# MobyMask v2 watcher

Instructions to setup and deploy MobyMask v2 watcher independently

## Setup

Prerequisite: L2 Optimism Geth and Node RPC endpoints

Clone required repositories:

laconic-so --stack mobymask-v2 setup-repositories --include cerc-io/MobyMask,cerc-io/watcher-ts

# If this throws an error as a result of being already checked out to a branch/tag in a repo, remove the repositories mentioned below and re-run the command

Checkout to the required versions and branches in repos:

# watcher-ts
cd ~/cerc/watcher-ts
git checkout v0.2.35

# MobyMask
cd ~/cerc/MobyMask
git checkout v0.1.2

Build the container images:

laconic-so --stack mobymask-v2 build-containers --include cerc/watcher-mobymask-v2,cerc/mobymask

This should create the required docker images in the local image registry

## Deploy

### Configuration

Create and update an env file to be used in the next step ([defaults](../../config/watcher-mobymask-v2/)):

  # External L2 endpoints


  # Credentials for accounts to perform txs on L2

  # Base URI for mobymask-app
  # (used for generating a root invite link after deploying the contract)

  # (Optional) Set of relay peers to connect to from the relay node

  # (Optional) Domain to be used in the relay node's announce address

  # Set to false for disabling watcher peer to send txs to L2

  # (Optional) Set already deployed MobyMask contract address to avoid deploying contract in the stack

* NOTE: If Optimism is running on the host machine, use `host.docker.internal` as the hostname to access the host port

### Deploy the stack

laconic-so --stack mobymask-v2 deploy --include watcher-mobymask-v2 --env-file <PATH_TO_ENV_FILE> up

To list down and monitor the running containers:

laconic-so --stack mobymask-v2 deploy --include watcher-mobymask-v2 ps

# With status
docker ps

# Check logs for a container
docker logs -f <CONTAINER_ID>

The watcher endpoint is exposed on host port `3001` and the relay node endpoint is exposed on host port `9090`

Check the logs of the deployment container to get the deployed contract's address and generated root invite link:

docker logs -f $(docker ps -aq --filter name="mobymask-1")

## Tests

See [Tests](./README.md#tests)

## Web Apps

For deploying the web-app(s) separately after deploying the watcher, follow [web-apps.md](./web-apps.md)

## Clean up

Stop all services running in the background:

laconic-so --stack mobymask-v2 deploy --include watcher-mobymask-v2 down

Clear volumes created by this stack:

# List all relevant volumes
docker volume ls -q --filter "name=.*mobymask_watcher_db_data|.*peers_ids|.*mobymask_deployment|.*fixturenet_geth_accounts"

# Remove all the listed volumes
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q --filter "name=.*mobymask_watcher_db_data|.*peers_ids|.*mobymask_deployment|.*fixturenet_geth_accounts")