forked from cerc-io/plugeth
This PR enables running the new discv5 protocol in both LES client and server mode. In client mode it mixes discv5 and dnsdisc iterators (if both are enabled) and filters incoming ENRs for "les" tag and fork ID. The old p2p/discv5 package and all references to it are removed. Co-authored-by: Felix Lange <>
887 lines
31 KiB
887 lines
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// Copyright 2017 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of go-ethereum.
// go-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// go-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with go-ethereum. If not, see <>.
// faucet is an Ether faucet backed by a light client.
package main
//go:generate go-bindata -nometadata -o website.go faucet.html
//go:generate gofmt -w -s website.go
import (
var (
genesisFlag = flag.String("genesis", "", "Genesis json file to seed the chain with")
apiPortFlag = flag.Int("apiport", 8080, "Listener port for the HTTP API connection")
ethPortFlag = flag.Int("ethport", 30303, "Listener port for the devp2p connection")
bootFlag = flag.String("bootnodes", "", "Comma separated bootnode enode URLs to seed with")
netFlag = flag.Uint64("network", 0, "Network ID to use for the Ethereum protocol")
statsFlag = flag.String("ethstats", "", "Ethstats network monitoring auth string")
netnameFlag = flag.String("", "", "Network name to assign to the faucet")
payoutFlag = flag.Int("faucet.amount", 1, "Number of Ethers to pay out per user request")
minutesFlag = flag.Int("faucet.minutes", 1440, "Number of minutes to wait between funding rounds")
tiersFlag = flag.Int("faucet.tiers", 3, "Number of funding tiers to enable (x3 time, x2.5 funds)")
accJSONFlag = flag.String("account.json", "", "Key json file to fund user requests with")
accPassFlag = flag.String("account.pass", "", "Decryption password to access faucet funds")
captchaToken = flag.String("captcha.token", "", "Recaptcha site key to authenticate client side")
captchaSecret = flag.String("captcha.secret", "", "Recaptcha secret key to authenticate server side")
noauthFlag = flag.Bool("noauth", false, "Enables funding requests without authentication")
logFlag = flag.Int("loglevel", 3, "Log level to use for Ethereum and the faucet")
twitterTokenFlag = flag.String("twitter.token", "", "Bearer token to authenticate with the v2 Twitter API")
twitterTokenV1Flag = flag.String("twitter.token.v1", "", "Bearer token to authenticate with the v1.1 Twitter API")
var (
ether = new(big.Int).Exp(big.NewInt(10), big.NewInt(18), nil)
var (
gitCommit = "" // Git SHA1 commit hash of the release (set via linker flags)
gitDate = "" // Git commit date YYYYMMDD of the release (set via linker flags)
func main() {
// Parse the flags and set up the logger to print everything requested
log.Root().SetHandler(log.LvlFilterHandler(log.Lvl(*logFlag), log.StreamHandler(os.Stderr, log.TerminalFormat(true))))
// Construct the payout tiers
amounts := make([]string, *tiersFlag)
periods := make([]string, *tiersFlag)
for i := 0; i < *tiersFlag; i++ {
// Calculate the amount for the next tier and format it
amount := float64(*payoutFlag) * math.Pow(2.5, float64(i))
amounts[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%s Ethers", strconv.FormatFloat(amount, 'f', -1, 64))
if amount == 1 {
amounts[i] = strings.TrimSuffix(amounts[i], "s")
// Calculate the period for the next tier and format it
period := *minutesFlag * int(math.Pow(3, float64(i)))
periods[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%d mins", period)
if period%60 == 0 {
period /= 60
periods[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%d hours", period)
if period%24 == 0 {
period /= 24
periods[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%d days", period)
if period == 1 {
periods[i] = strings.TrimSuffix(periods[i], "s")
// Load up and render the faucet website
tmpl, err := Asset("faucet.html")
if err != nil {
log.Crit("Failed to load the faucet template", "err", err)
website := new(bytes.Buffer)
err = template.Must(template.New("").Parse(string(tmpl))).Execute(website, map[string]interface{}{
"Network": *netnameFlag,
"Amounts": amounts,
"Periods": periods,
"Recaptcha": *captchaToken,
"NoAuth": *noauthFlag,
if err != nil {
log.Crit("Failed to render the faucet template", "err", err)
// Load and parse the genesis block requested by the user
blob, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*genesisFlag)
if err != nil {
log.Crit("Failed to read genesis block contents", "genesis", *genesisFlag, "err", err)
genesis := new(core.Genesis)
if err = json.Unmarshal(blob, genesis); err != nil {
log.Crit("Failed to parse genesis block json", "err", err)
// Convert the bootnodes to internal enode representations
var enodes []*enode.Node
for _, boot := range strings.Split(*bootFlag, ",") {
if url, err := enode.Parse(enode.ValidSchemes, boot); err == nil {
enodes = append(enodes, url)
} else {
log.Error("Failed to parse bootnode URL", "url", boot, "err", err)
// Load up the account key and decrypt its password
if blob, err = ioutil.ReadFile(*accPassFlag); err != nil {
log.Crit("Failed to read account password contents", "file", *accPassFlag, "err", err)
pass := strings.TrimSuffix(string(blob), "\n")
ks := keystore.NewKeyStore(filepath.Join(os.Getenv("HOME"), ".faucet", "keys"), keystore.StandardScryptN, keystore.StandardScryptP)
if blob, err = ioutil.ReadFile(*accJSONFlag); err != nil {
log.Crit("Failed to read account key contents", "file", *accJSONFlag, "err", err)
acc, err := ks.Import(blob, pass, pass)
if err != nil && err != keystore.ErrAccountAlreadyExists {
log.Crit("Failed to import faucet signer account", "err", err)
if err := ks.Unlock(acc, pass); err != nil {
log.Crit("Failed to unlock faucet signer account", "err", err)
// Assemble and start the faucet light service
faucet, err := newFaucet(genesis, *ethPortFlag, enodes, *netFlag, *statsFlag, ks, website.Bytes())
if err != nil {
log.Crit("Failed to start faucet", "err", err)
defer faucet.close()
if err := faucet.listenAndServe(*apiPortFlag); err != nil {
log.Crit("Failed to launch faucet API", "err", err)
// request represents an accepted funding request.
type request struct {
Avatar string `json:"avatar"` // Avatar URL to make the UI nicer
Account common.Address `json:"account"` // Ethereum address being funded
Time time.Time `json:"time"` // Timestamp when the request was accepted
Tx *types.Transaction `json:"tx"` // Transaction funding the account
// faucet represents a crypto faucet backed by an Ethereum light client.
type faucet struct {
config *params.ChainConfig // Chain configurations for signing
stack *node.Node // Ethereum protocol stack
client *ethclient.Client // Client connection to the Ethereum chain
index []byte // Index page to serve up on the web
keystore *keystore.KeyStore // Keystore containing the single signer
account accounts.Account // Account funding user faucet requests
head *types.Header // Current head header of the faucet
balance *big.Int // Current balance of the faucet
nonce uint64 // Current pending nonce of the faucet
price *big.Int // Current gas price to issue funds with
conns []*wsConn // Currently live websocket connections
timeouts map[string]time.Time // History of users and their funding timeouts
reqs []*request // Currently pending funding requests
update chan struct{} // Channel to signal request updates
lock sync.RWMutex // Lock protecting the faucet's internals
// wsConn wraps a websocket connection with a write mutex as the underlying
// websocket library does not synchronize access to the stream.
type wsConn struct {
conn *websocket.Conn
wlock sync.Mutex
func newFaucet(genesis *core.Genesis, port int, enodes []*enode.Node, network uint64, stats string, ks *keystore.KeyStore, index []byte) (*faucet, error) {
// Assemble the raw devp2p protocol stack
stack, err := node.New(&node.Config{
Name: "geth",
Version: params.VersionWithCommit(gitCommit, gitDate),
DataDir: filepath.Join(os.Getenv("HOME"), ".faucet"),
P2P: p2p.Config{
NAT: nat.Any(),
NoDiscovery: true,
DiscoveryV5: true,
ListenAddr: fmt.Sprintf(":%d", port),
MaxPeers: 25,
BootstrapNodesV5: enodes,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Assemble the Ethereum light client protocol
cfg := eth.DefaultConfig
cfg.SyncMode = downloader.LightSync
cfg.NetworkId = network
cfg.Genesis = genesis
utils.SetDNSDiscoveryDefaults(&cfg, genesis.ToBlock(nil).Hash())
lesBackend, err := les.New(stack, &cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to register the Ethereum service: %w", err)
// Assemble the ethstats monitoring and reporting service'
if stats != "" {
if err := ethstats.New(stack, lesBackend.ApiBackend, lesBackend.Engine(), stats); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Boot up the client and ensure it connects to bootnodes
if err := stack.Start(); err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, boot := range enodes {
old, err := enode.Parse(enode.ValidSchemes, boot.String())
if err == nil {
// Attach to the client and retrieve and interesting metadatas
api, err := stack.Attach()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
client := ethclient.NewClient(api)
return &faucet{
config: genesis.Config,
stack: stack,
client: client,
index: index,
keystore: ks,
account: ks.Accounts()[0],
timeouts: make(map[string]time.Time),
update: make(chan struct{}, 1),
}, nil
// close terminates the Ethereum connection and tears down the faucet.
func (f *faucet) close() error {
return f.stack.Close()
// listenAndServe registers the HTTP handlers for the faucet and boots it up
// for service user funding requests.
func (f *faucet) listenAndServe(port int) error {
go f.loop()
http.HandleFunc("/", f.webHandler)
http.HandleFunc("/api", f.apiHandler)
return http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", port), nil)
// webHandler handles all non-api requests, simply flattening and returning the
// faucet website.
func (f *faucet) webHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// apiHandler handles requests for Ether grants and transaction statuses.
func (f *faucet) apiHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
upgrader := websocket.Upgrader{}
conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil)
if err != nil {
// Start tracking the connection and drop at the end
defer conn.Close()
wsconn := &wsConn{conn: conn}
f.conns = append(f.conns, wsconn)
defer func() {
for i, c := range f.conns {
if c.conn == conn {
f.conns = append(f.conns[:i], f.conns[i+1:]...)
// Gather the initial stats from the network to report
var (
head *types.Header
balance *big.Int
nonce uint64
for head == nil || balance == nil {
// Retrieve the current stats cached by the faucet
if f.head != nil {
head = types.CopyHeader(f.head)
if f.balance != nil {
balance = new(big.Int).Set(f.balance)
nonce = f.nonce
if head == nil || balance == nil {
// Report the faucet offline until initial stats are ready
//lint:ignore ST1005 This error is to be displayed in the browser
if err = sendError(wsconn, errors.New("Faucet offline")); err != nil {
log.Warn("Failed to send faucet error to client", "err", err)
time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
// Send over the initial stats and the latest header
reqs := f.reqs
if err = send(wsconn, map[string]interface{}{
"funds": new(big.Int).Div(balance, ether),
"funded": nonce,
"peers": f.stack.Server().PeerCount(),
"requests": reqs,
}, 3*time.Second); err != nil {
log.Warn("Failed to send initial stats to client", "err", err)
if err = send(wsconn, head, 3*time.Second); err != nil {
log.Warn("Failed to send initial header to client", "err", err)
// Keep reading requests from the websocket until the connection breaks
for {
// Fetch the next funding request and validate against github
var msg struct {
URL string `json:"url"`
Tier uint `json:"tier"`
Captcha string `json:"captcha"`
if err = conn.ReadJSON(&msg); err != nil {
if !*noauthFlag && !strings.HasPrefix(msg.URL, "") && !strings.HasPrefix(msg.URL, "") {
if err = sendError(wsconn, errors.New("URL doesn't link to supported services")); err != nil {
log.Warn("Failed to send URL error to client", "err", err)
if msg.Tier >= uint(*tiersFlag) {
//lint:ignore ST1005 This error is to be displayed in the browser
if err = sendError(wsconn, errors.New("Invalid funding tier requested")); err != nil {
log.Warn("Failed to send tier error to client", "err", err)
log.Info("Faucet funds requested", "url", msg.URL, "tier", msg.Tier)
// If captcha verifications are enabled, make sure we're not dealing with a robot
if *captchaToken != "" {
form := url.Values{}
form.Add("secret", *captchaSecret)
form.Add("response", msg.Captcha)
res, err := http.PostForm("", form)
if err != nil {
if err = sendError(wsconn, err); err != nil {
log.Warn("Failed to send captcha post error to client", "err", err)
var result struct {
Success bool `json:"success"`
Errors json.RawMessage `json:"error-codes"`
err = json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&result)
if err != nil {
if err = sendError(wsconn, err); err != nil {
log.Warn("Failed to send captcha decode error to client", "err", err)
if !result.Success {
log.Warn("Captcha verification failed", "err", string(result.Errors))
//lint:ignore ST1005 it's funny and the robot won't mind
if err = sendError(wsconn, errors.New("Beep-bop, you're a robot!")); err != nil {
log.Warn("Failed to send captcha failure to client", "err", err)
// Retrieve the Ethereum address to fund, the requesting user and a profile picture
var (
id string
username string
avatar string
address common.Address
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(msg.URL, ""):
id, username, avatar, address, err = authTwitter(msg.URL, *twitterTokenV1Flag, *twitterTokenFlag)
case strings.HasPrefix(msg.URL, ""):
username, avatar, address, err = authFacebook(msg.URL)
id = username
case *noauthFlag:
username, avatar, address, err = authNoAuth(msg.URL)
id = username
//lint:ignore ST1005 This error is to be displayed in the browser
err = errors.New("Something funky happened, please open an issue at")
if err != nil {
if err = sendError(wsconn, err); err != nil {
log.Warn("Failed to send prefix error to client", "err", err)
log.Info("Faucet request valid", "url", msg.URL, "tier", msg.Tier, "user", username, "address", address)
// Ensure the user didn't request funds too recently
var (
fund bool
timeout time.Time
if timeout = f.timeouts[id]; time.Now().After(timeout) {
// User wasn't funded recently, create the funding transaction
amount := new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(int64(*payoutFlag)), ether)
amount = new(big.Int).Mul(amount, new(big.Int).Exp(big.NewInt(5), big.NewInt(int64(msg.Tier)), nil))
amount = new(big.Int).Div(amount, new(big.Int).Exp(big.NewInt(2), big.NewInt(int64(msg.Tier)), nil))
tx := types.NewTransaction(f.nonce+uint64(len(f.reqs)), address, amount, 21000, f.price, nil)
signed, err := f.keystore.SignTx(f.account, tx, f.config.ChainID)
if err != nil {
if err = sendError(wsconn, err); err != nil {
log.Warn("Failed to send transaction creation error to client", "err", err)
// Submit the transaction and mark as funded if successful
if err := f.client.SendTransaction(context.Background(), signed); err != nil {
if err = sendError(wsconn, err); err != nil {
log.Warn("Failed to send transaction transmission error to client", "err", err)
f.reqs = append(f.reqs, &request{
Avatar: avatar,
Account: address,
Time: time.Now(),
Tx: signed,
timeout := time.Duration(*minutesFlag*int(math.Pow(3, float64(msg.Tier)))) * time.Minute
grace := timeout / 288 // 24h timeout => 5m grace
f.timeouts[id] = time.Now().Add(timeout - grace)
fund = true
// Send an error if too frequent funding, othewise a success
if !fund {
if err = sendError(wsconn, fmt.Errorf("%s left until next allowance", common.PrettyDuration(time.Until(timeout)))); err != nil { // nolint: gosimple
log.Warn("Failed to send funding error to client", "err", err)
if err = sendSuccess(wsconn, fmt.Sprintf("Funding request accepted for %s into %s", username, address.Hex())); err != nil {
log.Warn("Failed to send funding success to client", "err", err)
select {
case f.update <- struct{}{}:
// refresh attempts to retrieve the latest header from the chain and extract the
// associated faucet balance and nonce for connectivity caching.
func (f *faucet) refresh(head *types.Header) error {
// Ensure a state update does not run for too long
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
// If no header was specified, use the current chain head
var err error
if head == nil {
if head, err = f.client.HeaderByNumber(ctx, nil); err != nil {
return err
// Retrieve the balance, nonce and gas price from the current head
var (
balance *big.Int
nonce uint64
price *big.Int
if balance, err = f.client.BalanceAt(ctx, f.account.Address, head.Number); err != nil {
return err
if nonce, err = f.client.NonceAt(ctx, f.account.Address, head.Number); err != nil {
return err
if price, err = f.client.SuggestGasPrice(ctx); err != nil {
return err
// Everything succeeded, update the cached stats and eject old requests
f.head, f.balance = head, balance
f.price, f.nonce = price, nonce
for len(f.reqs) > 0 && f.reqs[0].Tx.Nonce() < f.nonce {
f.reqs = f.reqs[1:]
return nil
// loop keeps waiting for interesting events and pushes them out to connected
// websockets.
func (f *faucet) loop() {
// Wait for chain events and push them to clients
heads := make(chan *types.Header, 16)
sub, err := f.client.SubscribeNewHead(context.Background(), heads)
if err != nil {
log.Crit("Failed to subscribe to head events", "err", err)
defer sub.Unsubscribe()
// Start a goroutine to update the state from head notifications in the background
update := make(chan *types.Header)
go func() {
for head := range update {
// New chain head arrived, query the current stats and stream to clients
timestamp := time.Unix(int64(head.Time), 0)
if time.Since(timestamp) > time.Hour {
log.Warn("Skipping faucet refresh, head too old", "number", head.Number, "hash", head.Hash(), "age", common.PrettyAge(timestamp))
if err := f.refresh(head); err != nil {
log.Warn("Failed to update faucet state", "block", head.Number, "hash", head.Hash(), "err", err)
// Faucet state retrieved, update locally and send to clients
log.Info("Updated faucet state", "number", head.Number, "hash", head.Hash(), "age", common.PrettyAge(timestamp), "balance", f.balance, "nonce", f.nonce, "price", f.price)
balance := new(big.Int).Div(f.balance, ether)
peers := f.stack.Server().PeerCount()
for _, conn := range f.conns {
if err := send(conn, map[string]interface{}{
"funds": balance,
"funded": f.nonce,
"peers": peers,
"requests": f.reqs,
}, time.Second); err != nil {
log.Warn("Failed to send stats to client", "err", err)
if err := send(conn, head, time.Second); err != nil {
log.Warn("Failed to send header to client", "err", err)
// Wait for various events and assing to the appropriate background threads
for {
select {
case head := <-heads:
// New head arrived, send if for state update if there's none running
select {
case update <- head:
case <-f.update:
// Pending requests updated, stream to clients
for _, conn := range f.conns {
if err := send(conn, map[string]interface{}{"requests": f.reqs}, time.Second); err != nil {
log.Warn("Failed to send requests to client", "err", err)
// sends transmits a data packet to the remote end of the websocket, but also
// setting a write deadline to prevent waiting forever on the node.
func send(conn *wsConn, value interface{}, timeout time.Duration) error {
if timeout == 0 {
timeout = 60 * time.Second
defer conn.wlock.Unlock()
return conn.conn.WriteJSON(value)
// sendError transmits an error to the remote end of the websocket, also setting
// the write deadline to 1 second to prevent waiting forever.
func sendError(conn *wsConn, err error) error {
return send(conn, map[string]string{"error": err.Error()}, time.Second)
// sendSuccess transmits a success message to the remote end of the websocket, also
// setting the write deadline to 1 second to prevent waiting forever.
func sendSuccess(conn *wsConn, msg string) error {
return send(conn, map[string]string{"success": msg}, time.Second)
// authTwitter tries to authenticate a faucet request using Twitter posts, returning
// the uniqueness identifier (user id/username), username, avatar URL and Ethereum address to fund on success.
func authTwitter(url string, tokenV1, tokenV2 string) (string, string, string, common.Address, error) {
// Ensure the user specified a meaningful URL, no fancy nonsense
parts := strings.Split(url, "/")
if len(parts) < 4 || parts[len(parts)-2] != "status" {
//lint:ignore ST1005 This error is to be displayed in the browser
return "", "", "", common.Address{}, errors.New("Invalid Twitter status URL")
// Strip any query parameters from the tweet id and ensure it's numeric
tweetID := strings.Split(parts[len(parts)-1], "?")[0]
if !regexp.MustCompile("^[0-9]+$").MatchString(tweetID) {
return "", "", "", common.Address{}, errors.New("Invalid Tweet URL")
// Twitter's API isn't really friendly with direct links.
// It is restricted to 300 queries / 15 minute with an app api key.
// Anything more will require read only authorization from the users and that we want to avoid.
// If Twitter bearer token is provided, use the API, selecting the version
// the user would prefer (currently there's a limit of 1 v2 app / developer
// but unlimited v1.1 apps).
switch {
case tokenV1 != "":
return authTwitterWithTokenV1(tweetID, tokenV1)
case tokenV2 != "":
return authTwitterWithTokenV2(tweetID, tokenV2)
// Twiter API token isn't provided so we just load the public posts
// and scrape it for the Ethereum address and profile URL. We need to load
// the mobile page though since the main page loads tweet contents via JS.
url = strings.Replace(url, "", "", 1)
res, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
return "", "", "", common.Address{}, err
defer res.Body.Close()
// Resolve the username from the final redirect, no intermediate junk
parts = strings.Split(res.Request.URL.String(), "/")
if len(parts) < 4 || parts[len(parts)-2] != "status" {
//lint:ignore ST1005 This error is to be displayed in the browser
return "", "", "", common.Address{}, errors.New("Invalid Twitter status URL")
username := parts[len(parts)-3]
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
if err != nil {
return "", "", "", common.Address{}, err
address := common.HexToAddress(string(regexp.MustCompile("0x[0-9a-fA-F]{40}").Find(body)))
if address == (common.Address{}) {
//lint:ignore ST1005 This error is to be displayed in the browser
return "", "", "", common.Address{}, errors.New("No Ethereum address found to fund")
var avatar string
if parts = regexp.MustCompile("src=\"([^\"][^\"]+)\"").FindStringSubmatch(string(body)); len(parts) == 2 {
avatar = parts[1]
return username + "@twitter", username, avatar, address, nil
// authTwitterWithTokenV1 tries to authenticate a faucet request using Twitter's v1
// API, returning the user id, username, avatar URL and Ethereum address to fund on
// success.
func authTwitterWithTokenV1(tweetID string, token string) (string, string, string, common.Address, error) {
// Query the tweet details from Twitter
url := fmt.Sprintf("", tweetID)
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
if err != nil {
return "", "", "", common.Address{}, err
req.Header.Set("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("Bearer %s", token))
res, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return "", "", "", common.Address{}, err
defer res.Body.Close()
var result struct {
Text string `json:"text"`
User struct {
ID string `json:"id_str"`
Username string `json:"screen_name"`
Avatar string `json:"profile_image_url"`
} `json:"user"`
err = json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&result)
if err != nil {
return "", "", "", common.Address{}, err
address := common.HexToAddress(regexp.MustCompile("0x[0-9a-fA-F]{40}").FindString(result.Text))
if address == (common.Address{}) {
//lint:ignore ST1005 This error is to be displayed in the browser
return "", "", "", common.Address{}, errors.New("No Ethereum address found to fund")
return result.User.ID + "@twitter", result.User.Username, result.User.Avatar, address, nil
// authTwitterWithTokenV2 tries to authenticate a faucet request using Twitter's v2
// API, returning the user id, username, avatar URL and Ethereum address to fund on
// success.
func authTwitterWithTokenV2(tweetID string, token string) (string, string, string, common.Address, error) {
// Query the tweet details from Twitter
url := fmt.Sprintf("", tweetID)
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
if err != nil {
return "", "", "", common.Address{}, err
req.Header.Set("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("Bearer %s", token))
res, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return "", "", "", common.Address{}, err
defer res.Body.Close()
var result struct {
Data struct {
AuthorID string `json:"author_id"`
Text string `json:"text"`
} `json:"data"`
Includes struct {
Users []struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Username string `json:"username"`
Avatar string `json:"profile_image_url"`
} `json:"users"`
} `json:"includes"`
err = json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&result)
if err != nil {
return "", "", "", common.Address{}, err
address := common.HexToAddress(regexp.MustCompile("0x[0-9a-fA-F]{40}").FindString(result.Data.Text))
if address == (common.Address{}) {
//lint:ignore ST1005 This error is to be displayed in the browser
return "", "", "", common.Address{}, errors.New("No Ethereum address found to fund")
return result.Data.AuthorID + "@twitter", result.Includes.Users[0].Username, result.Includes.Users[0].Avatar, address, nil
// authFacebook tries to authenticate a faucet request using Facebook posts,
// returning the username, avatar URL and Ethereum address to fund on success.
func authFacebook(url string) (string, string, common.Address, error) {
// Ensure the user specified a meaningful URL, no fancy nonsense
parts := strings.Split(strings.Split(url, "?")[0], "/")
if parts[len(parts)-1] == "" {
parts = parts[0 : len(parts)-1]
if len(parts) < 4 || parts[len(parts)-2] != "posts" {
//lint:ignore ST1005 This error is to be displayed in the browser
return "", "", common.Address{}, errors.New("Invalid Facebook post URL")
username := parts[len(parts)-3]
// Facebook's Graph API isn't really friendly with direct links. Still, we don't
// want to do ask read permissions from users, so just load the public posts and
// scrape it for the Ethereum address and profile URL.
// Facebook recently changed their desktop webpage to use AJAX for loading post
// content, so switch over to the mobile site for now. Will probably end up having
// to use the API eventually.
crawl := strings.Replace(url, "", "", 1)
res, err := http.Get(crawl)
if err != nil {
return "", "", common.Address{}, err
defer res.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
if err != nil {
return "", "", common.Address{}, err
address := common.HexToAddress(string(regexp.MustCompile("0x[0-9a-fA-F]{40}").Find(body)))
if address == (common.Address{}) {
//lint:ignore ST1005 This error is to be displayed in the browser
return "", "", common.Address{}, errors.New("No Ethereum address found to fund")
var avatar string
if parts = regexp.MustCompile("src=\"([^\"][^\"]+)\"").FindStringSubmatch(string(body)); len(parts) == 2 {
avatar = parts[1]
return username + "@facebook", avatar, address, nil
// authNoAuth tries to interpret a faucet request as a plain Ethereum address,
// without actually performing any remote authentication. This mode is prone to
// Byzantine attack, so only ever use for truly private networks.
func authNoAuth(url string) (string, string, common.Address, error) {
address := common.HexToAddress(regexp.MustCompile("0x[0-9a-fA-F]{40}").FindString(url))
if address == (common.Address{}) {
//lint:ignore ST1005 This error is to be displayed in the browser
return "", "", common.Address{}, errors.New("No Ethereum address found to fund")
return address.Hex() + "@noauth", "", address, nil