x4c, 0x2f, 0x87, 0xeb, 0xc0, 0x99, 0x2a, 0xb1, 0x77, 0xfb, 0xa5, 0x1d, 0xb9, 0x2c, 0x2a ]) var bn = Buffer.from([ 0x5d, 0xab, 0x08, 0x7e, 0x62, 0x4a, 0x8a, 0x4b, 0x79, 0xe1, 0x7f, 0x8b, 0x83, 0x80, 0x0e, 0xe6, 0x6f, 0x3b, 0xb1, 0x29, 0x26, 0x18, 0xb6, 0xfd, 0x1c, 0x2f, 0x8b, 0x27, 0xff, 0x88, 0xe0, 0xeb ]) var bobpk = Buffer.from('de9edb7d7b7dc1b4d35b61c2ece435373f8343c85b78674dadfc7e146f882b4f', 'hex') var cn = Buffer.from([ 190, 24, 150, 125, 14, 254, 19, 44, 55, 112, 156, 5, 141, 230, 91, 84, 110, 130, 213, 39, 249, 107, 145, 140, 226, 38, 16, 80, 186, 183, 134, 239 ]) const res = Buffer.alloc(32) var fixtures = require('./crypto_sign.json').map(a => parseTest(a)) var pass = true // test = parseTest(fixture) // console.time('hello') // for (let test of fixtures) { // skpk.set( // skpk.set(, sodium.crypto_sign_SEEDBYTES) // smlen = sodium.crypto_sign(sm, test.m, skpk) // sodium.crypto_sign_open(test.m, sm.subarray(0, smlen), // } // console.timeEnd('hello') // console.time('ed') // for (let test of fixtures) { // skpk.set( // skpk.set(, sodium.crypto_sign_SEEDBYTES) // smlen = crypto_sign(sm, test.m, skpk) // crypto_sign_open(test.m, sm.subarray(0, smlen), // } // console.timeEnd('ed') // for (let i = 0; i < fixtures.length; i++) { // let pass = true // sm.fill(0) // sm1.fill(0) // test = fixtures[i] // skpk.set( // skpk.set(, sodium.crypto_sign_SEEDBYTES) // smlen = sodium.crypto_sign(sm, test.m, skpk) // smlen1 = crypto_sign(sm1, test.m, skpk) // pass &= sodium.crypto_sign_open(test.m, sm1.subarray(0, smlen1), // pass &= crypto_sign_open(test.m, sm.subarray(0, smlen), // if (, sm1) !== 0 || !pass) console.log('test fails at fixture #' + i) // } // ////////////////////////////// // sodium.crypto_scalarmult(res, an, bn) // console.log(res.toString('hex')) function main () { const b = 3; const pos = 21; const p = ec.ge2(); const res = Buffer.alloc(32) // static char hex[32]; // printf("hello\n"); ec.ge25519_cmov8_base(p, pos, b); // printf("hello\n"); ec.ge25519_tobytes(res, p); console.log(res.toString('hex')) } console.log('====================') main() console.log('====================') ///////////////////////////////////////// res.fill(0) crypto_scalarmult_curve25519(res, an, bobpk) console.log(res.toString('hex')) // console.time('whole') crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_1(res, an, bobpk) // console.timeEnd('whole') console.log('scmult wasm', res.toString('hex')) native.crypto_scalarmult(res, an, bobpk) console.log('scmult nati', res.toString('hex')) sodium.crypto_scalarmult(res, an, bobpk) console.log('scmult js ', res.toString('hex')) sodium.crypto_scalarmult_base(res, an) console.log('scmultb js', res.toString('hex')) // const basepoint = Buffer.alloc(32) // res.fill(0) // native.crypto_scalarmult_base(basepoint, res) // console.log('---------------', basepoint.toString('hex')) native.crypto_scalarmult_base(res, an) console.log('scmultb nat', res.toString('hex')) // res.fill(0) // const p = ec.ge3() // ec.ge25519_scalarmult_base(p, an) // ec.ge25519_tobytes(res, p) crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_base(res, an) console.log('scmultb was', res.toString('hex')) native.crypto_scalarmult(res, fixtures[1].sk, fixtures[1].pk) console.log(res.toString('hex')) crypto_scalarmult_curve25519(res, fixtures[1].sk, fixtures[1].pk) console.log('wasm naive', res.toString('hex')) crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_1(res, fixtures[1].sk, fixtures[1].pk) console.log('wasm inner loop', res.toString('hex')) native.crypto_scalarmult(res, fixtures[1].sk, fixtures[1].pk) console.log('native', res.toString('hex')) crypto_scalarmult_ed25519(res, fixtures[1].sk, fixtures[1].pk) console.log(res.toString('hex')) // const a = Buffer.alloc(32) // a[i] = 9 // crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_base(res, an) // console.log(res.toString('hex')) // console.time('hello') // for (let test of fixtures) { // sodium.crypto_scalarmult(res,, // } // console.timeEnd('hello') // console.log(res.toString('hex')) // const res1 = Buffer.from(res) // console.time('ed') // for (let test of fixtures) { // crypto_scalarmult_curve25519(res,, // } // console.timeEnd('ed') // console.time('wasm') // for (let test of fixtures) { // crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_1(res1,, // } // console.timeEnd('wasm') // console.time('native') // for (let test of fixtures) { // native.crypto_scalarmult(res1,, // } // console.timeEnd('native') // console.log(res.toString('hex')) // console.log(res1.toString('hex')) ///////////////////////////////////////// // console.log(sm.toString('hex')) native.crypto_sign_keypair(pk, sk) let sig = Buffer.alloc(sodium.crypto_sign_BYTES + 32) const m = Buffer.alloc(32) const m2 = Buffer.alloc(32) for (let i = 0; i < 32; i++) m[i] = i crypto_sign(sig, m, sk) // pass &= smlen === sodium.crypto_sign_BYTES + test.m.byteLength // pass &=, sm.subarray(0, 64)) === 0 // pass &= sodium.crypto_sign_open(test.m, sm.subarray(0, smlen), console.log('sig', sig.toString('hex')) console.log(sodium.crypto_sign_open(m2, sig, pk)) console.log(crypto_sign_open(m2, sig, pk)) console.log(m2.toString('hex')) // // pass &= sig.byteLength !== 0 && sig.byteLength <= sodium.crypto_sign_BYTES // // pass &=, sig) === 0 // pass &= sodium.crypto_sign_verify_detached(sig, test.m.subarray(0, i), function parseTest (t) { return { sk: Buffer.from(t[0]), pk: Buffer.from(t[1]), sig: Buffer.from(t[2]), m: Buffer.from(t[3]) } } // 92a009a9f0d4cab8720e820b5f642540a2b27b5416503f8fb3762223ebdb69da085ac1e43e15996e458f3613d0f11d8c387b2eaeb4302aeeb00d291612bb0c00720