forked from cerc-io/plugeth
This PR is a bit in preparation for the slog work in #28187 . Our current test re logging mostly test the internals, but we have no real end-to-end test of the logging output. This PR introduces a simple reexec-based log tester. This also relies upon a special mode in geth, which can be made to eject a set of predefined log messages (only available if the build-tag `integrationtests` is used e.g. go run --tags=integrationtests ./cmd/geth --log.format terminal logtest While working on this, I also noticed a quirk in the setup: when geth was configured to use a file output, then two separate handlers were used (one handler for the file, one handler for the console). Using two separate handlers means that two formatters are used, thus the formatting of any/all records happened twice. This PR changes the mechanism to use two separate io.Writers instead, which is both more optimal and fixes a bug which occurs due to a global statefulness in the formatter.
1111 lines
38 KiB
1111 lines
38 KiB
// Copyright 2016 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
//go:build none
// +build none
The ci command is called from Continuous Integration scripts.
Usage: go run build/ci.go <command> <command flags/arguments>
Available commands are:
install [ -arch architecture ] [ -cc compiler ] [ packages... ] -- builds packages and executables
test [ -coverage ] [ packages... ] -- runs the tests
lint -- runs certain pre-selected linters
archive [ -arch architecture ] [ -type zip|tar ] [ -signer key-envvar ] [ -signify key-envvar ] [ -upload dest ] -- archives build artifacts
importkeys -- imports signing keys from env
debsrc [ -signer key-id ] [ -upload dest ] -- creates a debian source package
nsis -- creates a Windows NSIS installer
purge [ -store blobstore ] [ -days threshold ] -- purges old archives from the blobstore
For all commands, -n prevents execution of external programs (dry run mode).
package main
import (
var (
// Files that end up in the geth*.zip archive.
gethArchiveFiles = []string{
// Files that end up in the geth-alltools*.zip archive.
allToolsArchiveFiles = []string{
// A debian package is created for all executables listed here.
debExecutables = []debExecutable{
BinaryName: "abigen",
Description: "Source code generator to convert Ethereum contract definitions into easy to use, compile-time type-safe Go packages.",
BinaryName: "bootnode",
Description: "Ethereum bootnode.",
BinaryName: "evm",
Description: "Developer utility version of the EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) that is capable of running bytecode snippets within a configurable environment and execution mode.",
BinaryName: "geth",
Description: "Ethereum CLI client.",
BinaryName: "rlpdump",
Description: "Developer utility tool that prints RLP structures.",
BinaryName: "clef",
Description: "Ethereum account management tool.",
// A debian package is created for all executables listed here.
debEthereum = debPackage{
Name: "ethereum",
Version: params.Version,
Executables: debExecutables,
// Debian meta packages to build and push to Ubuntu PPA
debPackages = []debPackage{
// Distros for which packages are created.
// Note: vivid is unsupported because there is no golang-1.6 package for it.
// Note: the following Ubuntu releases have been officially deprecated on Launchpad:
// wily, yakkety, zesty, artful, cosmic, disco, eoan, groovy, hirsuite, impish,
// kinetic
debDistroGoBoots = map[string]string{
"trusty": "golang-1.11", // EOL: 04/2024
"xenial": "golang-go", // EOL: 04/2026
"bionic": "golang-go", // EOL: 04/2028
"focal": "golang-go", // EOL: 04/2030
"jammy": "golang-go", // EOL: 04/2032
"lunar": "golang-go", // EOL: 01/2024
debGoBootPaths = map[string]string{
"golang-1.11": "/usr/lib/go-1.11",
"golang-go": "/usr/lib/go",
// This is where the tests should be unpacked.
executionSpecTestsDir = "tests/spec-tests"
var GOBIN, _ = filepath.Abs(filepath.Join("build", "bin"))
func executablePath(name string) string {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
name += ".exe"
return filepath.Join(GOBIN, name)
func main() {
if !common.FileExist(filepath.Join("build", "ci.go")) {
log.Fatal("this script must be run from the root of the repository")
if len(os.Args) < 2 {
log.Fatal("need subcommand as first argument")
switch os.Args[1] {
case "install":
case "test":
case "lint":
case "archive":
case "docker":
case "debsrc":
case "nsis":
case "purge":
case "sanitycheck":
log.Fatal("unknown command ", os.Args[1])
// Compiling
func doInstall(cmdline []string) {
var (
dlgo = flag.Bool("dlgo", false, "Download Go and build with it")
arch = flag.String("arch", "", "Architecture to cross build for")
cc = flag.String("cc", "", "C compiler to cross build with")
staticlink = flag.Bool("static", false, "Create statically-linked executable")
env := build.Env()
// Configure the toolchain.
tc := build.GoToolchain{GOARCH: *arch, CC: *cc}
if *dlgo {
csdb := build.MustLoadChecksums("build/checksums.txt")
tc.Root = build.DownloadGo(csdb)
// Disable CLI markdown doc generation in release builds.
buildTags := []string{"urfave_cli_no_docs"}
// Enable linking the CKZG library since we can make it work with additional flags.
if env.UbuntuVersion != "trusty" {
buildTags = append(buildTags, "ckzg")
// Configure the build.
gobuild := tc.Go("build", buildFlags(env, *staticlink, buildTags)...)
// arm64 CI builders are memory-constrained and can't handle concurrent builds,
// better disable it. This check isn't the best, it should probably
// check for something in env instead.
if env.CI && runtime.GOARCH == "arm64" {
gobuild.Args = append(gobuild.Args, "-p", "1")
// We use -trimpath to avoid leaking local paths into the built executables.
gobuild.Args = append(gobuild.Args, "-trimpath")
// Show packages during build.
gobuild.Args = append(gobuild.Args, "-v")
// Now we choose what we're even building.
// Default: collect all 'main' packages in cmd/ and build those.
packages := flag.Args()
if len(packages) == 0 {
packages = build.FindMainPackages("./cmd")
// Do the build!
for _, pkg := range packages {
args := make([]string, len(gobuild.Args))
copy(args, gobuild.Args)
args = append(args, "-o", executablePath(path.Base(pkg)))
args = append(args, pkg)
build.MustRun(&exec.Cmd{Path: gobuild.Path, Args: args, Env: gobuild.Env})
// buildFlags returns the go tool flags for building.
func buildFlags(env build.Environment, staticLinking bool, buildTags []string) (flags []string) {
var ld []string
if env.Commit != "" {
ld = append(ld, "-X", ""+env.Commit)
ld = append(ld, "-X", ""+env.Date)
// Strip DWARF on darwin. This used to be required for certain things,
// and there is no downside to this, so we just keep doing it.
if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
ld = append(ld, "-s")
if runtime.GOOS == "linux" {
// Enforce the stacksize to 8M, which is the case on most platforms apart from
// alpine Linux.
extld := []string{"-Wl,-z,stack-size=0x800000"}
if staticLinking {
extld = append(extld, "-static")
// Under static linking, use of certain glibc features must be
// disabled to avoid shared library dependencies.
buildTags = append(buildTags, "osusergo", "netgo")
ld = append(ld, "-extldflags", "'"+strings.Join(extld, " ")+"'")
if len(ld) > 0 {
flags = append(flags, "-ldflags", strings.Join(ld, " "))
if len(buildTags) > 0 {
flags = append(flags, "-tags", strings.Join(buildTags, ","))
return flags
// Running The Tests
// "tests" also includes static analysis tools such as vet.
func doTest(cmdline []string) {
var (
dlgo = flag.Bool("dlgo", false, "Download Go and build with it")
arch = flag.String("arch", "", "Run tests for given architecture")
cc = flag.String("cc", "", "Sets C compiler binary")
coverage = flag.Bool("coverage", false, "Whether to record code coverage")
verbose = flag.Bool("v", false, "Whether to log verbosely")
race = flag.Bool("race", false, "Execute the race detector")
short = flag.Bool("short", false, "Pass the 'short'-flag to go test")
cachedir = flag.String("cachedir", "./build/cache", "directory for caching downloads")
// Get test fixtures.
csdb := build.MustLoadChecksums("build/checksums.txt")
downloadSpecTestFixtures(csdb, *cachedir)
// Configure the toolchain.
tc := build.GoToolchain{GOARCH: *arch, CC: *cc}
if *dlgo {
tc.Root = build.DownloadGo(csdb)
gotest := tc.Go("test")
// CI needs a bit more time for the statetests (default 10m).
gotest.Args = append(gotest.Args, "-timeout=20m")
// Enable CKZG backend in CI.
gotest.Args = append(gotest.Args, "-tags=ckzg")
// Enable integration-tests
gotest.Args = append(gotest.Args, "-tags=integrationtests")
// Test a single package at a time. CI builders are slow
// and some tests run into timeouts under load.
gotest.Args = append(gotest.Args, "-p", "1")
if *coverage {
gotest.Args = append(gotest.Args, "-covermode=atomic", "-cover")
if *verbose {
gotest.Args = append(gotest.Args, "-v")
if *race {
gotest.Args = append(gotest.Args, "-race")
if *short {
gotest.Args = append(gotest.Args, "-short")
packages := []string{"./..."}
if len(flag.CommandLine.Args()) > 0 {
packages = flag.CommandLine.Args()
gotest.Args = append(gotest.Args, packages...)
// downloadSpecTestFixtures downloads and extracts the execution-spec-tests fixtures.
func downloadSpecTestFixtures(csdb *build.ChecksumDB, cachedir string) string {
executionSpecTestsVersion, err := build.Version(csdb, "spec-tests")
if err != nil {
ext := ".tar.gz"
base := "fixtures_develop" // TODO(MariusVanDerWijden) rename once the version becomes part of the filename
url := fmt.Sprintf("", executionSpecTestsVersion, base, ext)
archivePath := filepath.Join(cachedir, base+ext)
if err := csdb.DownloadFile(url, archivePath); err != nil {
if err := build.ExtractArchive(archivePath, executionSpecTestsDir); err != nil {
return filepath.Join(cachedir, base)
// doLint runs golangci-lint on requested packages.
func doLint(cmdline []string) {
var (
cachedir = flag.String("cachedir", "./build/cache", "directory for caching golangci-lint binary.")
packages := []string{"./..."}
if len(flag.CommandLine.Args()) > 0 {
packages = flag.CommandLine.Args()
linter := downloadLinter(*cachedir)
lflags := []string{"run", "--config", ".golangci.yml"}
build.MustRunCommand(linter, append(lflags, packages...)...)
fmt.Println("You have achieved perfection.")
// downloadLinter downloads and unpacks golangci-lint.
func downloadLinter(cachedir string) string {
csdb := build.MustLoadChecksums("build/checksums.txt")
version, err := build.Version(csdb, "golangci")
if err != nil {
arch := runtime.GOARCH
ext := ".tar.gz"
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
ext = ".zip"
if arch == "arm" {
arch += "v" + os.Getenv("GOARM")
base := fmt.Sprintf("golangci-lint-%s-%s-%s", version, runtime.GOOS, arch)
url := fmt.Sprintf("", version, base, ext)
archivePath := filepath.Join(cachedir, base+ext)
if err := csdb.DownloadFile(url, archivePath); err != nil {
if err := build.ExtractArchive(archivePath, cachedir); err != nil {
return filepath.Join(cachedir, base, "golangci-lint")
// Release Packaging
func doArchive(cmdline []string) {
var (
arch = flag.String("arch", runtime.GOARCH, "Architecture cross packaging")
atype = flag.String("type", "zip", "Type of archive to write (zip|tar)")
signer = flag.String("signer", "", `Environment variable holding the signing key (e.g. LINUX_SIGNING_KEY)`)
signify = flag.String("signify", "", `Environment variable holding the signify key (e.g. LINUX_SIGNIFY_KEY)`)
upload = flag.String("upload", "", `Destination to upload the archives (usually "gethstore/builds")`)
ext string
switch *atype {
case "zip":
ext = ".zip"
case "tar":
ext = ".tar.gz"
log.Fatal("unknown archive type: ", atype)
var (
env = build.Env()
basegeth = archiveBasename(*arch, params.ArchiveVersion(env.Commit))
geth = "geth-" + basegeth + ext
alltools = "geth-alltools-" + basegeth + ext
if err := build.WriteArchive(geth, gethArchiveFiles); err != nil {
if err := build.WriteArchive(alltools, allToolsArchiveFiles); err != nil {
for _, archive := range []string{geth, alltools} {
if err := archiveUpload(archive, *upload, *signer, *signify); err != nil {
func archiveBasename(arch string, archiveVersion string) string {
platform := runtime.GOOS + "-" + arch
if arch == "arm" {
platform += os.Getenv("GOARM")
if arch == "android" {
platform = "android-all"
if arch == "ios" {
platform = "ios-all"
return platform + "-" + archiveVersion
func archiveUpload(archive string, blobstore string, signer string, signifyVar string) error {
// If signing was requested, generate the signature files
if signer != "" {
key := getenvBase64(signer)
if err := build.PGPSignFile(archive, archive+".asc", string(key)); err != nil {
return err
if signifyVar != "" {
key := os.Getenv(signifyVar)
untrustedComment := "verify with"
trustedComment := fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", archive, time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC1123))
if err := signify.SignFile(archive, archive+".sig", key, untrustedComment, trustedComment); err != nil {
return err
// If uploading to Azure was requested, push the archive possibly with its signature
if blobstore != "" {
auth := build.AzureBlobstoreConfig{
Account: strings.Split(blobstore, "/")[0],
Token: os.Getenv("AZURE_BLOBSTORE_TOKEN"),
Container: strings.SplitN(blobstore, "/", 2)[1],
if err := build.AzureBlobstoreUpload(archive, filepath.Base(archive), auth); err != nil {
return err
if signer != "" {
if err := build.AzureBlobstoreUpload(archive+".asc", filepath.Base(archive+".asc"), auth); err != nil {
return err
if signifyVar != "" {
if err := build.AzureBlobstoreUpload(archive+".sig", filepath.Base(archive+".sig"), auth); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// skips archiving for some build configurations.
func maybeSkipArchive(env build.Environment) {
if env.IsPullRequest {
log.Printf("skipping archive creation because this is a PR build")
if env.Branch != "master" && !strings.HasPrefix(env.Tag, "v1.") {
log.Printf("skipping archive creation because branch %q, tag %q is not on the inclusion list", env.Branch, env.Tag)
// Builds the docker images and optionally uploads them to Docker Hub.
func doDocker(cmdline []string) {
var (
image = flag.Bool("image", false, `Whether to build and push an arch specific docker image`)
manifest = flag.String("manifest", "", `Push a multi-arch docker image for the specified architectures (usually "amd64,arm64")`)
upload = flag.String("upload", "", `Where to upload the docker image (usually "ethereum/client-go")`)
// Skip building and pushing docker images for PR builds
env := build.Env()
// Retrieve the upload credentials and authenticate
user := getenvBase64("DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME")
pass := getenvBase64("DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD")
if len(user) > 0 && len(pass) > 0 {
auther := exec.Command("docker", "login", "-u", string(user), "--password-stdin")
auther.Stdin = bytes.NewReader(pass)
// Retrieve the version infos to build and push to the following paths:
// - ethereum/client-go:latest - Pushes to the master branch, Geth only
// - ethereum/client-go:stable - Version tag publish on GitHub, Geth only
// - ethereum/client-go:alltools-latest - Pushes to the master branch, Geth & tools
// - ethereum/client-go:alltools-stable - Version tag publish on GitHub, Geth & tools
// - ethereum/client-go:release-<major>.<minor> - Version tag publish on GitHub, Geth only
// - ethereum/client-go:alltools-release-<major>.<minor> - Version tag publish on GitHub, Geth & tools
// - ethereum/client-go:v<major>.<minor>.<patch> - Version tag publish on GitHub, Geth only
// - ethereum/client-go:alltools-v<major>.<minor>.<patch> - Version tag publish on GitHub, Geth & tools
var tags []string
switch {
case env.Branch == "master":
tags = []string{"latest"}
case strings.HasPrefix(env.Tag, "v1."):
tags = []string{"stable", fmt.Sprintf("release-1.%d", params.VersionMinor), "v" + params.Version}
// If architecture specific image builds are requested, build and push them
if *image {
build.MustRunCommand("docker", "build", "--build-arg", "COMMIT="+env.Commit, "--build-arg", "VERSION="+params.VersionWithMeta, "--build-arg", "BUILDNUM="+env.Buildnum, "--tag", fmt.Sprintf("%s:TAG", *upload), ".")
build.MustRunCommand("docker", "build", "--build-arg", "COMMIT="+env.Commit, "--build-arg", "VERSION="+params.VersionWithMeta, "--build-arg", "BUILDNUM="+env.Buildnum, "--tag", fmt.Sprintf("%s:alltools-TAG", *upload), "-f", "Dockerfile.alltools", ".")
// Tag and upload the images to Docker Hub
for _, tag := range tags {
gethImage := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s-%s", *upload, tag, runtime.GOARCH)
toolImage := fmt.Sprintf("%s:alltools-%s-%s", *upload, tag, runtime.GOARCH)
// If the image already exists (non version tag), check the build
// number to prevent overwriting a newer commit if concurrent builds
// are running. This is still a tiny bit racey if two published are
// done at the same time, but that's extremely unlikely even on the
// master branch.
for _, img := range []string{gethImage, toolImage} {
if exec.Command("docker", "pull", img).Run() != nil {
continue // Generally the only failure is a missing image, which is good
buildnum, err := exec.Command("docker", "inspect", "--format", "{{index .Config.Labels \"buildnum\"}}", img).CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to inspect container: %v\nOutput: %s", err, string(buildnum))
buildnum = bytes.TrimSpace(buildnum)
if len(buildnum) > 0 && len(env.Buildnum) > 0 {
oldnum, err := strconv.Atoi(string(buildnum))
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to parse old image build number: %v", err)
newnum, err := strconv.Atoi(env.Buildnum)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to parse current build number: %v", err)
if oldnum > newnum {
log.Fatalf("Current build number %d not newer than existing %d", newnum, oldnum)
} else {
log.Printf("Updating %s from build %d to %d", img, oldnum, newnum)
build.MustRunCommand("docker", "image", "tag", fmt.Sprintf("%s:TAG", *upload), gethImage)
build.MustRunCommand("docker", "image", "tag", fmt.Sprintf("%s:alltools-TAG", *upload), toolImage)
build.MustRunCommand("docker", "push", gethImage)
build.MustRunCommand("docker", "push", toolImage)
// If multi-arch image manifest push is requested, assemble it
if len(*manifest) != 0 {
// Since different architectures are pushed by different builders, wait
// until all required images are updated.
var mismatch bool
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ { // 2 attempts, second is race check
mismatch = false // hope there's no mismatch now
for _, tag := range tags {
for _, arch := range strings.Split(*manifest, ",") {
gethImage := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s-%s", *upload, tag, arch)
toolImage := fmt.Sprintf("%s:alltools-%s-%s", *upload, tag, arch)
for _, img := range []string{gethImage, toolImage} {
if out, err := exec.Command("docker", "pull", img).CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
log.Printf("Required image %s unavailable: %v\nOutput: %s", img, err, out)
mismatch = true
buildnum, err := exec.Command("docker", "inspect", "--format", "{{index .Config.Labels \"buildnum\"}}", img).CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to inspect container: %v\nOutput: %s", err, string(buildnum))
buildnum = bytes.TrimSpace(buildnum)
if string(buildnum) != env.Buildnum {
log.Printf("Build number mismatch on %s: want %s, have %s", img, env.Buildnum, buildnum)
mismatch = true
if mismatch {
if mismatch {
if mismatch {
// Build numbers mismatching, retry in a short time to
// avoid concurrent fails in both publisher images. If
// however the retry failed too, it means the concurrent
// builder is still crunching, let that do the publish.
if i == 0 {
time.Sleep(30 * time.Second)
if mismatch {
log.Println("Relinquishing publish to other builder")
// Assemble and push the Geth manifest image
for _, tag := range tags {
gethImage := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", *upload, tag)
var gethSubImages []string
for _, arch := range strings.Split(*manifest, ",") {
gethSubImages = append(gethSubImages, gethImage+"-"+arch)
build.MustRunCommand("docker", append([]string{"manifest", "create", gethImage}, gethSubImages...)...)
build.MustRunCommand("docker", "manifest", "push", gethImage)
// Assemble and push the alltools manifest image
for _, tag := range tags {
toolImage := fmt.Sprintf("%s:alltools-%s", *upload, tag)
var toolSubImages []string
for _, arch := range strings.Split(*manifest, ",") {
toolSubImages = append(toolSubImages, toolImage+"-"+arch)
build.MustRunCommand("docker", append([]string{"manifest", "create", toolImage}, toolSubImages...)...)
build.MustRunCommand("docker", "manifest", "push", toolImage)
// Debian Packaging
func doDebianSource(cmdline []string) {
var (
cachedir = flag.String("cachedir", "./build/cache", `Filesystem path to cache the downloaded Go bundles at`)
signer = flag.String("signer", "", `Signing key name, also used as package author`)
upload = flag.String("upload", "", `Where to upload the source package (usually "ethereum/ethereum")`)
sshUser = flag.String("sftp-user", "", `Username for SFTP upload (usually "geth-ci")`)
workdir = flag.String("workdir", "", `Output directory for packages (uses temp dir if unset)`)
now = time.Now()
*workdir = makeWorkdir(*workdir)
env := build.Env()
tc := new(build.GoToolchain)
// Import the signing key.
if key := getenvBase64("PPA_SIGNING_KEY"); len(key) > 0 {
gpg := exec.Command("gpg", "--import")
gpg.Stdin = bytes.NewReader(key)
// Download and verify the Go source packages.
var (
gobootbundle = downloadGoBootstrapSources(*cachedir)
gobundle = downloadGoSources(*cachedir)
// Download all the dependencies needed to build the sources and run the ci script
srcdepfetch := tc.Go("mod", "download")
srcdepfetch.Env = append(srcdepfetch.Env, "GOPATH="+filepath.Join(*workdir, "modgopath"))
cidepfetch := tc.Go("run", "./build/ci.go")
cidepfetch.Env = append(cidepfetch.Env, "GOPATH="+filepath.Join(*workdir, "modgopath"))
cidepfetch.Run() // Command fails, don't care, we only need the deps to start it
// Create Debian packages and upload them.
for _, pkg := range debPackages {
for distro, goboot := range debDistroGoBoots {
// Prepare the debian package with the go-ethereum sources.
meta := newDebMetadata(distro, goboot, *signer, env, now, pkg.Name, pkg.Version, pkg.Executables)
pkgdir := stageDebianSource(*workdir, meta)
// Add bootstrapper Go source code
if err := build.ExtractArchive(gobootbundle, pkgdir); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to extract bootstrapper Go sources: %v", err)
if err := os.Rename(filepath.Join(pkgdir, "go"), filepath.Join(pkgdir, ".goboot")); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to rename bootstrapper Go source folder: %v", err)
// Add builder Go source code
if err := build.ExtractArchive(gobundle, pkgdir); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to extract builder Go sources: %v", err)
if err := os.Rename(filepath.Join(pkgdir, "go"), filepath.Join(pkgdir, ".go")); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to rename builder Go source folder: %v", err)
// Add all dependency modules in compressed form
os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(pkgdir, ".mod", "cache"), 0755)
if err := cp.CopyAll(filepath.Join(pkgdir, ".mod", "cache", "download"), filepath.Join(*workdir, "modgopath", "pkg", "mod", "cache", "download")); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to copy Go module dependencies: %v", err)
// Run the packaging and upload to the PPA
debuild := exec.Command("debuild", "-S", "-sa", "-us", "-uc", "-d", "-Zxz", "-nc")
debuild.Dir = pkgdir
var (
basename = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", meta.Name(), meta.VersionString())
source = filepath.Join(*workdir, basename+".tar.xz")
dsc = filepath.Join(*workdir, basename+".dsc")
changes = filepath.Join(*workdir, basename+"_source.changes")
buildinfo = filepath.Join(*workdir, basename+"_source.buildinfo")
if *signer != "" {
build.MustRunCommand("debsign", changes)
if *upload != "" {
ppaUpload(*workdir, *upload, *sshUser, []string{source, dsc, changes, buildinfo})
// downloadGoBootstrapSources downloads the Go source tarball that will be used
// to bootstrap the builder Go.
func downloadGoBootstrapSources(cachedir string) string {
csdb := build.MustLoadChecksums("build/checksums.txt")
gobootVersion, err := build.Version(csdb, "ppa-builder")
if err != nil {
file := fmt.Sprintf("go%s.src.tar.gz", gobootVersion)
url := "" + file
dst := filepath.Join(cachedir, file)
if err := csdb.DownloadFile(url, dst); err != nil {
return dst
// downloadGoSources downloads the Go source tarball.
func downloadGoSources(cachedir string) string {
csdb := build.MustLoadChecksums("build/checksums.txt")
dlgoVersion, err := build.Version(csdb, "golang")
if err != nil {
file := fmt.Sprintf("go%s.src.tar.gz", dlgoVersion)
url := "" + file
dst := filepath.Join(cachedir, file)
if err := csdb.DownloadFile(url, dst); err != nil {
return dst
func ppaUpload(workdir, ppa, sshUser string, files []string) {
p := strings.Split(ppa, "/")
if len(p) != 2 {
log.Fatal("-upload PPA name must contain single /")
if sshUser == "" {
sshUser = p[0]
incomingDir := fmt.Sprintf("~%s/ubuntu/%s", p[0], p[1])
// Create the SSH identity file if it doesn't exist.
var idfile string
if sshkey := getenvBase64("PPA_SSH_KEY"); len(sshkey) > 0 {
idfile = filepath.Join(workdir, "sshkey")
if !common.FileExist(idfile) {
os.WriteFile(idfile, sshkey, 0600)
// Upload
dest := sshUser + ""
if err := build.UploadSFTP(idfile, dest, incomingDir, files); err != nil {
func getenvBase64(variable string) []byte {
dec, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(os.Getenv(variable))
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("invalid base64 " + variable)
return []byte(dec)
func makeWorkdir(wdflag string) string {
var err error
if wdflag != "" {
err = os.MkdirAll(wdflag, 0744)
} else {
wdflag, err = os.MkdirTemp("", "geth-build-")
if err != nil {
return wdflag
func isUnstableBuild(env build.Environment) bool {
if env.Tag != "" {
return false
return true
type debPackage struct {
Name string // the name of the Debian package to produce, e.g. "ethereum"
Version string // the clean version of the debPackage, e.g. 1.8.12, without any metadata
Executables []debExecutable // executables to be included in the package
type debMetadata struct {
Env build.Environment
GoBootPackage string
GoBootPath string
PackageName string
// go-ethereum version being built. Note that this
// is not the debian package version. The package version
// is constructed by VersionString.
Version string
Author string // "name <email>", also selects signing key
Distro, Time string
Executables []debExecutable
type debExecutable struct {
PackageName string
BinaryName string
Description string
// Package returns the name of the package if present, or
// fallbacks to BinaryName
func (d debExecutable) Package() string {
if d.PackageName != "" {
return d.PackageName
return d.BinaryName
func newDebMetadata(distro, goboot, author string, env build.Environment, t time.Time, name string, version string, exes []debExecutable) debMetadata {
if author == "" {
// No signing key, use default author.
author = "Ethereum Builds <>"
return debMetadata{
GoBootPackage: goboot,
GoBootPath: debGoBootPaths[goboot],
PackageName: name,
Env: env,
Author: author,
Distro: distro,
Version: version,
Time: t.Format(time.RFC1123Z),
Executables: exes,
// Name returns the name of the metapackage that depends
// on all executable packages.
func (meta debMetadata) Name() string {
if isUnstableBuild(meta.Env) {
return meta.PackageName + "-unstable"
return meta.PackageName
// VersionString returns the debian version of the packages.
func (meta debMetadata) VersionString() string {
vsn := meta.Version
if meta.Env.Buildnum != "" {
vsn += "+build" + meta.Env.Buildnum
if meta.Distro != "" {
vsn += "+" + meta.Distro
return vsn
// ExeList returns the list of all executable packages.
func (meta debMetadata) ExeList() string {
names := make([]string, len(meta.Executables))
for i, e := range meta.Executables {
names[i] = meta.ExeName(e)
return strings.Join(names, ", ")
// ExeName returns the package name of an executable package.
func (meta debMetadata) ExeName(exe debExecutable) string {
if isUnstableBuild(meta.Env) {
return exe.Package() + "-unstable"
return exe.Package()
// ExeConflicts returns the content of the Conflicts field
// for executable packages.
func (meta debMetadata) ExeConflicts(exe debExecutable) string {
if isUnstableBuild(meta.Env) {
// Set up the conflicts list so that the *-unstable packages
// cannot be installed alongside the regular version.
// is very explicit about Conflicts: and says that Breaks: should
// be preferred and the conflicting files should be handled via
// alternates. We might do this eventually but using a conflict is
// easier now.
return "ethereum, " + exe.Package()
return ""
func stageDebianSource(tmpdir string, meta debMetadata) (pkgdir string) {
pkg := meta.Name() + "-" + meta.VersionString()
pkgdir = filepath.Join(tmpdir, pkg)
if err := os.Mkdir(pkgdir, 0755); err != nil {
// Copy the source code.
build.MustRunCommand("git", "checkout-index", "-a", "--prefix", pkgdir+string(filepath.Separator))
// Put the debian build files in place.
debian := filepath.Join(pkgdir, "debian")
build.Render("build/deb/"+meta.PackageName+"/deb.rules", filepath.Join(debian, "rules"), 0755, meta)
build.Render("build/deb/"+meta.PackageName+"/deb.changelog", filepath.Join(debian, "changelog"), 0644, meta)
build.Render("build/deb/"+meta.PackageName+"/deb.control", filepath.Join(debian, "control"), 0644, meta)
build.Render("build/deb/"+meta.PackageName+"/deb.copyright", filepath.Join(debian, "copyright"), 0644, meta)
build.RenderString("8\n", filepath.Join(debian, "compat"), 0644, meta)
build.RenderString("3.0 (native)\n", filepath.Join(debian, "source/format"), 0644, meta)
for _, exe := range meta.Executables {
install := filepath.Join(debian, meta.ExeName(exe)+".install")
docs := filepath.Join(debian, meta.ExeName(exe)+".docs")
build.Render("build/deb/"+meta.PackageName+"/deb.install", install, 0644, exe)
build.Render("build/deb/"+meta.PackageName+"/", docs, 0644, exe)
return pkgdir
// Windows installer
func doWindowsInstaller(cmdline []string) {
// Parse the flags and make skip installer generation on PRs
var (
arch = flag.String("arch", runtime.GOARCH, "Architecture for cross build packaging")
signer = flag.String("signer", "", `Environment variable holding the signing key (e.g. WINDOWS_SIGNING_KEY)`)
signify = flag.String("signify key", "", `Environment variable holding the signify signing key (e.g. WINDOWS_SIGNIFY_KEY)`)
upload = flag.String("upload", "", `Destination to upload the archives (usually "gethstore/builds")`)
workdir = flag.String("workdir", "", `Output directory for packages (uses temp dir if unset)`)
*workdir = makeWorkdir(*workdir)
env := build.Env()
// Aggregate binaries that are included in the installer
var (
devTools []string
allTools []string
gethTool string
for _, file := range allToolsArchiveFiles {
if file == "COPYING" { // license, copied later
allTools = append(allTools, filepath.Base(file))
if filepath.Base(file) == "geth.exe" {
gethTool = file
} else {
devTools = append(devTools, file)
// Render NSIS scripts: Installer NSIS contains two installer sections,
// first section contains the geth binary, second section holds the dev tools.
templateData := map[string]interface{}{
"License": "COPYING",
"Geth": gethTool,
"DevTools": devTools,
build.Render("build/nsis.geth.nsi", filepath.Join(*workdir, "geth.nsi"), 0644, nil)
build.Render("build/nsis.install.nsh", filepath.Join(*workdir, "install.nsh"), 0644, templateData)
build.Render("build/nsis.uninstall.nsh", filepath.Join(*workdir, "uninstall.nsh"), 0644, allTools)
build.Render("build/nsis.pathupdate.nsh", filepath.Join(*workdir, "PathUpdate.nsh"), 0644, nil)
build.Render("build/nsis.envvarupdate.nsh", filepath.Join(*workdir, "EnvVarUpdate.nsh"), 0644, nil)
if err := cp.CopyFile(filepath.Join(*workdir, "SimpleFC.dll"), "build/nsis.simplefc.dll"); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to copy SimpleFC.dll: %v", err)
if err := cp.CopyFile(filepath.Join(*workdir, "COPYING"), "COPYING"); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to copy copyright note: %v", err)
// Build the installer. This assumes that all the needed files have been previously
// built (don't mix building and packaging to keep cross compilation complexity to a
// minimum).
version := strings.Split(params.Version, ".")
if env.Commit != "" {
version[2] += "-" + env.Commit[:8]
installer, err := filepath.Abs("geth-" + archiveBasename(*arch, params.ArchiveVersion(env.Commit)) + ".exe")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to convert installer file path: %v", err)
filepath.Join(*workdir, "geth.nsi"),
// Sign and publish installer.
if err := archiveUpload(installer, *upload, *signer, *signify); err != nil {
// Binary distribution cleanups
func doPurge(cmdline []string) {
var (
store = flag.String("store", "", `Destination from where to purge archives (usually "gethstore/builds")`)
limit = flag.Int("days", 30, `Age threshold above which to delete unstable archives`)
if env := build.Env(); !env.IsCronJob {
log.Printf("skipping because not a cron job")
// Create the azure authentication and list the current archives
auth := build.AzureBlobstoreConfig{
Account: strings.Split(*store, "/")[0],
Token: os.Getenv("AZURE_BLOBSTORE_TOKEN"),
Container: strings.SplitN(*store, "/", 2)[1],
blobs, err := build.AzureBlobstoreList(auth)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Found %d blobs\n", len(blobs))
// Iterate over the blobs, collect and sort all unstable builds
for i := 0; i < len(blobs); i++ {
if !strings.Contains(*blobs[i].Name, "unstable") {
blobs = append(blobs[:i], blobs[i+1:]...)
for i := 0; i < len(blobs); i++ {
for j := i + 1; j < len(blobs); j++ {
if blobs[i].Properties.LastModified.After(*blobs[j].Properties.LastModified) {
blobs[i], blobs[j] = blobs[j], blobs[i]
// Filter out all archives more recent that the given threshold
for i, blob := range blobs {
if time.Since(*blob.Properties.LastModified) < time.Duration(*limit)*24*time.Hour {
blobs = blobs[:i]
fmt.Printf("Deleting %d blobs\n", len(blobs))
// Delete all marked as such and return
if err := build.AzureBlobstoreDelete(auth, blobs); err != nil {
func doSanityCheck() {