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# Build Support Stack
## Instructions
JS/TS/NPM builds need an npm registry to store intermediate package artifacts.
This can be supplied by the user (e.g. using a hosted registry or even npmjs.com), or a local registry using gitea can be deployed by stack orchestrator.
To use a user-supplied registry set these environment variables:
Leave `CERC_NPM_REGISTRY_URL` un-set to use the local gitea registry.
### 1. Build support containers
Note: the scheme/gerbil container is excluded as it isn't currently required for the package registry.
$ laconic-so --stack build-support build-containers
### 2. Deploy Gitea Package Registry
$ laconic-so --stack package-registry setup-repositories
$ laconic-so --stack package-registry build-containers
$ laconic-so --stack package-registry deploy up
[+] Running 3/3
⠿ Network laconic-aecc4a21d3a502b14522db97d427e850_gitea Created 0.0s
⠿ Container laconic-aecc4a21d3a502b14522db97d427e850-db-1 Started 1.2s
⠿ Container laconic-aecc4a21d3a502b14522db97d427e850-server-1 Started 1.9s
New user 'gitea_admin' has been successfully created!
This is your gitea access token: 84fe66a73698bf11edbdccd0a338236b7d1d5c45. Keep it safe and secure, it can not be fetched again from gitea.
To use with laconic-so set this environment variable: export CERC_NPM_AUTH_TOKEN=84fe66a73698bf11edbdccd0a338236b7d1d5c45
Created the organization cerc-io
Gitea was configured to use host name: gitea.local, ensure that this resolves to localhost, e.g. with sudo vi /etc/hosts
Success, gitea is properly initialized
Note: the above commands can take several minutes depending on the specs of your machine.
### 3. Configure the hostname gitea.local
How to do this is OS-dependent but usually involves editing a `hosts` file. For example on Linux add this line to the file `/etc/hosts` (needs sudo):
``` gitea.local
Test with:
$ ping gitea.local
PING gitea.local ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.147 ms
64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.033 ms
Although not necessary in order to build and publish packages, you can now access the Gitea web interface at: [http://gitea.local:3000](http://gitea.local:3000) using these credentials: gitea_admin/admin1234 (Note: please properly secure Gitea if public internet access is allowed).
Now npm packages can be built:
### Build npm Packages
Ensure that `CERC_NPM_AUTH_TOKEN` is set with the token printed above when the package-registry stack was deployed (the actual token value will be different than shown in this example):
$ export CERC_NPM_AUTH_TOKEN=84fe66a73698bf11edbdccd0a338236b7d1d5c45
$ laconic-so build-npms --include laconic-sdk,laconic-registry-cli