Martin Holst Swende f62c58f8de
trie: make rhs-proof align with last key in range proofs (#28311)
During snap-sync, we request ranges of values: either a range of accounts or a range of storage values. For any large trie, e.g. the main account trie or a large storage trie, we cannot fetch everything at once.

Short version; we split it up and request in multiple stages. To do so, we use an origin field, to say "Give me all storage key/values where key > 0x20000000000000000". When the server fulfils this, the server provides the first key after origin, let's say 0x2e030000000000000 -- never providing the exact origin. However, the client-side needs to be able to verify that the 0x2e03.. indeed is the first one after 0x2000.., and therefore the attached proof concerns the origin, not the first key.

So, short-short version: the left-hand side of the proof relates to the origin, and is free-standing from the first leaf.

On the other hand, (pun intended), the right-hand side, there's no such 'gap' between "along what path does the proof walk" and the last provided leaf. The proof must prove the last element (unless there are no elements).

Therefore, we can simplify the semantics for trie.VerifyRangeProof by removing an argument. This doesn't make much difference in practice, but makes it so that we can remove some tests. The reason I am raising this is that the upcoming stacktrie-based verifier does not support such fancy features as standalone right-hand borders.
2023-10-13 16:05:29 +02:00

748 lines
26 KiB

// Copyright 2019 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
package snapshot
import (
var (
// accountCheckRange is the upper limit of the number of accounts involved in
// each range check. This is a value estimated based on experience. If this
// range is too large, the failure rate of range proof will increase. Otherwise,
// if the range is too small, the efficiency of the state recovery will decrease.
accountCheckRange = 128
// storageCheckRange is the upper limit of the number of storage slots involved
// in each range check. This is a value estimated based on experience. If this
// range is too large, the failure rate of range proof will increase. Otherwise,
// if the range is too small, the efficiency of the state recovery will decrease.
storageCheckRange = 1024
// errMissingTrie is returned if the target trie is missing while the generation
// is running. In this case the generation is aborted and wait the new signal.
errMissingTrie = errors.New("missing trie")
// generateSnapshot regenerates a brand new snapshot based on an existing state
// database and head block asynchronously. The snapshot is returned immediately
// and generation is continued in the background until done.
func generateSnapshot(diskdb ethdb.KeyValueStore, triedb *trie.Database, cache int, root common.Hash) *diskLayer {
// Create a new disk layer with an initialized state marker at zero
var (
stats = &generatorStats{start: time.Now()}
batch = diskdb.NewBatch()
genMarker = []byte{} // Initialized but empty!
rawdb.WriteSnapshotRoot(batch, root)
journalProgress(batch, genMarker, stats)
if err := batch.Write(); err != nil {
log.Crit("Failed to write initialized state marker", "err", err)
base := &diskLayer{
diskdb: diskdb,
triedb: triedb,
root: root,
cache: fastcache.New(cache * 1024 * 1024),
genMarker: genMarker,
genPending: make(chan struct{}),
genAbort: make(chan chan *generatorStats),
go base.generate(stats)
log.Debug("Start snapshot generation", "root", root)
return base
// journalProgress persists the generator stats into the database to resume later.
func journalProgress(db ethdb.KeyValueWriter, marker []byte, stats *generatorStats) {
// Write out the generator marker. Note it's a standalone disk layer generator
// which is not mixed with journal. It's ok if the generator is persisted while
// journal is not.
entry := journalGenerator{
Done: marker == nil,
Marker: marker,
if stats != nil {
entry.Accounts = stats.accounts
entry.Slots = stats.slots
entry.Storage = uint64(
blob, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(entry)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // Cannot happen, here to catch dev errors
var logstr string
switch {
case marker == nil:
logstr = "done"
case bytes.Equal(marker, []byte{}):
logstr = "empty"
case len(marker) == common.HashLength:
logstr = fmt.Sprintf("%#x", marker)
logstr = fmt.Sprintf("%#x:%#x", marker[:common.HashLength], marker[common.HashLength:])
log.Debug("Journalled generator progress", "progress", logstr)
rawdb.WriteSnapshotGenerator(db, blob)
// proofResult contains the output of range proving which can be used
// for further processing regardless if it is successful or not.
type proofResult struct {
keys [][]byte // The key set of all elements being iterated, even proving is failed
vals [][]byte // The val set of all elements being iterated, even proving is failed
diskMore bool // Set when the database has extra snapshot states since last iteration
trieMore bool // Set when the trie has extra snapshot states(only meaningful for successful proving)
proofErr error // Indicator whether the given state range is valid or not
tr *trie.Trie // The trie, in case the trie was resolved by the prover (may be nil)
// valid returns the indicator that range proof is successful or not.
func (result *proofResult) valid() bool {
return result.proofErr == nil
// last returns the last verified element key regardless of whether the range proof is
// successful or not. Nil is returned if nothing involved in the proving.
func (result *proofResult) last() []byte {
var last []byte
if len(result.keys) > 0 {
last = result.keys[len(result.keys)-1]
return last
// forEach iterates all the visited elements and applies the given callback on them.
// The iteration is aborted if the callback returns non-nil error.
func (result *proofResult) forEach(callback func(key []byte, val []byte) error) error {
for i := 0; i < len(result.keys); i++ {
key, val := result.keys[i], result.vals[i]
if err := callback(key, val); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// proveRange proves the snapshot segment with particular prefix is "valid".
// The iteration start point will be assigned if the iterator is restored from
// the last interruption. Max will be assigned in order to limit the maximum
// amount of data involved in each iteration.
// The proof result will be returned if the range proving is finished, otherwise
// the error will be returned to abort the entire procedure.
func (dl *diskLayer) proveRange(ctx *generatorContext, trieId *trie.ID, prefix []byte, kind string, origin []byte, max int, valueConvertFn func([]byte) ([]byte, error)) (*proofResult, error) {
var (
keys [][]byte
vals [][]byte
proof = rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase()
diskMore = false
iter = ctx.iterator(kind)
start = time.Now()
min = append(prefix, origin...)
for iter.Next() {
// Ensure the iterated item is always equal or larger than the given origin.
key := iter.Key()
if bytes.Compare(key, min) < 0 {
return nil, errors.New("invalid iteration position")
// Ensure the iterated item still fall in the specified prefix. If
// not which means the items in the specified area are all visited.
// Move the iterator a step back since we iterate one extra element
// out.
if !bytes.Equal(key[:len(prefix)], prefix) {
// Break if we've reached the max size, and signal that we're not
// done yet. Move the iterator a step back since we iterate one
// extra element out.
if len(keys) == max {
diskMore = true
keys = append(keys, common.CopyBytes(key[len(prefix):]))
if valueConvertFn == nil {
vals = append(vals, common.CopyBytes(iter.Value()))
} else {
val, err := valueConvertFn(iter.Value())
if err != nil {
// Special case, the state data is corrupted (invalid slim-format account),
// don't abort the entire procedure directly. Instead, let the fallback
// generation to heal the invalid data.
// Here append the original value to ensure that the number of key and
// value are aligned.
vals = append(vals, common.CopyBytes(iter.Value()))
log.Error("Failed to convert account state data", "err", err)
} else {
vals = append(vals, val)
// Update metrics for database iteration and merkle proving
if kind == snapStorage {
} else {
defer func(start time.Time) {
if kind == snapStorage {
} else {
// The snap state is exhausted, pass the entire key/val set for verification
root := trieId.Root
if origin == nil && !diskMore {
stackTr := trie.NewStackTrie(nil)
for i, key := range keys {
stackTr.Update(key, vals[i])
if gotRoot := stackTr.Hash(); gotRoot != root {
return &proofResult{
keys: keys,
vals: vals,
proofErr: fmt.Errorf("wrong root: have %#x want %#x", gotRoot, root),
}, nil
return &proofResult{keys: keys, vals: vals}, nil
// Snap state is chunked, generate edge proofs for verification.
tr, err := trie.New(trieId, dl.triedb)
if err != nil {
ctx.stats.Log("Trie missing, state snapshotting paused", dl.root, dl.genMarker)
return nil, errMissingTrie
// Generate the Merkle proofs for the first and last element
if origin == nil {
origin = common.Hash{}.Bytes()
if err := tr.Prove(origin, proof); err != nil {
log.Debug("Failed to prove range", "kind", kind, "origin", origin, "err", err)
return &proofResult{
keys: keys,
vals: vals,
diskMore: diskMore,
proofErr: err,
tr: tr,
}, nil
if len(keys) > 0 {
if err := tr.Prove(keys[len(keys)-1], proof); err != nil {
log.Debug("Failed to prove range", "kind", kind, "last", keys[len(keys)-1], "err", err)
return &proofResult{
keys: keys,
vals: vals,
diskMore: diskMore,
proofErr: err,
tr: tr,
}, nil
// Verify the snapshot segment with range prover, ensure that all flat states
// in this range correspond to merkle trie.
cont, err := trie.VerifyRangeProof(root, origin, keys, vals, proof)
return &proofResult{
keys: keys,
vals: vals,
diskMore: diskMore,
trieMore: cont,
proofErr: err,
tr: tr},
// onStateCallback is a function that is called by generateRange, when processing a range of
// accounts or storage slots. For each element, the callback is invoked.
// - If 'delete' is true, then this element (and potential slots) needs to be deleted from the snapshot.
// - If 'write' is true, then this element needs to be updated with the 'val'.
// - If 'write' is false, then this element is already correct, and needs no update.
// The 'val' is the canonical encoding of the value (not the slim format for accounts)
// However, for accounts, the storage trie of the account needs to be checked. Also,
// dangling storages(storage exists but the corresponding account is missing) need to
// be cleaned up.
type onStateCallback func(key []byte, val []byte, write bool, delete bool) error
// generateRange generates the state segment with particular prefix. Generation can
// either verify the correctness of existing state through range-proof and skip
// generation, or iterate trie to regenerate state on demand.
func (dl *diskLayer) generateRange(ctx *generatorContext, trieId *trie.ID, prefix []byte, kind string, origin []byte, max int, onState onStateCallback, valueConvertFn func([]byte) ([]byte, error)) (bool, []byte, error) {
// Use range prover to check the validity of the flat state in the range
result, err := dl.proveRange(ctx, trieId, prefix, kind, origin, max, valueConvertFn)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
last := result.last()
// Construct contextual logger
logCtx := []interface{}{"kind", kind, "prefix", hexutil.Encode(prefix)}
if len(origin) > 0 {
logCtx = append(logCtx, "origin", hexutil.Encode(origin))
logger := log.New(logCtx...)
// The range prover says the range is correct, skip trie iteration
if result.valid() {
logger.Trace("Proved state range", "last", hexutil.Encode(last))
// The verification is passed, process each state with the given
// callback function. If this state represents a contract, the
// corresponding storage check will be performed in the callback
if err := result.forEach(func(key []byte, val []byte) error { return onState(key, val, false, false) }); err != nil {
return false, nil, err
// Only abort the iteration when both database and trie are exhausted
return !result.diskMore && !result.trieMore, last, nil
logger.Trace("Detected outdated state range", "last", hexutil.Encode(last), "err", result.proofErr)
// Special case, the entire trie is missing. In the original trie scheme,
// all the duplicated subtries will be filtered out (only one copy of data
// will be stored). While in the snapshot model, all the storage tries
// belong to different contracts will be kept even they are duplicated.
// Track it to a certain extent remove the noise data used for statistics.
if origin == nil && last == nil {
meter := snapMissallAccountMeter
if kind == snapStorage {
meter = snapMissallStorageMeter
// We use the snap data to build up a cache which can be used by the
// main account trie as a primary lookup when resolving hashes
var resolver trie.NodeResolver
if len(result.keys) > 0 {
mdb := rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase()
tdb := trie.NewDatabase(mdb, trie.HashDefaults)
defer tdb.Close()
snapTrie := trie.NewEmpty(tdb)
for i, key := range result.keys {
snapTrie.Update(key, result.vals[i])
root, nodes, err := snapTrie.Commit(false)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
if nodes != nil {
tdb.Update(root, types.EmptyRootHash, 0, trienode.NewWithNodeSet(nodes), nil)
tdb.Commit(root, false)
resolver = func(owner common.Hash, path []byte, hash common.Hash) []byte {
return rawdb.ReadTrieNode(mdb, owner, path, hash, tdb.Scheme())
// Construct the trie for state iteration, reuse the trie
// if it's already opened with some nodes resolved.
tr :=
if tr == nil {
tr, err = trie.New(trieId, dl.triedb)
if err != nil {
ctx.stats.Log("Trie missing, state snapshotting paused", dl.root, dl.genMarker)
return false, nil, errMissingTrie
var (
trieMore bool
kvkeys, kvvals = result.keys, result.vals
// counters
count = 0 // number of states delivered by iterator
created = 0 // states created from the trie
updated = 0 // states updated from the trie
deleted = 0 // states not in trie, but were in snapshot
untouched = 0 // states already correct
// timers
start = time.Now()
internal time.Duration
nodeIt, err := tr.NodeIterator(origin)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
iter := trie.NewIterator(nodeIt)
for iter.Next() {
if last != nil && bytes.Compare(iter.Key, last) > 0 {
trieMore = true
write := true
for len(kvkeys) > 0 {
if cmp := bytes.Compare(kvkeys[0], iter.Key); cmp < 0 {
// delete the key
istart := time.Now()
if err := onState(kvkeys[0], nil, false, true); err != nil {
return false, nil, err
kvkeys = kvkeys[1:]
kvvals = kvvals[1:]
internal += time.Since(istart)
} else if cmp == 0 {
// the snapshot key can be overwritten
if write = !bytes.Equal(kvvals[0], iter.Value); write {
} else {
kvkeys = kvkeys[1:]
kvvals = kvvals[1:]
istart := time.Now()
if err := onState(iter.Key, iter.Value, write, false); err != nil {
return false, nil, err
internal += time.Since(istart)
if iter.Err != nil {
// Trie errors should never happen. Still, in case of a bug, expose the
// error here, as the outer code will presume errors are interrupts, not
// some deeper issues.
log.Error("State snapshotter failed to iterate trie", "err", err)
return false, nil, iter.Err
// Delete all stale snapshot states remaining
istart := time.Now()
for _, key := range kvkeys {
if err := onState(key, nil, false, true); err != nil {
return false, nil, err
deleted += 1
internal += time.Since(istart)
// Update metrics for counting trie iteration
if kind == snapStorage {
snapStorageTrieReadCounter.Inc((time.Since(start) - internal).Nanoseconds())
} else {
snapAccountTrieReadCounter.Inc((time.Since(start) - internal).Nanoseconds())
logger.Debug("Regenerated state range", "root", trieId.Root, "last", hexutil.Encode(last),
"count", count, "created", created, "updated", updated, "untouched", untouched, "deleted", deleted)
// If there are either more trie items, or there are more snap items
// (in the next segment), then we need to keep working
return !trieMore && !result.diskMore, last, nil
// checkAndFlush checks if an interruption signal is received or the
// batch size has exceeded the allowance.
func (dl *diskLayer) checkAndFlush(ctx *generatorContext, current []byte) error {
var abort chan *generatorStats
select {
case abort = <-dl.genAbort:
if ctx.batch.ValueSize() > ethdb.IdealBatchSize || abort != nil {
if bytes.Compare(current, dl.genMarker) < 0 {
log.Error("Snapshot generator went backwards", "current", fmt.Sprintf("%x", current), "genMarker", fmt.Sprintf("%x", dl.genMarker))
// Flush out the batch anyway no matter it's empty or not.
// It's possible that all the states are recovered and the
// generation indeed makes progress.
journalProgress(ctx.batch, current, ctx.stats)
if err := ctx.batch.Write(); err != nil {
return err
dl.genMarker = current
if abort != nil {
ctx.stats.Log("Aborting state snapshot generation", dl.root, current)
return newAbortErr(abort) // bubble up an error for interruption
// Don't hold the iterators too long, release them to let compactor works
if time.Since(ctx.logged) > 8*time.Second {
ctx.stats.Log("Generating state snapshot", dl.root, current)
ctx.logged = time.Now()
return nil
// generateStorages generates the missing storage slots of the specific contract.
// It's supposed to restart the generation from the given origin position.
func generateStorages(ctx *generatorContext, dl *diskLayer, stateRoot common.Hash, account common.Hash, storageRoot common.Hash, storeMarker []byte) error {
onStorage := func(key []byte, val []byte, write bool, delete bool) error {
defer func(start time.Time) {
if delete {
rawdb.DeleteStorageSnapshot(ctx.batch, account, common.BytesToHash(key))
return nil
if write {
rawdb.WriteStorageSnapshot(ctx.batch, account, common.BytesToHash(key), val)
} else {
} += common.StorageSize(1 + 2*common.HashLength + len(val))
// If we've exceeded our batch allowance or termination was requested, flush to disk
if err := dl.checkAndFlush(ctx, append(account[:], key...)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Loop for re-generating the missing storage slots.
var origin = common.CopyBytes(storeMarker)
for {
id := trie.StorageTrieID(stateRoot, account, storageRoot)
exhausted, last, err := dl.generateRange(ctx, id, append(rawdb.SnapshotStoragePrefix, account.Bytes()...), snapStorage, origin, storageCheckRange, onStorage, nil)
if err != nil {
return err // The procedure it aborted, either by external signal or internal error.
// Abort the procedure if the entire contract storage is generated
if exhausted {
if origin = increaseKey(last); origin == nil {
break // special case, the last is 0xffffffff...fff
return nil
// generateAccounts generates the missing snapshot accounts as well as their
// storage slots in the main trie. It's supposed to restart the generation
// from the given origin position.
func generateAccounts(ctx *generatorContext, dl *diskLayer, accMarker []byte) error {
onAccount := func(key []byte, val []byte, write bool, delete bool) error {
// Make sure to clear all dangling storages before this account
account := common.BytesToHash(key)
start := time.Now()
if delete {
rawdb.DeleteAccountSnapshot(ctx.batch, account)
return nil
// Retrieve the current account and flatten it into the internal format
var acc types.StateAccount
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(val, &acc); err != nil {
log.Crit("Invalid account encountered during snapshot creation", "err", err)
// If the account is not yet in-progress, write it out
if accMarker == nil || !bytes.Equal(account[:], accMarker) {
dataLen := len(val) // Approximate size, saves us a round of RLP-encoding
if !write {
if bytes.Equal(acc.CodeHash, types.EmptyCodeHash[:]) {
dataLen -= 32
if acc.Root == types.EmptyRootHash {
dataLen -= 32
} else {
data := types.SlimAccountRLP(acc)
dataLen = len(data)
rawdb.WriteAccountSnapshot(ctx.batch, account, data)
} += common.StorageSize(1 + common.HashLength + dataLen)
// If the snap generation goes here after interrupted, genMarker may go backward
// when last genMarker is consisted of accountHash and storageHash
marker := account[:]
if accMarker != nil && bytes.Equal(marker, accMarker) && len(dl.genMarker) > common.HashLength {
marker = dl.genMarker[:]
// If we've exceeded our batch allowance or termination was requested, flush to disk
if err := dl.checkAndFlush(ctx, marker); err != nil {
return err
snapAccountWriteCounter.Inc(time.Since(start).Nanoseconds()) // let's count flush time as well
// If the iterated account is the contract, create a further loop to
// verify or regenerate the contract storage.
if acc.Root == types.EmptyRootHash {
} else {
var storeMarker []byte
if accMarker != nil && bytes.Equal(account[:], accMarker) && len(dl.genMarker) > common.HashLength {
storeMarker = dl.genMarker[common.HashLength:]
if err := generateStorages(ctx, dl, dl.root, account, acc.Root, storeMarker); err != nil {
return err
// Some account processed, unmark the marker
accMarker = nil
return nil
// Always reset the initial account range as 1 whenever recover from the
// interruption. TODO(rjl493456442) can we remove it?
var accountRange = accountCheckRange
if len(accMarker) > 0 {
accountRange = 1
origin := common.CopyBytes(accMarker)
for {
id := trie.StateTrieID(dl.root)
exhausted, last, err := dl.generateRange(ctx, id, rawdb.SnapshotAccountPrefix, snapAccount, origin, accountRange, onAccount, types.FullAccountRLP)
if err != nil {
return err // The procedure it aborted, either by external signal or internal error.
origin = increaseKey(last)
// Last step, cleanup the storages after the last account.
// All the left storages should be treated as dangling.
if origin == nil || exhausted {
accountRange = accountCheckRange
return nil
// generate is a background thread that iterates over the state and storage tries,
// constructing the state snapshot. All the arguments are purely for statistics
// gathering and logging, since the method surfs the blocks as they arrive, often
// being restarted.
func (dl *diskLayer) generate(stats *generatorStats) {
var (
accMarker []byte
abort chan *generatorStats
if len(dl.genMarker) > 0 { // []byte{} is the start, use nil for that
accMarker = dl.genMarker[:common.HashLength]
stats.Log("Resuming state snapshot generation", dl.root, dl.genMarker)
// Initialize the global generator context. The snapshot iterators are
// opened at the interrupted position because the assumption is held
// that all the snapshot data are generated correctly before the marker.
// Even if the snapshot data is updated during the interruption (before
// or at the marker), the assumption is still held.
// For the account or storage slot at the interruption, they will be
// processed twice by the generator(they are already processed in the
// last run) but it's fine.
ctx := newGeneratorContext(stats, dl.diskdb, accMarker, dl.genMarker)
defer ctx.close()
if err := generateAccounts(ctx, dl, accMarker); err != nil {
// Extract the received interruption signal if exists
if aerr, ok := err.(*abortErr); ok {
abort = aerr.abort
// Aborted by internal error, wait the signal
if abort == nil {
abort = <-dl.genAbort
abort <- stats
// Snapshot fully generated, set the marker to nil.
// Note even there is nothing to commit, persist the
// generator anyway to mark the snapshot is complete.
journalProgress(ctx.batch, nil, stats)
if err := ctx.batch.Write(); err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to flush batch", "err", err)
abort = <-dl.genAbort
abort <- stats
log.Info("Generated state snapshot", "accounts", stats.accounts, "slots", stats.slots,
"storage",, "dangling", stats.dangling, "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(stats.start)))
dl.genMarker = nil
// Someone will be looking for us, wait it out
abort = <-dl.genAbort
abort <- nil
// increaseKey increase the input key by one bit. Return nil if the entire
// addition operation overflows.
func increaseKey(key []byte) []byte {
for i := len(key) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if key[i] != 0x0 {
return key
return nil
// abortErr wraps an interruption signal received to represent the
// generation is aborted by external processes.
type abortErr struct {
abort chan *generatorStats
func newAbortErr(abort chan *generatorStats) error {
return &abortErr{abort: abort}
func (err *abortErr) Error() string {
return "aborted"