forked from cerc-io/plugeth
IntValidator limits to 32bit int (JavaScript limitation) and therefor the input fields are limited in length.
113 lines
2.8 KiB
113 lines
2.8 KiB
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0;
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0;
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.0;
import QtQuick.Window 2.1;
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.1
import Ethereum 1.0
Component {
id: newTransaction
Column {
id: simpleSendColumn
states: [
name: "ERROR"
State {
name: "DONE"
PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleValue; visible:false}
PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleRecipient; visible:false}
PropertyChanges { target:newSimpleTxButton; visible:false}
PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleResult; visible:true}
PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleOutput; visible:true}
PropertyChanges { target:newSimpleTxButton; visible:true}
State {
name: "SETUP"
PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleValue; visible:true; text: ""}
PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleRecipient; visible:true; text: ""}
PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleButton; visible:true}
PropertyChanges { target:newSimpleTxButton; visible:false}
spacing: 5
anchors.leftMargin: 5
anchors.topMargin: 5
anchors.left: parent.left
function checkFormState(){
if(txSimpleRecipient.text.length == 40 && txSimpleValue.text.length > 0) {
txSimpleButton.state = "READY"
txSimpleButton.state = "NOTREADY"
TextField {
id: txSimpleRecipient
placeholderText: "Recipient address"
Layout.fillWidth: true
validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[a-f0-9]{40}/ }
width: 530
onTextChanged: { checkFormState() }
TextField {
id: txSimpleValue
width: 200
placeholderText: "Amount"
anchors.rightMargin: 5
validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
onTextChanged: { checkFormState() }
Button {
id: txSimpleButton
/*enabled: false*/
states: [
State {
name: "READY"
PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleButton; /*enabled: true*/}
State {
name: "NOTREADY"
PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleButton; /*enabled: false*/}
text: "Send"
onClicked: {
//this.enabled = false
var res = eth.transact(txSimpleRecipient.text, txSimpleValue.text,"","","")
if(res[1]) {
txSimpleResult.text = "There has been an error broadcasting your transaction:" + res[1].error()
} else {
txSimpleResult.text = "Your transaction has been broadcasted over the network.\nYour transaction id is:"
txSimpleOutput.text = res[0].hash
this.visible = false
simpleSendColumn.state = "DONE"
Text {
id: txSimpleResult
visible: false
TextField {
id: txSimpleOutput
visible: false
width: 530
Button {
id: newSimpleTxButton
visible: false
text: "Create an other transaction"
onClicked: {
this.visible = false
simpleSendColumn.state = "SETUP"