  host = ""
  port = 3001
  kind = "active"

  # Checkpointing state.
  checkpointing = true

  # Checkpoint interval in number of blocks.
  checkpointInterval = 2000

  # IPFS API address (can be taken from the output on running the IPFS daemon).
  # ipfsApiAddr = "/ip4/"

  # Boolean to filter logs by contract.
  filterLogs = true

  # Max block range for which to return events in eventsInRange GQL query.
  # Use -1 for skipping check on block range.
  maxEventsBlockRange = -1

  host = ""
  port = 9000
    port = 9001

  type = "postgres"
  host = "mobymask-watcher-db"
  port = 5432
  database = "mobymask-watcher"
  username = "vdbm"
  password = "password"
  synchronize = true
  logging = false

    gqlApiEndpoint = "http://ipld-eth-server:8083/graphql"
    rpcProviderEndpoint = "http://ipld-eth-server:8082"
    blockDelayInMilliSecs = 60000

    name = "requests"
    enabled = false
    deleteOnStart = false

  dbConnectionString = "postgres://vdbm:password@mobymask-watcher-db/mobymask-watcher-job-queue"
  maxCompletionLagInSecs = 300
  jobDelayInMilliSecs = 100
  eventsInBatch = 50