forked from cerc-io/registry-sdk
35 lines
1.0 KiB
Protocol Buffer
35 lines
1.0 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
package cerc.onboarding.v1;
import "cosmos/msg/v1/msg.proto";
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
import "gogoproto/gogo.proto";
import "cerc/onboarding/v1/onboarding.proto";
option go_package = "";
// Msg defines the onboarding Msg service.
service Msg {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.service) = true;
// OnboardParticipant defines a method for enrolling a new validator.
rpc OnboardParticipant(MsgOnboardParticipant)
returns (MsgOnboardParticipantResponse) {
option (google.api.http).post = "/cerc/onboarding/v1/onboard_participant";
// MsgOnboardParticipant defines a SDK message for enrolling a new validator.
message MsgOnboardParticipant {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "participant";
// Participant is the msg sender
string participant = 1;
EthPayload eth_payload = 2 [ (gogoproto.nullable) = false ];
string eth_signature = 3;
// MsgOnboardParticipantResponse defines the Msg/OnboardParticipant response type.
message MsgOnboardParticipantResponse {}